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Hoshi Saga 5 - Ringoame Walkthrough

Hoshi Saga 5 - Ringoame


Hoshi Saga 5 - Ringoame is the fifth part of Hoshi Saga Japanese point and click puzzle game created by Yoshio Ishii from NekoGames. "Hoshi Saga" means "Search a Star" in Japanese. Point and click every places in every stage to find stars. Good luck and have fun!

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Hoshi Saga 5 - Ringoame Walkthrough



oh i like this one

this sis fun - having a problem on lvl 40 though

Me too, stuck on lvl 40 :)

dont understand the level in black with 0.
level 30

       Anonymous  4/18/10, 4:07 AM  

For 40 just move the gray bottom bar to the top

Ok refreshed the level and found it . Easy

tosca it means its not loaded lol

stuck on 42

Service Temporarily Unavailable....grrr lol

stuck on 45

found a video walkthrough and still can't get lvl 42

bigtank - help!

Maybe mine isn't working...the first screen moves a tiny bit but nothing happens...am I in a time delay zone ?

finally got it

       Anonymous  4/18/10, 4:24 AM  

for 42: move your mouse over the circles to get triangles, move over triangles to get squares, move over squares to get pentagrams, move over pentagrams to get stars...just be quick ;)

debra - move it as far as you can with your mouse, release and repeat until you get the star

finished anyone need any help

TY @annaby...I'll try it...

My computer is acting in what I call time delay or slow action on this site...I know I played it the first time...maybe it will work later...

hi! i need help on 26..i've been rotating that thing for ages and cant get a star

What to do L 33
The broken star with lens ?

finished - the last few were eary

       Anonymous  4/18/10, 4:41 AM  

for 26: click somewhere on the right, hold mouse and move to the left, repeat until the shadow forms the star...it will fall in place

tosca - move the magnifying glass so the left rim is on the misingn part of the star

33-you're not looking for a missing piece of the star.move the lens to cover up the missing bit in such a way that theres a star..a little part will be zoomed cuz of the lens..

I love this game !

I have problems with level 34, though it is supposed to be easy.

Thanks a lot for level 40, George ! Finally, I got also level 34.

ty george! i needed help on 26 and 40.loved the game :)

anyone figure out 45?


- Level 26 -
Move your Mouse to the Right-side of the screen, hold down Mouse Button, and drag it to the Left-side. Do this alot of times, but try to do it slowly, because at a certain point, the pieces will fall down forming a Star!

- Level 27 -
Drag the Cube somewhere on else on the screen, to see an Uncompleted Star. Drag the Cube to the Dark Spot/Tile/Square, above the Uncompleted Star!

- Level 28 -
Make the Pieces form a Star, by moving them close to each other!

- Level 29 -
Move mouse to Left-side of screen, hold down Mouse Button, and move it to the Right-side of the screen to see a Star hidden in the woods!

- Level 30 -
Get fire from the Candle in the middle, and then light up the 5 Candles on each corner of the Star!

- Level 31 -
Drag the Piece at the bottom of Screen, from Right-side to Left-side, until the Orange colors form a Star!

- Level 32 -
There are alot of pieces, but you can easily see them. Click on the pieces from the inner ones to the outer ones, following this pattern:



- Level 33 -
Move the Magnifier to the broken part of the Star, and try to make it look like the Star isn't broken at all, by hiding the broken part with the Magnifier!

- Level 34 -
Move your Cursor somewhere near the Bottom-Left part of the screen. If you move it to the Bottom-Left part of the screen, and slowly move it towards the center of screen, you can easily find the hidden spot that forms a Star!

- Level 35 -
Drag the Zip from Top to Bottom!

- Level 36 -
You see the 3 Squares on the floor. Well, that's only their half-part. The other half is trying to hide by having the same colors as the Wall-background! Move your cursor over the Middle square on floor, and then move it on the Wall, but not too far (the middle of the wall/center of screen is OK) - and then click it alot of times!

- Level 37 -
Whenever the girls are near the End of the level they're standing on, press your Left Mouse Button to make them Jump to the next level. Do this until they meet at the Top!

- Level 38 -
Drag the Pieces correctly, so that you get an Image with alot of Stars. Try to focus on 1 Star and make it look like a real one, then the rest will be done automatically ;)

- Level 39 -
Whenever the Stones smash against each other, click on them to get the remaining pieces of the Star. One piece on each Stone!

BUG: If you get both of the Pieces on ONE try, the first one will freeze!

- Level 40 -
Click, hold and Drag the Middle-Bottom part of screen, from Bottom to Top!

- Level 41 -
Let's call the Dots on Top-part from Left to Right for: U1, U2, U3, U4, U5
Let's call the Circles on Bottom-part from Left to Right for: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5

Move them in this order:

U1 to D2
U2 to D5
U3 to D3
U4 to D4
U5 to D1

The reason why the Right and Left "Hands" of the star is moved to the opposite place, is because they turn when moving out of the screen and coming back!

- Level 42 -
From where the Shapes drop, move your Cursor over them on each visible part of the Pipes! You need to change the Shapes into Stars, and by doing that, move Cursor on Shapes from where they are dropped, to change them once. Move cursor to the Bottom visible part and change the Shapes you just changed, once more. Move to Right visible part and change the Shapes you changed twice before, once again. And finally, change the Shapes you've changed alot of times, on Top visible part to turn them into Stars!

- Level 43 -
Click on the Arrows in this order:

Clockwise = Up, Right, Down, Left
Counter Clockwise = Up, Left, Down, Right

1. Clockwise 2 Times
2. Counter Clockwise
3. Clockwise
4. Counter Clockwise 3 Times

- Level 44 -
Move cursor over the Bubble on Top of screen, which follows you. Click on it when you are above a X point! Try to hit all the 5 X's with the bubble!

If you cannot reach a X, just hit the Star to rotate it!

- Level 45 -
Move the First Domingo piece (Left-side) to the most possible Left-side. Move the Last Domingo piece (Right-side) to the most possible Right-side. Then, simply place all the other Domingo pieces in an order that makes one Domingo piece hit another one, when they're falling!

Once done, click on the Hand on Left-side!

- Level 46 -
Move the Bottom-Right Box to the X-Ray screen!

- Level 47 -
Click, hold, drag and Shake the Box to make the Star visible!

- Level 48 -
Drag the Huge Piece on Middle-Top of board, to make the Star visible!

- Level 49 -
Click on the Floor to move it. Place the Yellow Circle somewhere near Top-Left, and then click on the Wall! Try to make the Star-shape visible by making it all Yellow!

- Level 50 -
Move the Box to make another piece fall out. Move that piece to make another piece fall out. Place the Huge Piece on floor, the middle piece on it, and the smallest piece on Top of the pile. Try to shape a Star!

So sorry for not explaining so well. I didn't want to make this Walkthrough, but it seemed that people needed help. However, here is a Text Walkthrough :)

That is a great Walkthrough @Prid!
I always prefer a text W/T...
Thank you...and I will play this when I can...it keeps freezing and then when I refresh...it is BUSY!!!

@debra: Thank you for the compliment ^^

About the Freezing thing, I got that alot and it pissed my off. I really enjoyed playing the game, but it would have been more enjoyable if it didn't freezed like that, making one go crazy and refresh alot of times :S


A nice and relaxing game except for the refreshing part (sometimes 20 times between levels).

Prid, thanks so much for your walkthrough. I too prefer the text ones. And I LOOOOVE Hoshi Saga Ringo games, but this one stumped me a few times. Thanks for showing us the way.

I REALLY liked this game. However ...
I had major issues loading 3 or 4 levels. In fact, it took me several days to complete because I couldn't load.

I went and played Hoshi Saga 4 instead. It loaded fine and was a lot of fun! Gonna go find the rest of them. Thanks for the games!

Sunshine :)

out with no help. I love this series and the lovely graphics.

The real walkthrough should be play and level or 2. See the game gets stuck loading. Hit referesh and get the 503 code. Refresh, refresh, refresh....until you finally get the game to reload. Start where you left off.

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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