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Nursery Escape 2

Nursery Escape 2 is the sequel to Nursery Escape 1 Japanese point and click type room escape game created by Usawanhouse. In this game you must find items and solving puzzles with clues. Language barrier may be a problem. There is only one ending in this game. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. 1st for the first time, i guess everyone is busy celebrating Valentine's! *sigh*

  2. well congrats Rainbow, and let's get going!

  3. Hi, have screw driver, box, red key card and coffee-sugar note. Guess language barrier makes the code why harder than it should be...

  4. yup language barriers always complicate

  5. use blade on cushion to get a dog

  6. ok found knife-thingy under sofa, used it on pillow, got dog head
    -dragged away wooden blocks on floor, got red thing (I don't know what, my browser doesn't translate these games)
    -use dog's head on table-go screwdriver
    -you can use csrewdriver as well (click on the left side of the drawer with aquarium)

  7. I got a paper cutter under couch and used it on sofa to get a dog face, which i used on a drawer

  8. I am stuck due to language barrier. Any idea what the coffee/sugar note says?

  9. not the music code again

  10. zoom in on plant's pot, it' a hint. (haven't figured it out yet, maybe the door)

  11. and what to do for musical notes above fish tank?

  12. musical code not so hard this time. White keys from left to right. 1,2,3,3,10,8,8,8

  13. thought paper on desk might have to do with fish tank music notes but can't read them.. starting to hate language barrier.

  14. @yvon what exactly does that mean??

  15. Got fish card...brute force technique on piano-keyboard. Only white ones: 1,2,3,3,10,8,8,8

  16. just press first white key on piano on the left, then second, third key, third key again etc.

  17. I have no idea what those numbers mean...translate for a musically challenged person??

  18. Well I'm stuck... don't know where to use music code and can't find the key for pink box:(

  19. but i dont see keys. theres this white blob of a line on top of fish tank.. thats all i can see.. maybe my eyes are really bad. lol

  20. piano: view with couch, press the down arrow.

  21. I can reach into the fish tank, but can't grab the key!

  22. keep randomly clicking the white blob. lol. every time i click the farthest left of it a hand goes to grab the fish but cant reach it.

  23. lol Yvon thx now I feel so silly *smashes her head on the wall

  24. Got key from fish tank, where does it go though?

  25. Seawall, you need fishfood. You get it after using the pianocode.

  26. OH! @yvon. that would be why. wrong view. lol.

  27. Ok, for code I got the following:

    Plate = 150g
    Square = 43g
    sugar = 85g

    278 didn´t work

  28. Thanks for the fish food tip; thought I had used it but apparently not.

  29. ok give the fish food to fish and get the key (click on upper right corner of the tank)

  30. Bellasmommy, in wright view code is easy. lol

  31. use screwdriver on doll. Got second note.

  32. lol @yvon. yeah.. a LOT easier. lol

  33. o0o all the shapes, languages, and math. too much for me. lol. It's not even noon here!

  34. cece can you describe how did you got this?

  35. 85+150+817 (43X19 blocks)

  36. lol it needs another code (little pink box again... how imaginative..)

  37. Maybe something to do with the animals on the corner shelf? I tried the number of teeth, not working...

  38. Found a switchboard behind fish tank

  39. What is with the "g" Code ??

    And I got a puppet, I don`t know what to do with it.
    Thanks !!

  40. Rainbow where did you click? can't find the hotspot:D

  41. stuck with the 2nd pink box. somebody got a clue?

  42. @Kawa, use the screwdriver on the puppet.

  43. new dog picture on wall....hint: just follow the eyes

  44. Can you give us a hint, Cece?

  45. Nice one. Found it on left side. But my screwdriver has already been used...

  46. Do you see hint behind picture?. You must take up the dog picture

  47. did anyone notice that the picture in the wall with the dog is moving? but i can't figure if we can throw it down to find something behind it

  48. stuck with pink box. counting everything on animals.. something im doing wrong?

  49. picture of dog, follow the eyes. Click that corner.

  50. KawaSuzi74 use screqdriver on puppet,and for g code read upper hints (SPOILER1052SPOILER)

  51. Somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd drawer on the table below tank on the left

  52. Follow colors of drawers and count teeth from animals

  53. Out. Thanks for the help!!

  54. how do i get the picture? every time i click it fixes itself.

  55. The picture of the dog moves if you click the frame but haven't figured it out yet. anybody?

  56. See direction of its eyes. There is one on nose

  57. Very good! I had the teeth right, just had to find the correct order. Thanks for all the hints!

  58. And out finally! lol
    Thanks @yvon and cece for help!

  59. Oh ty Rainbow I've used my screwdriver on it first and then on the puppet... after removing the panel you can connect the lights(?) on the fish tank, to get hint for the music code

  60. and out! thank you Yvon, cece and Rainbow!

  61. Oh, so I missed two good games today... well I'll just start playing anyway.

  62. How is the last code ?? Help please !!

  63. @Kawa suzi
    You need to count the teeth on the shelves with animals.
    Put the numbers in the correct order that you get from behind the dog painting on the wall. Follow the eyes to remove the painting (thanks @felicianh!).

  64. RGYB is the ordre. Count teeth

  65. Kawasuzi74, click the corners by follwing the dog's eyes, and u'll get a hint for the code

  66. Where is the game ? I can see only a text in japanese !!!

  67. @Pascale
    You are right: the game disappeared!?
    The link did open to the game before but not anymore.

  68. I cant even figure out how to get into the game :((

  69. I can't get into game either :(

  70. Is this a broken link, I only get japanese text also

  71. This link dosent work now. Before was different page.

  72. My screen kinda got hung after a while, thought it was just me

  73. Well, anyways... If the link ever comes back, here is a walkthrough...

    Thanks @felicianh! I needed your hint to get the color order.

    Zoom below the couch, get a knife. Zoom out.
    Use the knife on the right couch pillow, get a dog.

    Move right, desk view
    Zoom on top of the desk to see a music hint. Zoom out.
    Put the dog on the drawer. Click on the second handle from top to open a drawer and find a screwdriver.

    Move right, fish view
    Zoom on the left side of the drawers. Use screwdriver to remove the panel. Plug in the cord. Zoom out.
    Click on the white button above the fish, to the left. See notes on the wall.
    Open middle drawer below the fish. Take a pink box and see clue #1. Zoom out.

    Move right, plant view
    Zoom on the pot of the plant to see a calculation, clue #2. Take the white paper from the left side of the pot. Read it to see clue #3. Zoom out.
    Zoom on the brown blocks. Move some of them by dragging to get a red key card. Zoom out.

    Turn right three times, couch view
    Click on down arrow to see a piano. Press the correct buttons that you get from the two note clues in the room, to get fish food. Zoom out.Solution at the end of the walkthrough.

    Turn right twice, fish view
    Highlight the fish food in your inventory and click on the upper part of the fish tank, right side. The fish with the key moves so that you can take the key.
    Open the pink box from inventory by using ”about item”. Use the key to open the box. Get a toy. Open the toy from inventory and use screwdriver on it to get another paper. Read it to see clue #4.

    Turn right twice, door view
    Use your clues #1, #2, #3, #4 to get the amount of grams that you need as a code for the wall safe. Solution at the end of the walkthrough. Input the code and press the white handle to the right of the code. Another code box inside! Zoom on it and input your red key card to ba able to write the new code. Zoom out.
    To solve this one you need to find another hint.

    Turn right twice, couch view
    Zoom on the dog picture. Click in the corners of the painting to make it move. The eyes of the dog shows you which corner to press. Lower Left, Upper Right, Lower Right, Upper Left, Nose.
    When the painting moves you see four colors and an arrow. Use this hint together with the items on the colored shelves to the left of the couch to get four numbers, and the order of them. Solution at the end of the walkthrough.

    Input this new code on the box in the safe to the right of the exit door and press the pink square button. Get a key. Zoom out and use the key on the door to escape!


    Piano code
    Above the fish tank you see the correct sequence of notes to press on the piano.
    On top of the desk you see which piano keys corresponds to which notes.
    The sequence of piano keys to press (only use the white ones)=1, 2, 3, 10, 8 (counting from left).
    However, the length of each note is important as well.
    The third note (white) =the length of 2 black notes.
    The fifth note (white with a dot) =the length of 3 black notes.
    So to get the fish food from the piano you need to press piano keys:
    1, 2, 3, 3, 10, 8, 8, 8

    Safe on the wall
    You have the calculation:
    ?+?+(brown block, gram (g))= the code

    One of the questionmarks you get from the sugar note, and the answer = the weight of the sugar.
    A cup of coffee without sugar=450g
    A cup of coffee with sugar=535g
    The weight of the sugar=535-450=85g

    The second questionmark you get from the star/triangle note, and the answer =the weight of the plate.
    1 plate + 1 star + 1 triangle= 1000g
    Put the next two images together:
    1 star + 1 triangle + 2 plates= 500+650g=1150g
    The weight of 1 plate= 1150-1000=150g

    To solve the calculation you also need the weight of the brown blocks on the floor.
    Count them =19 blocks
    From the clue in the drawer you get that the weight of 1 block=43g
    So the total weight of the blocks=19x43=817g

    Now, put these numbers in the calculation to get the code:
    ?+?+(brown block, gram (g))= the code
    CODE: 85+150+817= 1052

    Box inside the safe
    Go to the colored shelves to the left of the couch. Zoom on each one of them and count the amount of teeth on the animals.
    Red shelf: Rabbit, 1 tooth
    Blue shelf: Mice, 8 teeth
    Green shelf: Lion, 4 teeth
    Yellow shelf: Snake, 0 teeth
    The order you get from behind the dog painting: red, green, yellow, blue.
    CODE: 1408

  76. what do you click to start the game. I get japanese writing . How do you get into the game,

  77. I cant start the game! Is there another link?

  78. Thanks Ellie..I'll be sure to use the walkthrough if and when I get in the game :)

  79. Same here, game isn't on the link

  80. Translated the message on the page of the link.

    It said: Page is under contruction.

    So guess we have to wait for we can play :)

  81. I hope they don't construct it in a way that makes the wt useless lol...

  82. Google translated it in:

    For International isweb available

    現在、インフォシーク iswebホームページサービスにおいて、メンテナンスを実施させていただいております。 Currently, Infoseek isweb in home service, we need them to carry out maintenance.

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    2010年2月15日(月) iswebベーシック メンテナンスのお知らせ February 15, 2010 (Mon) isweb Basic Maintenance Notice

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    ご利用の皆様にはご迷惑をおかけいたしますことを深くお詫び申し上げます。 Is available to everyone and we apologize for the inconvenience.
    何卒ご理解、ご協力賜りますよう、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 Your understanding, that you will continue helping us, thank you.

    楽天株式会社 Rakuten, Inc.

  83. YAAAAA ..thanks @mehbup

  84. @mehbup, THANKS!!!!!!
    YOUR link is WORKING!!!

  85. I've been playing these games for days now.. hope to catch a live one soon!

  86. Thank you so much for link mehbup

  87. Thanks Mehbup for the link! and Out!

  88. And out, with just a little 'peep' here and there. Thanks Ellie :-}

  89. working link:


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