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A Casa da Colina - Episodio 1

A Casa da Colina - Episodio 1 is another new point and click type room escape game created by Regis Ferreira. You need to find objects and clues in order to escape from this room. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Rafael]

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  1. where to use the gun, it wont let me pull the red lever inside the control room

  2. @Suicune - that color code from the books didn't work for me... did you get the gun first?

  3. i have a gun and a key and I'm on the roof, but I dont know what to do now

  4. and out! in a helicopter :D

  5. Ugh, feeling stupid... how do you get on the roof?

  6. the key is for the inside room (with the tv and books and such) it gets u flares. use those to call for a ride.

  7. stephanie

    can you please tell HOW or WHERE you did/found stuff instead of just saying that "gun needed bullets" or "got gun"

    because i cant find the bullets!

  8. @evie, unlock the grey wall and lower the ladder down.

  9. got key from the control room on the roof using the handle thing

  10. @suicine, sure. i try and just post hints first cuz i figure people like to figure it out for themselves. use the key to find the bullets, somewhere inside. let me know if u need more help.

  11. I'm dumb and blind maybe, but how do I get on the roof?

  12. OUT - great game!
    thanks for that last hint, steph

  13. bullets for the pistol in the drawer under the TV

  14. @doris, use crank in rectangular hole by the outdoor water tap

  15. lol finally out. Darn phone call held me up for a bit. :P

  16. Got a silverkey but dont know where to use it.

  17. Finally got color code to work - out!
    :) TY everyone...

  18. ty stephanie! out now too.

    i kept thinking that key was the same one i used to open the silver door, i never thought to try it inside the building lol. no wonder i was stuck.

    i thought this game was pretty good, no bugs, and had a nice length to it, lasting us a long time, this is what more games should be like, cuz i dont like the ones that are over too quick!

  19. @evie I can't remember all of the steps.

    I know you have to use the connectors in the basement according to the book colors.

    Then you somehow get a handle. Use that on the wall next to the faucet. That loweres the ladder to the roof.

    sorry if I forgot a step.

  20. kudos to jogosdefuga for that great game!

    I would much rather fight through a language barrier than the pixel hunts and bugs of gazzy and 123bee!!!!

  21. Out as well!

    Thanks for all the help, I sure wasn't great in this!

  22. lol evie. I was too late to help. Glad you got out! :)

  23. @madde - use it on tv cabinet

  24. @Madde key from the roof goes to a drawer under the TV. Is that the key you mean?

  25. thanks mayberry, found it at last

  26. @Doris do you still need help? Where are you in the game?

  27. i guess i wont be able to finish that walkthrough for the 123bee game anytime tonight, too many new games live lol, including a sequel to that word juxtapose one.

  28. @ kitkatfox, I'm standing on the roof, see the helicopter and try to fire my gun??!!

  29. out :D thanks everyone! was a nice one

  30. YES, I made it!! Was a good game! Thanks to all who wrote down their comments!

  31. That kept us busy for a while , now didn't it! I liked it very much! I guess that was a flare...not bullets I fired at my rescuer. LOL

  32. Walkthrough Part 1
    Turn left
    The sink is leaking and the toilet flushes, so we know that the water is on
    We need to turn it off!
    Zoom in on the pipe that is up and down on the upper right corner of the screen (click very near the top of the screen)
    When zoomed in, click the handle to turn off the water
    Back up using the down arrow
    We have turned off the water (if you want, you can prove this by flushing the toilet or turning on the sink faucet)
    Click the pipe to the right of the sink to take it

    Click the word menu that is in black and white near the bottom right corner of your screen to open your menu boxes
    Click the pipe to select it -- you know you have selected it because it is listed (as cano) below the item selecioado text below the menu boxes.
    Click the Menu words to close the inventory
    Zoom in on the sink faucet
    While zoomed in, turn right for a view of the boxes -- you can ONLY reach this view from the faucet scene
    Click the top box to move it with the pipe
    Click the hook and rope to get them using the pipe

    Turn right
    You are in the view of the boxes where you can see the key and ladder
    Use the hook and rope on the key -- it may take you a couple of tries to get it
    Once you have hooked the key, it will automatically be in your inventory
    Use the key on the brown thing in the middle of the screen (it is the padlock to your cell)
    Click the bars to the right of where the padlock was and you are free!

  33. Walkthrough Part 2
    Go all the way up the ladder
    You are in the second part of this game
    Note the safe needs a code
    Look down to be able to navigate in the room
    Turn right -- note the scribbles on the wall
    Turn right -- note the window
    Turn right
    Click the paper on the table to read it
    Click the paper again to zoom out
    Turn right

    Zoom in on the animal picture by the bookcase
    Click the picture just inside the bottom right corner of the frame to move it
    See A=68547
    Zoom in on the bookcase
    Note the numbers/colors of the top books, but you won’t need this for a while (green 1, blue 3, red 2, and yellow 4)
    Click the green book on the bottom middle shelf
    In your inventory, click the book and hold the mouse button to be able to read the poetry
    It has a hint about the skyline
    Back up and turn right
    Note the door and turn right

    Zoom in on the word FOGO on the wall
    From this zoomed in view, turn left -- this is the ONLY way to reach this view of the door
    Zoom in on the trashcan
    Get the hammer
    Back up and turn right
    While zoomed in on FOGO, use the hammer on the O
    Get the lighter from the crack in the wall
    Back up and turn right -- note the TV and TV stand

    Turn right 2 times
    Zoom in on the dark scribble on the left wall
    Use the lighter on the scribbles and numbers/letters will appear
    Right now, you are only interested in the B (remember the note from the table)

    Back up and turn right
    Look out the window (zoom in) -- remember the poetry clue about horizons?
    Wait for it … wait for it…
    Yep! There’s a plane that flies by with C on it!

    Turn left 2 times and zoom in on the safe
    Use the numbers to solve the math clue and enter the answer into the safe -- use the up and down arrows under each number to change it
    Click the gray rectangle under the numbers to open the safe and get the key

    Back up and turn left 2 times
    Zoom in on FOGO and turn left
    Zoom in on the door handle and use the key on it
    It didn’t work! :O
    Back up and turn right, back up and turn right again so you are facing the TV
    Use the key on the top drawer and get the gold key

    Turn left
    Zoom in on FOGO and turn left
    Zoom in on the door handle and use the gold key on it
    It didn’t work! :O

    The door opens and you see the gate!
    Oh no! Your plane crashed!!!
    How will you get out of here?

  34. Walkthrough part 3

    Part 3 of the game
    Click Jogar to start the new part of the game
    Your inventory is now down to just a crow bar
    While facing the fence opening, click the blue thing at the bottom right of the right fence post -- you have the blue connector

    Turn right
    Note the faucet (but the water is off) and the hole in the wall to the right of the faucet, which seems to say it is nothing important lol
    Turn right and you have 3 directional options -- the leftmost arrow will turn you back ot the faucet, the middle left arrow will take you back inside, and the right left arrow (lol) will take you around the back of the building

    Follow the arrows around the building and you will come to the gray wall with a keyhole in it
    Turn left
    Use the arrows around the outside of the building again until you come to the option of going into the wooden door
    Go inside (click the door handle to open it)
    Turn right and back up
    Turn left 2 times
    Zoom in on the bookcase
    Click the green book next to the red 2 book
    Read it (hold down the mouse button to read it) in your inventory to see it is the same poetry book
    Click the top of the bookcase and get the lighter
    While still zoomed in, get the white paper sticking out from the right of the 2 blue books on the left shelf

    Back up
    Read the note in your inventory (hold down the mouse button over the note to read it)
    Turn left
    Get the glass from the table and get the gray thing sticking out from the left of the center pole of the table base -- it’s the red connector

    Turn left
    Well, we have the same poetry book, let’s try the horizon again
    Zoom out the window and wait for a new plane
    C=256 this time
    Back up and turn left

    Zoom on the scribbles on the left wall again
    Use the lighter on it and read 2 numbers this time
    K= 39
    B= 3520

    Back up and turn left 2 times
    Hmmm…the TV is off
    Zoom in to the right of the edge of the TV to see behind it
    Click the plug in the TV and click the gray spot behind where the plug was on the cabinet to get the green connector
    Go left and click the left button on the front of the TV
    Get A=56402
    Turn right

    Zoom in on the safe and enter the answer from the math problem
    Click the gray rectangle to open the safe and get the key

  35. Walkthrough part 4

    Still part three of the game, but this is long ;)

    Turn left 2 times and zoom in on FOGO
    Turn left and zoom in on the door handle
    Click the lock to open the door
    Turn left and make you way around the building to the large gray door
    Use the key to open it

    Zoom in on the glass in the corner and see the yellow connector, but you can’t get it
    Zoom in on the manhole cover
    Use the crowbar you started this level with to open it
    Click the ladder to climb down

    Click the left tunnel opening and see a place for the connectors, but you are missing the yellow one
    Turn left to back up and then click the end of the straight tunnel
    Note the gun, but you can’t get it
    Click the brown handle on the gray pipe to your left
    Click it again to turn it
    Turn left to back up and then click the back arrow to move back down the tunnel
    Click the up arrow by the ladder to climb back up

    Use the down arrow to back up and then the left arrow to turn
    Make your way all the way around the building to the faucet
    Zoom in on the faucet -- use the glass on it and the water is working now!
    You have a glass of water
    Back up and turn right

    Make your way around the building again
    Zoom in on the glass with the yellow connector
    Use your glass of water to fill it -- get the yellow connector
    Back up and zoom in on the open manhole
    Click the ladder to go back down
    Click the left tunnel and zoom in on the holes based on the book order
    Place the connectors
    Spoilergreen1Blue3Red2Yellow4spoiler so…
    Get the handle from the wall opening

    Turn left and go up the ladder
    Back up and turn left
    Now make your way around the building again
    Zoom in on the hole in the right wall of the faucet area
    Use the handle and it will drop a ladder

    Turn right and make your way around the building
    There is now a ladder to the left of the manhole!
    Click the ladder to zoom in
    Click the top rung to climb it and find a helicopter pad
    Turn left
    You are zoom in on the control room
    Use the handle in your inventory to get the key from the back wall (you do this from the doorway not from inside the room)
    Turn left 2 times
    Get the hammer
    Turn left -- note the view off the rooftop, but you can’t do anything here yet

    Turn left
    Zoom in on the control room door and then turn left
    Click the ladder top to go down
    Turn left and then right
    Make your way around the building to the brown door
    Go inside

    Turn right, back up, and turn right
    You should be facing the TV
    Use the new key on the top drawer of the cabinet and get the flares

    Turn left, zoom in on FOGO and turn left
    Zoom on the door handle and click the keyhole to go outside
    Turn left and make your way around the building
    Click the manhole and go down the ladder
    Click the end of the straight tunnel
    Zoom in on the flare gun inside the case
    Use the hammer to smash the case
    Get the flare gun

    Back up and go up the manhole ladder
    Turn left
    Now go up the ladder to the roof
    Turn left until you reach the red arrow off the rooftop
    Click it to zoom in and then look up
    Select the flare gun/flares in your inventory (they automatically combined)
    Click the helicopter as it flies by
    You are out!


  36. oba, jogo em português!
    c'mon, guys, you kick ass in japanese games, how can it be any more difficult? if anyone needs any translation from portuguese, count on me. :D

  37. @ vivimim does it ever say why we were in jail? And why we start out the outside part with just a crowbar?

    I like to know the stories. :)

  38. The game doesn´t say why you´re in a jail and at the end of 1st part, it only says the bridge colapsed, and you have to find another way to escape! "You have to start from zero"

  39. oi todo mundo... i am here to help too

  40. OUT! very good game! thanks to the Brazilian friends! Mihh, Pandora, Paulinha NP

    congratulations Regis !!!

  41. @Henrique thanks! I thought it was weird we weren't going out the open gate. The bridge being gone explains that!

  42. You guys still here? I'm wandering aimlessly now. Have gun, put my colors in the wall in the basement, got new key from roof... wandering around trying to shoot flares off the roof... Anyone gotten anywhere since the gun was obtained?

  43. sorry. should have reloaded comments before asking stupid questions.

  44. Is this game buggy because I cannot get to the top of the ladder?

  45. we didnt find any bugs.

    did you use the crank in the square shaped engraving on the other side of the roof (by the tap)?

  46. well!!!! was shooting gun into sky at red arrow on roof; however, there was a little key in my inventory that i hadn't used yet...geez!!! long day...anyway, use key on top drawer of cabinet that tv sits on and get flares so you can actually shoot something to signal someone....rofl!!!!!! fun game! number codes were easy...many hotspots that can be elusive :)

  47. @kitkat...just noticed you posted a walkthrough...i was thinking of writing one but when i posted i saw yours...great walkthrough as always :) thank you for taking the time to write it!

  48. What a great game. I certainly saved the best for last, no more games to play from all the ones I've missed the past couple of days, except maybe for the Minoto...

    A wonderful experience!! and looking forward to Episodio 2. Hopefully there will be one.

  49. Great Game! So nice to fine a "real" escape game with logic and all...
    @kitkatfox - as usual - terrific walkthrough!! So clear!

  50. nao mexa aqui mean "do not move here"

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

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