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Gazzyboy Super Market Escape

Gazzyboy Supermarket Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Gazzyboy. You went to a super market for shopping things. When you were shopping, unexpectedly the shutter was locked and you got trapped inside. Roam around inside the market, find out the useful things that will help you to escape from there. Come on start searching the things. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I'm in. So far, pretty easy. I have a key (third one), but not sure where to put it, yet. Also 4 numbers, don't know what order, tho.

  2. Hi all! first Gazzy in a while - i hope it's a good one

  3. Got paper bit from under the register and a key from under a cart's wheel.

  4. Used knife on cooking powder bag to get another paper bit.

  5. Opened a safe to get SD; used knife on bananas for another key.

  6. yep. :D screwdriver on fire alarm.

  7. My second key opened the second safe; got cheese.

  8. Got the fire alarm bell after using SD.
    Cheese gave me third key from rathole.

  9. @Edgar and Trisana, you've left me in the dust! Where is knife?

  10. is there a clue for code order?

  11. on top of some boxes. 3rd screen, i think . . .

    Edgar - you're where i'm stuck. I'm not sure what to do with either. I also have something flashing on the fruit on the first screen, but that could be a gazzy bug. . .

  12. Where to use the key from the mouse?

  13. zoz, knife is on some boxes (green ones? I think)

  14. Use the alarm bell on the exit door.

  15. Another key in bananas. and a paper behind last yellow bottle in the below shelf

  16. I got 3 paper bits... missing a 4th one. Anyone has it?

  17. thanks all! It was right there in front of me, lol

  18. I have got 4 numbers but don't know in which order to put them?

  19. good find, Zazie, but I agree with Saima - what order???

  20. Four papers put together with number 3 on it

  21. Hmm I think the paper Im missing is that one from the yellow bottles @zazie, but can't see it... or did i get it already and missing another one?

  22. edgar - zoom on the back cart in that view.

  23. Hi, just caught up and opened the drawer with the code. Use the four numbers from high to low.

  24. why do you suppose we can zoom on all the lights/smoke detectors?

  25. And out. Hm, I'm sorry @Edgar, not sure what paper you're missing.

  26. Was the hint for the order the place of the numbers on the screen. Can't remember because I'm out. But I think 8 was high and 3 in inventory so that one was low.
    Don't remeber the other 2.

  27. I am out too, this was easy.

  28. noob here have got the key from the safe but it wont let me use it on the exit door... what have i missed?

  29. Out as well. You can't enter the code and use the key until you have all four pieces of paper and have put them together (even though it was obviously a 3!)

  30. Hi @Tris! lol, I normally don't try the "obvious" things :)

    Thanks @Edgar for using alarm bell on exit door!

    1)Under telephone Exit door view
    2)Go right once from door view, zoom on back shopping cart, it's on the right shelf.
    3)knife on cooking powder
    4)use key from bananas on locker

  31. @Snax, you need key from drawer at desk.

  32. snax - did you use the fire alarm bell on the glass?

  33. @Snax, did you break the door with the alarm bell first?

  34. Snax,
    maybe you missed the red part of the fire alarm.

  35. i have it! i've zoomed in once tothe shutter door

  36. @small-tool, don't look fro hints in a Gazzy game lol. There is normally some trial and error involved.

  37. I'm gonna look again Ellie, because if so it would make a good hint.

  38. lol @Ellie!!
    let us know @small-tool, good luck!

  39. No it isn't. The 6 is a bit higher than the 8. So it's a stupid game or we have missed something about the zooming in of the smoke alarms and zooming on the pc-screen.

  40. I don't think we missed anything @small-tool

  41. @Small-tool, it could have been worse lol. At least they were in order (even if I tried from low to high first).

  42. Ok I stop. I've been looking for hints all over the place (even looking for HFEC being 8653) but there is no hint at all and really nothing to find on the pc-screen and the smoke detectors even not with all the things you have (like knife and screwdriver) before using them where you have to use them. And no other views detected
    Let's see what Gazzyboy has to say about it.

  43. Welldone.
    Nice game.Needed that one after Mr. Beans' car,LOL

  44. @Small-tool, I agree about the logic (I forced the code myself),Gazzyboy is falling back into old habits.

  45. Back here again. Yes, @knotaklu, a nice game considering the gazzy standards. Fun even when I spent a while looking for my missing paper in the wrong view behind the wrong yellow bottles, lol!!
    What can I say? I still have newby tendencies from time to time, lol!! :P

  46. Ah well - at least it wasn't timed this time. I almost managed to get out on my own - but had to come here to find out what to do with the alarm bell - thanks, @Edgar! (And of course once I was here I took advantage of everyone else's experience with the code numbers LOL.)

    Zoom on the desk and move the phone to get a paper bit #1.
    Turn right.
    Take the red cutter from the green boxes to the right.
    Zoom on the fruit on top left shelf.
    Use the cutter on the bananas to get a key.
    Zoom on the cooking powder (top right shelf).
    Use cutter to get paper bit #2.
    Zoom on the back shopping cart and take paper bit #3 from behind the bottles (right side).
    Turn right twice.
    Zoom on the back shopping cart and take the key (by front right wheel).
    Zoom on the locker in the back wall.
    Use the right key to get paper bit #4 and cheese.
    Click on one paper bit at a time to put them all together.
    Note the number 3.
    Turn left twice.
    Zoom on the locker in the back wall.
    Use the key to get a screwdriver and note the number 8.
    Turn right.
    Zoom on the fire alarm in the back wall.
    Use the screwdriver on it.
    Note the number 6.
    Take the red part of the alarm from the floor.
    Zoom on the mouse hole on the lower right side of the back wall.
    Give the cheese to the mouse and take the key.
    Zoom on the front shopping cart and note the number 5 on it’s wheel.
    Turn right twice.
    Zoom twice on the drawer below the computer.
    Enter the code and use the key to open the drawer.
    Solution below.
    Get another key.
    Zoom on the door below the exit sign.
    Use the fire alarm on the door to break the glass (thanks @Edgar!).
    Use the key to unlock the door and escape.

    Solution to the code:
    You have found the numbers 3,8,6,5.
    Find that there is no clue to the order of the numbers (sorry @small-tool).
    Use ”Gazzy logic” and try from lowest to highest then the other way around.


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