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Vehicles is another addicting and challenging physics based puzzle game. Make the vehicles push objects and other vehicles so you can solve the physics puzzle on each level. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Tosca]

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  1. R.A.O.T.F.L.O.L.

  2. who else is playing this crazy game???

  3. I do Van_Van, lol. It´s actually fun

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. you do?!? care to explain it Full?

  6. Level 3 got me as well, you need to click the gray/white block, not the red/white

  7. I´m at Lvl 14 now, looks a little complicated

  8. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! (slaps forehead really hard) Thanks Full!

  9. What level are you Van_Van? tell me if you need help and than i´ll wait for you at level 14, ok? LOL

  10. I've just reached L8! might be a while...turn on the kettle - LOL!

  11. At last, got 14...

  12. I don't think my previous comment posted - I'm on L8!

  13. Making coffee Van_Van ? Great!

  14. Haha, 16 was fun

  15. Got some work to do, back in 10 min.

    Funny game, thanks Shuchun/Tosca :-)

  16. These trucks are clumsy...and I can't get past L8! I'll throw in a bickie or two with the coffee, if you shed some light on how to get by?

  17. 8: push the big truck so it moves the other lone on the striped block, click block and than the car forwards and than push it (gas/break, gas/break)to move the plank little by little

  18. OOPS, i should have read the introduction well. Madeit through the first 20 levels but you can´t play the mega levels unless you have collect all the stars, SHOOT

  19. YAY! Now that's too easy - thanks Full!

  20. wow...much levels..just going to start :)

  21. The star at 12 is very hard to get ;-(

  22. Glad to see you at work, Full.

  23. Hahaha, LOL(lig)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. stuck at L20 - any ideas?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. 3 attemps, sorry. hope it´s clear

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. 20: 1st. push the bottom car so it´ll turn around and stop it
    Push top car so it turnes around and stop it just before the striped block with the crate.
    Drop the crate and push the crate to the left, but so that the car will stay at the right striped block.
    push that block so the car will fall down.
    The 2 cars are next to each other now, click the one at the right so it´ll push the black car off

  31. That looks better. :-)

  32. Level 20:

  33. FANTASTIC! Finally got it! Full is a legend! Woot!!!

  34. Wait a minute.....are Full,Van_Van and me are the only ones playing this game!?

  35. No Hot_shot, Alkmar joined in earlier as well, lol

  36. I got stars in every level but can't unlock the mega levels? What is going on?

  37. I still can't get the star in L9 - any clues?

  38. Did anyone manage to unlock the mega levels (above 25 level)?

  39. Tania - I can't get to L26 either although I have completed all levels with stars before L26. Has anyone else got this issue?

  40. This was way fun!
    Levels and mega-levels altogether :D

  41. Can someone help me with Level 14???

  42. Nevermind...figured it out...

  43. very fun! I like these. Not too hard (out with no hints), and lots of destruction :D

    But like Van_Van and Tania, I can't unlock the upper levels even though I have 25 stars :(

  44. Uhh... I'm a bit stuck on level 9. Any help please anybody??

  45. Block- White and Black Lines that you can click
    Red block- The red version of Block
    switch- To remove red blocks

    Level 1 - 3. Its too simple. Moving on.

    Level 4. Click the block on the wood, then on the box. Click on the car then click again when it is on the 'parking zone'

    Level 5 Click on the firetruck and wait until its on the edge. Then click on the police car and stop it when it rams the black one

    Level 6 Just click the car, then the block then stop the car.

    Level 7 Click the one on the top left then when it falls Click the one on the top right.

    Level 8. Click the fire truck and push the ambulance to the block. Stop the firetruck. Click the block. Click the ambulance and push the wood by a little bit ONLY. Then stop the ambulance. THe tire would have already pushed the black by now. Click the block on the police and start the police's car and stop it on the green zone,

    Level 9 click on the fire truck. Then on the block. Click the police car. Stop the firetruck. Click the ambulance until the red switch and then stop it.

    Level 10. Click on the ambulance. Click on the firetruck on the right. It will push the other one. Stop on the block. Click the block and then click the firetruck so that the metal will move. Then click on the block on the ambulance . Then ram the black one, staying on the green zone.

    Lvl 11: Click on the car on the floor. Ram the woods, then stop it. Click on the car above and hit the black one. Stop on the green zone. Might need a few tries

    Lvl 12 Click the firetruck then stop it. Just let it move the wood. Then click on the police car. It will ram the black one. Stop the police car

    LVL 13. Just wait and a firetruck will fall out of nowhere. Click the firetruck and stop it on the greenzone.

    14: Click on the Fire truck so its below the box. Click the block and stop truck. Move Black one and stop on the car. Move firetruck to the left and stop. Click on car so that it will move again. Click on block on the top that has ambulance. It will fall to the box. click Firetruck and move it to the right. Stop and let Ambulance go to parking zone. Click on the block on the enemy. It will fall to the dumps.

    Lvl 15 Click on the Black car on the bottom. Stop it when it hits ambulance. Click on ambulance and stop it on the green zone. Click on police car and stop when black one is hit.

  46. o and

    Lvl 16 click on white and black box under ambulance. Click on ambulance and stop when hit big black one. Click black and white box under fire truck click firetruck. Click white and black box under policecar

    Lvl 17 click black and white box on top click police car click black and white box right away.

    I need help on level 18

  47. now i need help on the timing for lvl 20


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