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Colorful Room Escape

EGL Colourful Room Escape is another new point and click type room escape game from EscapeGamesLand. Your mission is to escape from the colorful room. Find items and solve puzzles to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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EGL Colorful Room Escape Video Walkthrough

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  1. I'm ready for a good game...

  2. wow lots of codes, got 2 clock hands

  3. Hi, don`t think I can be helpfull, but I try :)

  4. Wow.. I am going to be of no help whatsoever. lol

  5. clock hands in window, placed them.

  6. so far, it's 3 o'clock and it's five o'clock. xyz clue has me baffled, no surprise there.

  7. In next window as well, cant place those.

  8. Found password for comp...
    look at the carpets...x, y, z...put what's standing underneath as password..

  9. ah: password SPOILER


  10. Codes everywhere!! Thanks@Zoz. I have 3:00, 4:00, 5:00

  11. on the blue box: top red, right yellow, bottom blue, left green

  12. How did you get that @mary? Brute forcing?
    Inside green drawer

  13. From starting scene, clocks go:
    3, 5, _ , 4
    missing one set.

  14. Im missing one clock hand. Have from two windows and trashcan.

  15. Found it inside big closet. Code in computer.

  16. niice mary,, for me its 3, 5, 6 , _ . ur missing one is 6

  17. Last time is 6.
    Code to big closet


  18. code for brown cabinet is in computer

  19. hi everyone...jeez, I go away for a minute and another game is up already, hope I can catch up

  20. Pictures passcword socolorful

  21. thanks @A!
    Did you just guess or found a clue?

  22. Pictures should go on door code.

  23. There's another clue in yellow drawer. Solve the window puzzle to get a key.

  24. O no, i have to restart to get back in...

  25. geez, I have this feeling we're missing something.

  26. out. that was a little too easy, but i won't complain!

  27. @Edgar there's a puzzle on the window. Solve it.

  28. eh?? im out ..thanks @A.. but im still missing a clock hand and didnt open the other drawers..guess im restarting too

  29. i'm going to try the smallest room game. I think there was a lot in the colorful room that was just red herrings

  30. I can see a faint white line in the opposite side of the window puzzle. Wonder if it's relevant.

  31. I didnt get all of the keys, i didnt use the clocks, i didnt solve the window puzzle, i didnt understand the colors of the blue box, i didnt understand socolorful, im not done!

  32. escaped but didnt need to open the green drawer?

    btw to solve the window puzzle just arrange the colors in a rainbow pattern... red on top etc... you get red key

    and theres a new game out now btw

  33. ill try this again later,, thers a new game out

  34. new game. I suggest we give this one a "pause"

  35. I'm going to need a wlkthr for this one

  36. Hi, seems I forgot the colours of the rainbow...isn´t it red, yellow, green, blue?

  37. Um - the clocks ... were they indicating colours for the blue box. I got out but never used them.

  38. watched the vid walkthrough... so thats it huh? guess i didnt need to open that green drawer after all. thought there may have been another ending but now at least i know i dont have to go back in.

    well at least i was able to solve the rainbow code and the door code without help, even though they were easy codes.

  39. @volker

    rainbow is

    I (indigo)

    but orange in this game looks rather pinkish so replace orange with that

  40. hey wait!!!! that vid walkthrough didnt even solve the rainbow puzzle lol! wow i did something that vid walkthrough didnt. that makes me feel just a tad better about myself.

  41. Thanks suicune! I switched indigo and blue...pop saved me though. No one opened blue box? Thought it´s the carpets. But onl matches to 2 of them.

  42. What's with the code you get from the yellow key hole drawer?

  43. @volker

    i think someone openede the blue box in the comments earlier. i never did and managed to get out without it, because i saw half the code in the yellow drawer and was able to figure it out. but the green drawer has the other half of the code and youre meant to see both before solving it.

  44. @volker, the way i always remember the rainbow is by the name Roy G. Biv. The hard part in this game for me was figuring out what they were using for Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

  45. @zoz

    i always call "blue" as cyan, and the dark blue as "blue" and the purple as "indigo"

  46. @suicune: Found the comment. Thanks. No clue how they got the code for the blue box. That logic is too high for me!! But seems that´s really the whole game...

  47. Try to remember that zoz. Unlucky that it was dark outside now. No chance to look at a live rainbow to check...
    Just mixed the blue tones and was too convinced they were correct.

  48. @SneakSnake
    I had _O_O_O_F_L from the yellow drawer, and that completes the pictures code.
    Still confused about the blue box, have you been able to explain that?

  49. @Edgar, No I can't explain the blue box, I'm afraid Mary looked at the video and was lucky it was that (if not; do explain Mary), because I now got other colors and can't solve the blue box. So the codes change every game.

  50. Just like all the other codes.

  51. My clocks are still the same, so I think the clock have nothing to do with that box.

  52. I've restarted as well. Now my clues in the rugs are:

  53. wow the author reuploaded the swf and changed everything! what gives?!!??!

    the new codes i saw are:

    computer code 1: escapethegame
    computer code 2: doorcode1362

    and the blue box i solved totally randomly but i think it was brown left pink down orange right... and i forget what up was.

    also the rainbox colors on the window seem "better" now.

  54. Same codes as you @Suicune, but the rainbow orange is still red/pinkish.

  55. I´m pretty certain that if you finish and restart the game more than 5 times you can open the secret folder on the pc!!! So go ahead and good luck...


  56. I would like to see a walkthrough made by @Mary, because I reallly wanna know how the blue box is solved (without forcing it).

  57. I'm not gonna do that @volker, the game is not worth to start over 5 times and by the way I think this is one of your evil tricks again to leave us out of the live games.

  58. but the colors she used wont work anymore because the game has been altered lol. the colors i gave worked for me this time but i pretty much randomly guessed it too, like she probably did.

    well i noticed the left had brown and the right had orange, and no other dials had those colors so i just went from there hoping itd be right, and it was.

  59. People think so bad of me...but good luck! I´d actually be interested in the correct solution as well.

  60. the soloution is


    but there doesnt seem to be a good reason why

  61. For blue box: I see clocks and then colors writte on te wall (3,5,6 y 4). In box, switches arent some colors. Sorry, I dont understand me in english either!

  62. For the blue box I wonder if the list of colours on the wall (up from the trash can) may have something to do with it - clocks give 3, 5, 6 and 4 and in the list orange = 3, pink = 5, brown = 6 and red = 4. I don't know if the order of the list changed this time as I didn't check it first time round.

  63. See the colors written in the wall?
    3rd, 4th and 5th are orange, red and pink. But the 6th one is army green, not brown. I'm thinking 3,4,5 & 6 for the clock times.

  64. @Edgar - brown is 6 in the second column

  65. well 3564 DOES equal the number of letters in each color, but thats so obscure that i think people are still gonna solve it by force instead of actually cracking it.

    i mean come on, whos to say "6" doesnt equal YELLOW instead of orange, or that "5" doesnt equal green insetad of brown?

  66. Well, that could be it, but did the writings on the wall change as well. If not, the first time the code was wrong because the clocks didn't change.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. @Suicune;

    Orange = 3 in the first column
    Red = 4 in the first column
    Pink = 5 in the first column
    Blue is 6 in the second column

  69. @SneakSnake
    Maybe the author changed the game because the code WAS wrong. The writings in the wall are the same as before; I wrote them down.

  70. My internet connection disappeared all of a sudden :( Now im back to see what you got out of all this... seems confusing, but ill read the comments and play again.

  71. @edgar and sneaksnake

    that makes sense, mabye the code was wrong and it is now fixed, but why change the computer codes then, and not just the blue box? was it just to make us find the answers all over again?

  72. You're probably right @Edgar, I found some notes on my desk (alway write them down so I don't have to go back to see them) and found back the writing on the wall from the previous version I played and they are exactly the same. The clocks are the same, so the first code must have been wrong.
    So I still wonder where @Mary got that from.

  73. @Suicune it was actually @Twin2 and @cece. They found it before us.

  74. probably brute forced it or something, that would be my guess

  75. oh youre right, credit goes to them then, sorry

  76. Started again and everthing remains the same. So I think this is the final version with corrected blue box code and the new pc codes (escapthegame and doorcode1362).

  77. I restarted as well and have the door code 8361. Or do you mean another door than the green wardrobe maybe..

  78. @ellie

    "doorcode1632" is the computer pass. the wardrobe should be 8361 though (used to be 7425)

  79. Hint by author: note the clocks and their positions. Clock time gives you on how many letters are in this color. Now look on the wall where these colors are written and solve the puzzle.

  80. You're right @Ellie, that code is also changed. But remains the same every new game now. Only in the old version it was 7425.

  81. It bothers me that the 3 clock that gives the orange color is not the top color on the box, since the clock has that position on the wall etc

  82. oh so i was right about the times equalling the number of letters in each word then. was starting to think that was a coincidence

  83. You were right after all @Suicune; despite the fact of we're supposed to use trial and error once again :(

  84. thanks @suicune and @sneak. I didnt get to the computer pass yet. Still trying to understand the clocks. Their positions in the room should show which colored buttons they belong to, but i cant connect them to the correct color, even counting letters.

  85. So, yellow is not written with 6 letters!!?? (yelling oow now)

  86. Im really not getting this yet... might be because i took a nap while my internet was gon. I have to read your previous comments lol

  87. Our explanation is way better than the one the maker(s) give.

  88. agreed there. counting the letters is only a good explanation if there isnt multiple possibilities

    6 letters could have been orange or yellow
    5 could have been green or brown
    4 could have been pink or blue
    3 could only be red at least

    BTW, marys soloution of:

    quote: "on the blue box: top red, right yellow, bottom blue, left green"

    DOES still follow the "time=number of letters" logic, so it seems thats what the author wanted us to do all along :/

  89. i get it :D
    Its not so much about trial and error because for 3 you can only choose between red and yellow (red has 3 letters)
    for 6 you can choose between blue, red, orange and green (only orange has 6 letters)
    for 4 you choose between green, red, pink and yellow (pink has 4 letters)
    and for 5 you choose between blue red yellow and brown (brown with 5 letters).

  90. @Suicune, You must look at the position of the clocks on the wall as well. That equals the positions on the box, and you can not choose between every possible color. This only gives one solution, but i never would have found out to use the number of letters :)

  91. Its actually a good way of solving this box, as long as you start counting letters!

  92. i never would have found this code out without a bit of trial and error though, i really got lucky on that one.

    still nice to know the proper explanation after all this though, so thanks

  93. It was thanks to you starting to coun, that i finally understood this, thank you @Suicune!

  94. One thing though... it is really confusing when people just starts to give the codes away without a proper explanation, by watching the video walkthrough or something else. This made me solve all of the codes in totally wrong order the first time and nothing made sense!

  95. Are one of you writing a WT @Suicune, @Edgar and @SneakSnake?

  96. Great @Ellie,
    Of course the position of the clocks, now it all makes sense. And the game maker is right after all. But still; the first version was wrong. But enough of this, see you all in the next game (tomorrow that is for me).

  97. Me not writing, me to bed, me tired.

  98. I can do the writing, but i suspect that someone else already started since i had a long break in this game.

  99. Hi Edgar, still here and waiting for a new game. Guess for the walkthrough it´s a case of: "You take it, I have it definitely..." (ok, hard to translate a saying into anothr language)

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. @Ellie
    Well, yours is not bad at all :)
    I want to take a look to that video-WT. I dislike them btw.

  103. @ellie

    nice job on walkthrough :)


    that walkthrough is invalid. the game was edited and the codes are no longer as shown in that vid!

  104. @ivanml123
    It's the second time you post that same video-walkthrough, and it's obsolete now since the author of the game uploaded a modified and improved (?) version with different codes.

  105. Darn Blue box I don't like it :-( I have different colors and gray is one with a blue and white is with orange violet I can't get the right combo bring trying for to long it bugs me ....mean creator


    can the author of this game please justify his actions? its kinda.... not cool... that you are doing this after people have already spent thier time writing a walkthrough for your game. basically you just made it so they wasted their time, and why??? why on earth do you feel a need to keep changing the codes a million times? i think its stupid of you, im sorry if this sounds rude, but to me it just seems like you dont want any walkthroughs of your game to exist, because everytime we post the answers here you change it hoping that our hints are useless to future players and we all look stupid for giving "wrong" advice!

    seriously, this is unheard of! i feel bad for carol who reads the walkthrough and cant finish because of you changing the game, and i feel bad for ellie who wasted her time writing a walkthrough just because of you changing the game. mabye we should all just forget this game exists because no matter how many walkthroughs we do for it he will always keep changing it making our comments totally USELESS. so its a pointless effort to write 1 for this game.

  107. that said, i want to state that i feel it appropriate to edit a game on the fly IF AND ONLY IF there is bugs... but there was no bugs after the 2nd time you edited it! it was just fine!

  108. it is totally pointless to do a walkthrough for this game, but i want to protest against these FREQUENT "on the fly" changes by BRUTE FORCING the code and posting the spoilers, so here we go, brute force commence. i dont care if the author changes it again after i find it again because i will just keep doing it until he stops!

  109. here you go carol:


    rest of code answers coming up, and i want to see if the evil creator changes everything again thx to me posting a codethrough :P

  110. The solution for the blue box and the password to My Pictures seems to be different for all. For My Pictures, the password was 2manycolors and for the blue box, mine did not have red at the top and went as below:

    Red(3) Violet(6)

  111. i feel no point doing a full walkthrough for this game because the author is just going to edit it again anyways, but a quick codethrough will be fine, since it wont take up much of my time, and will help people until the next time the game is edited on the fly.


    computer code 1: escapethegame
    computer code 2: 2manycolors
    cabinet code: 5473
    EVIL blue box code:


    the final door code is still the same.

    hope this helps! :)

    wonder how long itll take before its all changed for the 999999th time LOL

  112. @rdd

    no, its not always different. its the stupid author he keeps changing the game on the fly, after we have spent our time writing walkthroughs for it, and im finding it very rude, even though i wasnt the one who wrote the walkthrough. i feel bad for ellie who did.

  113. Suicune you are my hero , thanks so much for helping me you are great for doing that :) I felt lost and couldn't get it right I was just posting because it was so different ......Thanks for always helping you are an asset we can't do without!!!!

  114. your welcome carol, glad i was able to help out!

  115. To the author of this game:

    1. Are you mocking of our efforts to try solving your twisted and insufficiently hinted puzzles or is this your way of having fun?

    2. Is this your sick way to attract as many players possible into your game, even if they are the very same players over and over, as a way to maybe increase your reputation as a game maker or to maybe earn more money for bonuses? And I ask that because I really don't know how the Escape Games biz works.

    3. Was there a bug, an inconsistency, an illogical issue in the use or placing of the hints or ANY other problem that might've made you change the game the way and with the frequency you already have... and probably will once again?

    4. Do you enjoy this?

    Suicune has said something I totally agree with. We all should forget this game as if it had never existed.
    All the above questions are valid, although raised by anger and frustration for the un-fun time me and some others spent trying to understand your wicked logic, and I DO expect the answers to all of them.
    I'm about to go to bed right now... in 12 hours from now if I don't see reasonable answers to them, I will delete all of my comments I've posted here as a sign of protest and I will pretend this game was never here and I'll try to avoid, in any way possible, future games made by you and/or from EscapeGamesLand.

    Thank you... or not.

  116. wow everyone had alot of trouble with the blue box. i kind of had part of it figured out until i read the numbers equal color names then i figured it out. each clock sits in a certain hieght from the floor. so that gives the positions of the box codes. so the numbers are
    red is the only 3 numbers word. so it goes left every game. however 5 has 4 different colors. but the blue box will only show certain colors each game fo rthe numebr 5. so you have to see which of the four colors number 5 could be. as well number 6 corresponds to three different colors and number 4 corresponds to 4 different colors. only one of the colors each number corresponds to will show up in the correct position of hte clock number as stated above.

  117. Game sucks. Comments rock. Comments much better then this game.

  118. Hi, and thank you very much @Suicune and @Edgar for your comments of the changes that makes the walkthrough useless at some points!
    I'll just redo it, because it is like crromig says, you can use the same way of figuring out the colors, just that they now are different for every persons. I'll try to make the walkthrough useable even if the game changes. I actually liked this game, but I don't like that it changes after such a long time! It's fine when everybody have different clues and passwords, but that should be from the start.


    Drawer view
    Zoom on lower left corner of the carpet, see z and a word. This word sometimes change in this game, although I most of the times see the word “game” here.
    Zoom out. Zoom on lower right corner in window. Take clock arms 1. Zoom out.

    Turn right, blue box view
    Zoom on lower right corner of the carpet to see x and another word. Zoom out.
    Zoom on lower left corner of window, take clock arms 2. Zoom out.
    Zoom on center part of the window to see a color puzzle. Solve this to get a red key.
    Solution at the end of the walkthrough Zoom out.

    Turn right, desk view
    Zoom on lower right corner of the carpet to see y and yet a word. Zoom out.
    Zoom on red trashbin to the left. Get clock arms 3. Zoom out.
    Zoom on front right corner of computer desk, see a clue to put xyz together. Zoom out.
    Zoom on computer, enter password and press OK. Solution at the end of the walkthrough.
    Open file with codes, write them down. Zoom out.
    Zoom on the faint gray spot to the left of the wall to see a list of colors. Zoom out.

    Turn right, exit door view
    Zoom on the center of the big wardrobe, see that you need a 4-digit code. Only one of the codes you got from the computer has four digits, use this one. Press OK. Get clock arms 4. Zoom out.

    Turn right, drawer view
    Zoom on red drawer, use red key to open and get a yellow key. Zoom out.
    Zoom on yellow drawer, use yellow key to open and see a part of a password. Zoom out.

    Turn right, blue box view
    Zoom on the blue box. See four buttons that change colors when you click on them. Solve this by using the four clocks in the room, (and also the colors written on the wall by the computer desk.)
    There is one clock in each view. You have to go to all of them and place your 4 sets of clock arms on them to get 4 different times before you can solve the box. (Only one set of clock arms fit each clock, so you might have to try a few times to get it right). Solution at the end of the walkthrough.
    After you put the right colors on the box, you get a green key. Zoom out.

    Turn left, drawer view
    Zoom on green drawer, use green key to open. See a part of a password. Zoom out.

    Turn left twice, computer view
    Zoom on computer, click OK (your old password will still be there).
    Open file “My Pictures”. Enter password that you got from the clues in the drawers. Press green button Solution at the end of the walkthrough.
    You will now see nine different pictures. These are your clue to escape. Zoom out.

    Turn right, exit door view
    Zoom on exit door. Enter correct colors, press ESCAPE button and you are out!!


    Window puzzle
    Change the colors to make it look like a rainbow.
    From up to down: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
    Then press “Ready”.
    (blue=light blue/cyan)
    (indigo=darkest blue)
    (violet=middle color blue, not dark, not light)

    Computer password
    The password may chang in every game, so this is just an example how to use your words if:

    Blue box puzzle
    Note the positions of all four clocks on the different four walls. The positions equal those of the buttons on the blue box.
    Note the time for each clock and you will have a number for each button on the blue box:
    This is just an example to explain it, the game changes!

    What you have to do is to look through the colors on those positions. And then count the number of letters to get the right color from those you have to chose between. You can have a look on the colors written on the wall in the computer view if you want to count letters.
    Also just an example that might no longer work, you have to look through your own colors.
    Number 3 is blue, white, purple, red, yellow or pink. (Only red has 3 letters)
    Number 4 is white, red, grey, purple, green or yellow. (Only grey has 4 letters)
    Number 5 is blue, white, red, purple or yellow. (Only white has 5 letters)
    Number 6 is blue, red, grey, purple or green. (Only purple has 6 letters)
    This gives the solution:
    Press enter, and get your key after you made the buttons look like this.

    My Picture password
    This password changes every now and then. If you get something like this from the drawers:
    From the yellow drawer:
    From the green drawer:
    Put them together to get the password:
    If you instead get something like this:
    From yellow drawer:
    From green drawer:
    Put them together to get the password:

    Exit door code
    I don’t know if the game authors will ever change the order of the pictures, but just look at the pictures at the computer and make the buttons look the same. This is the order I got:
    BLUE ocean, BLACK oil, GREEN garden
    BROWN soil, PURPLE flowers, RED rose
    WHITE snow, YELLOW sun, PINK swine

  121. out with just a hint needed for the blue box. The game seems to have settled down now.

    Great walkthrough ellie!

  122. yes the game has indeed settled now. i was worried the author would keep changing it everytime we changed our walkthrough, but i guess he got the message we were giving him after all.

    the game itself is not bad, we were just annoyed that it kept changing on the fly even hours after its release. thats not something that should be happening unless theres a very good reason (like bugs).


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