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Orange Juice Room Escape

Orange Juice Room Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Orange Juice Room Escape Video Walkthrough

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  1. A door in the wall in the precense! I'm having Orange Juice!

  2. Red key! Use chiesel on the floor to the right of the bed (get chiesel among stuff on the bed).

  3. Scissors after using yellow key, get yellow ball from under bed.

  4. Use SD to get green ball. (sd behind tv cabinette).

  5. Red ball from wall safe. Put yellow handle there (found after using red key).

  6. blue key below cabinet with "yellow key puzzle".

  7. Got the blue ball as well, after using what you find in blue locker.

  8. Wauw, I made it all by myself this time. Even the code.... Boy i'm good, lol....

    Off to a nice gazzyboy.

    Bye, Iris

  9. Yes that was an easy one.

  10. I'd like the codes to be a bit harder than this... A whole week until the next Sakura is out.

  11. this one is very easy!

  12. "PERFECT END" lol
    Anyone got less than 5 Orange Juice ?

    Thanks for your hints on the floor hot spot and the wall safe handle - would take me too long to get out without those

  13. Out!

    Oh wow, I actually got the code by myself this time. Must mean it was super easy.

    I love Sakura!

  14. No, no @Jo-Ann, It was actually the hardest code ever in a Sakura. Must mean you're super smart.
    And again a bad joke (why am I even trying).

  15. waaaaaah! I can't even get the tv to turn on after i place the balls. And yesterday you guys called me smart. (((((

  16. anybody still here? I could use some help

  17. @Pixelhound i can help right up to where you place the balls. what do you need?

  18. well that's where I am. I have all the balls but can't get the screen to come on.

  19. I guess we're the top officers in The Dumb Club

  20. yea call me admiral dumb I guess.

  21. @zoz, @Pixelhound, it's the order of the pillows, from bottom to top.

  22. @zoz and
    Look at the colors on the bed... place the balls like that.

  23. where did everybody go??? Are they just fair-weather friends? Somebody HELLLLLLP!!!

  24. And I mean @Pixelhound of course... don't know why I got Prid in my head. Sorry!

  25. OH jeez, I must be color blind. I thought the third blanket was blue and the second was green. Thanks Ellie!!!!

  26. I have tried that. YGBR as the blankets are on the bed but still no luck.

  27. no, i was right. I swear i tried that a million times. I SWEAR!!!

  28. You are welcome @zoz
    We'll all join the Dumb Club in the next game... or wait... I think I already joined yesterday lol

  29. Thanks Ellie that got me past that.

  30. Much easier code than usual, even I did it on my own.

  31. and you're all right about that being the easiest code ever. Just could NOT make that tv work, lol.
    -- yer dum frind zoz

  32. Really @zoz? What order did you use?? Another one than me?

  33. I can't believe I got it! Thanks for the help

  34. no i used RBGY. I'm afraid to even try the TOE game now, lol

  35. I'll drink my orange juice and go on to the next one

  36. Pixelhound will you help if i get stuck???

  37. TOE was a little tricky but I managed through it with just one hint.

  38. sure. Rarely do I get to help anyone. I'm usually the one that needs it.

  39. lol @zoz. I'm going there as well, probably will get stuck

    @SneakSnake! I love that you keep trying with your jokes... If you keep up with this that one Special Day will come when out of nowhere, you come up with a Truly Funny Joke. Everybody will laugh and you'll be the Hero!

  40. @Ellie, now THAT was funny!

  41. @zoz if you are still stuck on the code, look at the paper by the front door and use the colored squares where they show on the paper on the colored number. One of the easiest for Sakura yet.


    Door View
    GO RIGHT, Bed View
    - Look at the colors of the pillows.
    - Click the yellow pillow to lift it and take the chisel.
    - Zoom in on the floor to the right of the bed. Use you chisel on the darker tile and take the red key. Zoom out.

    GO RIGHT, Colored Keyholes View
    - Take orange juice #1 from the left cupboard.
    - Use your red key on the red keyhole and take the knob and orange juice #2. Zoom out.
    - Zoom in on the floor to the left of the left cupboard and take the eraser. Zoom out.

    GO RIGHT, TV View
    - Take orange juice #3 (to the right of the tv).
    - Zoom in on the grey puzzle box and solve the puzzle. Click the handle and take the yellow key. Zoom out.
    - Zoom in on the floor to the left of the left cupboard and take the screwdriver. Zoom out.
    - Zoom in below the right cabinet and take the blue key. Zoom out.

    GO RIGHT, Door View
    - Use the screwdriver on the panel (right side of the wall) and take the green ball.
    - Zoom in on the book on the floor and use your eraser on it and see the first clue to solve the end code. Zoom out.

    GO RIGHT, Bed View
    - Zoom in on the little safe in the wall. Place your knob on it, open it and take the red ball. Zoom out.

    GO RIGHT, Colored Keyholes View
    - Use your yellow key on the yellow keyhole and take orange juice #4 and take the scissors. Zoom out.
    - Use your blue key on the blue keyhole and take orange juice #5 and take the nippers. Zoom out.
    - Zoom in on the kettle and use your nippers on it, open the kettle and take the blue ball. Zoom out.

    GO LEFT, Bed View
    - Zoom in under the bed and use your scissors and take the yellow ball. Zoom out.

    GO RIGHT (2x), TV View
    - Zoom in on the tv and put the balls in (order: remember the pillows).
    - See the second clue for the end code and zoom out.

    GO RIGHT, Door View
    - Zoom in on the panel on the door. Put in the code. Click the red button. Zoom out. Click the door handle and you're out.


    Nobody propably need them, but here they are anyway:

    - The pillows are the order for the balls.
    - Pillows from bottom to top are R-B-G-Y.
    - So the order for the balls is Red-Blue-Green-Yellow

    - For the end code you have to combine the clue from the book with the clues on the tv-screen.
    - This time you only have to combine the red from the book with the red on the screen.
    - Blue with blue etc. etc.
    - And if you did you see 5693.

  44. aww. a walkthrough by sneaksnake. i just finished mine. haha anyway, it was a nice experience writing a walkthrough haha

  45. @neil, please do post yours as well.
    The more the merrier and you worked on it so don't throw it away.

  46. no, it's okay! it was my first time writing a walkthrough so it's not as good as yours.

  47. @Ghorre, Tower of Eternity.

    @neil, ok next time just tell you're writing one and I won't.

  48. @Ghorre
    It's the Tower of Eternity. too long to write every week lol.

  49. @neil
    I think you should post your anyway. If we all need to make as good walkthroughs as SneakSnake, it will only be him left writing them lol.

  50. @sneaksnake i don't about a next time. this one's pretty easy that's why i managed to get out without any help. haha

    @ellie it's alright. and besides, i don't think it's necessary to have two walkthroughs for such an easy game. i'll just hope there'll be another easy game as this (and that i catch it live) haha

  51. Thanks SneakSnake and Ellie

  52. out! easy one, I didn't even notice the walkthrough^-^
    well I think everyone have finished this already.. I started this very late

    ..after being sick these past five days, this is my first game(for escape) at eg24..


    You solved various mysteries of the room,
    and were able to walk out of the room.
    And, you got all Orange juice.
    You drank Orange juice.


    ..hahahaha, lol

  54. I actually made a pot of coffee for this game. Thought I was going to be here a while.

    Even though that's not a joke it's still funny.

    OK...maybe just to me.LOL

  55. and out ... by myself for once!!

  56. Only my second time getting out without looking at any clues...the final code silly easy this week!

  57. to easy this time, out in 5mins

  58. I got the code all by myself. It must have been easy lol

  59. Long live Sukura , I had orange juice and added it to my vodka thus making a true escapees drink the Screwdriver hehe Thanks for making Friday fun good game as always.

  60. Very easy code this time, thank you merciful Sakura!!

    @Ellie, thanks for the red key hint

    @zoz, what happened to you?? After you got me amazed and my jaw down to the floor in bool escape!! But you know? You're still amazing.

    @SneakSnake, Keep trying my friend... you know what? I could laugh on your jokes if I really really try hard! That's a start, don't you think? lol.


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