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Point and Click - Dalmatians

Point and Click-Dalmatians is another point and click type spot the difference game from games2dress. Point and click on the differences on two identical pictures as fast as you can. Gain score for each discovered difference. Remember! Each wrong click will reduce your score. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Be careful at Level 2. Theres an 11th difference which is not registered and you will lose 100 points for each click.
    Its the structure of the wood boarding.

  2. Also the length of the man's left pant leg -- there's more sock showing in the left picture, but it doesn't seem to accept that as a difference. Annoying.

  3. @Marnie: But that's because of the bigger shoe.

  4. I can't find the 10th on the second level - only the "fake" one (cabinet) mentioned above.

  5. POINT AND CLICK "Dalmatians" - PEEKTHROUGH (Incomplete)

    Level 1
    Level 2
    Level 3

    I've never been a fan of Find the Differences games, but I tried to help with a picthrough, nevertheless and after clicking every pixel in the 3rd picture, I couldn't find but 9 differences... and this is where I ask the people who has played this game, has anyone has gone beyond level 3? Does the tenth difference in level 3 really exist at all? If so I might go back to the game and to finish the picthrough, but I after this experience I feel like not only dislike these games, I feel like I'm starting to hate them.

  6. Hey Edgar,

    it took me 3 seconds to see that tenth spot you missed was on a dog, and yes there were 7 extra levels, just as simple as the ones before.. But seriously: the tenth spot on level 3 was on a dog bottom left, the one standing up to the table. His right paw is longer/shorter and misses some spots. About 7 extra levels, it was a joke of course. Starting level 4 now.

  7. Well Little Darling, you're right. Now I'm more than convinced that finding differences is absolutely not for me. Thanks for making it evident... good luck on the remaining levels anyway.


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