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Movie Escape

Movie Escape is another point and click room escape game. In this game, you are again locked in a movie room and you have to find a way to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Can't beat Cal's high score.

  2. Can't find anything....

  3. I have a rose, mug, weird gray thing, and a pamphlet.

  4. Where did you find them, @Aphora?

  5. I can't beat cal's high score! I'm guessing I need to do that before I can give the pic to the guys to get the red bull

  6. where did you find that stuff aphora?

  7. Saw Olsen twins. Need camera. Still can't beat high score!

  8. Too funny!~ I finally found Cal's place...he definitely has more practice than I...LOL

  9. Find the rose in the church.

  10. you need to use the mug in the holly water first I think.

  11. Rose in church outside of dorm, mug in the building that starts with T (upstairs in advisor's room), gray thing (key) in Cal's room.

  12. I don't mind games of skill but this is not fun.

  13. key in cal's room
    mug in advisors office
    rose in church
    olsen twins left of achedemic building
    get holy water in church and put on yankee fans
    get a crew for movie in basement (talk to dan until he gives in)

  14. church???? what church? how do you get outside?

  15. Has anyone beaten Cal's score? My highest is 45.

  16. Down the basement you need to be VERY insistent with Dan the D.P.

  17. give note to depressed guy
    give rose to your mom
    give mug to your dad

    you now have a crew and money, just need script
    but i can't beat cal

    oh and a taser in mail box at parents house use on olse twins boadygaurd

  18. LOL, doing great @hubcap!
    I just got the money from parents :)

  19. i think played this game long time ago is this new? if i remember there was a way to do it without beating cal but i could be wrong

  20. Good! With the Red Bull with me I could type the script.

  21. Hm silly me. Visit the adviser once again and you're done.

  22. how do you get past the angry yankee fans?

  23. So close to beating Cal! I had 47!

  24. @elliot, you need the mug filled with holly water to get rid of them.
    Click on the little red arrow under the "one-item" inventory until you see the mug.

  25. I will never beat Carl's score..

  26. i give up for now time eat dinner bye;)

  27. Yes! Finally beat Cal with 50.

  28. got 54 and got camera... but cheated just a little lol

    watched an online hd tv prog to slow down my puter

  29. heres my advice to people who are having trouble beating cals high score of 47
    keep clicking the mouse alot lol
    simple but effective, i got 52 my 3rd time.

  30. I liked this until the Cal game. Then it got boring!

  31. Easy way to beat Cal's score, just hit tab and enter repeatedly

  32. i love the sign "come to an event no one cares about lol"

  33. thanks grudz....i got 59 that way

  34. @hubcap, you were right. The game is not new:

    @Grudz, nice cheat! That really works!

  35. Can anyone help me?r we in the same game??I can't pick nothing,not even try to get into basement?? :-))

  36. The navigation doesn't work for me - I can only turn around, and go in and out of the same room, unless I right-click and play with the flash settings all the time. Maybe I will try again using IE or something.

  37. Right click the screen while playing Cal's game and click play and it should freeze the time and thats how it worked for me (beating Cals score)

  38. that actually was really fun!

  39. Ugh! Cannoooot beat his score! And where do I get a note for depressed dude?

  40. Solucion Movie Escape:
    1º:click abajo
    2ºclick en la puerta
    3º click hacia la derecha
    4º dos veces click en el ascensor
    5º elije la opcion de cal
    6º habla con el y juega al jueguito batiendo el record que es de 47 muertes, cal te presta la camara
    7º toma la llave que esta detras del sillon hace click debajo de la pantalla para salir del room
    8ºelije la opcion go to the lobby
    9º haz click hacia la izquierda sobre los buzones. haz click en el 3er buzon del medio y toma la nota
    10ºclick hacia la derecha y sal afuera haciendo clcik en la puerta de calle
    11ºhaz click en la iglesia q esta en frente y toma una rosa del florero
    12ºsal afuera
    13º click a la derecha y click hacia adelante, entra a TISCH
    14º click haci abajo y ve al ascensor
    15ºelije la opcion del advisor y haz clic en la taza del escritorio
    16º ve hacia atras elije la opcion del lobby
    17ºclick hacia abajo y sal del edificio
    18ºve a la iglesia y click en el agua bendita
    para llenar la taza vuelve afuera
    19ºtirale el agua a los fans de los yankees que no te dejan pasar
    20ºdale al tipo amargado la nota q esta en tu inventario
    y subete al auto
    21ºdale la rosa a tu madre y la taza al padre
    22º te consienten el pago de la pelicula y ta das vuelta
    23º clic en el buzon y ve al auto nuevamente
    24º vuelves al frente de TISCH y click hacia la izquierda
    25º click en el guardia y con la camara clic a las Olsen
    26º vuelve al edificio y ve a la habitacion de los vecinos
    27º te ofrecen el Red Bull y vuelves a tu cuarto y click en la PC
    28º vuelves a TISCH, subes al ascensor y hablas con el advirsor
    pero falta el consentimiento del CREW.
    29º vuelves al ascensor y te diriges al basement
    30ºinsistes al tipito que te apoye en el film
    31º vuelves al ascensor y le hablas al advisor y CONGRATULATIONS!!
    PD: Es muy importante batir el record en el jueguito de cal, porque asi obtienes la camara, si obtienes
    la camara le tomas la foto a las gemelas, si le sacas la foto a las gemelas de la das a los tipos del
    edificio, si les das la foto te dan RED BULL, si te dan RED BULL podes hacer el SCRIPT si haces el script
    el advisor te deja hacer el movie o film. Espero que sea de ayuda. Translate all this on Google Translator. XoX Yaas


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