Gazzyboy Crash Escape is another new point and click type room escape game from Gazzyboy. Imagine, you are busy in the office with your work schedule. The office is in top floor of a high building. Suddenly the building was attacked by the flights. You have to escape from there and save your life. Use the clues, find out the useful objects, use it and try to escape from there. Good luck and have fun!
Note: Link for this game removed because of not suitable and offensive content.
yay a live one!
ReplyDeletehave a book and id card
ReplyDeleteme too and memory card data cable and power socket
ReplyDeleteused scanner on book and got code
ReplyDeletemobile and dvd in power box
ReplyDeletewhere to put code
ReplyDeletewhich computer do we use?
ReplyDeleteanother code from dvd
ReplyDeleteone in other office with scanner and top left for dvd
ReplyDeleteam in large computing room
ReplyDeleteused cables and card
ReplyDeletewhere is ev1
ReplyDeletehi all - joining in
ReplyDeletegloves from top left room use in orange box and enter code from book on top right door
ReplyDeletewhere do you use cables and card? ive tried every computer
ReplyDelete@lebananas in room left door
ReplyDeletebook code not woring for me on right door
ReplyDelete@ Susan, put the gloves in orange box beween the doors first...
ReplyDelete@ Mina thanks thought i had tried that
ReplyDeleteand out, never used id card
ReplyDeleteand didn't read a single comment this time, this was an easy one ...
ReplyDeletei'm stuck now...have id card and code left...no idea where to use both...lift not working...
ReplyDeletehelp please =D
ReplyDeleteand out
ReplyDeletelooool....didn't think of using keyboard to enter code.... =P
ReplyDelete@mina close lift doors and insert code
ReplyDeletelift is where you use the last code!!!
ReplyDeleteout now...thanks all...haha
ReplyDeleteas always, late to the party! the last game was great!
ReplyDeletethat elevator drive me crazy till I realized I hadn't shut the door, lol
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ReplyDeleteAm I supposed to get a code when I put all the stuff to the server in the left room. All I have is the phone kind of suspended by the server. A bug, maybe?
ReplyDeleteAnyway , what is final code for elevator?
What is the code for the lift? I only got the codes for the two doors.
ReplyDeleteCollect ID card and book from desk.
Move forward and turn right twice.
From right hand desk, take memory card and data cable.
Enter office on the right and pull out cable to open box (by clicking on red box).
Take DVD and mobile.
Turn right and use book on scanner to get code.
Take cable from desk.
Return to computer room and use DVD on left hand computer for another code.
Collect power socket from desk.
Move forward to doors and use second code on left hand door (IC428). Use capital letters.
Enter server room and turn around.
Take gloves from cabinets.
Zoom in on server.
Add memory card by placing it to the right of the server (might take a few attempts).
Add cable in the same way.
Add data cable.
Add power socket.
Add mobile.
Zoom out and zoom in on monitor on the left for another code.
Leave room and use first code on right hand door. (AM275).
Move forward to elevator.
Enter elevator and turn around. Close doors if they're open by pressing stop. Enter third code (IC483G) and you're out!
Iris...glad someone else noticed. Sure thought it was in poor taste to show the opening picture and then to try to escape the building.
ReplyDeleteWALKTHROUGH add-on!
ReplyDeleteYou need to place gloves in orange scanner between the two doors before you can open the right hand door!
@bean16 where does the IC483G code come from?
ReplyDeleteNevermind. I missed that line in your post.
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ReplyDeleteYes, this was absolutely poor taste.
ReplyDeleteWhat next from gazzy? "Escape from Flight 93"?
Ah thanks Peke, now I see what Iris and Loveland meant.
ReplyDeleteThat's not poor taste, that's very bad taste.
OUT !!!!
ReplyDeletesomeone actually thought it would be appropriate to make a GAME out of this tragedy? :(
ReplyDeleteTo Hell with Gazzyboy. I will NEVER NEVER NEVER participate ("play" is too nice a word) in anything these mindless and idiotic jackasses create.
ReplyDelete@Yalcin, I hope you will take a hard look at some of the scenarios they come up with (remember the Nazi "game"?) and consider whether you really want their scum on your site.
It is obscene to make a game out of the 9/11 tragedy.
ReplyDeleteI was born and raised in New York City and find this game disgusting and offensive on so many levels I wouldn't know where to begin.
ReplyDeleteThe very picture at the beginning of the game gave me a start. I can't play something like this.
Please review the entries a little more closely, or Gazzyboy will be trying to sneak in a game about Katrina next!!
ReplyDeleteDear Sir or Madam, my above post was edited and much abridged from my original (VERY non PG), 40 line rant that I was going to send .
However please don't mistake it's apparent docile tone as an indicator of just how angry this made me.
Gazzyboy, you've really made a disgrace of yourself. I'm shocked to think that anyone could make a game of such a thing. Just terrible. I once enjoyed Gazzyboy games, but this is one that I refuse to play! Such terrible taste and disrespect.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing that's surprised me is that so many people actually played this game....
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ReplyDeleteTo all of you who feel offended by this game:
ReplyDeleteso there shouldn't be any movies, games... about WWI, WWII, Vietnam...?
ReplyDeleteIf you don't know the difference between a war (Governed under International Laws) and a terroristic attack you need to go back to what ever and where ever the school was that you never attended in the first place and try yo open a book or two!!
Hi everybody,
ReplyDeleteThese escape games aren't created by us and we aren't responsible for their content.
After reading your comments, and emails, i removed link for this game because of not suitable and offensive game content.
Have fun!
Yalçin, that's a good thing, maybe you can remove the picture as well.
ReplyDeleteKnotaklu, I understand the emotions and agree about the difference, but shouting like that?
glad they removed link for this game after reading comments first was horrified about the context of game!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletesmall-tool, I also removed image. Thanks for suggestion.
ReplyDeletewhere is the link??????
ReplyDeleteÌ can`t play this game. Why are you guys so frustated about the game ? Is it so horrible?
ReplyDeleteYalcin thank you for removing the link! I agree 100% with the above complaints about Gazzyboy!
ReplyDeleteI cherish the right to free expression as much as anyone anywhere. As such, I believe Gazzyboy has the right to make games however they choose, even if it means making fun out of horrific tragedies.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, I have a right to refuse to have anything more to do with this gamesmaker and to encourage others (including Yalcin) to do the same.
There is plenty of trash, porn, and violence on the internet - I come to this site expecting something better. I appreciate Yalcin's efforts to make this such a great site.
Yalcin, kannst du deutsch? Wollt wissen, warum sich so viele über dieses Spiel beschwert haben. Mein englisch ist nicht gut, so wie deins
ReplyDeleteDie Zeignung am Anfang ist von 9-11 World Trade Centre Anschlag.
achso, ok. Ist mir nicht aufgefallen. Vd @small-tool
ReplyDeleteKd Speedy.
ReplyDeleteDu kannst es auch nicht mehr sehen. Jetzt ist es eine andere Abbildung hier. Aber das spiel fängt immer noch an mit dem Abbildung.
Du kannst es spielen auf dem Gazzyboys site.
I contacted to Gazzyboy admin and they kindly removed this game from their site. They will remake this game with different name and content.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all of your attention.
Have fun!
Herzlichen Dank @small-tool. Lieb, dass du Zeit für mich genommen hast.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy the hell out of EscapeGames24.com, and sometimes even (gasp!) those Gazzyboy games. This one definitely crossed a line and I respect this site even more for taking a stand on it. It's a shame what some people will do for a dollar. Are these creators running out of ideas or something? 'Cause this *almost* seems like a publicity stunt.
ReplyDeletefür alle, die sich immer noch aufregen, dass Gazzyboy einen schlimmen Fehler gemacht hat, solltet ihr wissen, dass ihr nur an eine Seite denkt. Im Namen des Friedens sterben täglich Menschen, aber die sind euch ja egal. Die sind auch unschuldig! Ich rede aus Erfahrung und weil mein Onkel, Journalist, umgekommen ist, weil Zivilisten angegriffen worden sind. Und ab jetzt werde ich mich über euch Nörgler aufregen, die sich für was Besseres halten, also shut up, haltet eure Fressen!!!
Sevgili Yalcin,
ReplyDeletesendede biraz memleket sevgisi vars, birak benim yazdiklarim kalsi. Artik tepem atiyor, hep kendi acilarini yazdiklarina. Benimde acim büyük, ama bunlar gibi devamli mizmizlanmiyorum.Dayimi sucsuz yere öldürdüler, adiler. Lütfen birak yazikalrimi, icimin acisini ortaya dökeceyim artik. Susmak istemiyorum. Benim annem alman, babam türk ve demokratik bir memlekette yasadigim icin, benimde hakkim var, acimi söylemeye. Selamlar.
Selam Speedy,
ReplyDeleteYazdıklarını silmeyeceğim merak etme. Haklısın söylediklerinde. Ayrıca dayın adına üzüldüm. Uzaklardan da olsa Türk ziyaretçilerimizin olduğunu bilmek güzel.
İyi oyunlar.
Sevgili Yalcin,
ReplyDeletesana cok tesekür ediyorum. Yalniz türkcem pek iyi deyil oldugundan, amcam yazacama, dayim yazmisim. Özür dilerim.
Bizde hic irkcilik yok, alman annem süper türkce biliyor. Babam Anadoludan, cok iyi bir insan ve zulüm karsisinda susmayan ve bende ona cekmisim. Bütün türkler gibi yigit bir insan, cok mert. 2 oglumuda mert büyütüyorum, anneleri gibi,lol. Sana cok cok tesekür ediyorum ve kucak dolusu sevgiler gönderiyorum sana.
@Yalçın thank you for your prompt removal of the game, and for contacting gazzy. I hope they will listen and not make such games again.
ReplyDelete@speedy I'm going by a translation of your words since my German isn't very good. I hope I understood it correctly.
I'm sorry for the loss of your uncle. The horror over this game does not lessen the other deaths in the world. Games based on national tragedies are definitely not in good taste.
tyvm kitkatfox for your solicitousness. Exuse me, my english is not the best.
ReplyDeleteLet us speak not about the awful mistake with the game, it is not available now. I react sensible about these theme.
Let us play together games and have much fun.
We are the best example for many people, we are gamer-friends! Have a nice day. Lovely greetings from hot Germany.
my uncle doesn`t die at the time with the terror-act with the twin-towers, he was a journalist and has reported in the operational zone. Many zivilists lost their life in this day.
ReplyDeleteYour right, everywhere in the world dies people inculpable and this is my pain! War is never a solution, because it brings much more hate. The vicious circle don´t be closed with this method. And that everyone has lost loved people. And nobody should speak onesided. Nobody deserved to be killed.
This was the letter, which i want to advise everybody. My mom says always to my childs and to me:Love everybody to raise love, hate is the wrong way.
And now, close this sort of theme and give our best for our solutions in games.
Now I know I am about 5 months behind on this post, but I am glad they took down the game and are going or have rewrote it. I will say they can make any game they want, but they should leave anything involving 9/11 alone. That is still a tender subject and a sore spot for millions of americans.
ReplyDeleteAnd to Urban,Whether or not he reads this or not, I don't really care, but I am gonna make a point, So you are saying that if Gazzyboy made a Nazi Death Camp escape game, You think that their is nothing wrong with that? If you don't, then you need your head examined. For anyone to make a game out of ANY tragedy shows that they are heartless.
ReplyDeleteTo the Admin of this site, I am sorry for the a second post, but finding out the description of this game and what it was about really P!$$ed me off.
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