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Minoto Morning Time

[REPLAY] Minoto Morning Time is another very cute and funny Japanese point & click adventure type escape game developed by Minoto. In this game, your aim is to find and use items to proceed with every action. There are no puzzles to solve. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun! ☺

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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Play Minoto Quiz - Morning Time [Submitted by Prid]

Video Walkthrough

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  1. Good evening in the morning time

  2. Is that Santaclaus i see there?

  3. Yay Minoto!

    It is not useful for anything, even if it uses it.

    I need a laugh today!

  4. Aaaand out... ( wich means this one is really eas :P )

  5. Oh dear, what did he do on that cushion?

  6. Seems Santa doesn´t like tea very much...

  7. Bottle, there is cream of oily. lol

  8. @Full, did you read the description of it? I wouldn't like it either!

  9. 'her bed hair disappeared.' lol i ♥ minoto! only 1 end again

  10. WhateverThrough

    A freaky artist in a room where a girl sleeps? That's not ok, let's wake that girl up by clicking her blanket and why not take that lovely cup.
    To the right; We see the fox, the monkey and Santa are back, great. We go back to them later, but for now let's take that usual screwdriver.
    To the right; Mice are playing Go and there's a hippo without toothpaste. Just take that thing to ride although it's not useful for anything even if it uses it. And while we're here, let's fill that lovely cup with water and leave it there.
    To the right; A guru telling things to his audience (let's not even try to imagine what he is telling them). Take the weightstone (with holes that are open). Combine it with the thing to ride so the knob is adhered.
    All the way back to the girl and the artist. Use the screwdriver on the clock and take the small paper bag (a dry leaf and the bud packed in the paper bag, you could also call it tea).
    Back to the mice and the hippo and make some tea with that bag and the cup. Take it and see it's hot water that entered the cup, an impure hot water (again; just call it tea).
    Back to Santa, give him the tea so hot he has to spit it out. O poor fox, he was eating cake but now he spits it out as well. Take that cake it's made with flour and egg as material.
    Back to the guru and let's bake that cake and now we have a stiffening cake. Great that's something I never had before.
    Back to the mice and the hippo. Give that stiffening cake to the girl mouse and she will win the game. That's something the boy mouse didn't expect and it collapse. Nevertheless, now we can take that cushion, it is soft.
    Back to the guru, give him that cushion and although it's soft, when he sits everything (including the audience) falls down. That's some heavy guru, it must be his big head. Anyway, take the paper (it's a lot of paper bundled).
    Back to the artist, give him the paper so he can do his work. While painting he drops his Pulvis dentrificus with xylitol and fluorine and we take it. And whatever it may be, it looks like toothpaste. And we don't back away from testing things on animals so let's give it to the hippo in the scene two times to the right.
    The hippo did use it and he's still alive so maybe it was toothpaste after all. Well it doesn't matter anymore all we want is that toothbrush and back to Santa, fox and monkey we go.
    When we give the monkey the weightstone we see the track isn't smooth enough. So first give it the toothbrush and then the stone. Now the monkey can play like he's in the winter olympics and we take the pot with cream of oily or shall we just say; hair gel.
    Back to that girl, remember how awful she looked. She didn't had a bad hair day but bed hair. So give her the gel and her bed hair has disappeared and we have a morning end.

    Morning end? Is that something like morning wood from eating stiffening cake?

  11. Congrats Sneaksnake, i´m surprised how quick you were this time, walkthrough

  12. Bed hair, too true to life.LOL

    Love these games.

  13. @Sneaksnake GREAT walkthrough!

  14. @Full, I'm exercising a lot. I have to beat @Ellie in the next walkthrough contest.

  15. @Sneak Snake,

    Would you stop with the ERP thingie, you're making me crazy.LOL

  16. Her bed hair disappeared!
    I love it :P

  17. six minutes snake ....Six!

  18. @Knot aklu,
    15 minutes it was and that's still too slow to beat @Ellie and way too slow if I ever wanna beat @kitkatfox.

  19. I mean there were only a few comments from the time I started/finished and wrote a couple of words, you throw together over 40 lines of walk through in 6 minutes.LOL

  20. SneakSnake, ask Minoto to send the next game to you first before they officially bring it on-line.
    A walkthrough as a first comment is hard to beat, lol

  21. I guess they're already doing that@Full.
    Hiring people to do video W/T's before the game is presented.
    Click on it and you get a whole new bunch of Ad's to look at.

  22. @Knotaklu, do you mean the word "walkthrough" written just underneath the game itself? You can click that but it re-directs you to EG24 but with an earlier minoto game.

  23. AWW I MISSED IT!!! :( ive been so busy lately *tear*

  24. Come on and catch up, Ketchup ;.)

  25. @Full,

    No, At another game site they have video walk through's available before a single comment is written.
    Clicking on it brings you to a different site where there are new ad's.

  26. @Full,

    In one there was a foot note with an apology saying something like ...Sorry for the quality but sometimes they don't give me much time before they release the game.

  27. As much as I love these Minoto games I love the translation of objects more.

    It is not useful for anything even if it uses it.

    I can't stop laughing.
    It sounds like some people I know.
    From now on they will be referred to as Torides. :)

  28. This one is funny as heck. Santa spits his tea on a fox and the teacher farts blowing over his class. I love these games!!!

  29. another great case of symbiotic ecstasy from SneakSnake and Minoto!

    (um, @Sneak, as far as the morning wood from eating stiffening cake, i would prescribe aspirin. i've heard it cures morning stiffness)

  30. @Zoz,

    Sneak may or may not be aware of the American-English idiom concerning 'wood'.LOL

  31. @adivawoman - that's a great word for a few people I know too! Torides - I plan to use that!

  32. cracking up at sneaksnake your walkthroughs are very funny I always try to read them

  33. great game and even better walkthrough! Thanks sneak. And you are MUCH faster than I when it comes to the storythroughs. Mine too me forever to write.

    Loved the curling monkey, but the poor fox :(

    At least Minoto let the mice out of the sweatshop for this game.

  34. YES!!!!!!!I LOVE MINOTO GAMES AND EVERY TROUGHS YOU MAKE @Sneaksnake!!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  35. AND OUT!!!!!!!!!!☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

  36. ha ha! cracks me up! "the bed hair has disappeared"! think i need some of that stuff!

  37. Easy Walkthrough:

    1. Take CUP near Bottom-Left of screen
    2. Move Right
    3. Take SCREW DRIVER on left-side of grass
    4. Move Left
    5. Use ScrewDriver on Clock
    6. Click Clock to open, and take TEA BAG
    7. Move Right 2 Times
    8. Place Cup on the Drink Fountain on Bottom-Left side
    9. Put Tea Bag in Cup, to get TEA CUP
    10. Take BROWN THING on Middle of floor
    11. Move Right
    12. Take HEAVY STONE on Bottom-Right side
    13. Click Heavy Stone in inventory, and then ? Mark on right-side
    14. On this view, combine the Brown Thing/Toride with Stone
    15. Get a (CURLING) STONE
    16. Move Left 2 Times
    17. Give Tea to Santa, and watch what happens - LOL!
    18. Take the CAKE, Fox dropped
    19. Move Right 2 Times
    20. Place Cake on Grill on Bottom-Right side
    21. Take BLACK CAKE
    22. Move Left
    23. Give Black Cake to Mouse Lady on Left-side
    24. Take Lord Mouse's CUSHION on Right-side
    25. Move Right
    26. Give Cushion to (almost hairless) Man on Stage
    27. Take PAPER on his Right-side
    28. Move Left 3 Times
    29. Give Paper to Artist on Bottom-Right side
    30. Take the TUBE he dropped
    31. Move Right 2 Times
    32. Give Tube to Animal with Tooth Brush on Bottom-Right side
    33. Take his TOOTH BRUSH
    34. Move Left
    35. Use Brush on the Icy Ground on Bottom
    36. Give Curling Stone to Monkey on Bottom-Left
    37. Take HAIR GEL
    38. Move Left
    39. Click on Girl sleeping in Bed
    40. Give her the Hair Gel

    I hope this is Helpful, even though the game is very easy, and very fun to play! I just love Minoto games, and I hope that everyone does that as well. I would love to hear Feedback ^^

    No Info this Time - Due to too much laziness ;)

    And I am making something Special to all Minoto Fans - should be out in 1 Hour or something :D

  38. i so love minoto games. :)

  39. Good to see you, Prid! Great and hilarious whatever through, Sneaksnake!!

  40. Hey Prid, cannot wait for the special for Minoto fans you are prepairing. Where (when?) is it...? ;.)

  41. Surprise for all Minoto fans, is delayed - Sorry!

    Will be out Soon :D

  42. No Problem, we´ll be patient Prid ;.)


    Please play Morning Time before doing this Quiz, if you have never played it before. And please close the Game when taking this Quiz!

    Play MINOTO QUIZ and test your Skills

    I wanted to make something Special for everyone. This is a small Quiz with 10 Questions. It will test how much you remember about Minoto and about this game! Once you're done, you will be shown how many correct answers you got, and a small message :D

    Please tell each other your Results

    Type: Quiz
    Time Used: 2 Hours & 30 Minutes
    Total Questions: 10
    Made on: 27th February 2010
    Made by: Prid

  44. Nice one Prid, 10 out of ten for me and I played this game last night. How sad am I lol

  45. I like the quiz Prid,

  46. LOL Prid ,this looks FANTASTIC!!! Haven´t got time to play now but i surely will a.s.a.p.


  47. i like the ode to curling (olympic sport)

  48. Prid, what a great gift to Minoto fans!!!

    I played the Minoto game yesterday and I just took your quiz and scored 10/10!!! At least I'm good at something!!!

  49. Great quiz, Prid! I only got 9 out of 10 - couldn't remember where I got the screwdriver - but I impressed myself that I got that good a score :o)

  50. Thanks everyone, for such nice feedbacks. I really appriciate them all! I am considering to make a Quiz for each Minoto game, every week (if not something important prevents it)

    I just love you all, and it's because of you all, I am here right now :D


  51. Thanks Prid what fun - I scored 10/10 and yes I am a big Minoto fan :D

  52. Just had the time to go back to this game and find a bonus quiz! Thanks Prid...I loved it! Do keep them coming!!!
    BTW, I am a big fan of Minoto....and YOU, Prid.

  53. @debra: Wow! I actually have fans O_O

  54. Prid, you are the best! I really think that was great, it looked very good as well. How do you do it?
    Of course my score was 10 out of 10, I am really addicted to the strange world of Minoto and I am very pleased to see people like you creating something extraordinary. Somehow, Minoto triggers us to walk the extra mile to have fun like it is 1999.

  55. I finally had time to play this Minoto. Everything great about it as usual!! The game, the Whatever through and the Special Game by Prid. I got 10/10 as well, but played it right after the game. I look forward to see another one of those in the next Minoto!

    Thank you @SneakSnake, @Prid and @all other commenters!

    Now, I'm off to make myself a lovely cup of impure hot water.

  56. @Prid, what a nice way of reliving the game.
    I loved it!!

    You can add me to your Fan-list :)

  57. I got 9/10 on Prids quiz. Didn't remember where screwdriver was :P. I love MINOTO GAMES!

  58. Reading all the comments, I am truly flattered. And I actually have fans *faints*


    And I am certainly going to make a Quiz for each Minoto games :)


  59. @Prid

    Yeah, I'd rather be lucky all the time, than have to be smart all the time.

    Not as much work.LOL

    Great quiz!

  60. awww. the quiz won't load for me. I'll have to try again later. Wonder how much I will remember by then? :p

  61. YAHOO!!!!!!!A MINOTO QUIZ!!!!!!!THANKS PRID!!!!!!OH I GOT 9/10!!!!!I NEED TO PLAY IT THRICE TO GET 10/10!!!!!!I forgot what do you call the cup in Minoto way!!!!!First,I answered *(Vitamin __ is found in an orange.....I think.....)then letter *(my favorite sport is b__sketb__ll!!!!!REALLY!)but I didn't realize the answer was *(Hmmmm......I LOVE the cup in that game!!!!DON'T YOU JUST LOVE THAT CUP!!!!!!!???????????

  62. Oh and nice WALKTROUGH @Prid!!!!!!LOL AT THE ENDING!!!!!!!

  63. 5 stars/5 stars for game and quiz! Really made my morning. =)

  64. I replayed the game and took the quiz. I got 9 of 10. Then I played the quiz for all of the different messages Prid left at the end depending on how many questions you got right. Very fun! I love the quiz, Prid!


    QUESTION 1: B. A Lovely Cup

    QUESTION 2: B. Two

    QUESTION 3: C. A Tea Bag

    QUESTION 4: A. Image A

    QUESTION 5: C. Curling Stone

    QUESTION 6: B. Santa spit Hot Tea on him

    QUESTION 7: A. Cake

    QUESTION 8: C. Guru

    QUESTION 9: A. Pulvis Dentrificus / Tooth Paste

    QUESTION 10: C. The Girl who just woke up


  66. caught this one for the replay - enjoy!

    thx for all your creations, Minoto ☺
    & thx SS & Prid for the WTs
    & esp. Prid for the quiz ☺

  67. replayed it too and it is still a fun! (and so much better than the stuff Minoto produces today)


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