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Small Room Getaway 2

Small Room Getaway 2 is another point and click room escape game from Gamershood. Your goal is to find missing items, solve some puzzles and use items on various places. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. hehehe "billy bobs gasoline"

  2. Hi all, just joining in :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @ Ghorre... who's there??

  5. 4 mirros (used) and got me SD :)

  6. starting now...
    hi all!

  7. Where was the fourth mirror Ghorre?

  8. where is the 4th mirror?

  9. have one mirror that placed on the shelve

  10. Ah, on top of the beer cupboard.

  11. mirrors - to right of tall cabinet, on top of same cabinet, top of wall shelves

  12. The fourth mirror that is :)

  13. did the puzle on the wooden box, but nothing happened :(

  14. 2 near the cabinet with bottles on shelves, 1 in dustbin and 1 on top of the shelf in the view with 2 lamps on the wall

  15. (forget where the first one was)

  16. i did the Sakura - like puzzle on the box, but it doesn't open?

  17. where to use the lock picker?
    and btw: What the hell is a lock picker ????

  18. I combined the SD with the picklock part and am stuck for now...

  19. @Marie
    picklock is used when you "forget" your key ;)

  20. @zoz
    Turn the bottom left part around ;)

  21. Thanks

    lock picker on gasoline can

    on puzzle try spinning the plain pink one til it works


  22. oh..ok used it on the gas...

  23. got a code after placing the 4 mirrors, but where do you put it?

  24. thanks @Ghorre, i didn't even think of that!

  25. THX Ghorre! if so, then ive a plenty of them LOL

  26. I tried using lock picker on beer cabinet, now it's gone.
    Am I still carrying the gazzybug??
    will restart

  27. stuck with the sd now...nothing else in my i missing something? Help?

  28. @taylor - one of the drawers on the tall cabinet needs the code

  29. I too combined my lock picker and screwdriver and stuck

  30. and now the puzzle box won't open???
    what the....?

  31. and can not find the lock pick, boy im no help here - lol

  32. i used the lock picker on gas. the scene was sparkling, so i thought it would be right...cant add anything and dont see my lovely lock picker :(
    completely STUCK

  33. It looks like the picklock part is bugged...
    Restarting yet again...

  34. where did you guys put the mirrors? is that obvious that i can't see it?

  35. @chelsey, thanks for spinning tip!!
    duh, it's open now

  36. @nolwenn, in the 'cubby holes' on the wall.

  37. @nolwenn - mirrors go on wall shelf

  38. nevermind, found the right spot on wall shelf, i had clicked ther about a hundred times already

  39. thx anyway @anaby

  40. lost picker thingy again.
    Don't feel like another buggy game, bye all!

  41. restarted - now stuck again with just a screwdriver

  42. yes - I'll check back later and see if anyone got past this point. Plenty of other games to catch up on

  43. any idea what to do with the SD (except of combining it with lock picker LOL) ???

  44. my lock picker disappeared on the gasoline can. What was supposed to happen?

  45. ok so using pick lock on gas makes it dissappear but nothing appears to happen. Combing picklock with SD makes it dissapear, but it then cannot be used on the gas can...hmmmmm

  46. turn the blank squar on puzzle box till it opens

  47. @rambler: annaby is with us! lol

  48. I think I'll come back when they fix the bug. Got to do some gardening. Ugh

  49. lol..same here picker got lost

  50. use SD on iron, get a key and there's something else inside

  51. aahh duh ok found the lock pick, inside the puzzlebox

  52. now have a drill from locked drawer

  53. @ zoz where on the iron?

  54. out. wierd, though. just use drill on the door.

  55. Hey zoz! great work! but what iron do u mean???

  56. @ zoz nvm found it. haha

  57. out
    thanks zoz
    I swear I did use that SD on the iron a zillion times :/

  58. @Chelsey, use SD about halfway down on the iron to pry the lid open

  59. goin...dont feeling like playing this

  60. @zoz
    You probly combined the lick lock part with the drill without having the drill lol xD
    Same happened to me...

  61. sorry, stupid me...the hot iron ;)

  62. this game seemed to have potential, but what a letdown at the end :(
    @MarieInDaGame, on the ironing board

  63. guess i'll go on a pixel hunt for Smileys now...

  64. wow! Thanks zoz! u released us all ;)

  65. lock picker goes with second part of picker in drawer

  66. use helper combined with lockpicker on door... that's all...

  67. Oh's actually much easier than you think! Bugs or no bugs...I'm still out!

    Mini walkthrough:

    find all four mirrors and place them on shelves. (Other very helpful people have already noted their locations)

    Magical light will flood the room thanks to the colorful balls across the way. Note numbers that appear in the glow.

    You'll use these numbers on the middle drawer of the tall shelf. Get screwdriver.

    Find little puzzle on a locked box. Once the image is complete, make sure you turn the lower left tile! tricky and sneaky little element!

    Get lock picker (don't quite know why?!?!) I used it on the gas can like others and *poof* it disappeared! For me, this was no worry!

    Use screwdriver on the iron. When the top opens, remove key. There's some sort of tiny chart inside which I didn't need to use.

    Take the key to the bottom drawer of the tall shelf. Inside you'll find a real lock-picker.

    Use it on the door and escape.

    **NOTE** This game may be full of glitches and therefore this walkthrough may not be accurate once they fix the bugs. But, for now, it works :)

  68. lol... it also works without combining ... I've started this game three times... thought it was a bug...

  69. Not a lot of logic used in this game - a lot of guessing, tho.

  70. Nice WT @Shazzie! I hope you don't mind if I add this to it:

    -Start game and get excited because it looks like there are lots of cool puzzles to solve
    - Become less enthusiastic when the lock picker disappears somewhere (different black holes for different players - seems to be pretty much wherever you try to use it)
    - Totally lose enthusiasm when you exit without really doing anything
    - Pffffttt!

  71. Thanks for the hint on the screwdriver. I had clicked the iron tons of times, but not the right spot. I thought it would have something to do with the slot on it.

  72. Hm....
    Glitchy game.
    lol @zoz, loved your addition to the WT, specially the "Pfffffftt" part. hahaha, I saw myself there!

    Now, regarding to the game and once I’ve gone through the comments (lol, I shared your confusion when played)... that "lock picker" is a drill, right? I mean, I don't really know if the term exists. And the "lock picker part" is the drill's bit...? ok, then.

    Using the bit on a certain (upper) part of the gas can or combining it with the screwdriver in inventory will make it disappear, but what you’re really doing is combining it with the drill in inventory! --even when you don’t even have got that drill! And once you get it, it will show in inventory with the bit included… baaaad game.

    But, for the sake of the game (since it’s not the games to blame for their authors’ mistakes, lol) I think the way it should be played is NOT using the bit on anything until having the “un-bit” drill and then combining both in inventory.

  73. bad game bug bug yellow box dont open

  74. Yay! Out without help!

  75. hey, what kind of a stupid walkthrough is that?
    whats the point of making one if i still need to go through all of the comments to find the mirrors??
    and why does it tells me to disappear the bit or the lock picker PART -- one item the walkthrough doesnt even call right -- if its something not to do at all to go out!!
    it would be much better to read one from zoz who played live and saved all.
    or any other for that matter

  76. Hence my calling it a "mini" walkthrough Jimmy. And since I'm brand new here, let me just thank you personally for the warm and encouraging welcome.

  77. Really good game for the sad, it's full of bugs and pixel hunting is for the birds.

  78. @Jimmy, what kind of a stuped comment is that?
    Writing a walkthrough is totaly volontary, and there are not rules about what they should look like or what they should include.

    Welcome @Shazzie! You made an excellent mini through that doesn't spoil everything but still makes it necessary to put some effort into the game. I didn't play this game yet, but all kinds of Throughs are always appreciated by most of the players, and I'm sure that your's is a great help! Keep writing :)

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. @Shazzie - your mini WT was perfect. Pay no attention to comments like Jimmy's

  81. small-walkthrough for small-room-gateway-2 from small-tool for small-minded-Jimmy.

    - Open the game (use the link on top of this page).
    - Try to solve the game.
    - Notice you can't make it, because escape games are way out of your league.
    - Look at the comments and see there are already 89 comments.
    - Notice you can't read it, because escape comments are way out of your league.
    - Close the comment screen, close the game screen, close your computer and weep.

  82. R.A.O.T.F.L.O.L Smalltool

  83. small-tool, I'm ROTF with Full

  84. out with tons of help. Thanks @Shazzie and others!

  85. But @small-tool -- I needed lots of help. Are escape games out of my league, too? Even if I don't leave rude comments?

    Goes to follow the walkthrough directions. :'( *sobbing*
    "Close the comment screen, close the game screen, close your computer and weep."

    :P nah. I'm much more stubborn than that.

  86. I bet some of these comments are going to Museum of Walkthroughs..

    And @Shazzie
    I admire your style when answering to rude comments. :)

  87. guys! *blushing* Thanks for your warm welcomes, support and kind words. I'm grown up enough not to let what bitter, little minded people say bother me. But it's great you rallied around and made me feel all warm and fuzzy. And I'm laughing right there with ya!!! Great job all! :)

  88. hi every body i am already out any body needs help

  89. Ok, so here is how to complete it.

    Mirror 1 - Right of Beer Shelf
    Mirror 2 - On top of Beer Shelf
    Mirror 3 - On Top of shelf where 2 lamps are
    Mirror 4 - in Trash Can

    Place all mirrors on the shelves where the two lamps are. (they will shine a light behind you)

    Turn around and read number code off wall.

    Go to Beer Shelf and click on Drawers
    Enter the code in the drawer with '1111' on it
    Take Screwdriver from drawer
    Go to the Iron on the Ironing Board
    Click the screwdriver on the side of the iron.
    Take the key inside the iron
    Go to the Beer Shelf and click on the drawers
    Insert the key into the bottom drawer.
    Take the Lock Pick Handle
    Go to the Iron Board
    Click on the Box and arrange the puzzle.
    Keep clicking the bottom left corner picture square until the box opens
    Take the Lock Pick Part
    Combine the Lock Pick Part with the Lock Pick Handle.
    Go to the Front Door
    Click on Door
    Use the assembled Lock Pick on the door key area and the door will open
    Click on the outside world and you are done


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