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Nyan Hand Food

Nyan Hand Food Escape is another point and click type room escape game by Yanokimi. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by pointing and clicking your way out. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Time to Cook...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. stuck ;-( i dont get the color code

    hello, by the way ^^

  5. have an egg, meat, two papers with codes, "casserole" , dish and a key.

  6. Looks like a fun game, i´m upstairs now

  7. Good morning all!
    Going in now.

  8. Hi Full....hi all....just loading :)

  9. Every game diserves an EDGAR, hello!

  10. HMMM CANT PUT puzzle pieces in :( Hey do you guys start with your birthday every time you see a code? I do lol....just in case...and one time it was my birthday

  11. Anyone any idea about the colour codes'?

    (did i ever mention i´m terrible at codes?)

  12. Hi Muse, Full too... following you upstairs now, lol!
    And I'm not done downstairs yet!!

  13. ah ok not so stuck anymore^^opend freezer

  14. BTW, Babou, where´s the egg?

  15. Does anyone know how to operate the jigsaw puzzle? I can't even move the pieces.

  16. do you have the paper with numbers and the blue and yellow papers
    , full?

  17. Ive been doing my notes but I still lack of one half.
    @Full, have you been able to make the puzzle work up there? And yes, we know you did :P

  18. the egg and the meat in the fridge (up) sorry for my bad english, you need a code to take the egg

  19. hmmm have the codes but they are hard. There is a save button (long) so I'm gonna use it...going treasure hunting with my mom and sister. GOOD LUCK all!

  20. where is second paper, only have one.

  21. only yellow too .Did you resolve the codes Full?

  22. Ah, the egg was where the key, forgot that before

  23. finally get to play live with Full. Been reading comments from all, KitKat,Edgar,Zoz... for months but never live with a real player Full. I'm excited to figure this one out.

  24. probably need a code to light up the puzzle for use. Happy cooking :)

  25. The colored wires look to make numbers in places (???) ok really going now lol

  26. Ihave'nt see a puzzle.. where is it?

  27. you can put the colored ones over the number paper, than just add them up to get the code!
    i think the blue one was in the lid of the trash bin! sorry for my english, it
    s not my mothertounge

  28. No Babou, not yet. Thought you should "mix" the colours (ex: red plus blue) but that gives a 4-digit code if you use the numbers at the sheet, but we search for 3-digit codes)

  29. HI TLC! I'm going all right but this game looks SO cool :( .... get at it! lol bye

  30. Did anyone notice you can change the clour of the plate? ( by clicking the ones in the cupboard)

  31. how does the slider puzzle work? cant put pieces on top of the box?!

  32. I need red sheet and other half of number sheet...anyone?

  33. Had to replay and can´t find the yellow sheet anymore, where was it?

  34. I got egg and key, but not other half of code sheet, is there any or can I start using codes now?

  35. Edgar, you gone too?

  36. Got second (top) part of codes now. It's right of the cupboard, in ladder view.

  37. Ah, you´re still here

  38. Smaller code sheet is at the right of the cupboard

  39. both pieces of the code sheets are one the cupboard, one in the right lower compardment and one on the right side of the cb!

  40. why cant i place puzzle pieces

  41. btw: the yellow sheet is in the locked drawer

  42. can resolve any code ...stuck..

  43. Anyone? where was the yellow sheet? can´t find it anymore after restarting

  44. ahh i figured out the slider puzzle! when you have the translusent (is that right?) sheet of the puzzle of how it shoul look like put it on the box! than you can start finishing the puzzle

  45. Daisyos, in the fridge. ( THE E99 box)

  46. Full, wasnt it in the locked drawer? I think.
    @daisysos, EGG is the code to open that box. Turn the word around and get numbers.

  47. @Nyx, you mean the colored sheets? BTW, how many of those are needed? I have 2.

  48. HAHA, i cooked bread with egg for that monster´s hand but he says it´s not alright, lol

  49. well i guess 3, i also have two so far, no red sheet, also not in the slider puzzle box, but i guess we will get that after you do something to the wires

  50. thank you @Edgar and Full

  51. It was indeed Edgar, thááánk you

  52. dont use the pliers just for fun, you will die. lol restarting

  53. Nyx, did you find that beginning part for the slider?

  54. where is the puzzle box ?

  55. @Nyx, I have a question about the jigsaw puzzle... WHAT???

  56. Full can you help us?
    Hox did you go upstairs?

  57. @babou, puzzle is upstairs, up in the attic. Make the ladder go down by using the round mechanism and turning it Left and/or Right.

  58. ok tried to boil steak n egg after dicing and seasoning like my mother taught me but tastes worse than my mothers steak n egg soup???

  59. ahm, well in the fridge, there is a picture of an onion and potatos, got that? then put it on the slider puzzle box, on top of it! than you can select the pieces and put them on the box!

  60. I dont understand the codes. I have both number sheets...what do I do? lol

  61. Found the carrot in the box upstairs! How? well, brute force starting with 000. Think it was 135 or 145

  62. Correction, it was 154

  63. in the upper compartment of the fridge to be exact, you ll need the code for that!



  64. did someone say the fridge was open?

  65. Hoe did you "take" that note, Nyx?

  66. Picky monster, lol TLC

  67. Hm, brute force in action then?

  68. I ve try left right and nothing ...

  69. I thought the music at the game was alright in the beginning, BUT IT´S WORKING ON MY NERVES NOW!!

  70. red sheet is in the middle drawer! you ll need the tool of the slider puzzle box, and look at the right panel of the cupboard

  71. cant even feed the steak n egg soup to the garbage can eyes, must be really bad

  72. Brute force it must be than, lol

    The E99 hint and the stair hint were really easy though

  73. how did i take the sheet? out of the fridge you mean? i just clicked on it^^

  74. @babou, the order for Left and Right is there too, but inverted... look closer!

  75. Don´t worry Nyx, i first thought you ment the note "at" the fridge, but it was the note "in" the freezer. Thanks...

  76. I've been wasting time trying to make sense of the codes and now I have to go out for some minutes. BRB!!

  77. DON´T USE THE CUTTER FROM THE SLIDER AT THE CABLES!!! I did (lol), you blow up the place and need to start all over, shoot!!

  78. did someone say they were cooking? how do you cook the food?

  79. Dammit Jim I'm a doctor not a chef.

  80. put pot on stove and add food as required

  81. Ah, Daisysos. that´s another thing, don´t start cooking untill you have everything needed (i did, lol) oterwise you can´t get to the cooking pot anymore

  82. forget it, cooking now...and not doing a good

  83. gotta run too, back later to see how you all have progressed

  84. wasted to much food, monster in the bin exploded lol i m a bad cook , alright. just coulndt figure out the dishes.

  85. too late full...I thought I had everything.

  86. for the code after you pot the wriht sheet just add the namber that left,

  87. I have carrot, eggs, steak, onion and potato..what am I missing

  88. Lol Nyx... Do we actually need to cook? All the "monster" "says" is that he wants a steak with a cooked egg.. ?

  89. LOL! I failed so many times at cooking, then throwing away the mess into the garbage bin, that the little monster came out and ate me.

  90. if you cook the wrong stuff you can simply dispose it in the bin, the creature will eat it... until it is stuffed and you will have to restart like me. last try, i m getting a bit impatient^^

  91. the monster say ok, but nothing happen

  92. Hi, I'm back now.
    Did someone open (bruteforce) the drawers?

  93. anyone found the code for the tall cupboard'

  94. i can't even throw the plate of food out.

  95. No Edgar, working on it

  96. cut the wires 246513

  97. The problem with "bruteforcing" the drawer is that you can´t go and check after every number like i did with the one upstairs

  98. thanks @nurit. But I got to make sense of those!

  99. There is no bruteforcing...just use the sheets and add the numbers...

    I'm so lost with the the cooking...

  100. you dont neet to bruteforcing..... just imagen like you have the riht sheet'

  101. codes for drawers:

    fridge: 857


    up the stairs: 154

  102. THANKS Nurit!!

  103. @daisysos, pepper is the 3rd choice from the top in the cooking view.

  104. Ok, fed the monster and it showed a what?

  105. Well , there´s 2 drawers to be opened though...

  106. All these codes and wires and stuff for... a tomato??? lol, thanks Ania

  107. LOL...he is requesting another dish...too funny...heard him ring the bell..

  108. Yes @Full, middle drawer is still close for me.

  109. cant cook.

    im a failure as a housewife.
    will never marry a monster.
    the trash-beast sure would take me though.

    please let me know the recipe when you succeeded (in detail please)

  110. Thanks Nurit, but i really tried to use the sheets one over another before but it didn´t work. Btw, where´s the red sheet?

  111. Okay - finally caught up so I can now play live! I'm stuck on the third dish... can't ell what he wants. Also he wants his food on a red plate - I don't have a red plate! Exactly how can a hand tell what color his plate is anyway!!!

  112. Red sheet, pleáááááse...

  113. Full - open the right cupboard where the plates are. click in the left side to see wires. cut those with the clippers

  114. Thanks a million Miles1

  115. This game makes me hungry, gonna go and find something to eat and than come back to start cooking

  116. For as many times as you have helped pleasure!! okay - anyone found a red plate?

  117. Yeah! Waiting for chef Full to do some magic around!

  118. Got endings A to D. Cooking was hard. XD

    Recipe that worked for me:

    1. Egg, steak
    Cut: no cutting
    Fire = 3

    2. Steak, onion, potato, carrot, water
    Cut into 4 square pieces
    Fire = 1

    3. Egg, tomato
    Cut into smallest pieces
    Mayo (?) and ketchup (?)
    Fire = 2

    You get ending A if you can get the colours of dishes correct (from the photo on the fridge), otherwise, ending B.

  119. Thanks Bernard. For the third I had to add a carrot too

  120. thanks so much bernard!

    and out

  121. Thanks @Bernard, you got the patience to make it.

    Sorry @Full, no chef reward rof you this time.

  122. Back again. Lol Bernard, you are surely the "chef"
    of the game

  123. Haha Edgar. Well, whenever you come to Barcelona i´ll invite you and cook a good Paella !!

  124. or Dutch pancakes, lol

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. Very funny game, Thanks a lot Bernard for your exelent cooking skills! :-)

  127. Nevermind, seems everyone is gone and i´m talking to myself here, lol

  128. Hey @Full, voy a tomarte la palabra.

  129. you're not on your own, I'm still with you, trying to figure out what to do with the damn wires and not get blown up ;)

  130. i cant get the third recipe or the red sheet i read your posts and have cut wires

  131. nevermind he finally showed me

  132. Melly, you find the order for the wires on the sheet of paper from the cupboard (754)

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. Hi everyone! i've been stuck,since i can't get the yellow sheet... seems that everyone has something to open the drawer (apart from code), pliers?or something to cut?... any help,please? I have two parts for code, blue sheet, casserole, plate, meat, have seen puzzle upstairs...i swear i've clicked everywhere!!!

  135. Hola Edgar! sigues ahí? es raro encontrar gente que hable castellano por estos lares..

  136. NVM: i'm an idiot!!!!!! POP

  137. Hola @Medusa!
    I'm around now after a while out. Thinking on writing a wt for this game. I loved it!

    Hope to see you again, and playing live!

  138. Wow! My cooking is so bad that not even the bin monster wants it ...

  139. How do you get the yellow paper?

  140. @ Edgar.. Are you writing a WT? The comments are too hard to follow. There are a lot of holes in the comments, so not so easy to get through. You advanced Escapers are leaving us beginners in the dust!

  141. WALKTHROUGH PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  142. I really enjoyed playing this game, even when I had to do it pausing for some minutes, but the altogether experience was way fun, thanks to all of the players I had (and always have) the fortune to play along with. Thanks also for the help with the codes… it really took me a long (and embarrassing) time to figure out how they had to be seen, lol!! Note to myself: remember always the items in your inventory and use them!

    You know, I sometimes like to play the games under the most realistic context possible to enjoy then the better, and in this game I thought… what is this? I mean, are you playing as Nyan’s wife and making the cooking for him?... that’s creepy! Or maybe Nyan is a craving pregnant female monster and you are a complaisant hubbie! Hmm… creepier! Well, I ended up assuming I was trapped by Nyan’s owner and forced to feed it to gain my freedom/escape.

    And because EGDAFW (Every Game Deserves A *FULL* Walkthrough) here you have…

    Feed My Frankenstein – Through (Part One)
    A tribute to old good Alice’s song, which came to my head while playing… and hummed it along, lol.

    Door View
    Hear the bell ringing… Nyan is hungry Zoom in the monster’s hand and click on it to know what the sweet little creature is in the mood for. Memorize the desired meal and get ready for some cooking… EG24 style.
    Turn left.

    Cupboard View
    Zoom in the cupboard and take one of the plates from the shelf… hm, did you get a beige plate? Click on them again to get the yellow plate instead. Why? Just trust me, you’ll know later on.
    Open the right big door and take the cooking pot. Open the lid, close it, repeat twice, repeat more… enough fun? OK, leave it alone now. It’s useless to do that.
    Open the bottom drawer and get one half of the color code paper.
    Click on the right side of the cupboard to have a lateral view and to get the other half of the color code paper.
    Put both halves together by Magnifying (clicking the bottom right [?] of the item in inventory) the bottom (bigger) paper and selecting/placing the top one over.
    Turn left.

    Fridge View
    Click on the trash bin and se a blobby monster inside. Click on the bin lid to turn it over and to get the blue sheet.
    Put your cursor on the picture of the fridge door and see images of the dishes to cook. Notice the one Nyan requested is on a yellow plate (and that’s why you needed to choose yellow first).
    Open the fridge and take the meat.
    Zoom in the egg box inside the fridge and open it according to the hint provided on the same box; get an egg and a key.
    Solution below.
    The freezer is coded and cannot be opened now; there’s also a panel on the wall with some colored wires that you need to cut to get it open, but you cannot do it yet either, so turn left now.

    Kitchen View
    Notice the yellow drawer is locked. Use your key to open it and get the yellow sheet.
    Well, now that we’re here already… It’s cooking time! Take your pot and place it on the stove.
    Zoom in and have a view of the available cooking choices for you to work on.
    Use the needed foods and Nyan’s specifications and you’ll have the dish served and ready to deliver.
    Turn left.

    Door View
    Zoom in Nyan’s hand and give the meal to him/her/that/whatever… Lovely Nyan is pleased! :D
    Zoom out, turn anywhere to hear (bell) Nyan’s appetite has returned, go back to whatever Nyan is and memorize its next whim.
    Go left.

  143. Feed My Frankenstein – Through (Part Two)

    Fridge View
    See the picture on the fridge door and see what color is the plate for the next meal.
    Zoom in the right side of the freezer (where the colored dots point to) and see you need a 3-digits code to open it.
    Magnify the color code paper, place (according to the colors on the clue) the BLUE and YELLOW sheets on the paper to “hide” all of the unnecessary numbers, add the visible numbers and get your code.
    Solution below.
    Code entered and freezer open, take the translucent picture.

    Cupboard View
    Take the blue plate, since it’s the next one you’ll need as you could see on the fridge picture.
    Zoom in the round mechanism on the wall and click on the lateral arrows to move the lever; follow the order given right there and, if done well, see a ladder coming down, allowing you to go up the attic.
    Solution below.
    Zoom out and go up.

    Attic View
    There’s a safe on the wall that requires a red sheet you don’t have yet and a box on the floor.
    Zoom in the box… it’s a jigsaw puzzle (I hope you like them)
    Take the translucent picture and place it on the box to know how to solve the puzzle (and to make it work too).
    To solve the jigsaw puzzle click on a piece to see it in the [view] screen, click on the [rotate] arrow to give the correct position and click on its place on the picture to make it fit.
    Once the puzzle is complete, the blue light turns on. Open the box and take onion, potato and nippers.
    Zoom out and go back down for now.

    Cupboard View
    Zoom in the cupboard again and open the right pink door (again).
    Zoom in the left part of the inside to have a lateral view of the middle drawer; use the nippers to cut off the wires. Zoom out.
    Now you can open the middle drawer to get the red sheet.
    Zoom on the left side of the cupboard (blue and red dots point the next code to enter) and following the same procedure as before, enter the new code, open the top drawer and grab the wires diagram.
    Solution below.

    Attic View
    Zoom in the safe on the wall, use your paper with number colors and the corresponding colored sheets as usual (YELLOW and RED this time) and open the safe to collect the carrot.
    But hey, Nyan must be impatient by now, so go to the…

    Kitchen View
    Make sure you have the correct color of the plate before start cooking for the second time and work accordingly to have the food served and ready.
    Solution below.
    You might think little Nyan is satisfied by now, but noooo. Turn anywhere and hear the bell ringing again. Go back to the monster and see what’s your next dish to prepare.

    Fridge View
    Zoom in the wired safe on the wall and use the nippers to cut the wires in the correct color order as depicted in the diagram clue.
    If done well and you didn’t blow out, open the bottom drawer and take the tomato.
    Solution below.
    Look now at the fridge picture to know what color is the next plate to take.

    Cupboard View
    Take the white plate from the cupboard as you should have seen on the fridge.

    Kitchen View
    Follow the same procedure with the ingredients needed for this third time. Use the correct options and have the third monster’s meal ready.
    Solution below.

    Door View
    Give Nyan the food and wait for the satisfaction signal.
    Zoom back and see the door lights go from red to blue.
    Click on the door’s handle, click on the [yes] option and you are out! ...with one of the four possible endings. Check them out at the bottom of this Walkthrough.


    Solution to Egg Box
    The word Egg is written on the box. Turn the word around to have 663, and that’s your code.

    Solution to Ladder Lever
    Written on the round mechanism you can see, if turned upside down, RLRLLR.
    Therefore, the order to click on the arrows is Right, Left, Right, Left, Left, and Right.

    Solution to the Wired Safe
    According to the diagram, the order to cut the wires is:
    1) Green; 2) Yellow; 3) Blue; 4) Purple; 5) Pink; 6) Red.

    Solution for Fridge Code
    After placing the YELLOW and BLUE sheets on the paper with colored numbers, you’ll get to see these:
    13 547 173 59 65
    Add them all to have your code: 857

    Solution for Cupboard Code
    After placing the RED and BLUE sheets on the paper with colored numbers, you’ll get to see these:
    6 82 4 36 98 528
    Add them all to have your code: 754

    Solution for Attic Code
    After placing the RED and YELLOW sheets on the paper with colored numbers, you’ll get to see these:
    9 21 25 7 84 8
    Add them all to have your code: 154

    Solution to First Cooking Dish
    Plate Color: Yellow.
    From the left options buttons select:
    Foods: Steak and Egg.
    Cutting Type: Non.
    Flavor: Pepper.
    Fire: Any, except 5.
    Click on [start].

    Solution to Second Cooking Dish
    Plate Color: Blue.
    From the left options buttons select:
    Foods: Steak, Onion, Carrot, Potato and Water.
    Cutting Type: 4 pieces (bottom left option).
    Flavor: Non.
    Fire: Any, except 5.
    Click on [start].

    Solution to Third Cooking Dish
    Plate Color: White.
    From the left options buttons select:
    Foods: Egg and Tomato.
    Cutting Type: small pieces (middle left option).
    Flavor: Mayonnaise and Ketchup.
    Fire: Any, except 5.
    Click on [start].


    For Ending A
    Give the monster the meals in the correct colors of the plates.

    For Ending B
    Give the monster the meals in any (different) color of plates.

    For Ending C
    When you make a mistake in the cooking and Nyan rejects the food, you can dispose of it in the trash bin by selecting the plate in inventory and dragging it in the not zoomed view. The blobby monster inside will eat it and you’ll be able to try the cooking again but… you don’t have many chances to go wrong. Dispose of the dishes until for 5 times; at the sixth one, Blobby will come out and eat you as well.

    For Ending D
    Make a mistake while cutting the colored wires and you’ll go kaput.

  145. Edgar, amazing walkthrough.....That´s truely a full, well detailed and long walkthrough., bravo!

    PD: i made a (video) walkthrough as well(Yalçin isn´t there this weekend so it´s not added yet) but i didn´t include the different colors of the plates, reading your walkthrough gives me energy to make a new one. lol

  146. I did the first dish correctly, but monstor didn't like it..then I took it to the trash bin and dragged it, but the monstor in the trash bin wouldn't eat my I doing something wrong?

  147. figured it out...thanks for everyone's hints and especailly Edgar's WT...wonderfully explicit, Edgar! Thanks for a "True" escape game to the author!! Would love more of these great logic puzzle/games!

  148. Have been so busy all weekend and have been coming in and out of this game just a couple of minutes at a time - finally out with all the great help here! I spoiled a few meals on the way lol.
    Loved this game, and loved your walkthrough Edgar.

  149. Can't play the game, all I get is a screen with Chinese letters?

  150. @ginger* - give it a while to load - 1/2 minute or so - you can see progress if you scroll down a bit below those letters.

  151. made it out due to Edgar's great walkthrough. Thank you so much -- there was zero chance I would have guessed which foods to use. @.@ Tomatoes and eggs with mayo and ketchup? Really?

    This is the second pet named Nyan. Does it mean something in Japanese?

  152. I think nyan means 'meow' in Japanese.

  153. Greeaat game!! I liked it a lot!

    I did get out without help with ending B, because I didn't think of the note on the fridge about colours of plates at the second plate, but knowing what to do the second time thanks to the fantastic wt of edgar I did get out with an A ending!

    And I didn't get the red sheet at the first time, but knowing that it blocks out the red numbers and knowing how that thing worked I could guess the right numbers and open all safes until I realised that there is still a drawer unopened and then I opened it with the nippers.

    That's why I think this game is special, because usually I don't get just one item, and then I am stuck. But not in this game.

    @edgar: I am very pleased to see that my invention EGDAW is still alive and is advancing! ;-)

  154. It sure does @escapism! Great contribution!! :D

  155. One of the most awesome Escape games I've ever played.

  156. we don't need to eat meat :) too bad the game wasn't more animal friendly... poor chickens and cows had to suffer


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