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Soccer Stadium Escape

Gazzyboy Soccer Stadium Escape is another new point and click type room escape game from Gazzyboy. In this game, you got trapped inside the football match stadium. Roam around, find out the useful things that will help you to escape from there. Come on start searching the things. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Gazzyboy site has removed the CRASH ESCAPE GAME and its related links from it site due to some inconvenience. We apologize for the mistake made in this Crash escape game.

  2. have bin bottle sock and flag

  3. so they should apologise

  4. hey rambler hope u can help im stuck lol

  5. YAY next one! joining in :-)

  6. ok... link doesn't work for me?!?

  7. In the same place as uou amy.

    And I thought the crash escape game was disgusting.

  8. Got 5 objects relaated to football players.
    Trying to input names in picture in office but still wrong ....

  9. have all except flag, did u get it off the sign?

  10. keep getting the captains wrong

  11. And what the hell is the score chart on about. Don't they know about football scores lol

  12. lucio - brazil
    mascherano - argentina
    marquez - mexico

  13. germany : ballack
    brazil : lucio
    mexico : marquez
    portugal : figo
    argentina : mascherano
    but not working ...

  14. scores dont matter - put in full names of captains

  15. Well I consider myself very knowledgeable about football and so I know the right captains, but it keeps telling me I'm wrong lol

  16. got correct order but it still says wrong!!!!!!!!

  17. and portugal is mascherano

  18. put correct order in but it says im wrong!!! BUG

  19. Plus, Luis Figo retired from International football a good while back...

  20. wait .... mascherano ? and portugal ?????

  21. What!!!! You mean that Javier Mascherano of Liverpool and Argentina is the captain of Portugal hahahahah, gazzy strikes again lol

  22. awww c'mon!!! they don't even know that ballack is NOT our captain this world cup!

  23. ok its doin my head in now lol

  24. why is it not working???

  25. So, the right order is the wrong order, and the wrong one is right....
    Can someone tell me what's the wrong, or the right order don't know how to call it ;)))

  26. @Drisana, I'm as lost as you and amy heehee

  27. lol gazzy strikes again

  28. mayberrygunslingers still with us ???

  29. have even tried there full proper names and nothing

  30. No way to brute force this one ! if captains are wrong, i give it a 1/5 !!

  31. keeps telling me that i'm wrong, too... tried last names, first names, combination... no idea

  32. maybe a bug tempted to start again

  33. dont understand how mayberrygunslingers has escaped???

  34. ok will try the game again :(

  35. sorry - i had to step away
    let me try to remember ...

    Michael Ballack
    Rafael Marquez
    Luis Figo

    I think ...

  36. I think mayberry is sitting back and laughing at us. I'm gonna get a beer. Back in a mo..

  37. i just tried it again and it worked

  38. Thanks mayberrygunslingers.
    I GIVE IT A 1/5 !!! wish there would have been a 0/5 !
    btw, out :(

  39. thx mayberrygunslingers! we had the last 2 ones the wrong way around!

  40. nope restarted and still not working even tried mayberrys way and still didnt work :(

  41. okay brute forced it but for some reason i had to put ballack on argentina lol

  42. @amy, same here. I give it -100 out of 5 lol

  43. yeah lol terrible and STUPID

  44. that horrible game! :lol:

  45. So they removed the game due to some inconvenience??? Tell that to someone who lost loved ones on 9/11. Too little, too late, @Gazzy


  47. @Gazzy: I personally am not going to ever open any more of your games. My friend's mother died on Flight 93, and we all were devestated - still are. The whole world was affected by 9/11, and you choose to make a GAME out of it??

    I appreciate EG24 "hearing" our voices on this!

  48. hi an alle, die Gazzyboy einfach nicht verzeihen können,shut up!
    Ich will jetzt auch mal mein Kommentar reinschreiben!
    Es ist furchtbar, was im Sept. 2001 passiert ist, die Welt ist immer noch geschockt.
    Nur vergesst dabei nicht, dass heute immer noch im Namen des Friedens viele unschuldige Menschen täglich ihr Leben verlieren.
    Es stinkt mir, immer von einer Seite her sich zu beschweren. Verpisst euch dann eben aus fremden Ländern! Ihr regt mich ziemlich auf.
    Mein Onkel, Journalsit, ist im "friendly fire" gestorben!!!
    Ich beklage es aber auch nicht ständig, deshalb regen mich Leute auf, die nur an ihre Seite denken. Also haltet eure Klappen, ihr Trantüten!!

  49. @Speedy I think you missed the point. Yes many innocent people, including your Uncle, die daily everywhere in the world. Wouldn't it bother you if Gazzy made that into a game for fun?

  50. very buggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
    HOW THE F@#@ is Mascherano the captain of Portugal?

  51. Although I understand the grief and hurt that some people have while seeing someone is turning 9/11 into a game, I also understand the point of Speedy. Gazzyboy ment no harm, he made a mistake. I see games being made about WWI and WWII; I see games being made about Vietnam. In february there was even a game made about the Tsunami (posted here on EG24). Nobody was angry, nobody thought it was inappropriate. Sounds like double standards to me. EG24 took the Gazzyboy 9/11 game of the site, actions were taken. What else do you want?

  52. A terrorist attack is different than a war. In war, people lose their lives, yes, but they volunteer to do that. A terrorist attack is just that: an attack on innocent people who did not volunteer to die that day. It was cowardly, not patriotic! Don't you see that difference??? To come out of hiding, attack innocent people by surprise, and then go back into hiding is what happened. To make light of that by making a game is an insult to all those who lost their lives as well as the millions of people who were affected by the attack.

  53. I don't agree with Gazzyboy making the game, don't get me wrong. But I also find it surprising that people on this site did not disagree with the Tsunami game. Oh wait, it's a natural disaster, so that makes it ok? You are very mistaken that people volunteer to die in a war. The jews did not volunteer to get slaughtered by Hitler. The uncle of Speedy did not volunteer to get shot. Personally, I think you are missing the point, not me.

  54. Would it bother you if a game was made about the holocaust? Would it bother Speedy if a game was made about his uncle getting shot?

  55. Games about WW, Tsunami and 9/11 absolutely bother me. Like I said previously, I don't agree with them being made. But one is not worse than another. So, if a game about 9/11 is not allowed on EG24, than a game about Tsunami shouldn't either. But when the Tsunami game was posted, nobody got upset. That's what I mean with double standards. Gazzyboy made a mistake, he ment no harm. The game was removed, yet people are still going ballistic. Let it go. I think that is also what Speedy ment.

  56. I think most of the people here have the same opinion about what's distasteful or not in 'general'.

    But whether a specific game (or song, or film or joke etc.) is distasteful or not, hurts people or not, is a personal opinion, that's based on emotions and feelings. And those emotions are based on the fact whether something is close by (in distance, time and/or personal) or not. You can't rationalize that because, as hard as it seems, that's the way humans are.

    For example; Rationally it is exactly the same disaster as when lots of people died from the plague hundreds of years ago, as lots of people dying now from some disease, but emotionally you just can't feel the same about that. The same thing goes for a disaster in your own country or own city compared to something happening on the other side of the world. And in the same way it hurts much more when a close relative dies than when somebody you never knew dies.

    And based on this, the same goes for measuring with double standards. We shouldn't do that with laws, rewards and all kind of things that are based on rationality, but you can't expect people to not handle with double standards when it comes to emotions.

    So, also I do respect everybodys opinion (and do think everybody has the freedom to say what they want), I don't think we can end this discussion with deciding who's wrong or right on this subject. But I think it's a good thing people speak out their minds here, so it give people the chance to empathize with others.

  57. Vielen Dank @Virginie und @small-tool, dass ihr wenigstens verstanden habt, wie tief mein Schmerz liegt. Auch andere leiden unter dem Verlust geliebter Menschen. Ich weine auch jeden Tag um meinen geliebten Onkel, der nicht im Krieg gestorben ist, denn dort ist kein Krieg. Ja, @Zoe dort herrscht kein Krieg, nur Terror gegen die Bevölkerung, ja Terror von den Leuten, die angeblich Frieden bringen sollten! Vergiss nicht Lyndie Englund, die mit vielen anderen "Friedensbringern" Einheimische totgefoltert haben. Die Umstände, die dort herrschen kannst du nur dann verstehen, wenn du am Ort des Geschehens bist. Denn jeden Tag herrscht dort Terror!!! Gehe hin und überzeuge dich selber. (Außerdem bin ich eine Frau) In Deutschland werden auch Bilder von den Gebieten, in die angeblich Demokratie gebracht werden würde, gezeigt, die keinen Unterschied zum Terrorismus haben, die man überall kennt.
    Dass solche Leute wie du @Zoe mich nicht verstehen willst, ist deswegen, weil es einfacher ist, die anderen als Bösewichter hinzustellen. Aber wenn es einen selber betrifft, dann sind gleich alle böse, die nur die gleiche Rasse haben. Glücklicherweise gibt es noch kluge Leute, wie @Virginie und @small-tool, die verstehen, was ich meine. Gazzyboy hat es nicht mit Absicht gemacht, und das du gleich ein Spiel mit dem Tod meines Onkels zum Vergleich anbietest, macht dich verabscheuungswürdig. Ich hasse Leute, die gleich geschmacklos und verletzend werden müssen, um ihre Argumente zu unterstützen. Aber das zeigt nur, was für ein böses Gemüt du hast. Biete doch ein Spiel doch mal an, dann biete ich im Gegenzug auch ein Spiel an, dass dich ansprechen wird. Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn. Demokratie und Menschenrechte für alle Menschen, egal welcher Rasse und welcher Religion auch immer!!! Aus Erde wurden wir geschöpft, zur Erde werden wir wieder werden. Wir sind alle gleich, also rede bitte dann nicht immer von dir. Das ist nur egoistisch. Liebe alle Menschen, damit du auch Liebe erfährst, aber hasst du sie, dann musst du damit rechnen, dass du auch Hass erntest. In diesem Sinne, Friede auf Erden!!!

  58. Ich danke Allen, die uns ermöglichen, unsere Standpunkte darzustellen ohne gleich unsere Statesments zu löschen.
    Niemand kann und darf in denselben Topf geworfen werden, weil alle Menschen anders sind.
    Ich liebe alle Menschen, wenn sie mir nichts Böses antun wollen, ich liebe sie alle, weil wir alle einen einzigen, gleichen Schöpfer haben und unser Leben sehr kurz ist um uns zu streiten, wer Recht hat und wer nicht.
    Leider wollen einige Menschen, dass wir uns streiten und das beruht nicht nur auf eine Rasse!
    Jeder hat seinen eigenen Schmerz zu verarbeiten. Ich wünschte mir, dass auch mal Bilder von Leuten, die jeden Tag in ihrem eigenen Land terrorisiert werden, mal bei euch gezeigt werde würden @Zoe, damit du auch meine Trauer verstehen könntest! Leider wird immer Propaganda gegen bestimmte Leute gemacht, aber das eigene Handeln ist auch nicht anders, als die von den Bösewichten.
    Ich möchte mich entschuldigen, wenn sich durch meinen Text, manche Leute angeprangert fühlen, aber ich will auch Verständnis für meinen Schmerz. Danke an @Virginie und @small-tool, die mich so liebevoll verstanden haben. Selbst, als ich diesen Text geschrieben habe, musste ich voller Dankbarkeit für euer Verständnis, furchtbar weinen. Ja, jeder kann über seinen Standpunkt reden, warum dann nicht ich, habe ich mirgedacht und meinen Schmerz allen Leuten mitgeteilt. Natürlich gibt es immer wieder, die mich dafür gleich verurteilen werden, aber das ist mir egal, weil ich auch weiss, dass es nicht nur Leute gibt, die meinen Standpunkt vertreten. Aber so wie ich Verständnis für euren Schmerz habe, so will ich auch euer Verständnis. Und wenn du @Zoe keine Verständnis hast, dann erwarte auch nicht, dass dir andere welches zeigen.

  59. @Virginie
    I don't understand the reference to tsunami. Do you mean Dec 26 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami? If so, then what was the name of the game referring to that? I did not find it.

  60. @Virginie
    The jews in the holocaust were not volunteers just like the people in the twin towers were not. The war happened after Hitler did what he did. Just like this war happened after the 9/11 attack. You miss my point!

  61. I wish I could "hear" what Speedy is saying. Is anyone able to translate?

  62. Zoe,
    I could translate the whole text, but I think that's not necessary. The main point is; you can look at things from more than one point of view.
    But wait a minute and I look a bit closer to the text.

  63. ok i have no idea what the flip im doing...anyone got a walkthrough? all i have is the sock, bin, flag, and bottle....what do i do?? it won't let me click on anything else really...maybe im being stupid

  64. Zoe,
    Some main sentences are (but please do take into consideration both German and English are not my native languages, so some things could be mistaken, because of my poor translation);

    - Like others are hurt, so am I, because I lost my uncle (in a place where no war was until people came to bring peace).
    - You can only understand the circumstances when you have been there, so go there and examine yourself (your opinions).
    - It's easier to judge (to not understand me) if you see 'the others' as the bad guys.

    But that's just some quickly translated phrases. The main thing is;

    She (Speedy) just wants to make clear there are more ways to look at things and if you empathise you'll see that from another point of view, things that seems to be correct in another way can be hurtful too if you look at it in another way.

  65. There are more ways to look at things and if I empathise I'll see from another point of view...what does that mean? If I look at what happened on 9/11 a different way I'll understand it? WTH does that mean?

  66. thank you small-tool for helping me understand. It's important that Speedy knows I'm on her/his side and the discusion is appreciated.

  67. Excuse my awful english, but i must write something in english. Many thanks to @small-tool and @Virginie. Please let us speak above peace and solutions for a better together. War brings Terror, terror brings war. This is not the best way. Many people died daily in their own land and have none rights. They must have Freedom. Don´t forget, no baby comes evil to world.
    My sons have many friens, differential race and religion and they all have differently cultures, but they have one common, they are human and friends.
    And i must be a good example for my kids. All the people who died, my uncle and others must not died for nothing. This must be a recommencement for us to show the world that war and terror is never a solution. Where is the peace, please? Nowhere! Life is hard enough and the ecological disasters show us that life is very short and the world get sick from the all wars and chemical weapons. Freedom and peace for all people!!!

  68. @Speedy Du sprichst besser Englisch dan ich Deutsch spreche (ich bin von Belgien).
    Ich lese viel Schmerz und Leid in deinem Text. Ich wunsche dich Kraft und Liebe. Es gibt glucklich Freude in vielen Plätze, das gibbst Hoffnung. Wenn jeder seinem Nachbarn respektiert, dann wird die Welt ein besserer Ort!

  69. du bist so lieb @Virginie,
    ich danke dir herzlch für deine Güte und dein Verständnis. Menschen, wie du machen mir viel Hoffnung, dass es viele gute Menschen noch auf der Welt gibt, die Liebe brauchen und keinen Hass und Vorurteile, weil sie anders sind. Wir alle sind schließlich auch Fremde im Ausland.
    Und ich finde dein Deutsch voll süß. Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland

  70. I don't think EG24 is a forum to exchange views on politics or moralise about things. Let's just stick to talking about the games at hand, shall we?


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