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Herbal Escape

Herbal Escape is another point and click type room escape game by Yanokimi. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by pointing and clicking your way out. Language barrier may be a problem. There are three endings in the game. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Zoe; brilliant!!!! ending A

  2. Zoe: brilliant!!!! ending A...

  3. I see we're having another problem with comments

  4. Comments not showing until they are 200 maybe.

  5. We still need ending B. Back to watering...?

  6. what's ending a zoe? what is the spoiler?

  7. Oh I see the comments I had it all along...was just using five of two...derrr

  8. @MUSE, the comments are visible now again. You see the solution posted by skyjourney at 18:58.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. i got ending B...i never watered any plants cause i was looking for a solution to do maybe not watering any got me ending B

  11. Yep...I actually had it a long time ago ...

    lol yep...i've tried using the list numbers and spelling posie but no ...tried looking at the letters as #'s but no, such as p=backwards 9, o=0, s= 5 LOL..Now THAT'S grasping

    ....and thought I was grasping, lol

  12. Thanks! Of COURSE I wouldn't have done it without all of you...
    Ellie and Zoz deserve most of the praise - I was just lucky!!
    Having trouble posting now...

  13. wow i left and came back and Zoe saved the day! Great detective work, Madame Zoe.
    Now, as for ending B...

  14. MUSE - you did have it almost!

  15. thx for the compliment, Zoe, but I didn't do anything! Maybe you're thinking of Karolina and Ellie?

  16. @MUSE, maybe it was actually gasping, lol

  17. @Zoe, I'd say it was a great team play, and that we should give plenty of credit @Karolina for the bunny code! Thanks @treeld for ending B!
    You did great as well @Zoe!

  18. @zoe: thx! you're a genius!
    and.. OUT!!

  19. so far, i've been stumped by this game and by the Blue Bathroom. Pleeze, could I have some Minoto now?

  20. Yes...of course Karonlina - especially!
    And Ellie as always!!

  21. @Ellie - I was going to say the same thing - everyone helps out! Great team effort!

  22. lol @zoz, I got stuck in the Minoto of last week :)

  23. so, do you want to write the walkthrogh?

  24. Yes..Minoto is late!! We already got Sakura!

  25. I've never written a WT - it wouldn't be pretty. I think I'll leave that to the pro's.

  26. @Zoe, I'm sure you'd write an excellent walkthrough!

  27. Maybe Zoz can do a SingThrough?? Or is that exclusively for Minoto?

  28. You get ending B if you don't put the flowers in the tea cups.

  29. wow thanks Ellie!!~~ and so all that watering was of no use? lol

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. @laure, actually... to get ending A you need to both water the plants and put the flowers in the tea cups. So, a little watering was of some use lol.

  32. It seems as if you don't do everything, you get ending B maybe?

  33. @Zoe: you're right, you got ending A only when doing everything right
    i restarted and didn't open the balcony or even didn't pour tea in the cups and got ending B

    doing everything right before leaving -> ending A
    not doing something and leaving -> ending B
    sleeping 2x -> ending C

  34. lol, seems like a ladder should have popped out, so we could climb down after all that watering and horticulture 101!

  35. I got closed out of access by a bug in the Popeye find the differences games and I've only just now been able to get back on. There aren't many bugs that will affect a Mac, but this one causes Safari (my server) to shut down. As a result, I will avoid any game by games2dress like the plague! I've emailed yalcin to let him know this is a problem.

  36. zoz - I stopped playing games2dress a couple months ago because my software picked up so many threats on their site

  37. that was good Zoe...thanks for the door code tip :)))

  38. WALKTHROUGH, part 1
    A game solved by a great team work! Special thanks @Roland, @Karolina and @Zoe!

    You start in front of the door.
    Click on the navigation arrow in the lower part of the screen to look down.
    Get a cloth from under the left pillow.
    Go back.

    Turn right.
    Click on the wardrobe to open it.
    Zoom on the clothes.
    Click several times on the left (orange) coat to shake it and make a key fall down.
    Zoom out.
    Zoom on the blue box and take the key from the shelf above it.
    Zoom out.

    Turn right.
    Zoom on the bed.
    You have a chance to get out now.
    Click on the pillow and answer yes.
    Do it again and you get out with ENDING C.
    Zoom on the drawers next to the bed.
    Use the key from the wardrobe on the middle drawer to see a clue note.
    Zoom out and zoom on the clock to see the time.
    Zoom on the calendar on the wall to have a look at it.
    There is a computer under the stairs that needs a code.
    There is a navigation arrow that makes you look up.

    Click on top of the stairs to move to the second floor.
    Zoom on the colorful cabinet.
    Zoom on the painting in the top right corner.
    Click on it to turn it around and use the screwdriver on all four screws. Click again to see a clue to the computer password (the same blue star here as on the computer).
    Zoom out.
    There is a bunny code box in the lower left corner, but you don’t have enough clues for it yet.

    Go to the computer under the stairs. Write the password and click on the star. Use the clue note from upstairs. Solution below.
    Click on the key desk icon, then on the dark blue square in the pop-up window.
    Zoom out.
    Click on the open locker to the right of the computer to get a key and a cutter.
    Zoom out.

    Turn left.
    Open the wardrobe and zoom on the blue box.
    Use the cutter to remove the strings and click on the box to open and get a tea pot.
    Zoom out.

    Turn left.
    Click down to see the table with the cups.
    Pour tea from the tea pot into the cups.
    Go back.

  39. WALKTHROUGH, part 2
    Turn right.
    Zoom on the plant pot to get a screwdriver.
    Zoom out.
    Zoom on the cupboard below the sink, and see a written clue.
    Solve the code and open it. Solution below.
    Zoom on the screw in the bent corner of the right pipe.
    Use the screwdriver on it.
    Zoom out twice and zoom on the sink twice.
    Turn the water on using the switch to the right of the tap.
    Fill the tea pot with water (only works if you poured the tea in the cups first).
    Wet your cloth.
    Put the wet cloth on the toothpaste to the right on the sink.
    Zoom out.

    Turn left.
    Zoom on the drawers by the bed and open the lower drawer with the key you got from using the computer. Get a ”telescope”.
    Zoom out twice and look up.
    Open the telescope from the inventory (click on the ? by the item).
    Click on the left end of the telescope to turn it and use the wet cloth with toothpaste to clean it.
    Use the telescope on the white spot high up on the pillar to the left of the railings.
    See a clue for the bunny box.

    Go upstairs and solve the bunny box to get a jar and a key.
    Open the jar from inventory and use the screwdriver on it.
    When the lid is open, click on the flowers inside to get them.
    Zoom out.
    Close to the corner on the right wall to the left of the doors is a white square.
    Click on it to zoom on a code panel.
    Solve the colored buttons and press enter to open the doors to the balcony. Solution below.
    *Hint*- Time.
    Click on the right wall to go to the balcony. Zoom on the four plant pots. You can water the plants using your tea pot (after filling it at the sink).

    Go downstairs and turn left or right twice to see the door.
    Use the down arrow to get to the table.
    Put the flowers from the jar into the tea cups.
    Go back to the door.
    Zoom on the code panel to the right of the door.
    Use the key on the lower locker and press the circle in the left corner of it to get a note.
    Zoom out.

    Turn left.
    Put the note in front of the mirror to read a code. Solution below.
    Use the code on the door panel and click on the door to escape!

    Ending A:
    Water the plants on the balcony and put the flowers in the tea cups.

    Ending B
    Exit without watering or without putting the flowers in the cups.

    Ending C
    Sleep twice (say yes when clicking on the pillow of the bed).



    Sink cupboard
    Look at the calendar on the wall to see numbers below certain days:
    Monday: 14, Wednesday: 30, Friday: 04
    On the cupboard is written: Mint(Fennel+Watercress)
    Look at the first letters.
    That makes the calculation look like:
    Monday(Friday+Wednesday) = 14(4+30) = 14 x 34 =>
    Code: 476

    Balcony panel
    Look at the paper in the drawer by the bed. The letters mean:
    Right = minute
    Central = hour
    Left = second
    Look at the time on the clock.
    Minute = 11 = lime
    Hour = 1 (it points at 2, but the time is not 2 yet, only 1:55) = orange
    Second = 7 =blue
    This is the amount of clicks you need to press the buttons upstairs to get those colors.
    Press: left button 7 times, central button 1 time, right button 11 times

    Computer password
    Use the names of the notes in the clue you get from the picture upstairs.
    You need to use the ”or” as well.
    If you know nothing about notes you can for example have a look here:
    Click here for piano keys
    The notes are b, a, g, e. Adding “or” after the “b” gives:
    Code: borage

    Bunny box
    The clue you see with the telescope shows the ears of the bunnies.
    Click 10 times on the right ear of the third bunny from the left and the ear falls off.
    The ears show roman numerals as well:
    The first two bunnies from the left are used together; VII = 7
    The next two bunnies should be added as well ;
    They have number 10 (as told in the clue) and number V =5, which makes 15.
    Code: 715
    Only works after you remove the ear of the third bunnie. Click on the circle after you insert the numbers.

    Door code:
    The red letters on the note make numbers backwards.
    P=9, I=1, O=0, E=3, S=2
    Code: 91032

  41. what a game very challenging. thanks to the authors.

  42. @Ellie: Excellent WT. You are so thorough!! Truly a pro at writing them! Thanks for doing all the work!

  43. Thanks @annaby and @Zoe :) And you're welcome!

    Since I never use my own wt's as help I often wonder if they make any sence, and how to make them be as clear as possible. I wouldn't call myself a pro, just someone that enjoys writing a lot. It's much more fun writing wt's than you might think :)

  44. Great WT @Ellie, as always! (and I understand you had Edgar playing along behind the scenes!)

  45. Thanks @zoz! Edgar chose a blue bathroom before playing with herbs, so he was "joinging" that game before he got here lol.

  46. The balcony puzzle is really difficult for me, even with the help of video walkthrough, the mist finally cleared after reading Ellie's explanation of it, Salute!

  47. @Ellie just a small correction. The cloth is under the right pillow.

    Thanks for the help! I needed it in this game @.@

  48. @Ellie you also seem to have using the screwdriver before finding the screwdriver. ;)

  49. Thanks @kitkatfox! I apologize about using the screwdriver before I got it. I kept changing the order of doing thinks in the wt, and it turned out to be not such a good idea.

    You are right about the cloth as well, but that is really strange. I had to get back in to check since I was so sure it was under the left pillow. I still think that's where it was before, starting to doubt my senses. However, it is under the right pillow now :)
    Thanks again!!

  50. late reply, but probably it will interest some of you guys:

    (seen on video walkthrough)

    You can put toothpaste on your *dry* cloth and "clean" the writing on the left cupboard. So you don't have to free-guess what "Mint" "Fennel" and "Watercross" stand for, They will remain as M,F,W.

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