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Submachine 6

[REPLAY] Submachine 6 - The Edge is sixth and long waited episode of very popular Submachine point and click type room escape game series created by Mateusz Skutnik. Explore the absolute limits of point-and-click puzzle insanity as you venture into the world of Sabmachine 6. The Submachine series is famous for mind-bending puzzles and incredible graphics and fantastical locations, and Submachine 6 is no exception. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Wendy]

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Submachine 6: The Edge

Submachine 6: The Edge Walkthrough

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  1. Thanks for the FB post, Yalcin.

  2. Restarting now for the 6th time. Sub is so damn tuff!

  3. How do I know my personal IDN?
    Have a steel cube but need my PIDN to open it.

  4. I've been dumped at the bottom of a lift shat with a dead robot and a steel pipe...
    Am I done? Or is there something to do here?

  5. At the start, the keyboard flases numbers, I wrote them down, but i still dont know why.

  6. Thanks for posting.
    I love Submachine series.

  7. Well, Claudia, get neck deep, and give us some help!:)

  8. dont need those numbers pb

  9. slide the dragon face table in, opens a grate the floor below

  10. ok up to the elevator and stuck

  11. you really sure, EW? are you out?

  12. got connection pod

  13. no not out but lost in these freaken tunnels only thing I have found so far is a key card but have no idea where to use it

  14. stuck with connection pod

  15. Has anybody got the steel cube open?

  16. Get ready for a long game.....

  17. I've gotten to the Steel Cube, but I don't have a Personal Identification Number to open it. The only other place I can go is back in the tubes (and I'm fairly certain I did all I need to down there) and then into some new tubes, but they are currently blocked off and I can't open them.

  18. Steele cube, long shaft, grate..... gonna have to get more specific than this....

  19. used the connection pods got into doors 8 and 5 (3rd and 2nd floors in elevator) flipped the dots in those and now am stuck

  20. Prediction* 300 posts to out.

  21. Already use the key, but can't go anywhere after that... help

  22. erm used that key card and was in an elevator but that was a dead end too

  23. STX: You got IN doors 5 and 8?! How?

  24. Awesome! Another submachine chapter

  25. ƤβM my english isn´t very good. so I can´t help.

  26. im in the tubes, only thing I've figured out so far is you move the wheels in various rooms to move ladders and open up new hatches

  27. My engrish isn't very good either, Claudia, but I doubt I'll be much help on this one either.

  28. So what are we missing? There's gotta be something...

  29. ok got to sideways elevator now im stuck again anyone that far?

  30. after you get the cude you go to the egyptian room and get the connector then go back and put it in the circles in the walls and follow the green lines and you will get in

  31. ok got that cube but again no id number now gonna try to get in door 5 and 8

  32. Did you find the Egypt rooms?

  33. on the farthest right panel in door 8 is the elevator control

  34. I feel like a hampster in a habbitrail

  35. Okay, got the Connection Pod. what?

  36. Alright, opened the doors, and shut off the protocols...

  37. Where are the egypt rooms??

  38. on our way to 300. no bets?,, anyone?

  39. Andrea,,,, I've no clue how I got here, I'm sorry.

  40. Hmm, I've searched everywhere...

  41. egypt rooms are in the pipes before you head up top you go up up flip the thing down and they are that way

  42. HAHAHHAHAHAH!~ and then this way,, and then that way

  43. Found a lot of new rooms and a telescope in one of them.

  44. Henrique: HOW?!?! What do you do after getting the Connection Pod?

  45. yea im in the same boat henrique but i cant get past the electric block lol

  46. Ok, i got the cube.
    Try to find the Egyptian room again.

  47. I completely missed how to open up the pipe so I could get through...found it. Thanks.

  48. STX, Henrique, help us out here. I've found the Connection Pod, I have used it in all the little ports that I can find. What do I do now? I can't get anywhere else...

  49. This game is so confuse that I don´t know how to explain what I did, but I think you have to enter room 8 and go all the way right.

  50. once u trip all the protocols go in door 8 all the way to the right and go up the green line click on the block that has a circle in it til its on the lower right

  51. Okay, how do I shut off the 2-18 protocol? And the security field in the third room of the elevator at the right of door 8?

  52. thats where i am stuck

  53. how do you open the cube?

  54. how to disable 2-18 secondary DS?

  55. hit cancel on 2-18 to disable it as its processing

  56. OK, making progress! Weee! :D On second elevator. I'll try to help if I can.

  57. how do you get into room 8?

  58. Discovered portal prototype 2/32 note and stuck. Please help!

  59. i dont remember half my steps lol

  60. It said "you have found a secret area" but there isn't any new room!

  61. yea i only found 2/5 of those i dont think they are important to beating the game

  62. NO WAY! My dream come true!!!! thank you yalcin!! and thank YOU Skutnik!!!

  63. I`m out as well and have found 1/5 secret locations lol!!

  64. omg I finally made it out and didn't find any secret places but at least I'm out

  65. Whenever I plug in my connection pods outside door 5 and 9, the screen keeps saying personal idn not present and human hack attempt. What do I do now? Please help.

  66. what do you do after putting the connection pod in the rusty machine outside?

  67. I'm now stuck at the "horizontal elevator" part.

  68. muh go get the pod, thats a distractio at best you need it all the way to the end

  69. Is anyone still here? I need help to turn off the laser in one of the telescope tower room.

  70. Ruff, I'm here, but have problems posting. I checked the comments and they can help you. Hi, btw! LTNS! :D

  71. @feline, haven't seen you for a long tine!

  72. @feline, I have been stuck in the horizontal elevator and the telescope tower for more than 30 minutes. I'm so frustrated and I've decided to quit. Hope to see you in next game.

  73. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG i can hardly breathe!!!!! SUBMACHINE 6 is here! Submachine was the escape game that started my addiction !!!! the very first one i ever played!!!1 heaven, i'm in heaven here.......:D

  74. just love the "submachine noises!" just like i love the "star trek noises" :)

  75. Ruff! OK, I'm trying to write a walkthrough or hintthrough, but it will take a wile... :)

  76. @Ruff
    If I remember correctly, in the room under the telescope room, you have to 'cancel' the process of 2-18 then reply yes.

  77. MWP!!!!! Enjoy! Great game! :D

  78. got cube, but don't have security code for steel door yet...

  79. got connector pod but don't understand where to put it, from the above posts, i'm not sure which area people are talking about...

  80. Xenon, yes, that is correct. Hi!!!!! :D

  81. MWP, you'll need to use the pod in several holes on walls. Insert it in the holes, you'll enter a screen with green lines, which you can follow like following the rooms, left, right, up etc. and do things in the end of lines.
    Remember to collect your pod after exiting the green lines screen.

  82. found where to put the connector pod but need something else. think the pattern behind the message is the code for the id...let's go see...

  83. thx feline, i put the pod in the little machine outside of the tunnels... where are the hother holes? in the walls?

  84. submachine!!
    I love this game

  85. stuck inside the grid, anyone care to help me out???

  86. sorry.. but where is this pod evrybody talking about? am stuck with steel cube & need ID#

  87. go into eyptian room and place the cube on the stone pedestal, then exit and rotate the hour glass . re enter and the cube will have broken, then try to pick it up and something falls to the fall, exit room again and turn the hour glass back (to present time) and re enter room and your will have a shine new connecctor pod on the floor. pick it up and use it but always take it baack. :)

  88. michele-with-pug: thnk u very much
    I know that this is not the help u expected, but have u figure out some ID#? :)

  89. Aaaaahhhhh! Mr. Mateusz Flonga, that ending was so bad! I'm stuck in a computer, and you took my little connector pin away!

  90. ...but FUN game on the way to being left to float around in space in a computerized box.

  91. fig tree, that's not the end, you must disable all the things in the mainframe grid.

    yousef, no id number is needed

  92. what to do with telescope?

  93. played twice and second time found all the secret locations... :0) I am a very happy person... LOVE SUBMACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  94. nice score: 0/5 secret places!! lol

  95. yousef, i never found anything to do with it. well have to go to sleep very late here- enjoy!

  96. if interested, casual games did a walkthru and listed how to find all the secret locations too...

  97. michele-with-pug: thnx again & have nice dreams ;)

  98. Thanks so much Yalçin, Submachine is one of my all time favorites. I´m not able to play now but it´ll be the first thing i´ll do when i come back home later today. Looking forward to it like a little kid waiting for his Christmas gifts

  99. awesome game!!! i was confused when i had to disable 2-18 protocol cuz i couldnt see that 'cancel' written in the side ;)
    i'm gonna play again to find all the secret locations!! :D

  100. I have got the thing (connector ?) from the cube and try to use it, but I'm always told "unauthorized access". I have tried all the combinations on the security level screen...

  101. ... And how am I supposed to open the door 5 on the second level ?

    I'm stuck...

  102. how you've joined the 2 green 'things'? They are moving too fast. Actually, must be joined?
    ok, done it ... now let's see at what helps this :))

  103. What green things, Alcaro ?

  104. OK, I've just found that the green screen had an upper part... Now the door 5 is opened.

  105. Now I can see a green screen with blinking dots and a message "personal ID not present"...
    Stuck again.

  106. And door 8 is opened as well...

  107. @Pascale ... somehow .. you must desable all connection (at least this I did).
    The green things are like dots when you are "in the matrix".
    I'm out. I wonder if anyone found more than 1/5 secret area. I found also only 1.

  108. What are th 2-18, 1-12 and 1-0 protocols ? What is this screen with turning vents, and the screen with a non square grid where I can move a square with a letter (?) ?

  109. And now a horizontal "lift" ???

  110. :)) Pascale, you are almost at the end.

  111. wooow!i was waiting for it!

  112. Thank you, Alcaro ! I have found the telescope, but I am stuck.
    Anyway, I love the Submachine games !

  113. why can't I start the game? I just get a black box with a "7" on what looks like an airlock. Clicked everywhere but nothing. Am I just stoopid?

  114. From JIG

    •Click the lever on the right

    •Exit through the door.

    •Once you arrive in the new area exit to your right.

    •Drop your items into the trash bin in the center of the wall, or the scanner in the next room wont let you pass.

    •Move right

    •Click on the scanner.

    •Move right

    •Click any four areas, it doesn't matter you will be sent to the same spot.

    •Go all the way left

    •Click up on the edge of the wall and you should go around the corner

    •Keep going left until you find the loose pipe cover, and enter that pipe.

    •Go right, up, up.

    •Get the key card.

    •Go down, left.

    •Spin the wheel once, to move the pipe outside the room.

    •Go right, right.

    •Push the mechanism into the wall, to open up an area a few rooms below.

    •Go left, left.

    •Spin the wheel twice.

    •Go right, down, right.

    •Enter the pipe.

    •Go right.

    •Enter the upper pipe on the left wall.

    •Go up, the go up again.

    •There are three pipes at the top of this room, You need to move the ladder to the two outer ones and press a button in the to get into the middle one.

    •Gown down then left.

    •Use this machine to move the ladder.

    •When the lights are both facing one direction thats where the ladder will be.

    •The wheels work like this:

    When you turn a wheel, the one you click moves 1/4 turn, and the other moves 1/2 turn.

    •Once you have go into the left and right tubes in the room with three, go into the center one.

    •Once you are outside, go right once.

    •Place the key card in the hole and push the button.

    •Enter the elevator that came down and go to the third floor.

    •Go left.

    •Click on the monitor and turn off the security system, by clicking each ball so it moves down.

    •Go back to the elevator and go to the second floor.

    •Keep going left until you get the cube.

    •The monitor asks for your I.D. to open the cube, but you don't have one so leave.

    •Go back to the elevator and go to the first level.

    •Go all the way back to the room where you took the upper pipe on the left wall, only this time go up.

    •Go up one room and turn the wheel to open up the other tunnel.

    •Go down this tunnel into the bottom pipe on the right wall.

    •There is a plate blocking the upper tunnel

    Use the levers to unhook it.

    •Now go back and enter the upper tunnel on the right wall, where you just removed the plate.

    •Go right, the room on the right looks very pristine now.

    •Turn the wheel on the wall just outside the room.

    •Enter the room on the right, doesn't look so pretty now.

    •Use this room to gain access to whats in the cube.

    •Place the cube on the pillar when the room is new.

    •Make the room old again and pull the object out of the cube.

    •Make the room new, and then pick up the object that fell out of the cube.

    •Now that you have the Connection Pod, go back to the area where you got the cube.

  115. •This time go to the third level.

    •Go left, and there is a space in the wall, Put the connector in there.

    •Go up and then move the ball to the other side to open Door 5 of level 1 of the facility (Middle button on the elevator)

    •Don't forget to take the connector back out of the wall.

    •Go down one floor and into the room you now have access to.

    •Put the connector in the wall.

    •Go down and open level 2's 8 door.

    •Go back up a floor and enter the door on level 2.

    •There are two spaces for the connector in this hall

    •If you put your connector in the first one you will see there is a message but it is blocked.

    •Go to the second place to enter your connector. Take note of the protocol port.

    •Go right and open gate 3/18, by moving the ball.

    •Go back to the first connector. You can see that the message is being blocked by protocol 54-2

    •Go right twice. Unblock the protocols that you need.

    The bottom three but leave the top one.

    •Go back to the first screen of this terminal and you'll see the message is unblocked.

    •Read the message from Murtaugh. Note the things he needs you to disable.

    •Take your connector and go back to the second terminal.

    •Go up and move the e(lavator) block so it's next to where you are.

    •Exit the terminal and enter the elevator.

    •Press the middle button on the elevator

    •Exit the elevator and go up the ladder.

    •Put your connector in the wall and disarm both the turrets

    you need to disarm the one to the left before the bottom one.

    •Exit the terminal, go down the ladder and enter the left room.

    •Go up the ladder and use the connector on the wall to the right.

    •Remember the protocol you needed to disable from earlier? Go screw that one up.

    •It's protocol 2-18, go up and then left.

    •To screw it up you need to start the reset and then cancel before it finishes.

    •Go back to the elevator and go to the top level.(Right button)

    •Exit the elevator and go up the ladder. Ignore the things on the wall, they were shooting electricity but you've disabled it.

    •Go up and enter your connector on the wall.

    •Enter the mainframe.

    •You can only go places where the dotted line is connected.

    •Go left first.

    •Move the mouse around to move the circles. Try to make them meet up in the center and form a line.

    Your cursor should be in the middle and to the left of the grid of numbers in the background.

    •Go back to the main screen.

    •Click the circle in the middle to move the dotted line.

    •Move the line so that you can go right.

    •Go right then up, flip the ball to the other side.

    •Go down and then right.

    •Flip this ball to the other side as well.

    •Now go back to the main screen.

    •Make the dotted line go upwards, and go up two screens.

    •Press the button. You now have 5 choices.

    •You need to deal with the four lower ones before you can use the top one.

    •We will start with the top right corner.

    •This is just like last time, you need to move the mouse to where the dots meet up.

  116. If you put your cursor over the P in protocol, at the top right corner, and just keep moving left along that axis you should hit the sweet spot.

    •Now the bottom left corner, you just need to turn the switch off.

    •For the bottom right corner, you need to move the balls so the one at the end is in the circle. This shouldn't be too hard.

    •Now for the top right circle. Just move to the right, and click RESET on the human recognition pattern.

    •Now you can go to the top circle

    •Go up and turn off protocol 1-0.

    •After the scene, you will not be able to go back into the mainframe.

    •Go down the ladder and pick up the connector, then go left.

    •Uncover the fan, and make your escape.

    •Enter the connector in the teleporter.

    Secret rooms

    •There are 5 secret rooms/screens in total.

    •To access the first one, once you get the connector key, go back outside to the rusty teleporter on the outer cliffs and insert the key.

    •Look at the square panel of 25 zeroes and ones near where you use the keycard. Match it on the round panel where you got the cube, then go down the tube on the screen with the square panel. (Thanks SonicLover!)

    •After disabling protocol 54-4, reuse the port next to door 8 (the one you used to unlock door 5) and follow the new path. (Thanks SonicLover!)

    •Turn the "hourglass" over (Degraded room position), leave the tunnels, go left around the corner of the cliff. You'll be greeted by a Thoth carving. Click the panel for more info. (Thanks Shudog!)

    •On the room with two wheels, turn them both to point down. Then backtrack. You will find another tunnel. (Thanks Rosedragon!)

  117. Finally, I'm out ! I would have never succeeded without the walkthrough.
    I found only 1/5 secret place.

  118. O wow, another submachine, and I'm late! I'll have fun anyway, see how far I can get on my own....They don't make'm like this a lot anymore.....

  119. oh wow, finally another submachine episode!!

  120. Let's see...I found 2/5 secret places.

  121. This is the guide to the 5 secrets -curtesy of casualgameplay. enjoy!!!

    There are 5 secret rooms/screens in total.

    To access the first one, once you get the connector key, go back outside to the rusty teleporter on the outer cliffs and insert the key.

    Look at the square panel of 25 zeroes and ones near where you use the keycard. Match it on the round panel where you got the cube, then go down the tube on the screen with the square panel. (Thanks SonicLover!)

    After disabling protocol 54-4, reuse the port next to door 8 (the one you used to unlock door 5) and follow the new path. (Thanks SonicLover!)

    Turn the "hourglass" over (Degraded room position), leave the tunnels, go left around the corner of the cliff. You'll be greeted by a Thoth carving. Click the panel for more info. (Thanks Shudog!)

    On the room with two wheels, turn them both to point down. Then backtrack. You will find another tunnel. (Thanks Rosedragon!)

  122. I *LOVE* THIS! :D Didn't find any of the secret locations, but I'll definitely replay this at some point. Oh, this game is a real treat :D

  123. Yay!! Submachine!! Been waiting forever for this, I thought maybe they weren't doing anymore.

  124. okay, out, needed help once and found one secret location. I didn't want to leave yet, did so by accident, now I have to replay....
    Very cool!

  125. WOW!!!! First Submachine 6, then a cool new game by my favorite super sneaky guy!!! :) Great game...and thank you e1 for all the hints...found some places by accident but it's so much fun to explore the fascinating world of submachine! Hope we don't have to wait as long for Submachine 7 :) *hint hint*


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