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Bulls Escape Walkthrough

Bulls Escape


Bulls Escape is a new point and click escape the room game from EscapeFever. You are late for swimming. Escape the room fast and get yourself to the swimming pool. Solve different puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Bulls Escape Video Walkthrough



Aye aye, another new one.

Hi Rambler!

hi guys, seems we have a lot today!

this is like my 5th or 6th live one today lol (i lost count)

im in on this one , i missed most of todays hope this ones fun

Hi Suicune! I hope this one is loong and good :)

Hi New one again

Hmm, mirror second doesn't seem to work.

loading...take a lot of time for me

I mean that 20100102 doesn't open the safe.

Bulls attack red!

hmm so far just a note and a saw... havent found where to use saw yet, and 2010 or 0102 dont work on the chest.

There is a lot of spots but I found nothing exept that note. What about you guys?

Hm...All I have this far is a saw, mirror 2nd, and blackr(e)d (or something like that from bulls attack red)

Where's the saw Suicune?

saw! wer? use it on the plant

Ah, it's behind tv.

Saw behind TV

Saw is on top of tv.
On plant?
How Groovy?

saw is behind the tv... what plant? its not working on the tree if thats what you mean

no it doest work ,,it was an assumption..cnt use it wer so far

I like this one! Can't do anything...lol!!

hmm i cant find anything else i think that chest has to be opened next.

2010 = 3818

Click pop, click pop, click pop. That's all I'm getting from the saw.

How did you get that Xtian??

Now, I can at least clean this place up.

wat do u mean xtian?

Got chest open

Found some dust already.

Got dust from cleaner and used it on safe

hmm nice, but can you please explain how you got that xitan?

its not working for me,,wats the combination??

Safe open and get green key!

So, we are really meant to bruteforce this one. Just three numbers though.

For safe



i dont see any clues for this code either... but its only 3 digits so its easy to brute force.

In bathroom found cleaner and put in bassin

write in a paper the 2 series close together
2010 without the space between them like a mirror

2010 is half 3818

Oh well, got a hammer now and I'm click popping again.

saw on pipe under sink

Finally found a use for that saw!
And got some cleaner.

All right, got a knife from the sink overflow.

Used saw to get knife

Thanks Xtian!! I got it now!

what do we use knife on?

Where did you get that hammer @Rambler?

no idea where to use the hammer

Oh, and well done Xtian. Brilliant deducing.

Found a screw (?) in corner of bath

@Ellie, behind the shower curtains.

my sink wont turn on?

how to get knife cleaner etc?

Thanks @Rambler!

Hmm, one the floor tiles in the shower has a crack in it.

Unfortunately, I cant get behind the curtains. Where am I suppose to click? Tried all over it.

Oh, don't use hammer on crack, use knife and get a red key.


wow that was clever, i wouldnt have got that, my brains not used to thinking about codes in THAT manner lol, nice job!

Red key behind the curtains, in the bathroom. Use the knife in the floor.

I cant see any crack, no screw in corner, and cant get behind that curtain :(

ok found the cleaner behind the toilet, i was missing it.

now the knife sequence worked!

Find red key and in bedroom now. Found a magnet.

And out
Nice game!

Can't seem to do anything in very pink bedroom.

magnet between pillows

Please, how to get behind curtain?
And where is that crack?

Magnet behind the pillows, in the bedroom.

Wher's the magnet Stu?

Got it. Thanks.

click in the corner

use hammer on painting and magnet on painting to get key and out!


smash a red circle and then use magnet

Found the screw and the key behind the curtains, but i can't find the hammer.
Ellie click non stop near the corner by the curtains.

this game was not bad, anyone still need help?

And I'm off to swim lol

Nevermind, the screw was in fact an hammer... i feel kind of stupid :-)

@ Xana, the "screw" is the hammer :)


i did not find a screw. mabye the screw and the hammer are 1 in the same?

@Stu: Thanks!!
I was clicking all over, and fineally I got it after I knew that I should focus on that corner.

Sarah and Suicune, yes, you are right. The hammer just looked like a screw.

You're welcome :)

And out!
Wow, I was really stuck in that bathroom. I even tried to restard, when all I had to do was keep clicking.

Hammer and Magnet - where on painting??

Perhaps it should heve been reds don't like hammers!

how do i get behind shower curtain for hammer

red circle

wow..i leave for 10 mins nd u guys r out..cool..im still stuck at the cupboard ,, dnt get wat xtian said :(

wow! I wouldn't have made it out of there without the comments. Thanks everyone!

Kenneth: the painting inside the bedroom, put the hammer next to the right corner. It brokes the painting and then use the magnet.

red circle?

@Groovychick think of
2010 being one number together with the bottom turned upside down. The 0s for 8s, the 1 forms a 1 and the 2s form a 3.

thank you Xana! left in the bedroom! ahh haa, where's the spoon... there's no spoon... out

@Kenneth in the bedroom with the pink bed, turn left to see the ugly painting.

You're welcome Kenneth.

Good luck everyone, have a dinner to cook.

shame on me......
Where is dust ?? :)

@drisana vacuum the carpet in the hallway

@Groovychick did my explanation help?

Of course !!!
Thanks Kitkat ;)

hmmm ,,3818 is not working..thanks anyways kitkat

You put that code on the big box in hallway, not in the safe, right?

       Anonymous  1/14/10, 11:41 AM  

Aaaah shamelessly used hints for the codes and then got stuck for ages trying to get behind the shower curtains. Came over all Psycho and was slashing at them in a red mist with the knife . . . thanks again for all the great help!


if its not working, do you have the note? probably need it to cause a trigger.

Code for chest is 3818
code for cupboard is 961 E

yep not the safe,,and do have a note,,watever im gona refresh again

I know exactly how you felt Mary :)

eek! Hides from Mary with the knife!

one thing that I have noticed about some of you regular escapers is that you are very rude you make no effort to welcome newcomers and will ignore if they ask for help I have seen this repeatedly not only with myself but with others and you do not attempt to become friends with others that are not in your click all you care about is who is first and who writes the first walkthrough the only one that I have seen that is friendly is kitkatfox

rosebud, you were the one rude just now -_- youre obviously a very blind person if you dont see that everyone here DOES in fact help each other with thier comments, by posting the answers and where they found stuff... true that some people are rude and dont tell where they got items, but i can speak for all the regulars who you have so rudely bashed when i say we arent like that!

the code is still not crackin ,,but thanks for ur help every1..now to check out the other ones

@rosebud2ublue: I'm sorry if you feel that way. I'm sure that noone ignores questions just because a person is new here! I had a look about your question here and that is the same one that I had to ask several times before I got the help, but that is just because everyone is buisy trying to escape, and I don't feel bad if noone has the time to answer.
Also, sometimes when you refresh, there are a lot of new comments and you easilly miss one or two questions.
I hope that you will feel more welcome in the next game.
I agree that Kitkatfox is very kind, but so are most of the other escapers as well!

Can't go away for an hour and again a live one missed. Well too bad. Congrats on you all.

@rosebud2ublue I thank you very kindly for the compliment. :) However, there are a few others who will help out people when stuck regularaly. I have seen suicune regularly come back later to help, for example.

I know that some people don't offer a lot of help because their English isn't very good. They are worried about making things more confusing.

I also know that I have been yelled at by some for talking too much in comments. :P If you want to really chat with someone, use the chat box. I love going on there to get to know other gamers from around the world. Many are very friendly, but I don't see them play live a lot.

O, what's going on here?

What's the problem, what's happening? Why? Most people are nice here, aren't they?

you're slow today, sneak :P (I acutally didn't play this one live either. I was too far behind so I just read the comments.)

sheesh! I really wish we had an edit feature for the comments. Disregard the regularaly in my comment above. -__-

Suicine, I beg to differ go back to other games and read comments of countless people who repeatedly ask for a hint and are ignored and if my comment angered you its on you, also I did not insult you and call you blind so who truly is rude for all the help that you do give thank you I do appreciate it for I know it takes from your time but I do hate to see people ask and ask and people just keep going on with the game it shouldnt always be the people who always write the walkthroughs to help out so please accept my appology I will keep my thoughts and opinions to myself from now on

It's hard to see who's new here. There are hundreds of names that come along. But the players that I know as regeluar ones are nice and very helpful.
And I do write walkthroughs as soon as possible not as a game (well just one time I did) but to help people very quickly.

hey guys ,,,,,, when your done arguing .... why doesnt the 961 e open my safe ???????????

Please accept my apology I should have just kept my opinion to myself I truly do not wish to put a negative vibe

@rosebud2ublue We all get frustrated, especially when we fall further and further behind on live games because we didn't get a question answered!

And you are right, we need to make sure that we take time to answer the questions. To me, that's part of being in this community.

Please don't feel like you need to bite your tongue every time you come on here. I think Suicune's feelings got a bit hurt because he/she usually DOES stay to help others.


@rosebud, I think that what sometimes might happen is that someone starts a game that has been going on for a while, and instead of reading the previous comments first starts to ask questions about the beginning of the game. If there is a question that has already been answered many times before, then people can't continue to answer that one.
This might happen more to newcomers than regular players, but I agree with SneakSnake that it's almost impossible to tell who is new and who is not, and it really doesn't matter to people! Almost everyone try to help! The fun part of this is to solve things together!

@daz did you dust for the fingerprints yet?

@daz: I have no idea :)
It should work.

and we aren't fighting. We're discussing :P


well your comment did get on my nerves, because i know it is very false. that is why i snapped. mabye i was a bit hard on you but you did bash not only me, but everyone else here who is a regular and who is VERY helpful to others (and i can name MANY), so you should be able to understand why i got mad at you.

i think what you need to start understanding is that people are trying to escape while questions are being posted. i have sometimes helped people right after i make a post, then see a question right above my post i know the answer to. and i know i am not alone in this, for i have seen all the other regulars do this too.

also, when a game is live, the comments come in FAST, so when someone refreshes and sees a LOT of new comments, its only natural that some are going to be missed. for anything we might miss, we will get back to you after we are out, isnt that better than nothing? no one is perfect, and no one is OBLIGATED to help after all, we do it because we want to. also, if we regulars were as rude as you say, we wouldnt write any walkthroughs because that is the opposite of being rude! so i suggest you rethink your accusations... but then again everyone is entitled to thier opinion. just know your opinion of us is wrong, i can vouch for anyone else here, i see them help out a lot, mabye if they are busy they wont help RIGHT AWAY, but its something you have to understand, they are busy with the game themselves, or probably missed your comment among the mass flood of comments...

And of course apology accepted, no hard feelings here and if you are new here, well; Welcome to the best escape site in the world, but let's (like @kitkatfox said) take this to the chatbox to get to know each other, instead of using all the comments-space.

ty got dust but not used it as yet TY

This comment has been removed by the author.

I know that some people don't like long comments (lol Sneak), but I find these discussions important as well.
They are mostly held at the end of a game, so those that don't like it don't have to read it all. I think that the opinions of people is interesting. And @rosebud: if you feel this way, it's the right thing to talk about it to clear things up.

@ellie yes. Holding it in just makes people get more and more upset. I was raised to believe that emotions can't be wrong because they are simply what you feel. Talking about them can help change how you preceive a subject or clear up the problems that caused a negative. But you can't "feel" incorrectly.

well i will say this. i can see why he is feeling this way, because i know when no one answers your question it can be annoying. however he has to understand why its happening before flipping out on us and saying we are rude. he thinks people are ignoring him on purpose, and thats very much NOT the case! we arent avoiding your question because we dont want to answer, but simply because were busy or missed it. if it happens to me i dont take it personally, i just ask again, eventually an answer DOES come.

I'm doing really badly. Only have the saw and the paper 2010 so have the safe open but it seems empty and can't find anything else
Could anyone give me a pointer ??

where is the note?

the note was under the couch if i recall.

the safe shouldnt be empty... there should be a green key in it...

@Isabelle: its under the sofa.
@Ms Kay: You need to get the code from the hint on the note. See comments above for this. This new code goes to the big box in the hallway.

Finally out...ashamed to admit it took me 20 minutes to find the first note!! Need to train more.

Anyway, thanks for all the help here. Would have been horrible stuck with the pixelhunting.

Ms Kay, did you open suitcase yet? Hint is your note and solution in comments above...

Thanks Suicune and its true, if you don't have the note you can't open the chest!

@MsKay:Which safe did you open? The one with 961E? or the one with 3818?

Where did you use the vacuum cleaner?

@Isabel: On the carpet next to where you got it.

Doh was trying to use 3818 on the safe not the chest
Wsn't even in the safe. I clicked on the empty cupboard next to it and thought 3818 had got me in the safe.
thanks x

No problem to ask frequently. I do it!!!. Maybe no quick answer but then 3 or 4 persons do it together. I´ll like can do this but my english is short and bad and to writte few words it supposes me too work and much time. I prefer to play while I wait.

Note the door out needs a yellow key and the chest needs a code
Back up using the down arrow

Zoom in by clicking over the TV -- get the hacksaw

Turn left
Note the right door of the cabinet needs a code
Open the left door of the cabinet and see the poster inside (I have no idea if it matters to the game, but since it is about bulls, I thought I should point it out)\
Zoom under the couch by clicking where the long part meets the regular couch
Get the note, which is to the left of the light colored couch foot
Click the note in your inventory and see the clue
Mirror 2nd

Turn left -- note the doors need red and green keys

Turn left again and you are facing the TV
Click the open doorway to the right to enter the hallway again
Zoom in on the chest
Use the clue and enter the code into the safe
If you have it right, the chest will automatically open
Get the vacuum cleaner

Mirror the second number and place it just below the 2010 on top. So the 2s together form a 3, the 0s form 8s and the 1s for a 1

Hmm…what to do with a vacuum?
Vacuum the floor! Of course!
Use the vacuum on the blue rug and you will get dust (drag the vacuum from the inventory to the rug)

Back up and turn left
Zoom in on the right door of the cabinet
Use the dust on the code box
Hey! Three numbers are marked
Play with them to find the 3 number code and hit the E (that’s the one in the middle of the bottom row, since it is hard to read with the dust on it)
Get the green key

Turn left
Use the green key on the right door
Now click the door to enter the bathroom
Click the floor tile that is next to the toilet back to look behind it
Get the drain cleaner
Zoom under the sink on the side of the sink stand that is open
Use the hacksaw on the bottom of the drain pipe
Back up
Use the drain cleaner in the sink bowl itself
Look back under the sink and you have found a knife!
Click the floor tile between the sink and the back corner of the room to see behind the curtain
Get the hammer
Also, note the tile that has a black line on it -- a bit above you down arrow
Use the knife there and get the red key

Back out of the room so you are in the living room again
Use the red key on the left door
Click the door and go inside
Click between the 2 large bed pillows
Get the magnet
Back up and turn left
Use the hammer on the ugly wall painting -- hit the red spot
Use the magnet on the hole and get the yellow key

Turn right, back up, and turn left
Click inside the open doorway
Use the yellow key on the door
Get freedom!

I forgot to say that I used everyone's hints to get out of this game. I did terribly in this one lol

The preceeding walkthough was thanks to everyone else :P

Thank you Kitkatfox!

I've been here a few times, and have asked questions once or twice, and I have always found that people are kindly ready to answer. Thank you!

Now that was a gr8 game !

I for one come to this site to play games because of the help comments and humor of people like Kitkatfox,Suicune'SneakSnake et al. Thank you!


LOL.. We have the same name!
I thought for a second that your comment was written by me :D

this seems to be my day for adding my opinion, so for what it's worth:

It really is very frustrating to ask a question over and over and watch as everyone else forges ahead.

It ALSO is so so easy to miss a comment, or to assume someone else answered it, when playing a live game. @rosebud2blue, I totally missed your question and I wasn't even playing live! I had to go back to find out what you were talking about.

Whenever someone comes along and says this is their first live game, or they're new to this, I always make a point to welcome them and I've seen many many others do the same.

The thing I like best about this site is that the people are kind and also alot of fun (ok, maybe not 100% are kind, but pretty damn close to it).

Like I said, we all know your frustration and have experienced ourselves, so I'm sure there are no hard feelings.

Now, for those who say "where is the xxx?" and then post "nvm, found it" without saying where or how, I would be much less forgiving, lol!

Please let me extend a belated Welcome to you. Hope to catch you on a live game sometime.

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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