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Computer Lab Escape

123bee Computer Lab Escape is another new point and click type escape the room game by In this escape game you are locked in computer laboratory and you try to escape the computer labaratory by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Hi Groovychick, I hope so too...

  2. Lots of hot spots. Nothing found yet.

  3. Pluggen the scanner in, and unplugged 1 comp.

  4. got 1 cpu running and i can "google" :)

  5. Hi Robijntje, I can't get the power cord into the back of the CPU. How did you do it?

  6. you can move the cpu left of the door (when in "normal view) I think

  7. you can also turn one of the speakers but I don't know why.
    Looking for an extra powercable (i think) for the scanner

  8. Oooh, got a key for the top right cupboard and gotta screwdriver.

  9. Use the S/D to take off the front of the speaker and get a magnet.

  10. You also have to activate the switches on the switchboards

  11. found disc under a keyboard

  12. @robijntje
    S/D is in top right cupboard. get key when you move the cpu under it

  13. Scanner gives password for right cupboard.

  14. Ahh, got CPU on, I found another power cord and used that.

  15. Could disassemble a cpu but couldn´t find any usefull thing inside

  16. Hmm, 'Use Hardware to Escape'

  17. Anyone been able to use the magnet yet?

  18. I'm in, see if I can catch up..with a little help from you all

  19. turned on 2 computers, the printer en opened an other one. Now stuck with only the magnet. (cd used in 1 cpu)

  20. Use magnet to get another cable

  21. Put magnet in disassembled CPU but nothing happens.

  22. How Henrique, mine just attached itself to the circuit board.

  23. something between 2 cpu´s in first view. Left side
    you get a key for the left cabinet.

  24. Must be a bug, when I zoom out the magnet is in the middle of the screen :(

  25. Haha, after messing about with I got the key to the other cupboard.

  26. How did you get the code from scanner?

  27. cant find cable for 2nd cpu. just have one on and the scanner.getting stuck

  28. Got the other scanner cabled up and left with 1 power cord.

  29. Henrique, switch on the CPU to the left of it, and click on blue button on CPU.

  30. Oh my god, always when I play 123bee.. after a while you get " Play full version" ..why this?

  31. Same place as you are Rambler!
    What's with "use hardware to escape 13"

  32. have a cirquitboard using by opening the middle cabinet.

  33. Robijntje, how did you get the code?

  34. @Rambler! I ever did that, but all I can see is a screen with 2 options: A note "Search Password"
    and a IE icon that leads me to a Google page.
    I searched for password but nothind happens.

  35. After posting my cable was magically attached to the back of a comp.. Now trying to "search password" and can google on comp.

  36. i'm out.. great game. took me a long time to find out that you have to turn on the powersockets as well.

  37. Hmm, when I did it the scanner printed out a sheet of paper with 1987 on it.

  38. You meant scanner or printer!
    Guees I´m in the wrong PC

  39. bak.. had to restart the comp. , u guys r out already!! cool ill try it without help

  40. Do you mind sharing the secret of "OUT"

  41. type "search password" in the "google and you get 2digits. combine them with the number after "use hardware"


    the code is 1332 (or 3213)

  42. Thnx Robijntje.... why o why is it that I try things and they only work when somebody else post them :(

  43. And I'm out too. That was very buggy. You just have to keep trying to attach the cables.

  44. And now out also!
    Thnx for hints and tips!

  45. Out Yipee. with help from all you guys! Thanx :)

  46. I must have clicked on that "broken Computer" with the magnet about 100x (no joy)

  47. true to 123buggy games my cable got stuck. Not going to play again. Boring game anyway.

  48. That's it? All those comments plus 3 other games posted after this one, a few people escaping and no one sticks around to help or so much as offer a clue as to how they escaped?

    The 1332 (or 3213) doesn't work for me so I can't get to the circuit board. I used my magnet to get the key stuck between the CPU's and can't use it anymore (since someone suggested putting it in the broken CPU). My CD won't go in any of the CPU's. And I'm left with a power cord.

    Other players need help (me included) and we're just left hanging. That's nice.

  49. PART 1
    There are two screens, one with three cupboards that all need codes and one with two cupboards and a

    Go do the "door" screen. Click on the left most keyboard to zoom in then click it a couple more times to

    get the CD under it.
    Click the front of the rightmost computer, this will move it out. Get the key next to it.
    Click on the above cupboards and open the right hand one with the key. Get the screwdriver and close it.
    Back out and go to the three cupboard screen. Click on the speakers up in the corner to zoom in.
    Click on the left speaker near the blue part to flip it around. Use the screwdriver on both screws. Get

    the magnet.
    Back out and click on the two computers on the bottom left to zoom in. Use the magnet between them on the

    floor to get the key, pick up the key.
    Zoom out and go right to the 2 cupboard screen. Zoom in and use the key on the left cupboard. Get the

    Back out and go right to the three cupboard screen. Click on the printer cord to zoom in, then plug it in

    (it's under the table on the right hand side). While zoomed in click the two switches on the left next to

    the cord you just plugged in. Also at the other socket to the far left click the bottom right switch to

    turn on the left side computer.
    This should light up the computer's red button. Click the blue button under it and the printer will print

    out the password (1987).
    Back out of this screen and go up to the cupboards. Enter the code in the rightmost cupboard and pick up

    the cable. Back out. Click between the pair of computers and the single computer on the left. Click on

    the back of the single computer and click the black plug to move it over. Hit the X, then click the black

    plug by the socket to grab it.

  50. Sorry about that, did it in notepad and it came out weird. Anyways:

    PART 2
    Go to the 2 cupboard screen. Click on the trio of computers on the left side to zoom in, then click again on the back of the rightmost computer. This should pop up a new screen. You should see an unplugged cord on this screen, click it to plug it in. Now drag the black plug to the upper left panel. Click it again to move it over (plugged in to the back). Hit the X to close the window.
    Now click the other end of the plug to plug it into the outlet.
    Back out and click on the scanner (near the middle of the room on the desk). Click on it to zoom in then click on the back of it. Drag the white cord to the back of the scanner and hit the X. Now click on the dangling cord to plug it in. Click the small top left button next to the cord you just plugged in.
    Click on the same middle computer you were just working on (it has a red light on now). Click the blue dot under the red to turn it on. Click the monitor screen above it.
    Click the yellow icon on the bottom right, it will say "SEARCH PASSWORD". Hit the red X and now hit the IE icon and type "search password" into the text field (no quotes). Hit "search" and it will say PASSWORD 32. Back out of this and go to the three cupboard screen.
    Click on the rightmost computer, then click on it's back. Drag the black cable to the panel then click the cable to plug it in. Hit the X and click the other end of the cable to plug it into the outlet. Clcik the blue dot under the (now lit) red dot. Click the top CD tray to open it and insert your CD. Click on the monitor and get "USE HARDWARE TO ESCAPE" 13
    Combine the numbers 13 and 32 to get 1332. Back out of this screen and go up to the three cupboards. Enter 1332 in the cupboard on the middle. Get the RAM (green panel with wires on it).
    Back out of this screen and go to the two cupboard screen. Click on the bottom left computer to zoom in and then click on it's back. Now drag your screwdriver to the screws on the bottom right and top right and click the case.
    Insert the RAM into the now open case. Click the X. Click the bottom right switch on the outlet next to the black plug (the outlet nearest the open computer). The red light will come on, click the blue dot under it.
    Click the monitor then click the notepad icon on the desktop. Get the last password: 5657. Back out, go to the 3 cupboard screen and enter the password on the left cupboard. Get the key.
    Back out, go to the screen with two cupboards and click on the door. Then drag the key to the keyhole.

  51. Thanks a million, sarsmi. Appreciate you coming in and giving us the walkthrough

  52. working link:


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