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Deep Sea Cage Escape

Deep Sea Cage Escape is another new point and click type escape the room game by In this game, you try to escape the cage by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Deep Sea Cage Escape Video Walkthrough

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  1. loading let's see how buggy and pixel hunting this is

  2. I have the scuba tank, and now it seems to be a timed game :/

  3. tried to place a root and now I'm frozen. will have to restart

  4. join roots,have treasure box,stuck

  5. Hi everybody !
    Two roots and a box i need a key for.
    Strange game....

  6. haven't found the scuba tank yet, i have a treasure box & pulled the crown closer to the bars

  7. I died.

    I had 3 fish things that were listed on the paper. Paper from the jelly fish. I also had a hook and a bone spear point, a scuba tank (used lol), a key (used), and locked box (used), a crown (used), and three roots.

  8. Zazie, you need one more root to progress.

  9. oh fun. another 123bee game.

  10. aha! the crown has a key!

  11. @wenal05 look closer at your crown

  12. Does anyone know what to do after you get the scuba tank and the timer starts?

  13. shoot kitkat, you're right! we have 1-1/2 hours to finish. i'd like to think we're smart enough to get through this before then!

  14. Let's see if this is as easy!

  15. @wenal05 not that long. I ran out of air and died.

  16. anyone find what to do with the three things from the jelly fish list?

  17. Thx kkf but i think i will drop this game... no fun at all :(
    Cu you at the next one :)

  18. I give up. As soon as I click on a root, I get a screen with an x that I can't close. Can't do anything

  19. never mind. I didn't realize I had to catch the fish, too.

  20. got key from shark, but died again sigh

  21. @annaby - that means you need to combine items

  22. How do you get the chest that's in the middle? I got the key but cant get the chest.

  23. @annaby -- drag all roots to the screen to make a lasso

  24. @Nathan not sure. I died with spear, key, and hook

  25. Have the three things from the list that go to the orange and green fish but he won't take them. Can zoom in on the jellyfish but can't place them. Want to feed the little fish so I can feed the Bigger shark for the key but can't find out how. Anyone?

  26. oops. i'm sleeping with the fishes now lol. need to restart

  27. Hi kitkatfox! How did you combine the three little bait things or how did you give them to the fish?

  28. caught an insect... but running out of oxygen

  29. i had a bone, used it to cut the long vine. then clicked like mad & found a pirate's hand-hook. they combine & you can drag the big chest to the bars. that's when i died

  30. @ MUSE once you have all three bait fish and the bigger fish click on the bigger fish, it will open a brown screen then drag everything onto it.

  31. oh got a hook far left scene middle near fround

  32. ah! use bone piece to cut the long vine with the shark view. Add hook!

  33. nooo! I thought the blue key was the way out, but I died AGAIN!

    Died with shell.

  34. aggh...2nd death..refuse to play games where you keep dying...bye all

  35. I died again outside the cage. I found a tortoise shell (I think that is what it is) and a hole in the side of the ship

  36. Is this game supposed to be this frustrating? I died outside of the cage, I did everything as fast as I could, unless you can get more oxygen from somewhere I think that this game is almost impossible.

  37. @MUSE sorry for not answering about feeding the fish. It is hard to check for comments in a timed game.

    Just in case anyone else needs it -- get the 3 small organisms from the plant. Then get the colorful fish. Once you have them all, click the fish for the combine view. Add the fish and then place the 3 things to his right. He will eat them. Once he is grown, go to the shark scene and place him. Get the key from the shark -- cuss because the darn cut scene is soooo slow while you rapidly run out of air.

  38. yay got outta grannys 0 help

  39. such a pretty fish, but oh well. nom nomnom

  40. Once you get to the view of the ship, don't click on the ship, click on the right side of the screen. It will be a dig spot you use the tortise shell on to get a fish bone. I tried putting it in the hole on the ship but it didn't work and I died before I figured out what to do next. This is getting annoying.

  41. grr. died again outside the ship. this is annoying!

  42. I came back lol. OH NO worries, I know what you mean. I was trying to go back and write one words like...found tooth and every time I would switch back it would be over.
    I said that more for myself cause I jump on here first thing of the day to play my quick games and then I have to get to work so I don't have time to mess around with the kind that die. :?) Hope you are staying warm! Bye

  43. @gatorjen thanks. I was clicking around with the shell trying to figure out where to use it. I'll restart.

  44. mornin everyone

  45. Well I quit, the game is too frustrating, the slow cut scenes make you lose valuable time and the fact that you constantly die and have to start over makes this game too tedious to be any fun.

  46. Ah I did it! Ok, so once you get the fish bone, click on the ship. Then use the fish bone to break open the right crate, which has a wheel in it. Attach the wheel to the hole in the ship which will open and have more scuba gear. Click on it and you're out. Terrible game.

  47. this game is super buggy even by 123bug standards. The good news is, I'll save time by not playing it, since I can hardly even click the arrows to move!

  48. to save time:

    1) don't get the list from the jellyfish once you know what you need

    2) cut the vine and attach the hook while the shark attacks your fish.

  49. hello @palmat.

    @zoz you are not missing a thing. This is a timed and very annoying game

  50. all i have managed to do was find one plant.

  51. so far: Walkthrough part 1

    pick up the 3 little roots,
    combinate them to make a lasso.
    Take the crown with the lasso and take the key from the crown.
    Take the brown box and open it.
    You have an Oxygen Tank now. Now the time is running.
    Click on the big jellyfish for a paper (on his head). Read it.
    Go to the most left view and zoom in on the plant, take the 3 insects.
    Go to the middle view and take the small fish as on the note.
    Than click on the insects and this fish in your inventory to feed this fish.
    Put this fish in front of the shark. After the shark eat the fish, you can take te key of him.
    Go to the most right view and zoom in, you can take the bone here.
    Go to the view with the big root and cut it with the bone.


  52. @kitkatfox you're welcome. I only happened to find that spot because I was clicking around madly trying to find anywhere to use that shell.

    Also, so if you clearly had no oxygen tank before you got the one out of the chest, how were you breathing?! And what tank has a minute thirty of oxygen in it? The more I think about this, the more annoyed I get, lol.

  53. finally out. Thanks gatorjen for telling me how. That saved a lot of dying!

  54. I wondered how we were breathing before the first tank also. It would have made a lot more sense to start us timed and then drop it when we found the first tank.

    The game is too much a race the way it is!

  55. got 3 plants combined and a box. but i quit. this game is too buggy

  56. I see, that the last part of the walkthrough is already in the previous comments of gatorjen ;)

  57. @Carola

    continuing your walkthrough

    In the scene with the shark, get the hook you can see sticking up above the pink plant
    Combine the hook with the root you cut with the bone
    Use this hook/root to fish for the large chest
    Use the key on the chest when it is close
    Zoom in on the chest and get the shell
    Open the shell after you get it, and get the blue key
    Use the blue key on the gray door on the left side of the screen (just drag the key)
    Once out of the cage, click to the right of the cage and zoom in on the turtle shells
    Click the upper right one to take it
    Back up 2 times and turn right
    Click the dark blobby thing in the bottom right corner to clear the area
    Zoom in on the area and use the shell to dig up the bone
    Back up and zoom in on the ship
    Use the bone on the right crate and get the wheel
    Zoom in on the blue thing you can see at the bottom of the ship
    Place the wheel in the hole and click the scuba gear to escape

  58. @Sweeti it isn't a good game, but if you decide to continue, use your combined root/vines on the crown in the rightmost scene.

    Look at the top of the crown for a key

  59. @kitkatfox , thx for 2nd part :)

  60. whew... made it out with 7 seconds to go. thanks for the walkthrough @kitk

  61. @Carola a team effort on the walkthrough lol

  62. For anyone playing this, the time wasn't a problem. I had 1 hour 30 mins to escape. It was probably fixed at some point.


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