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China Pharmacy Escape

Chinese Pharmacy Escape is a new point and click type room escape game from Flash512. In this game, you are locked in a room and try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Leaving to do some other things here.. need a break!
    See you all later!

  2. out! holy buckets that was a long one to figure out but worth it.

  3. Was confusing for me too Ellie, those two upper views, that's why I hadn't found the last herb.

  4. By the way, thanks all for the great help in this great game and especially thanks for great code cracker Ellie.

  5. @annaby, I submitted my score and i see you and me used the EXACT same time (8651 seconds) but somehow you scored higher than myself, congrats!! :P

  6. I have another game open and will try to finish it and find some more cats and get them to play lol, but I need to do some work first.

  7. It was a great game - but if I hadn't been playing live, I would have given up on the yin/yang and gone to the WT. Thanks again to everyone for the help

  8. Thanks @Edgar - I didn't even notice the score, lol - just glad to be out!

  9. Sisli,
    Did you go to other rooms to find them?

  10. yes, i do
    kittens are everywhere inside the box, bulbs, greenhouse, behind the counter, inside drawers

  11. Ah thanks Sisli,
    I just looked around in the last room.
    But I'm out now, gonna play it again tomorrow and look for the cats?
    By the way great blog you have.
    My compliments.

  12. thanks small-tool, kiss

  13. very nice game, but very difficult. Only because of the help of all of you (especially Elly!) i'm out

  14. Had to leave this game although I was there in the start...coming back, I was hoping for a W/T but guess I'll have to read all the comments from beginning...
    Love the music...
    I wonder why it had such a low rating???

  15. @nokra, I hope the comments help you enough for now. I have plans of writing a wt, but I'm working as well, so it will take me a long time. I'll check here once in a while to see if help is needed though.

  16. TY @ellie...I am struggling along here...have not found any way to go to patio to get soil... missing clues to the code...something about purple lightning, but when I try I just get something random. thanks for is a real challenge!

  17. @Nokra - 5 of the 6 symbols (note their color) are in the room you're in. for the lightning symbol, you have to solve the yin/yang puzzle first. But you can get the lightning color thru process of elimination. click on the wheel and note the order of the colors, then click the corresponding symbol

  18. that is, click the corresponding symbols in color order

  19. OMG!!! I have only found 3 symbols, 2 on the paper lanterns and one on the poster of body!
    One by process of elimination could work but not three...I'll go back to the comments and see if I can find it now that I know what I am looking for. Thanks! I am hanging in there...LOL

  20. nokra,
    there is one on the paper on the left side of the desk and one next to the door next to the yin-yang symbol.
    The last one is in the room behind that door.

  21. I'm sorry @nokra, I haven't been around as I said I would. A lot of work to do. But you got great answers from annby and small-tool.

  22. That was excruciating!!! But I finally did it!!!
    Just kept reading then first 200 comments...I am sooooo tired...If there is a Minoto I don't think I can even play it!LMAO

  23. TY @ellie, @annaby, and @small-tool! It was worth it...a great game! I am sure if it was in a language we understood, it wouldn't have been quite the chore!...Now to see if there are any new

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    Thanks @all that played the game live, I got help from several of you!
    To start the game, scroll down a bit until you find three big blue buttons with white chinese text. Press any of them to get into the game.
    To use items from your inventory you need to drag them into the game screen.

    Click on the desk to move forward.
    Click on the Suanpan/Soroban Abacus to the left on the counter.
    Use it to get five numbers.
    Solution below.
    Zoom on the scale and note the number 25 on top of it.
    Turn left.
    Take the stool from the right corner of the floor.
    You can click to zoom on the three posters on the left and back wall.
    The man-poster gives you a green wave symbol clue.
    The leaf-poster shows signs on top – also a clue.
    Click to zoom on the bowls on the counter to the right.
    Take red berries.
    Click on the lower left corner of the plates to the right of the bowls to see a text clue and a pink cloud symbol.
    Zoom out.
    Click to zoom on the lamp above the desk (upper right corner).
    See a red star symbol and a clue of Chinese symbols and lines.
    Take three sticks from the lower right side of the lamp.
    Zoom out and turn left.
    You don’t have all the clues to open the door yet.
    Turn left twice.
    Take a matchbox from the left side of the second window from the right.
    Turn left.
    Note the number 43 on the painting.
    Take the yellow handle hanging beside the right leg of the table.
    Turn left.
    Move forward and turn right.
    Click on the lamp in the upper left corner.
    See a yellow sun symbol and another clue of Chinese symbols and lines.
    Zoom out, and go right again.
    Click on the drawers to get behind the counter.
    Place the stool on the floor (drag it there) in the middle, between the two sets of drawers.
    Click on top shelf to see a box.
    Click on it and insert the code (the numbers that you got from the Abacus) to get a herb #1.
    While behind the counter and facing the stool, turn left.
    Take the plate.
    Click on the left side of the drawers to zoom to the left of them.
    Get a hook.
    Zoom out and turn right.
    You can open two drawers in this view.
    On the first set of drawers click on the top left one (1st column, 1st row).
    I didn’t find any other clue for 1,1 than the Chinese – – on the poster where we found the stool. This might be the clue for this drawer.
    Get herbs #2.
    On the second set of drawers (to the right of the stool) click on the one in 2nd column, 5th row.
    Clue 25 from scale.
    Get herbs #3.
    Turn right.
    You can open one drawer here (using number 43: 4th column, 3rd row).
    Clue from painting over small table.
    Get mushrooms.
    Click to zoom on the yellow wall to the right of the drawers.
    Note the blue drop symbol.
    See a yinyang symbol surrounded by 8 clickable symbols.
    Click on them in the correct order using clues from lamps, leaf-painting and plate on counter.
    Then press the yinyang symbol and the door opens.
    Solution below.

    Second room
    Zoom on the red boxes.
    Take herb #4 from the lower middle box.
    Turn left and click on the shelves to the right.
    Note the purple lightening symbol.
    Take the teapot.
    Open the lower book to see how to make a potion.
    Before you can do that you need to get some more things.

    Go back to the first room.
    Go to the glass doors.
    Zoom on the code box to the left of the doors.
    Solve it to open the doors.
    Solution below.
    If you want to open these doors later on you need to click on the bar in the middle of them.

    Plant room
    Open the handle from the inventory (click on magnifier).
    Add the three sticks to get a tool (drag them).
    Use this tool in the soil (drag it) a little to the right, where you see something blueish.
    Get a millipeed.
    Take some soil from the left edge of the soil.
    Turn right.
    Take the bucket of water.
    Go back to the room behind the yinyang symbol.

    Second room
    Turn right.
    Zoom on the red boxes.
    Click in the upper right corner, on a brown spot.
    See a mouse.
    Give the red berries to the mouse and take the digested berries.
    You need to answer to a question, and what you chose will affect if you see cats later on or not (and you get extra points for finding cats). Choose the left alternative to get the cats.
    Zoom out.
    Use the hook on the white thing in the corner.
    Add the soil and the plate.
    Open the matchbox from inventory. Click on the right side to get a match and click on the side of the matchbox to light it up.
    Use the match on the soil and the plate.
    Put the teapot there.
    Add the bucket of water.
    Add 7 ingredients (millipeed, mushrooms, digested berries, and 4 herbs).
    Take the teapot back (it should be boiling).
    Go back and turn left.
    Pour the potion into the machine on the table.
    Get a key.
    Go back to the other room and use the key on the padlock on the exit door.
    Before you escape you might want to find some cats and click on them for extra points (I found 12, read where below).


    Suanpan/Soroban Abacus
    There are two decks, upper and lower.
    From Wikipedia: The ones in the lower deck are sometimes called earth beads or water beads, and carry a value of 1 in their column. The ones in the upper deck are sometimes called heaven beads and carry a value of 5 in their column.

    Look at the five columns where some beads are moved and get one number from each column, and you’ll have your 5-digit code.
    Any bead from upper deck that is pulled down = 5 (if two are pulled down in the same column = 10).
    Look at the same column and count the beads that are pulled up from the lower deck. Add this number of beads to the value you got from upper deck and you’ll get a number.
    The code differs in every game.
    Here is a screenshot to show one example: Click here

    Look at the two columns and 4 rows of symbols that you see when you zoom on the counter where you found the red berries, and then click the lower left corner of the plate to the right of the berries.
    The first symbol in each set of three shows the yin/yang symbols from the lamps. The last symbol in each set of three shows the same symbols as the ones on the leaf poster.
    So, you need to write the lines from the lamps in two columns and four rows with the help of the plate clue.
    Then you need to press those around the yinyang symbol in the order you get from the leaf poster (reading left to right).
    The “up” on the lines in the lamp clues is the side pointing towards the yinyang symbol.
    If you number the symbols on yinyang with number 1 on top, then number 2 going clockwise and so on, press them like 1,3,6,5,2,8,4,7. Then press the yinyang in the middle.
    Here is a screenshot how to combine the clues from the lamps and the poster on the plate: Click here
    Here is a screenshot of the order to press the symbols by the yinyang symbol: Click here
    Thanks @Edgar for making the screenshots!

    Open the glass doors
    The six symbols are found spread out in the rooms and have one color each.
    Press the wheel and note in what order the colors show.
    Press the symbols according to the color order shown.
    It is a different order for every time you press the wheel.
    Symbols: red star, yellow sun, green waves, purple lightening, pink cloud, blue drop.

    1: On the table with the “key-machine”.
    2: On the floor to the right of the orange shelves.
    3: Next to the fire where the water boiled.
    4: In the 1,1 drawer.
    5: In the code box on top of the drawers.
    6: In the view of the third set of drawers, you see the tail on top shelf.
    7: Turn around behind the counter.
    8: In the view where you got the hook, top part of screen.
    9: On the right lamp above the counter.
    10: Below the window where you found the matchbox.
    11: In the plant room to the left.
    12: In the plant room to the right.
    Then go to the mouse hole and get a note and 1000 points.

  32. @Ellie - fantastic WT!

    Congrats @nokra!

  33. wow, such a great game!!
    @Ellie, thanks a lot!

  34. caught this one from the random section

    thx for all your creations, F512 ☺

    & thx Ellie for the WT

  35. working link:

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