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A Casa da Colina - Episodio 2

A Casa da Colina Episódio 2 is second episode of A Casa da Colina Episódio 1 new point and click type room escape game created by Regis Ferreira. You need to find objects and clues in order to escape from this room. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Rafael]

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  1. Really bad, bad and bad game

  2. Hey, I remember the first episode!
    It was great!

  3. Hm, I don't understand Portuguese pretty well but... did the chopper pilot just left me on my own down there?
    Anyway, I just used a hose.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well, I think this game is not worth enough hard trying... and coffee sounds like a better option atm.

  6. strange game, don't know what to do! Find some stuff but don't know how to use it.

  7. This game is hard and needs at least 3 hours to escaped.

  8. Ok, I'm back... but not too enthusiastic, lol.
    Wondering what's with those stones(?) with Roman Numerals on them. Have found 5 of them so far.
    Going on still... zzzzzzz

  9. Put de hose
    Go to the fire
    clic Menu, Combinar Items, clic in the hose and clic in the fire

  10. Fire is off. Collected another stone (6 now)
    Use Acid on the strange rock and then the towel.
    It turns out to be the plane's black box, I think.

  11. @Sisli, I didn't combine the hose to be able to use it... anyway.
    Use screwdriver and wrench on the box thing.

  12. Hmm, I only got one up arrow with helicopter door which I clicked, and found two rocks in that scene, but had to go back to helicopter because there is only a down arrow. Am I missing some views?

  13. I've got a gear to use it where the other one got broken, but I cant do it yet, maybe I need to use some tools before.

  14. @Jillidoc, yes you are. Find a hose and a tool box under the seats.

  15. I'm in.. hope this is good

  16. Thanks Edgar, got the toolbox, but where's the hose?

  17. In Combine items, use the file on the gear to make it smaller, then it will fit on the door box.

  18. Found it under the back seats!

  19. hose is in the other seat... if not in the pilot seat, look under the other ones.

  20. Ok, good!
    Now, the cave entrance is open, but pitch black inside.

  21. Edgar,
    I've got the toolbox, but how do I use the acid from it. Can't take it?

  22. Well I'm bored but not this bored... I give up..
    I just don't understand this game. :(

  23. Nvm. found it. It's double clicking.

  24. And I need more rocks! The ones I have weight 115 out of the 189 i need.

  25. Not double clicking small tool, just once is enough to have it selected.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Actually, it's not really double clicking but selecting an item from your toolbox and then clicking on the thing where you want to use it.
    By the way, you can select text and translate it with, for example, Bable Fish.

  28. Well, even if dark inside I could get 2 more rocks. To the scales!!

  29. Sorry Edgar,
    just found out and made a comment about that.

  30. I have only 6 rocks, are there more?
    And the combining thing I don't really get. How do you combine?

  31. Rocks: 1, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 128 does it.

  32. Cant get the key!!
    Small tool, click on the combine stuff blue box and select gear, then select the file and click on the gear (which it must still be in the blue box of inventory)

  33. I wanted to say is that I put all the stones in the dish less IV, I and LXIV, I believe
    and I have the key

  34. I don't know what I did wrong the first time. I had to put the stones back in the plate and now key is with me.

  35. Thanks Edgar but where is rock 128?

  36. Great @Sisli, have you been able to do anything in the dark there?

  37. small-tool, inside the cave... but where exactly? idk. Got them by random clicking.

  38. @ Edgar.. not seeing anything clickable in the helicopter.. is there a down arrow or view that I am not seeing? I see two seats then turn and see pilot that is all. was playing in firefox and switched now to safari.. will see what happens.

  39. EnJoy,
    The tab-key works for the hot spots.

  40. Never mind.. tab key came to my rescue!

  41. is the key generator that is at the end of the cave

  42. Edgar,
    The cave is behind the door I guess, but the door is closed. I have one gear. Do I have to use it? with a tool from the toolbox maybe?

  43. small-tool, did you pull the lever to have a gear broken first? The one from the airplane box should replace that one, and no tools are needed to fit it in, but the file you used before.

  44. @small-tool.. thanks the power of posting! :)

  45. in first view inside, right from the useless light switch is another zoom hotspot.

  46. Thanks Edgar,
    But I've got the feeling I'm asking a lot and holding you all up, but I still don't get it. I used the file on the gear (with combining) but where is the lever you're talkning about.

  47. Left from the stone door.

  48. Arghhh!!! I need some light!!

  49. Hey, small-tool, don't feel like you're asking much!! We're all together on this, right? It's what playing live is all about :)

  50. I cannot find the 128 stone anywhere, is it in the dark cave?

  51. Yes, jillydoc. Go inside... try all the views and doors... click madly, specially by the floors.

  52. Ok Edgar, thanks. So asking again;
    Left from the stone door, all I can see is the box with three gears and it seems like there is place for the fourth gear I have in my inventory (and did something with that gear with my file), but it won't go there!?

  53. small, you have to close the menu to see the bar to click on.

  54. small-tool, pull the lever on the right of the box... one of those 3 gears will break apart. Then you can use the one you have to replace it.

  55. Thanks jillydoc,
    Closing the menu did the trick.

  56. Aha, a live game before bed-time. How are we doing? Any bugs?

  57. but have given light, no?

  58. Sisli, do you have light??

  59. Hi @Rambler! Hmmm... do you happen to have a lighter?

  60. yes I have

    light panel next to the red bulb
    left, a little picture, click and light

  61. OMG, I got it!! Thanks Sisli!
    i thought you were saying where to use the key, but not you actually used it! lol :D

  62. without zoom, on the wall next to the left pane, click to the left

  63. Looks like a long one. I'm knacked right now so I'll give it a go in the morning.

    Goodnight all <:-)

  64. jee no, it was the generator to give the lights
    I closed the game, so do not say anything, hehee
    at first, in Portuguese, says you have to find a drug that is in the cave

  65. I guess everybody found that extra rock by clicking around in that dark cave and can't tell where it is.
    I've got the feeling I tried all the spots, but can't find that rock.
    Does somebody remember?

  66. Nite Rambler, see you.

  67. Hi Edgar and bye Edgar :)

  68. Well, got nothing but a note in first floor and another key in the second one.
    @small tool, hold up. I'll start over.

  69. was a stone at the entrance of the cave, left
    and another stone back all on the floor

  70. btw, small-tool, did you get the one in the view where you place the hose?

  71. Edgar,
    I guess so, because I can't find anything more there (like I said I have six rocks/stones), but you don't have to start again just for me.

  72. small-tool, inside the dark cave is one rock on the bottom left of first view.
    Zoom forward on the background (no arrows) and the big 128 one is in bottom left also.

  73. Hope it's good enough to help because I want to close that other game I opened. Sounds of both games at once were driving me nuts, lol!

  74. Thanks you guys, I'm gonna run home and have dinner before the 101 becomes a parking lot. Ah the joy of living in Los Angeles! lol

  75. Well, I can't find where to use my key and the code is a bit hard for me to figure it out now. I have to go out for a while. Catch you guys later.

  76. Thanks for all your effort Edgar, but it's no use. I'm way too stupid for this one.
    When I enter the cave there are a lot of hot spots I can click on the background (without using the arrows) but it doesn't matter which one I choose, there's never a rock on the bottom left in the next scene. So just leave me behind on this one (now it's just a lot of comments between the two of us and Jimmy will be very upset).
    And now I know why you all write walkthrouhgs for games and I'm looking forward to this one.
    By the way, what other game? Is there a new one? Maybe I can be some kind of help there.

  77. I have the key but cannot find anything else in the cave. Any hints please?

  78. Oh!!! A game in my language!!!

  79. fred,
    maybe you can tell me (in a different way, and don't get me wrong Edgar did his best) to find that rock to get the key?

  80. Small, I did what he said. on the first screen in the cave click near the floor, and on the back wall. There was no rhyme nor reason, I just fluked out and got them lol. If not the first screen, try the second. Sorry I can't be more precise.

  81. Has anyone seen the clues of the codes? This is only getting harder!

  82. lol, what codes? i'm still in the dark cave.

  83. @Small-Tool, enter the cave, click the 2nd door on the left, then click the left arrow, a big stone should be there.

  84. @small tool.. there are two rocks in the cave. One is immediately on the bottom left when you enter. the second one is click the second hotspot on the left then click the LEFT arrow and it should be on the ground on the left.

  85. I see the Essa porta está travada eletronicamente beside the grey circle in the cave.

  86. the key you get from the cave says something like key guard.. so not a key or a key covered in something?

  87. Essa porta está travada eletronicamente = This door is electronicly locked

    Hope it helps...

  88. Thank you all so very much I found them, both.
    What confused me is that your mouse doesn't turn into a little hand on those spots, but if you look very carefully you can see them in the dark as slightly lighter dark spots.

  89. the note reads:

    the loading of drugs comes out today at 19:00. after that place had been ruined, because there is a bomb. programmed to detonate 19:15. to access the room where the drugs are cached, use the master password

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. There is a code behind the generator

    Also found A(square) + C - B

    and CABIDE = bcdaei

    don´t know if it means anything but Cabide means clothe hanger...

  92. Hey guys! im stuck with all of u ..
    I have a note .. a key ..a tool box.. and a "calmante"
    (Im brazilian so i think I can help u a lot this time!)

  93. Warning for Jeff (f2je) or TONINHO (hn2tio2)
    The drugs shipment leaves today at 19:00. After that the place will be ruined, there is a bomb set to detonate at 19:15. to have access to the room where the drugs are stored, use master password.

    The boss

  94. where did you find the "calmante"?

    Sou portuguesa... :)

  95. calmante above the wardrobe

  96. Oh, I feel so stupid and really embarressed, but now I don't know where to use the key?

  97. Arghh!! I cant do anything more!!
    Tried using the "calmante" on the little orange tubes.. but nothing lol!
    Help me .. :D

  98. bhl2npa3iu should work, no?
    first consonant in alphabetical order
    after vowels
    and if any is repeated, as to numbers, as the paper
    but nothing happens ... am I wrong?

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Sisli, whisch word are you trying to put in code?

    I understood your train of thoughts, maybe I can help.

  101. jejeee PC password
    is to encode the name of PAULINHO BALA
    as it is written on paper, first consonants, then vowels
    but something I do wrong, nothing happens

  102. BHL2NPA3IOU

    maybe this way, tou forgot one letter.

  103. Haha!! I unlocked the B/C door!

  104. Is there anybody still willing to tell me where I have to use that key for the generator and yes I know I keep asking, but please forgive me for being stupid.

  105. Got ladder and another hint: 42619

  106. And a green key and a crowbar..

  107. Small tool,

    I think you have to enter tha cave and then go forward.

    You will find a gate, I think the key is for that gate and the generator is behind it.

    Try using the TAB to find hot spots...

    Hope it helps

  108. OK, jjejee, ayy
    maddrugada here is, I have the brain damaged

  109. Use ladder next to the cupboard.

    don´t know why yet

  110. Hm.. I have used the ladder to enter the ventilation (lol is it correct?) and going all the way trought it the only thing i can see is a code I have already seen at the room we unlocked!

  111. oh nooo, I can not
    I closed the game for third time
    I will divorce him
    damn advertising, better sleep

    good luck

  112. got the code for the door on level 1 Asquared + C -B
    A 9695
    B 19504
    C 42619

    close the door we opened with the computer then go through the vent to see a different number in that room

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. Thx hubcap! u are a genious!

  115. there is guy there drinking coffee, i think we need tto poison him with the calmante but i can't find how

  116. Somehow I did use my key somewhere because it's gone now, but it didn't bring me to another place or hotspot.
    But I won't bother you all anymore. Have to face the facts; I'm not good at this stumbling around in the dark..
    You were all very helpful. Thanks for that and good luck with finishing this game

  117. @acvnos3 how did you drug him my menu disappears when he drinks coffee

  118. hmm found the room where the drugs are stored and now have a color clue

  119. how did you drugged him?

    can´t find the way to do it....

    I select the calmante but when he goes to pick the mug it isn´t selected anymore...


  120. hub u have to enter in the ventilation.. thres a new arrow now poiting roght...

  121. now im facing the bomb! found a paper w/ instructions on how to desarm it but i'm kinda scared to begin

  122. how did you use the apple?

  123. ok thanks i'm in the basement useing remote from poisened guy, but i don't see any drugs

  124. Yay I did it! u have to cut the wires in the right order (hint: not all of them, use the hint in theB/C room and the color hint to help!)

  125. Joana.. throw it in aiming the boxes

  126. And Out!!!!!!!!
    If any of u need help translating the paper I can do it ^^

  127. hub use the remote facing the locked door i think in the "lobby" lol

  128. i need one more of those tubes for the third floor
    what boxes do we throw the apple at

  129. U have to use the remote in the locked door on the street level floor (?) then u use the crowbar and go down the ladder through the basement.. see the guy in from of the door and go left.. ull see some boxes far from u.. throw the apple there!

  130. Then go up the set of stairs and cut the wire thats holding the bag.. ull have Knocked out the guy lol!

  131. OUT!!!!

    Thanks for all your help!!!!

  132. Np Joana! Glad I helped someone lol!

  133. You throw the apple at above the boxes, in the middle.

  134. thanks i just couldn't find the right hot spot
    now i gotta get threw that locked door

  135. ah the key i found long ago i forgot about it
    found drugs an final tube

  136. hub cap... the moment u click the yellow square on the bomb the timer will start running and ull have 1 min to desarm it!

  137. Do not press the red button until you have cut the wires in the correct order!!!

  138. So dont begin unless u have the right order to cut the wires!

  139. You're all out now...

  140. There is a new game...

    meet u there...


  141. and out, thought i was going to get shot after all that
    thanks everyone bye;)

  142. Well.. since im already out ill try the new one! BB guys!

  143. anyone know where the lights are? anyone?!?

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. I will replay to see the bomb explode.

  147. Waaw the whole mountain exploded.

  148. I'm working on a walkthrough

  149. This walkthrough is based on all of the wonderful comments left above. Thanks everyone!

    Tab key works partially (hit tab to see hotspots you can zoom in on)
    Your cursor will turn to a hand for hotspots (but not for objects you can pick up)
    MENU on the bottom right opens the inventory. Clicking it again will close it so you can see all of the game screen
    Arrows allow you to move, except for places like in the vent where you can just click the screen (look for the hand)
    You can combine items by clicking the blue square next to COMBINAR ITENS in your inventory. Then click the item you want to change, and then the item you want to use to change it.

    Click Avancar to progress through all the dialog
    The game starts after the helicopter lands

    The helicopter
    Exit the helicopter using the up arrow
    Get the 2 stones from the ground
    Click the word MENU at the right edge of the screen to open your inventory
    Click either one of the stones and look at the item description at the bottom (it says item selecionado) -- note each stone has a Roman numeral value
    Click MENU again to close the inventory
    Back up
    Turn right to face the back of the helicopter
    Click between the back seats (look for your cursor to become a hand) and click (bottom of the screen)
    Get the fire hose
    Click up to back up
    Turn right
    The pilot can tell you something, but I don’t understand it
    Instead, click the bottom of his thigh on the seat (obviously, you know him pretty well lol)
    Get the tool box
    Click MENU and then the tool box to see all the lovely tools inside :)
    For now, though, close the box view (the black X) and the inventory
    Now you have everything
    Leave the helicopter so you can fly (I think maybe you are really closing the door)

    At the cliffs and aircraft crash
    In the new area, get the third stone behind the left 2 grasses
    Click above the red door in the cliff to see a scale -- note it also has Roman numerals and a key you can’t reach
    Back up
    Click the darker rock at the bottom left of the cliff
    Get the fourth stone near the item selecionado box
    Now click the gear box to the left of the rock
    Make sure your inventory is closed -- click the handle on the upper right of the box
    The middle gear will break
    Back up 2 times
    Turn right and see the raging fire!
    Go left
    Click the gray thing to the left of the grasses under the palm trees
    Get the fifth stone from the top right of the screen
    The gray thing is a pipe
    Click menu, select the hose (you can tell it is selected because it will say mangueira in the item selecionado box) and click the pipe
    Now click the handle to the left of the pipe
    Back up and turn right
    Select the hose again. You may need to click the center of the fire (look for the hand). I’m not sure
    Once it is smoky, click the dirt under the crashed aircraft
    You will zoom in on a gray lumpy thing
    Use the acid from the toolbox to find the box inside it (click MENU, click the box, and select the acid)
    The new box is covered in acid, so use the cloth (the white thing) from the toolbox to clean it
    Once clean, use the screwdriver from the toolbox to remove all 4 screws
    Now click the front of the open box
    Use the wrench from the toolbox to take the fan
    Back up
    Click the dirt around the aircraft wing until you find the sixth stone - you can only take it after removing all of the dirt from around the wing, including that below the wing!
    Click the dark rock at the bottom left of the cliff again
    Zoom in on the gear box
    The fan is too big to fit as a gear so you need to use the file on it
    Click MENU and click the blue square that says COMBINAR ITENS at the top of the screen. Now, click the fanblade (the fanblade will appear in the combiner itens white box)
    Now select the toolbox and then the file
    You have a new gear
    Add it to the gear box
    Click the right handle to open the door (make sure your inventory menu is closed)
    Enter the cave


    The cave part 1 (sorry for the blackness!)
    Bah! It is much too dark in here, but you need 2 things before you can leave
    When you first enter the cave, click just above the bottom left corner of the screen to find the seventh stone (if you can tilt your screen to see lighter colors, it is a slightly lighter shape)
    Now, take your cursor and move down the left wall. There are 2 doors on the left. The first will zoom you in on a gray circle (you don’t want that view so back up by clicking the left arrow if you get it). The second will zoom you in to where you only see a left arrow (no gray dot)
    Press that arrow and you are seeing a new view (only a down arrow shows). Click just above the bottom left corner until you find the eighth stone
    Back up 2 times to leave the cave

    Back outside again
    Back up
    Click over the red door
    Solve the puzzle and get the gold key
    Back up and enter the dark cave again

    Inside the cave of annoyance part 2
    Just inside the entrance, click the back of the cave near the top of the screen (look for the hand)
    You are zoomed in on a locked jail door
    Move your cursor near the left of center about ½ way up the screen until you find the hand again -- this is the lock
    Use the gold key to unlock the door (the key will disappear from the inventory)
    Once unlocked, click the center to enter the door
    You are facing the generator
    If you can see anything, you might be able to make out the black circle at the right side of the generator. Click the black rectangle that is just left of the circle.
    If you can’t see anything, open your inventory. The square is at the left upper corner of the box that has MENU written on it.
    Once you click the square, the circle will light up green
    Close the menu and back up 2 times
    You should see a red circle on the left wall
    You need to find the s witch that is left of this circle. It is about 1 inch left and your cursor will change to a hand. (If you click wrong either 1) nothing will happen or 2) you will change views and face the red circle -- if so, click left to back up and try again)
    If you find the switch, the lights will be on and the most annoying part of the game is over!


    In the lit cave (yay!)
    If you click the switch with the red dot, you will learn it doesn’t have power
    Both left doors are locked
    Zoom in on the generator at the end of the hall
    Zoom in again and click just to the left of the main part of the generator
    Learn A=9695
    Go right and back up 2 times to inside the entrance
    Go right
    Enter the elevator by clicking the white buttons
    You are on ground level (Terreo or T)
    Click 1 for the first floor
    Once the cut scene is over, click left 2 times
    Note the pass code box by the door
    Click the tall cabinet
    Note the locked bottom drawer
    Open the right cabinet door (don’t ask why the drawer is locked but not the guns. Bad guys don’t know about gun safety)
    Get the note. Sorry, you can’t take a gun
    Look at it (select MENU and click the note in your inventory for the about item view)
    See the weird codes at the top and the name at the bottom
    Go left to back up
    Click above the tall cabinet to get the calamante bottle
    Go left to back up
    Turn right and take the elevator to level 2
    On level 2, go left 2 times
    Zoom in on the computer tower
    Press the gray square to turn it on
    Note the hint CABIDE=bcdaei
    Zoom on the monitor and enter the code
    Hit enter and the door on level T will unlock
    Back up and click the desk drawer -- get the red key
    Back up and turn right and go to the 3rd floor
    Go left 2 times and zoom on the gray box by the door
    Note there are 3 objects missing
    Go back to the ground floor (I trust you can find your way there)

    Through the B C door
    On the ground floor, go left 2 times and click on the plate with the blue circle on it
    Click the switch from B to C to open the door
    Enter the room by clicking the door
    Get the ladder from the back wall
    Note the vent
    Turn left -- get the green key
    Turn left -- note the code 42619
    Turn left
    Note the poster (draw it carefully. You need the alignment of the squares!)
    Get the crowbar from under the boxes
    Go left and back up
    Click the door back to B
    Go left then right and to level 1

    The passcode door
    Zoom on the tall cabinet and use the green key to unlock the drawer -- get the first fuse
    Go left 2 times and click the passcode box
    Note the math Asquared+C-B
    Back up
    Use the ladder on the vent
    Click the vent
    Use the screwdriver to remove the screws
    Click to enter the vent
    Keep clicking the end of the vent (don’t click the down arrow or you will back up) until you come to the left arrow. Go left. Keep going until you find the end of the vent.
    See the number in the BC room 19504
    Back all the way up, go left, and solve the passcode. Press the green button to unlock the door.
    Click the door handle and see the guard.
    Don’t worry, he is blind and deaf and the binoculars are just for show. He will never notice you
    You can see him, however, and see that he drinks coffee, which is conveniently placed below a vent
    Back up
    2 times
    Click the open vent
    Now you can go right
    Follow the vent to the end and you can see the coffee
    Use the calamante to poison the coffee
    Back all the way out of the vent, go left, and enter the guard room again
    Wait for him to die
    Get the apple and second fuse from the table
    Get the door remote from next to the guard’s hip
    Back up 2 times
    Go right and go to the ground level again

    The remote controlled door room
    On the ground floor, go to the cave entrance and click the further left door
    Use the remote control on it
    Click the up arrow to go inside
    Turn right
    Zoom on the manhole cover and use the crowbar
    Click the ladder to go to the basement
    Go left
    See the second blind guard (this one isn’t deaf)
    Turn left to the boxes
    Throw the apple at the boxes under the bag hanging from the ceiling.
    The guard will go to check. While he stands there like an idiot, click the middle of the stairs
    Go up using the arrow 2 times
    Use the knife (in the toolbox) to cut the bag down
    Back up, go right, and back up
    Now you can climb over the body of the guard
    Go right
    Use the red key on the door
    Inside the drugs room, get the third fuse from the floor below the rightmost stack
    Click the color poster and make note of the colors
    Back up 4 times, go right 2 times, and climb the ladder
    Back up 3 times, turn left, and back up
    Go to the third floor

    The Bomb!
    Turn left 2 times and zoom on the gray box
    Place the 3 fuses you found (they are numbered in your inventory)
    Go left 2 times to enter the bomb room
    Zoom on the poster on the wall. It essentially tells you that you need to disarm the bomb in order
    Turn left
    Zoom on and remove the yellow square to start the countdown
    Use the knife in the toolbox to cut wires in the right order
    You can click anywhere on the correct wire to cut it
    If you are wrong, you go BOOM!
    Click the red circle when you have cut the correct ones

    Go to the ground floor and click the idiot’s gun to disarm him. I’m not sure if you have to click the dropped gun or if the ending is automatic at that point.

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.


    warning here be spoilers!!

    The balance puzzle
    CLXXXIX is 189 in Roman numerals. The stones you have in your inventory are worth
    1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128

    You need to add stones to the gold cup to equal 189. Then click the gray scale dish to see if you have it right. If you do, you can take the key. If not, click the cup to get the stones back and try again.

    189=128+32+16+8+4+1 so add the stones worth CXXVIII, XXXII, XVI, VIII, IV, I (II and LXIV are not used)

    Computer password
    The paper you found in the gun cabinet tells you that JEFF became f2je and that TONINHO became hn2tio2. The hint on the computer desk said CABIDE=bcdaei. You need to use the same process for PAULINHO BALA (the name at the bottom of the note).

    First thing you can note is that capital letters become lower case. So the password will be in lower case. The second thing you can note, is that any duplicated letters are used only once with the number for how many times they are used next to it. For example there are 2 Fs in Jeff so it is F2. The CABIDE=bcdaei also shows that the order of the letters is consonants first with vowels after. Both consonants and vowels are in alphabetical order.

    So for PAULINHOBALA. The order would be bhlnpaiou. With the duplicated letters, it becomes SPOILERbhl2npa3iouSPOILER

    Passcode box
    So we know the passcode is from the Asquared+C-B problem. A was from next to the generator and was 9695. B and C were from the BC room. When the door was unlocked (on C) the code was 42619. When it was locked (on B) you could see through the vent the code was 19504. Solving the math gets you SPOILER94016140SPOILER

    Disarming the bomb
    The poster with missing squares and arrows had you starting in the upper left corner and following the arrows. The squares you want are the ones that are cut out, but the pattern forms a 4x3 grid. The order is
    1 6 X X
    X 5 4 X
    X X 2 3

    Compare that to the 4x3 poster of colors:
    Bright green// red// orange// cyan
    Dark gray// black// blue// dark gray
    Green// pink// white// yellow

    And you get SPOILERbright green, white, yellow, blue, black, and redSPOILER.

  157. good game other than the navigation is a bit annoying, and the DARK CAVE WAS HORRIBLE!!!!

  158. Dark cave : if you look at your computerscreen from above (standing), you can see in the darkness

  159. @tosca yeah, I could see it by tilting my screen all the way down. Still, it shouldn't be that hard!


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