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Cogito Ergo Sum – Balcony Escape 2

[REPLAY] CogitoErgoSum – Balcony Escape 2 is another new point and click type escape the room game from Cogitoergosum. Gather items, use them and surroundings to escape this room. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Hi there
    anyone playing - just loading - hope language not a problem

  2. Hi. First time posting. Glad I'm not alone.

  3. I can't figure out the code for the blue box. Any luck?

  4. tried to charge my telephone but cannot plug in

  5. Hi Silent Spectator - welcome
    which blue box?

    I opened the cabinet, got a charger but I cannot charge my phone

  6. you are all past me-- lol.

  7. I have a cell phone, a crumpled rock paper scissors paper, and an eraser.

  8. When you take off the power socket cover, you get a second fingers code.

  9. Aaand I feel stupid. got box-thing open now.

  10. hello there!

    right now I'm with phone, charger, cable and a piece of paper with that freakin' cat

    and stuck so baaadly

  11. any hint with the blue box please

  12. Help with code! I think I'm close, but not close enough, apparently. lol.

  13. Follow the sequence for blue box code. I'm out of the room so can't go back. I think it was 2,4,6 first line. And 3,6,9 second line. Basically just fill in the ABC with the missing numbers.

  14. dor - use your eraser to get the code for the pink box

    S.S. got 2 numbers from the new room - but cannot get to the key - any luck

  15. Any help with the green box code?

  16. hi all, anybody inside yet?

    - for kitchen sink cupboard code check the maze picture
    - found 4 numbers so far spread around the room. check them in about view.

    can't figure out green box code now. I translated the letters into ABC numbers and tried different combination but nada.

    is anybody able to read the hint in the book?

  17. Numbers - one was in plant, one in locked cabinet under sink, one under bowl, one...

  18. Green box code - use green phone on book. See google colours and replace with corresponding number in inventory.

  19. Sorry folks if my hints are not very good. I'm terribly new to this and not very sure exactly how it is done, without giving away the answer.

  20. Im in the second room. Finally. Still behind tho.

  21. ah great thanks @silent spectator

  22. da-da-da! Green box open! thx for hint, silent!

  23. Any hint for green ball / TV code in third room?

  24. stuck with melon-thing code

  25. Me too, dor. The clue is on the TV. But can't figure it out.

  26. me neither. Why so many codes??? :(

  27. look in the cat stand, there´s a cube with numbers

  28. and out - or respectively in - cute game

  29. u can change channels...

  30. it looks like channel 1 to 5 gives each a number and channel 6 maybe says add them

  31. How did u find the code?

  32. Use dog jump skill to bring the post box down. There is a clue for melon in there.

  33. re green-ball puzzle
    take a piece of paper and put down all the channel 1 to 5 with colours

    than take the first row of each channel - and put it down, i.e. 1st row of channel one, below 1st row of channel two, etc.
    you get a number for each color

  34. where is the post box?

  35. don't open the balcony dooor after using the card if you want to get happy end. check the room again to get water

  36. I'm too stupid to figure out the code-- lol.

  37. @Krabbelvieh:
    can you turn on the TV yet? the game asks you something after viewing the 6 channels. click yes and then check the room

  38. @dorean
    take a piece of paper with grids
    look at the TV - channel one
    put on paper what you see: first row all red, second row all green, etc.
    do this with all 5 channels

    then take channel one the 1st (red) row
    (all red) add below the first (red) row of channel two (1st and 3rd block), add the other channels the same way

    you get a number from all 4 colours


  39. got that but don´t understand how to figure out the code for melon

  40. I need help. I think I did it wrong cause for red- I got an 8 with a gap in the top, and for green I got a backwards 6 (sort of) and I stopped there because I figured it was wrong.

  41. @ dor
    no, you sure are not :-)
    look at the red line in ch1, it's 3 fields xxx
    in ch2 it's x_x
    in ch3 its again xxx
    in ch4 it's x_x
    in ch4 it's xxx
    now write all these under each other and it looks like that:
    can you see the number now?

  42. thanks S.S. - comes from playing the Sakura games

  43. thank you. I guess I'm not very good at this. lol.

  44. @dor - just practice - you will get it

  45. sorry, one mistake in my post. there are no 2 ch4 of course. last one should be 5.

    playing sakura games indeed helps with the code here

  46. I missed a channel. that's it. Oops ^_^

  47. is anybody writing a WT? or is there need for one? would be my first one

  48. So, I'm off to find some sakura games. Goodness this is fun and addictive.

  49. Balcony Escape 2 - Hintthrough Part 1

    cell phone without power? hmmm....
    - check the grass pot and the pink flowers
    - do you know the rock paper scissors game? then you should easily find out the code for the locker. if not - solution below
    - oh there is a hint book in the locker, but only with a drawing? well, maybe the eraser comes in handy...
    - yay new skill! hmm... what's stuck and could be punched? and you still need power for the mobile...
    - why should a socket cover be useful? perhaps you should examine it... yay, a code!
    - now you see a blue box and another hint book. how does it work though? it's really easy maths, like 1 x 2 = 2, 3 x 3 = 9 ... still stuck? solution below
    - now you have all to charge up your mobile. view it in about view and add charger and cable
    - while waiting for the phone being charged, enjoy the balcony and turn around
    - YAY we can call Wan!

    solution balcony locker code:
    - paper rock scissors
    solution blue box on balcony:
    - in field A the numbers 3 and 1 meet. so 3 x 1= 3; B: 2 x 3; C: 1 x 2

  50. Balcony Escape 2 - Hintthrough Part 2

    room inside:
    oh, now you are Wan. OK, so let's see how to help your friend...
    - oh a maze picture! sure important and difficult... naaah, just open your eyes, ignore the maze. still blind? solution below.
    - YAY a hint book under the stove, but... in japanese? :-/ well, the maze picture is really helpful
    - another hint book under the sink. again a maze but pretty easy, no matter if you are left-hand or right-hand.
    - the cupboard under the plates should now be open. (if not - yes, right, solution below) and you should have 4 numbers now. examining them in about view brings up letters, but what the heck?
    - oh a green but of course locked box and a book, but this time the hint isn't readable for us non-japanese ppl. while looking at the book you remember your mobile has internet. how about googling? (don't click away the hint book)
    - Yippieh! A word in different colours - oh your numbers have different colours too! green box code sooooo easy now (is there really a solution necessary?)
    - Wan can jump high now! this sure comes in handy. didn't you see anything hanging very high up?
    - Tadaa! door is open,now lets go help our friend!

    - maze picture: some lines form the numbers 5 3 7
    - cupboard: click 3 times left arrow, 2 times right arrow, 4 x left arrow

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Balcony Escape 2 - Hintthrough Part 3

    ooooh a third room! hurry up, let the cat in! but ooooh - locked. what else...

    - there's the cat's "tower". of course, it holds something important. no use for it now, though
    - a panel below the TV. YAY, finally we're in need for the obligatory screwdriver. but where could it be? anyway, let's try to unscrew the panel with bare hands - "click" oooh an email on the cell!
    - unfortunately the email is in japanese :-/ I can't speak it, but it sure says something like: check the curtains
    - finally the screwdriver... panel is unscrewed and of course there is a puzzle behind it. 6 coloured buttons hmmm.... oh don't you have a weird cube in your inventory? time to check it.
    - cube: each colour has a number. same colours as the buttons. pretty easy to understand, but what is the order? first ideas are often the best: how about using the numbers as positions of the colours in the order? so you would start with white... (solution below, if really necessary)
    - of course, the remote control misses batteries. so let's go looking for them
    - blue box in the shelf: another code requested but the hint in the book is really easy. No? Well, drink coffee with your family while playing this magic game and it should come to your mind ;-)
    - YAY a knife! only one huge thing in this room where to use it...
    - 1st battery found. but where is the other? perhaps the books in the blue box shelf hold a hint...
    - bah, what's the code for the round "box"(?) ?well, there is still the TV left and maybe you find a hint there
    - turning on the TV (you should now have 2 batteries and placed them in the remote) you can view 6 channels and each contains a weird puzzle. this is going to be the hardest code to figure out.
    - you can get a hint card, if you click "yes" when you are asked after viewing the 6 channels. you'll have to use your jumping skills to get it (actually, this card didn't really help me)
    - TV puzzle: if you use to play sakura games you might get the idea soon. if not, I will try to explain how to solve this puzzle: 1. do colour by colour 2. look at channel 6 - it says put the fields of one colour from channel 1 in first line, same coloured fields from ch2 in 2nd line and so on. doing this with each colour you get 4 numbers. more explanation and solution below
    - YAY a key card!! finally let's rescue the cat! but WAIT!! didn't the painting say "happy end" and showed water? so, for the happy end - unlock the door but do not open yet. check the room again instead
    - found a code? but where to use? what is left?finally you can zoom this grey locker, which turns out to be a fridge I think. And TADAA - water for the cat!
    - everything done now - go and let in your friend and enjoy the "happy end"

    solution colour code behind panel:
    - white red blue yellow orange green
    solution blue box code:
    solution TV puzzle:
    let's look at only the red lines in first 5 channels and write them under each other like that:
    ch1 XXX
    ch2 X_X
    ch3 XXX
    ch4 X_X
    ch5 XXX --> gives a red 8
    do that with each colour and you get the code

  53. These are some of my favorite games even though I never get the clues. Thanks for all the help and walkthrough /solutions to all.

    I don't know about the animals human though, leaving his kitty on the balcony with out water. Maybe we should report him .... naw, I like helping the little critters escape too much.

  54. Love these games even though there's always some code I can't get

  55. grrrr... I feel so stupid! Where is code to the fidge?

  56. Found it ;) Out! Nice game!

  57. I love Nyan and Wan...they are always rescuing one! Great little game...the hints were pretty easy to figure out...but thank you so much Phoe N for the hint through :) I had to peek a few times...loved the Google solution...haha!!!!

    The hint card made sense...I credit playing Sakura games and figuring out those crazy codes for allowing me to get the code...I wrote out the configurations for the colours for each channel so when combining all the reds, etc., the numbers were obvious :) But here's a spoiler for that particular code: 8924.

    Thanks again Phoe N...job well done :)


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