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Defuse – Amalgamated Research Group

Defuse – Amalgamated Research Group is a challenging puzzle game. In this puzzle game, you have to defuse 9 explosive packages to complete the game. Can you able to defuse all 9 explosive packages? Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Let´s see..

  2. i wonder if this is any good. well since im waiting for a new game ill give it a peek.

  3. Not my kind of game, but I'll have a look at it.

  4. Oops, not my game. got to level 3 but haven´t got a single idea what to do next.

  5. oh well, tomorrow there will be lots of new live escape games, always is on monday, after the "drought" on the weekend

  6. not my game either, but im stuck on 2 lol

  7. I haven't been live in a few days! Can't stay long.

  8. Hi sucindymom!
    Im stuck at lvl 2 as well.

  9. found 3 easier than 2... 2 i deid with sheer luck

  10. Hi Ellie, everyone. How do I start. Clicked on a room. Got the welcome screen, won't go anywhere from there.

  11. I've got 'retry' several times on lvl 2 even though I didn't make all the boxes red, and I got it while I didn't do anything. A bug? Or does it want me to think quicker lol.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. k, level 4 is EXTREMELY hard, i think im giving up

  14. @sucindy, if you clicked on a room, then, there is your game. Make things green but not red.

  15. Oh, there are directions! Lol!

  16. Don't know how I made through lvl 2 (just clicking randomly and eventually I was lucky) For lvl 3 do this:
    1st row: -1,6
    2nd row: -2, 9, -2
    3rd row: 4, 4, -3
    4th row: 7, -3, 1
    5th row: 1, 2, 2

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. At level 4, but no time to finish. Will try later.

  19. Sorry, what to do 4 level?

  20. well, i just closed the game.

    lol if any of you finish level 4, i congratulate you IMMENSELY! its like impossible... every move either causes a death, or a green light to go off. the circuits are arranged in a brutal manner.. i dread to see what level 9 is like!

    anyways, gl to everyone!

  21. For level 4:

    *For lower 4 have 3, 2, -1 (be sure NOT to start with 2 or the bomb with #2 will blow up; neither start with 3 and then -1 or you'll lose again.

  22. LOL That doesn't help at all right? OK, numbering the circles 1-12 clockwise starting from the upper right #2 click in this order:
    7, 6, 3, 2, 11, 1 & 5

  23. Got past level 4. Stuggling on level 5 though.

  24. wow you solved it? youre a genious! (but then again you were also the 1st to solve my game so im not surprised lol)

    ok ill come back and see if the next level is easier, ty for the soloution!

  25. Thanks Suicune. Struggling with lvl 5 as duffman is. Still trying to understand the rules there.

  26. lol actually I wasn't the first to solve your game, must have me mixed up with someone else. I'm no genius, must of got lucky on level 4 :)

  27. yea 5 is hard, looks easier than 4 but its not lol

  28. i think in 5 you can only move a square to a column that already has another square if its higher in position, and if its not you die

  29. Hello, is anyone still here? I need help very bed with another game that I've been playing. It's called submachine 2. Can someone help?

  30. lol i played submachine 1-4 a LONG time ago, they were some of the 1st games i played, i dont think i can remember them enough to be of help though, but sure, ask away!

  31. Is Suicune still here? I know this game I need help with doesn't have anything to do with this game, but I don't know anywhere else to go for help. I just need to ask one question about the game.

  32. Oh and sorry Suicine, I just relised you were referring to Edgar. I really should read all the comments before posting. Edgar, you ARE a genius lol.

  33. lol you also since you got past level 4 as well. i couldnt without edgars walkthrough.

    and level 5 i know how it works now but i just cant do it.

  34. Oh great, thanks so much. Ok, it's the part where I need to get the 2nd floor key and for some reason I can't get it to come off of the pipe in the beginning of the tunnel for anything. I've tried and tried. I've watched 3 different video walkthroughs on youtube and still didn't see that they were doing anything any different than I was doing. Do you remember that part?

  35. Yes Suicune, I can see that. So the goal is to move all squares to column 3. HARD!

  36. arrrrhhhh man level 5 is annoying. I think I've got close a couple of times

  37. I actually got started playing these submachine games because I saw submachine 6, and couldn't play it, so I decided to go back and start from the start and play from game 1. And now I'm stuck on game 2.

  38. hmm i dont remember anymore but looking at a video walkthrough, you need a sewer key to get into that tunnel, then you have to navigate the pipe maze.

  39. Suicune, are you still here?

  40. lol i currently have the top 4 lights on column 3 just need to try to get the bottom light in place

  41. Oh, there you are. Yes, I've already gotten the sewer key, but there's two more tunnels together, one above the other, and the key is on the outside of the top one. Maybe if you watch the video a little longer you will see it. Oh, and thanks so much for the help. You are the best when it comes to helping someone. Oh and I didn't forget kitkatfox, lol.


  43. k give me a moment, ill see if i can find what you mean.

  44. hmm, in the video the 2nd floor key is on the inside and the person just grabs it easily...

    you have to come from the top, not the bottom. they are separate tunnels.

  45. yessss me too. Trick is to get the bottom square on the right side first then work the others over.

  46. Lost again! @Suicune, the trick is to start placing the one at the bottom first. I once put that one with the remaining 4 in column 2, but grow impatiently after that and eventually blow it up... literally.

  47. graet, level 6 is a lights out button puzzle, i hate those i can never do 1 without sheer luck, and this time it has to be in under 42 moves!!! ugh....

  48. there is no way in hell i will ever pass level 6 without a video walkthrough, i hate this kind of puzzle as much as sliders.

  49. Edgar, me and you, we are on the same wave length ;)

  50. 6 is um ... complicated.

    78 deaths and counting ...

  51. omg i did it! i cant believe it rofl

    it only takse 12 moves, here i will try to do it again to help you guys

  52. Oh my gosh! Don't tell me I'm that goofy, that I didn't catch that? LOL Ok, let me try that. I've got to go somewhere real quick and I'll try it when I get back. How sweet you are for helping me. I owe you one. Have a great gaming day, and I also wish everyone else on this site the same. I see everyone a lot while I'm playing games, I just don't leave a lot of comments. Anyway, thanks Suicune so much, and I'll let you know if that worked next time I can catch up with you. Bye

  53. Geez, have to leave to eat! @Suicune it'd be great if you post lvl 6, thanks.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. got past level 7 with a lot of fiddling around, i cant write a walkthrough for it as a result. but its not as bad as previous levels because you cant really die unless you get really careless.

  56. damn was up to 2/3 for lvl 7, then I died.

  57. omg level 8 is the easiest one yet!

    ill help if you need it but i doubt you will lol.

    now for the last level.

  58. lol wow wait till you see the last level... i cant believe it was like that.

    im 1st out, and proud after all that lol :D

    but, special thanks to edgar, coudlnt have done it without him because of level 4, which imo is the hardest level.

  59. I'm tired and need food.. can't concentrate. I'll have to come back later. Catch ya.

  60. final stats 111 deaths 3124 seconds... now just waiting for a nice long escape game to come out!

  61. @Suicune? Still there? Ate fast and returned. Now for that lvl 8... I'm able to turn on light 2-7 and 11-14 without dying, and regardless your doubts i DO need help, would you mind? :P Thanks!

  62. k, well, the hint below the level should reveal all :)

    if thats not clear ill give a bigger hint.

  63. Damned! How could I missed those!! Thanks again Suicune.

  64. lvl 9... what a joke!
    died 96 times in 5813 seconds :)

  65. I needed the extra hint on lvl 8 too. I didn't even read what was underneath.

    4910 secs
    142 deaths !!!! >=)

  66. the level with 1,2,3 ar the bottom, i can't figure out the rules to make them light up. help?

  67. nevermind, fgured it out. have to light all 4 in the 1 columnm then the 2 column, etc...

  68. On level 5. You have to place lights higher in the column than the ones that are already there. It's like an upside down Tower of Hanoi.

  69. I have no idea what to do on level 7. It's just a row of numbers.

  70. Spoiler for Level 7

    Click on the menu link at the bottom you can go back and look at the earlier levels.

    Make a note of the letters. And then select the correct numbers.;-)

  71. Sorry that's a spolier for level 8.

  72. I didn't get number 8... Can you help me please?

  73. level 6:


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