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Herbal Escape Walkthrough

Herbal Escape


Herbal Escape is another point and click type room escape game by Yanokimi. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by pointing and clicking your way out. Language barrier may be a problem. There are three endings in the game. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please be patient while the game is loading.

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hi all first in?

hi im here too :)

taking forever to load.....

...still loading :(

Hi!I found:
- some kind of cloth under left pillow when moving down from startview.
- Screwdriver in plant pot.
- Moved three clothes in the wardrobe and a key fell down on the shelf.

first time live, i'm excited

And I found one ending as well.

Click on the pillow in bed and answer yes. Do it twice.
Need to restart now.

Welcome to live playing @TLC!

have you started the game yet...doesn't seem to be loading..just a white screen still

I dont know what happened, i clicked the bed and i got ending C.

figures here for a live game and can't play :(

For the key in the wardrobe you need to move the right cloth (orange) quickly a few times.

I'm sorry @treeld, I never got a white screen. Playing in FireFox.

Oh no not a musical code.

stuck on the password for the computer, any ideas?

Lots of clues and codes! Used key from wardrobe in a drawer by bed.
Computer under stairs that need password.
Moved up and used screwdriver on a picture to get a hint with notes.

where is that cloth on the bed - clicking the pillow I only get yes/no
clue behind picture frame upstairs

replay if you go to sleep a couple times

Got pw for computer. It's from musical hint.
Names of the notes including "or" in the middle.

Spoiler for computer password:

I didnt use upper case.

hi all...

Just loading..trying to catch up...

Anybody knows the title of background song of this game?? I love it.. :)

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 7:36 AM  

I don't know one music note from another so that hint doesn't work for me!!

Another key and a cutter from using the computer. Used cutter on box in wardrobe to get a tea pot.

@skyjourney, I posted a spoiler as well for the music code.

got into sink cabinet~using calendar numbers
toothpaste on cloth
there is also a view of balcony ~up from bed view

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 7:38 AM  

My puter sloooow today Think we posted at the same time!!!

Thanks @laure for the sink cabinet!

pour the tea into the teacups

For sink cabinet, use the first letters in the clue on the cabinet and the calendar. Do the calculation.

thanks to you too Ellie for the puter code!!!

hi all, just joining (was working on wt for the Classic Escape)
Still live???

I used the cloth with water and toothpaste on the "one eyed binocular" that i got from using the second key by the bed.

Hi zoz!!
We have two more endings to find out. It's very live :)

clean code on vanity with cloth

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 7:46 AM  

What is bathroom cabinet code?

Filled the empty teapot with water.

thanks laure and Ellie for sink cabinet

added h2o to teapot
see code on balcony left white wall!

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 7:48 AM  

got it.

Thanks @larue! I only looked there before cleaning the binocular :)

Spoiler for sink cabinet:

14 x (4+30)

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 7:52 AM  

How do you fill teapot? Can't get it filled woth water!

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 7:53 AM  

anyone figured out rabbit code?

thanks for computer code @Ellie, I never would've got that. Just got bed end; thought I was going to use the cutter on the pillow, lol.
Starting again...

skyjourney - use screwdriver under sink

help for rabit code please..coulnt figure out the clue

also stuck on rabbit code

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 7:55 AM  

power of posting!!! got it after I posted! TY annaby

I'm working on the rabbit code as well.
And the paper in the drawer by the bed, I think it is about hour, seconds and minutes of the clock. Have the numbers but dont know how to use them. By clothes? R,C,L could mean right, central, left. Maybe...

yw @zoz!

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 7:57 AM  
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use cleaned telescope to look at loft beside stairs

I saw the clue...but couldnt figure out the code

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 8:03 AM  

I just needed to know about filling teapot and annaby told me just as I figured it out and posted!

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 8:03 AM  
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@skyjourney: pour the tea into teacups first then you can fill it with water...

seconds VII, hours II, minutes II, but I can't figure out how to apply to rabbit code

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 8:06 AM  

Does anyone know the rabbit code?

is the rabit color has something to do with numbers in the clock on desk? but i confuse of the colors

cant get rabbit code from clue beside loft

Think I need to quit using live journal for posting! Keeps messing up and I can't delete posts! Guess I'll go back to google!!

ok, i can't find the cloth. @Ellie, I don't understand your hint about "moving down from the start screen". Looking for a little POP here

@zoz, when looking at the door, there is a navigation arrow at the low part of the screen.

POP works every time! Move down from door scene (I was trying the bed scene)

From the view of the door, click the down arrow.

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 8:12 AM  

Rabbit ears are positioned the same way as the Roman numerals clue on the wall beside the balcony. Can't figure it out though.

Annaby, how is it seconds minutes and hours?

what is the rabbit code somebody knows please

there's another lock upstairs by the balcony door

rabbit code very hard to find

TLC - the paper clue in the night table drawer - I'm taking s,m,h to mean seconds etc.
btw - welcome to your first live game

Thanks @Roland!

thanks Roland ~didn't see that!


Press the buttons in the lock upstairs the amount of times from the clock and you get the same colors as the numbers the clock arms point at.

thanks Roland - didn't see that. trying to match up clock colors in shm order - not working

For lock by balcony door, think RCL=mhs and look at the colors on the clock.

Hi everyone!
I've tried 7 2 11 (their colors if u look at the clock) but it didnt work on the balcony lock!

Ellie - those colors didn't work for me

Ellie, I thought that too but it doesn't work...

It's not 2...

for balcony code: 5 minutes before means it's still not THAT hour

thnks annaby, so R,C,L...right, center, left...red, cyan, lime, ...?

@annaby, they don't work for me either. I just told that you get the same colors. I cant open the lock either.

Thanks again @Roland!! Now it opened.

THX @Diana and @Roland!

Roland- you're a genius

now - how many times to water the flowers? I've done it twice but I don't want an early end

Hm.. I've watered the plants now what?

Nice flowers out there, but I can't do much :)

My guess is there's something in the bunny lock that helps with the plants, but that code still eludes me...

okay - safe to water all 4 plants

back later to see progress, good luck all

Oh gosh now I feel stupid.. LOL.. thanks Roland.

thanks for the clock clue~Diana and Roland!
scared to h2o plants!

Ok I've watered each plant 3 times now and nothing hapenned.

sorry i feel stupid..what's the bunny code, pls??

clue on sink door...mint fennel watercress????

Oof, reloaded wrong window. Take that as a sign to clear my mind and come back. Good luck all!

@Zoe: from the door view, click the bottom arrow

Zoe - in first screen, there's a down arrow

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 8:36 AM  

skyjourney: Monday times friday plus wednesday.

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@bunga... no one knows the bunny code yet.

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 8:37 AM  

Oh...doh...forgot that. Thanks!

I accidently closed my game...but the plants on balcony are mint fennel watercress and something else.

oh no Diana!
maybe we need to call Xenon on the flopnone to help!

@Ellie: where are the plants on the balcony..i clicked everywhere but nothing...it's almost midnite here...slowwww...

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 8:41 AM  

Dare I ask... how to get on balcony. Also, where to use scope.

@bunga: outside, you have to open the balcony door first

bunga - have you opened the door to the outside balcony?

@skyjourney, could they be mint fennel watercress and borage?

@bunga, when outside, click on the four small pots by the fence. You can't take them, only give them some water.

@Roland n annaby: i havent...i just have the view of bunny box upstairs no arrow on left or right

bunga - there's a small box on the wall to the right, just left of the balcony door

I thought may be if I went to sleep the plant would grow... obviously not..

@bunga: search for lock on the wall near the balcony door

the bunnies are confounding! I think we have to reveal some clue before they'll open. And then they'll give us the key... i hope

@zoz, at least borage has blue flowers. They don't look exactly like that but lets go for it.

Now, what? Watering them a different amount of times? Hm, any way to reset besides waiting for the sun to make them dry...?

maybe we have to water them in a certain order/

@zoz, I think you are right. I don't like brute forcing, but since i've had a lot of time stuck here i tried the bunnies but couldn't open them.

1st is borage 2nd is watercress 3rd one is mint, 4th one fennel

@Roand n annaby: ughh ya i see the white box..thank you *doh*

your teapot only holds water enuf for 3 w/o refilling

I don't understand the code color for the door upstair please help

thx @skyjourney
does this mean we have to water the 2nd one 4 times and the 3rd one 14 times and the fennel 30??? and what would borage correspond to on the calendar?

diane - code color comes from the clock and note in bed table drawer

got my days mixed up, but you get the idea, lol

@diane, look at the clock downstairs and use the clue in the drawer. It tells you to put the second to the right, the hour in center and minute to the left. Only the hour isnt quite 2 yet.
Click those amount of times on the buttons.

Amount of clicks from left to right button:

skyjourney - I'm impressed by your horticultural knowledge, lol

Haven't figured out the watering!! Just had "lightbulb" about the clue on sink and plants and that's as far as I got!!

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 8:54 AM  

For the balcony door, I thought the color code was dark blue, pink and light green, but that doesn't work for me...any hints?

color code spoiler


I tried to water them in the order of the calculation: mint, fennel, watercress and borage, but nothing happens (if i have the right names of the plants). Tired of refilling water...

@annaby..not knowledge....google! Although I did have mint since I grow it!

@zoe, click the amount of times on the buttons as in my spoiler above.

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 8:56 AM  

@Ellie: You explained it just right - not quite pink!!!! Thanks soooooo much!

is the 4 pots are number 1,2,3 and 4??? Havent done the calculation though...

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 8:59 AM  

@Ellie: Thanks again, I have been reading the posts faithfully, but somehow missed that one - the number of clicks. Very much appreciated.

ahh no...

yw @zoe!

@zoz, remember the number for borage... we have it: 476 lol. Keep watering!

tried counting the number of lime green, orange and dark blue things in the house and using that on bunnies, but no. however, i'm always bad at counting things... or maybe that's a door code?
We still have two endings, lol :{

@Ellie, ok, you go first and I'll catch up ;o)

I was thinking with the rabbit code.

it says II = 10, roman = decimal = BINARY
so V = 5 = 101
giving VIIIIV 1011010101 = 725 ...

but that didnt work

i think we still have the telescope to look at the clue and the teapot for water, but why the SD?

hint for rabbit code:

in bed view click the upper arrow, then use scope on the brighter point at left

too bad there's no save feature on this one. I actually have some things to do other than this!

SD for back of picture upstairs

@skyjourney, but since we used that clue the sd should not be necessary anymore. Unless we need it for something else as well.

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:13 AM  

We already used the SD twice...

then again, the other things i need to do mostly involve paying bills, so i guess i'll keep playing, lol.
i'm going to check out the Blue Bathroom escape while you all solve this one.

SD to turn on water and picture so far as I know. But I still have it, and the telescope. With so many endings, may be other uses!!

Good thinking @Incognito!!
But it could be that the numbers are 7,2,5 which would make it 111, 10, 101.
It doesn't work either, but no nomber does. I think we need to do something else before.

back but cant load game:<

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:20 AM  

I don't think I've seen this yet, but you can lift the green bedspread, but doesn't do anything that I can see.

Where is the watering can for the flowers ?

the rabbit code is :


but you need first to click 10 times to the right ear of third bunny from left

thanks Karolina :)

Wow - thanks Karolina!

Woohoo Karolina! thank you!

Click 11 times to take his ear :) GOOD JOB Karolina!!

use scewdriver on small bottle

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:27 AM  

Wow..thanks, so that's what that 10 means - not sure I follow that logic....


Thanks @Karolina!!!
I had the 715 since long, but never thought of clicking the ear.

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:29 AM  

I only had to click 5 times.

tried using keypad as phone but didn't work

i click the left ear of the third bunny and it disappeared???

Thns carolina, it works

spells posie...are we counting posies now? I dunno..still have flowers, what now?

I got two flowers from the tin. Opened it with screwdriver.

I'm glad that I can help :)

i tried letters as numbers (counted)..doesnt work either

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:32 AM  

If you take the new-found blue flowers and use them on the teacups, you are asked a question...

@Zoe, i did that and said yes, but i don't know what it did...

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:33 AM  

Another ending?

maybe those are the actual names of the plants and the order we pour?

omg duh...forgot about that place..thx zoe!

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:34 AM  

The flowers go into the tea. That's all, I guess.

btw @karolina, that was brilliant!

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:37 AM  

That was a BIG help, Karolina!!

jasmine tea??

Tried counting letters and then rearranging into the word posie, but again...no...aaaaaaagh

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:42 AM  

Now...watering flowers and front door code. I assume the key is for the front door?

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:42 AM  

Use key at front door code..

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:43 AM  

Get a note...have we already done this?

Zoe - the key opens the box under the keypad

tried that with POISE, too @ MUSE. really clutching at straws here.

lol yep...i've tried using the list numbers and spelling posie but no ...tried looking at the letters as #'s but no, such as p=backwards 9, o=0, s= 5 LOL..Now THAT'S grasping

SO stumped!

lol, tried all of that as well. And even if i thing the note is for the code panel, i tried watering the plants in different ways from the paper.

on the top of the calendar are shaded blocks~maybe the watering sequence? i tried 3142 and 2413, but nothing happened.

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:54 AM  

Almost 200 comments now..

where else do we use the telescope??? the SD is blacked out now.

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:55 AM  

OH...if you put the note in front of the mirror it is backwards!!!

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:57 AM  


       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:57 AM  


Zoe: brilliant!!! out now

paper in front of mirror 91032

       Anonymous  4/17/10, 9:58 AM  


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