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Witch House

Witch House - Casa de la Bruja is another new point and click type room escape game by Sonia Roman. "In a little old abandoned house used to live a woman. It is said that the woman was a witch, and that her disappearance was a mitery... Nobody tried to enter the house because people thought it was enchanted, but now it's time to solve the mystery...." Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Let´s give this a try before bedtime

  2. Got a lot of thing - hard to see what it is. Put one of the things in pot in room left of first view

  3. Im here too just starting

  4. And keldos, hi :)

    I can't figure out what those weirdly curved things are, maybe a knife?

  5. I've got 10 thing in total so far

  6. Yes there is a knife. Use it on dolls eye in box in the rightest room

  7. Take the knife in the bathroom and use it in that desk room, for the doll (take out his eyeball) and in the room left of it, to take that little green ball from the table

  8. cant play its not loading up properly for me and when it does its buggy have fun playing

  9. Hi this any good?

  10. thx Madde

    Use the knife also for the room right to the bathroom, there is a red ball

  11. weird keldos, I don't have any problems with the game
    @debra: it's worth a try

    -you can also click on the books in the first room, some of the books open and there are some spells

  12. I keep trying to pick up the inventory items as a newly found item...weird invisible inventory box...

  13. There are 14 things to pick up. You will not use all of them. Put the things in bottle in kitchen(?) left of diningroom(?) in the right order. Look in the books in diningroom.

  14. Yes, debra. It fooled me to in the beginning.

  15. put some of the things in the pot in the room left of the first view. Have three marbles. According to one of the books i expected they would be blue, green and yellow, but i have the colours red, green and blue. Can't find the yellow one. stuck....

  16. I'm in a room with a scroll on a table and I can't get out...

  17. @mva the book says blue, green , red

  18. Maybe @madde is doing a W/T for the navigationally challenged , like me...LOL

  19. out!

    That was a bit too easy

  20. @ Madde, indeed!
    i guess i don't have all the ingredients, i can't put the marbles in the pot.

  21. Dont you think it is too early for a WT?

  22. This is ridiculous!!!!! I started over and got stuck in that stupid room ...AGAIN!!!

    Seriously waiting for walkthrough!!!
    Later , guys...

  23. mva Have you take the tarotcard beside the doll? It must go in the bottle before the marbles.

  24. Out..the end startled me!

  25. A strange game. All about collecting stuff and add them to the cauldron. Here is a screenshot of the order to add them:
    Order of ingredients

  26. Just keep trying to put stuff in the cauldron. You don't use the grey powder and yellow stuff. When cauldron turnes green, but into blue bottle. At locked door move green bottle and get scared!

  27. Or, I should say: go to locked door and move the green bottle over the door.

  28. Walkthrough

    I hope I got it right.

    Take the feather left of chair.
    Zoom the books. In one book there are names of different plants. In one book there are a nail with human hair. In another book you kan read about the order you have to use the stuff.
    Goback and in to the room to the left. Take blue bottle and all stuff in basket.
    Go back and go to right 2 times. Take the chickenfoot in the hallway.
    Go to front rigth and enter bathroom. Click at window to the left. Take knife and shells.
    Go back and then to the right. Use knife at marble in wall.
    Go back to the hallway and then enter the front left room. There is a secret door. Your way out of here.
    Back to the hallway again and enter the room to the right. Click the box and take the tarotcard. Use knife at dolls eye. You got a blue marble.
    Go to left and read the paper at table. Aha! You have to wet the secret door with the POWER OF THE WITCH. Use knife and take the last green marble at tables leg.
    Now you have all stuff you need. Go back to the room left of diningroom. Let´s guess it is a kitchen.
    Put all stuff in the big bottle in the rigth order and you will get a liquid. Just drag them to the bottle.
    The order is:
    3.nail with human hair
    5.angelica – look in the book with pictures. It is the white stuff #3 that you got from the basket.
    6.Zacatechichi – the green stuff #2
    7.ace of tarot – the card you got
    8.the marbles – blue,green,red
    Put it in your blue bottle. It will turn green
    Go to the secret door and use POWER OF THE WITCH of it.
    Youré out and noone knows how this will be continued...

  29. Walkthrough:

    Dining room:
    • Pick up the feather
    • Go to the books;
    a. white book: explanation of the herbals
    b. brown book: take the nail with the human hair
    c. red book: read ‘the power of the witch’

    • pick up the blue bottle
    • take the herbals out of the basket in the lower shelf (there are 4)

    Desk room:
    • click on the box (diamond match) and take out the tarot card
    • keep that doll with the blue eyeball in mind

    Room left from the desk room:
    • read the paper on the table: it’s a clue to how to get out
    • keep that green ball on the table’s foot in mind

    The hall:
    • pick up the chicken foot from the floor and go right

    • secret window: take the knife and the shells

    Room right from the bathroom
    • go to the right room: use your knife to take out the red ball

    - go back to the desk room: use your knife to take the blue ball out of the doll
    - go to the room left from the desk room: use your knife to take the green ball from the table
    - now go back to the kitchen and put all your items in the cauldron, in the order that’s given in that spell book, it says:
    1. shells,
    2. chicken foot
    3. nail human hair
    4. feather
    5. angelica
    6. zacatechichi
    7. ace of cups of the tarot
    8. 3 coloured marbles: blue, green, red

    - Take your blue bottle and fill it with the liquid in the cauldron
    - Go to the right room at the end of the hall and wet the door with your bottle and you're out

  30. Sorry Madde, guess I'm just a little bit too late with my walkthrough :s I hope it's no problem

  31. Its OK! I think it is good with many WT.

  32. Besides!
    Your english is better than mine.

  33. OH MY GOD.Scary face at the end. O_O

  34. Stepped in a room with a cupboard, table, some chairs.
    Found a thing that could be the feather.
    Cannot do anything else. Buggy?

  35. My dark screen kept me from seeing many things, especially the impatience prevented me from using common sense and watching for hot spots with the cursor...
    Was an easy game, really...Thanks for the help and W/T's @madde and @lina!

  36. Game isn't buggy...just a little strange...follow the W/T's...@Peke...enjoy!

  37. Well, this game is way more than just strange. I have to agree with @Peke since I also found the game buggy.
    When doing the mixture the first time and adding the ingredients in the correct order, the angelica just wouldn't go into the cauldron. I tried to combine it with other stuff without knowing what to do next and it got stuck in the "inventory" behind the bottle, and couldn't use it anymore... restarted.
    Second time playing, all of the ingredients in the mixture did go into the cauldron and got the green potion, but ignorant about what to do next (using the bottle was the next step) I zoomed back and lost my mixture after zooming back in... and that was enough for me regarding this game.
    Now if you add the fact of seeing the marbles again in the places they were first taken from AND the tiny and almost unidentifiable items in a nonexisting inventory (they were actually inside the game screen), then this game is not only buggy, but also awful!!

  38. I'm with Edgar - not a good game. I have no idea what the things in my inventory are and, frankly, I don't care any more ... I'll just hang around for another Tower Escape!

  39. Thank Madde, I tried this game last night and couldn't figure it out.

  40. Tried this again with IE and now I could see the arrows and books.
    Maybe it was my FF zoom settings that caused the bug.
    (Zoom sometimes messes up some games (slowdowns etc..))
    Still, I must agree with Edgar.

  41. This game was very buggy -- the navigation didn't work right. I would zoom in on the window and end up at the sink, clicking the left arrow in the hallway sent me to the bathroom the same as the right one, etc. I also didn't like guessing which tiny object was the right one.

    hmmm...I wonder if this thing is the chiken foot or the feather? I wondered if I got the ingredients wrong since the witch got me at the end. Guess that is the normal game ending.

    Oh, and the doll was creepy!


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