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The Ant Explorer

The Ant Explorer is another new point and click type adventure game by gamesproj. Point and click to find a new rout on the outside of anthill. Good luck and have fun!

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The Ant Explorer Video Walkthrough

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  1. The queen has your IDcard

  2. omg, first?
    so far i have found the following:
    orb (used)
    green mushroom, turned red
    3 key items (used)
    black cherry or some kind
    ID card (used)

    still searching for more...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. used red mushroom on spider outside, got a key and used it to get a pickaxe.
    where to use that...

  5. where is the green mushroom?

  6. out.
    easy and straightforward game.
    when you don't know what to do with an object u can find info in the room where you used the orb.
    I will stay here a while for help if needed.

  7. green mushroom is at the following room, talking from the beginning scene (outside middle).
    down once, right twice.
    the mushroom is in the rightbottom corner.

    You have to use the ID card to go right once and for the second right you need to combine two key cards.

    did I explain it clearly?

  8. Yes thanks - hadnt figured out the combining keys part

  9. Stuck with ?cherry and a sword

  10. drag the cherry to the zoom function, and you should see a white line, cut there...

  11. what do I do with the sword?

  12. MikeyC, you can use the sword on the cherry, which you find outside in one of the trees.

  13. -----------------
    Part 1
    1. From the start scene, go right once. You can click on the branch on the right tree to zoom in, click again to zoom twice (left side). You find a fruit (cherry).
    Notice that when you drag the item to the ‘drag here’ location beneath the inventory, you see the fruit has a white cut line on it, we will use that later, of course.
    2. Go back twice and go right once. Notice the huge spider and a cave behind it. We will come back later.
    3. Go left 3 times, you see a lake. Good to remember for later use, again.
    4. Let’s go right and go down once. You see an ant soldier, and when you click him you will find out you need an ID card to pass.
    5. In the same scene click on the huge mushroom twice. You will find a rune piece on the right side of the hat of the mushroom. You could also say it is a key.
    6. Go back twice and left once. You can click 2 spots in this scene.
    1. The middle stamen (hanging ball). You will see u need an item to insert
    2. The left side of the growing weeds in the top left corner. You will find another rune piece here (called rune 1)
    7. Go left once. You see 3 ants standing and doing nothing. Take the torch and leave the ants.
    8. Go back right and use the rune 1 piece on the zoomed spot of that middle ball (if you didn’t do it yet). Just drag the object to the place, it should fit.
    9. When you go back you notice you can go down further underground, let’s do that.
    10. In this scene you find another rune piece on the right side, in the upper cave. You now can combine the two rune pieces and get rune 2
    From here we can go in two directions, first lets go down.
    11. Here we see a shielded door. We can zoom in on the plant roots in the middle of the screen. When we do that, we see another place for a rune, but number 2 doesn’t fit.
    12. Go back and go right.
    Here we see two possible directions, if they weren’t blocked. Don’t panic, you can access them later.
    Let’s go back left, up and left twice.
    13. In this scene we find the ant queen. Notice you can zoom in on the head of the stick the queen is holding. You can also take the ID card, which the queen made for you.
    Now let’s go down once again.
    14. Here we find a nice crystal ball, take it. Then up, right twice and up and right again. We are now back at the ant soldier. Drag your ID card to the ant, and you may pass. Go right.
    15. Here we see a closed gate. Click on the right mushrooms and find out a rune should fit in there, yes, number 2 we have goes there. Back up and let the gate open.
    16. Let’s go right now and find a green mushroom in the right bottom corner. Back left and down.
    17. Here we can go in 3 directions, first, left. Here we see a magic pot, but no fire beneath it. drag the torch to the pot to start the fire. When you drag the green mushroom in the pot you have turned it red. The hint for this is somewhere else, we will go there soon.
    18. Let’s go right twice. Here we see a giant worm asleep. Let him be for now.
    19. Back left and down. Again, 2 options. First we go right
    20. This is called the chamber of secrets (no, not by me, by the game). When you drag the crystal ball to the pedestal the room will turn nice blue. Click the orb.

  14. -----------------
    Part 2
    21. You now have some nice wheel which will give you all the hints needed in the game. Just find the right combination of inner and outer object to see the solution in the middle circle.
    A list of hints (outer, inner, center):
    - Green mushroom magic pot red mushroom
    - Magic wanda water you see a frozen lake in the orb
    - Red mushroom spider hint that spider grows and shrinks with it
    - Seed magic pot grown seed
    - wand magic pot Magic wanda
    - Green cup plant worm no sleep sign
    - Dandelion Flower staff of queen wand

    All pretty clear hints of what to do. Let’s go back out by going left, up 2 times, left and up again. Go right twice to the spider. Drag the red mushroom on the spider to shrink it and take the rune in the cave. Rune 3.
    22. We all remember where to use it, right. Left twice, down, left, and down twice. (OK, I was lost many times and clicked all directions to finally find the location the first time, but that’s ok I guess)
    23. Zoom in on the plant roots and drag rune 3 on the spot. Back up, we now can go right (jeej).
    24. Hard working ants here, with a spare pick axe on top of the rock, take it.
    25. Go right twice and use the pick axe on the ground which is blocking your way to go down (why didn’t the busy ants clear this road earlier?).
    26. Let’s go down. And again, 2 possible ways. Left first, it’s a dead end. But we find the cup plant here, take it and go right twice.
    27. Another dead end, what a shame. But, we see some leaking liquid. Drag the cup plant on the leaking spot in the ceiling. We now have a cup plant with awake drop.
    28. Let’s use this on the worm, as in the hint. (to get to the worm: left up right up right.
    29. Drag the cup plant to the worm. It awaked and flees. Let’s go through the tunnel. (4 clicks)
    30. Jeej, outside again! Left first. A dead end. Take the Dandelion Flower.
    31. Right twice. We here see a nice place to grow some things. We will use it later.
    32. Let’s use the flower as described in the hint (number 21). We first need to use it at the queens staff. To get there go: left, through the tunnel, left, up, left twice, down and left twice again. Click on the head of the queens staff and drag the flower there. A wand grows out the staff, take it.
    33. We need to drop the wand in the magic pot. It is right twice, up, right twice, down and left.
    34. Put the wand in the magic pot and get a magic wanda
    35. Let’s freeze the lake! (Right up left up left and drag the magic wanda to the lake).
    36. We can cross the lake and we see a knife under the ice there. Use the pick axe 3 times on the crack and take the knife.
    37. Remember the cherry you walk around with? Drag it to ‘drag here’ and use the knife on the white line. take the top seed
    38. Go to the magic pot and put the seed in it to get the magic seed (route to walk: right 3 time, down right down left).
    39. Nearly there. Just go right 2 times, through the tunnel and right again. Put the magic seed in the hole and watch the seed grow.
    40. THE END

  15. In my walkthrough i would like to add bold text to mention inventory items.
    does anyone know if this is possible?

  16. Thanks hanzz. Sorry don't know how to do bold.

  17. I think it can be done put your word between <b> and </b> like this

  18. cute little game -- I enjoyed playing. Had to draw a map, though lol. Out on my own. :)


    NOTE: There are so many areas in this game, that you just have to follow this Walkthrough Step-By-Step to keep up!

    How To Use Chamber of Secrets [Crystal Ball Fountain]: Click on the Arrow pointing Down to change the White Circle Shape. Click on the Arrow pointing Up, to change the Blue Circle Shape! When you have one of the Items in your Inventory that are shown on the Crystal Ball, you have to change the White Circle Shape to the Item you've got, and then change the Blue Circle Shape, until an Item is shown in the Middle. The Item that is shown in the Middle, is the one you'll get, if you use the Item you have (White Circle) on the Item shown on the Blue Circle after a perfect match!

    Read Next Comment for Walkthrough


  20. Walkthrough - Part 1:

    1. Move Down, to enter the Ant Hill! Look at the Biggest Mushroomo on the ground, and click on it to zoom in. Once zoomed in, click on the Big Mushroom's Hat [Top-Part], to zoom in once more! You see the Shining Circles. If look at the Shining Circle on it's Bottom-Right corner, you'll see something with unlike all the other Shining spots. Click to take the Item, and zoom out twice!

    2. Move Left! Look at the Weeds on Top-Left side of the Area, and click on the Weeds part, where it is joined together with the Wall [The Weeds most Left Part], to zoom in! You'll find another Piece of some kind of a Key (Let's call it a Key). Click to take the Key, and zoom out!

    3. Move Left! Take the Torch near the Entrance [Above the Arrow on Right-Side], and Move Right. You see the 3 Circles hanging down from the Ceiling [Attached with lines]. Click on the Circle of the one which has the Longest Line, to zoom in. You see that the Shape matches one of the Keys you've got in your Inventory. Drag the Key from your Inventory with the same Shape, and release it on the Screen where the exact same Shape is, and zoom out!

    4. Move Down! Look at the Middle-Right side of the Game Screen, and look near the Bottom-Right corner of that part of the screen, and you'll see something Black & White! Click to take ... another Key!

    5. Move Left Twice! You'll see a Desk, next to the Queen. On that Desk, you'll see something with the Color Yellow [On the Table's Left Side]. Click to take your ID Card, and Move Down. Take Crystal Ball, and Move Up!

    6. Move Twice Right, Move Up, Move Right! Give your ID Card to the Ant who is standing on Right-Side, and Move Right! If you look near the Bottom Arrow, you'll see some Mushrooms on it's Right-Side. Click on the Mushrooms to zoom in! In your Inventory, you've got 2 Keys. Drag one of them, and drop on the other Key to get an Unbroken Key. Use the Key on the Shape on Mushroom, and zoom out!

    7. Move Right! If you look at the Most Bottom-Right corner of the Area, you'll see a lonely Mushroom. Click to take it [Turns out to be a Green Mushroom], and Move Left!

    8. Move Down Twice, and then Move Right! Place the Crystal Ball on the Ring [On top of the Fountain]. Click on the Crystal Ball once everything turns Blue! Click on the Down-Arrow (white) and change the White Circle Shape to the Green Mushroom. Click on the Up-Arrow (blue), and change the Blue Circle Shape to Cauldron. Now, you know that you have to use the Green Mushroom (Which you have in your Inventory), on the Cauldron (Don't close the Blue/White Circle Window, it'll be easier for you next time you come here) - This Step is complete, read the following if you're interested: This is the Chamber of Secrets. You can come here anytime and click on the Crystal Ball to find out what to do next. As I told you before, I will guide you through the Whole game, which means that I'll have to show you each time how things work by bringing you to this Chamber!

    9. Move Left, Move Up, Move Left! Use Torch on the Bottom of the Cauldron/Pot, and then throw the Green Mushroom in it, to get an Red Mushroom!

    10. Move Right, Move Down, Move Right! Change the White Circle Shape to Red Mushroom, and change the Blue Circle Shape to Spider. You'll see a Spider with one Line and one Arrow on each side (Shrink it)!

    Read Next Comment for Next Part


  21. Walkthrough - Part 2:

    11. Move Left, Move Up Twice, Move Left, Move Up! Now you're outside the Ant hill, Move Right Twice! Use Red Mushroom on Spider, to shrink it. Take the Grey Piece inside the Spider Cave [Turns out to be another Key]!

    12. Move Left Twice, Move Down, Move Left, Move Down Twice! You see the 2 Bars near the Middle of the Screen. If you look just a bit to the Right for the Bars, you'll see some Plant Roots [Very near the Middle of Screen]! Click to zoom in. Drag the Key from your Inventory [The one from inside Spider Cave] on the Screen, and release it where the exact Shape is, and zoom out!

    13. Move Left! Take the PickAxe from top of the "Hill" [On the Middle of the Screen], and Move Right!

    14. Move Right! You see the A-Bit-Broken-Ground on the Middle-Bottom of screen. Use the PickAxe on that Half-Broken Ground!

    15. Move Down, Move Left! Take the Plant that looks like a Cup (It's called for Cup plant), and Move Right Twice. You see where the Drops are coming from, use Cup Plant from where the Drops are falling down!

    16. Move Left, Move Up, Move Right Twice! Change White Circle Shape to Cup Plant, and change Blue Circle Shape to Worm. It tells you that the Cup Plant will awake the Worm!

    17. Move Left, Move Up, Move Right! Use Cup Plant on the Worm. Move Right, Right, Up, Up. Once you're outside, Move Left! Take the Flower.

    18. Move Right, Move Down, Down, Left, Left. Move Left, Move Down, Move Right! Change White Circle Shape to The Same Flower as you have in your Inventory, and change the Blue Circle Shape to Ice Wand [It has a Snow Flake on the Top]!

    19. Move Left 3 Times, Move Up, Move Left Twice! Look at the Top of the Queens Scepter. You'll see some White/Grey Dots, click to zoom in! It has the Shape of a Flower, so Drag the Flower from in your Inventory, and release on the Flower Shape on Game Screen. Take the Wand [It's shining Blue & White from top of the Scepter]!

    20. Move Right Twice, Move Down, Move Right 3 Times! Change White Circle Shape to the same Shape as the Frost Wand you have in your Inventory [Not the Red one with Shining Light], and change the Blue Circle Shape to Cauldron/Pot - It tells that you will get a Wand with Red Snow Flake!

    Read Next Comment for Next Part


  22. Walkthrough - Part 3:

    21. Move Left, Move Up, Move Left! Throw the Frost Wand in the Cauldron/Pot, and get Wand with Red Snow Flake!

    22. Move Right, Move Down, Move Right! Change the White Circle Shape to Wand with Red Snow Flake, and change Blue Circle Shape to Water Waves [3 Bended Lines]!

    23. Move Left, Move Up Twice, Move Left, Move Up! Now you're out side the Anthill, Move Left. Use Wand with Red Snow Flake on the Water, to freeze it and make it to Ice! Move Left Twice. You see the Cracks on the Ice, right above the Sword inside the Ice. Use PickAxe on the Crack. Once done, use PickAxe on the Bottom of the New Crack. Once done, use PickAxe for last time on Bottom of the Crack, and take the Sword! Move Right 4 Times, and look at the Top of the Tree on Right-Side. You'll see some leaves from a plant, click on the Leaves to zoom in! Look at the Left-Side of the Tree, and you'll see some small circles. If you move your Cursor over all of the Circles, one of the Circles will make the Cursor change into a Hand (Meaning it's a button), so click to zoom in. If you remember which Circle you clicked on, look at the same Circle on this Zoomed View. You'll see 2 Circles together near the Top, click on the one on Left-Side to take Fruit. Zoom out Twice!

    24. Move Left, Move Down, to enter Anthill. Move Right, Move Down Twice, Move Right! At the Bottom of your Inventory, you'll see a Blue Button named "Drag Here" [With a Magnifier]. Drag the Fruit, and release on that Button to pop-up another Window with the Fruit. You see the Lines on the Fruit, use the Sword to cut the Fruit. Take one of the Seed [Only one is takeable, you can tell by moving your Cursor over all of them until Cursor changes to Hand] - Close pop-up window! Change the White Circle Shape to the same Shape as the Seed you have in your Inventory [Which you got from Fruit], and change Blue Circle Shape to Cauldron/Pot!

    25. Move Left, Move Up, Move Left! Throw the Seed in the Cauldron/Pot, and get it back with 1 Leaf and some dots. Move Right Twice. Move Right, Right, Up, Up, and you're Outside! Move Right. You see the Hole on the ground. Put the Seed there, and you're finished!

    I really hope you liked this Long and very Detailed Walkthrough, only for those who still haven't escaped. This took me alot of time, so I'd love to hear thoughts about this Walkthrough :)

    Type: Extremely Detailed Walkthrough | 25-Steps
    Time Used: 1 Hour & 5 Minutes
    Written By: Prid

  23. I like your walkthrough Prid

  24. hanzz and Prid - both excellent!


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