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Monster's Shrine Escape

Monster's Shrine Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Nifty. In this game, you need to escape the place by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a problem in this game. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Done. This one was easy.

  2. I have a serious language problem
    suddenly I got that green monster and the game seemed to be finished
    what about those coloured balls???

  3. If you don't give the right answer the game starts again. Save it. I got lucky with the answers and only had to start once.

  4. Have to restart but now out!
    Good little game!!!

  5. I have red yellow and blue balls, Does anyone know where (and what ) the fourth one is?

  6. nvm The moon..Ha, wish I knew what the guy says at the end though.

  7. What to do whith 4 candles riddle?

  8. I have no idea what to do here...a scary rat just asked me question and i choose an answer, now i see 4 candles with a sound in them, and an instruction below...which I can't read or translate...

  9. @ Urban, I lighted the one which has a different sound as the others and could continue...then i met a frog and got another question or riddle which i didn't answer correct, so now i have to start over....

  10. I don't know if I got a good or bad end. I put the 4 balls and 3 other objects in the temple/shrine. Talked to an old man who gave me a purple ball and then the game seemed to finish.

  11. @cricketer sorry can't help you with that...i just talked to a rat and a frog and now i see a large text on a board...have no idea what i'm doing...

  12. The green frog is asking how many cats are in the picture.
    1 一
    2 二
    3 三
    4 四

  13. I think the rat is asking to say which is the blue flame. But I don't understand the text, so I don't know if there's a clue there or it's a guessing game.

  14. @cricketer, did you have all the places in your inventory filled? And in the end, used everything? And did you talk to the rat, frog and red monster? I think you're done then...there's nothing more to do and i saw the daylight, so i'm through with this game...

  15. Wow, those are great guesses for someone who doesn't understand the text! I just randomly clicked without even trying to understand...

  16. Lepel, I think you're right. All inventory places were filled and everything used.

    I played again.

    The first time when I spoke to the old man, I picked the left answer once and got the purple ball. The second time I picked the right answer twice and got the purple ball. The end looked the same so I think that's it.

  17. Lepel, I've been learning a bit of the kanji, so I recognised the numbers for the cats one. But a long way from reading sentences.

    For the rat/candle one, I'm only guessing. The other 3 candles had a purple flame.

  18. I think the old man is asking if you want the purple stone.

    If you answer Yes, he gives it to you. The game ends. If you answer No, I think he asks if you're sure. If you answer No again, it's a double negative(same as answering Yes) so you get the stone. Both have the same end.

    If you answer No, then Yes, he looks a bit stoney faced and you get a different ending.

    はい Yes
    いいえ No

  19. Monster's Shrine Escape walkthrough

    It's my first walkthrough, and my English not so good ( it take me a lot of time to write this)but I hope that who need this walkthrough will understand

    Click the left sign to play
    Take the brown object from the floor (a mirror I think)
    Zoom the small white board right from the stairs and take a red stone
    Go back
    Zoom on the top stairs take a coin on floor at the right side
    Go back
    Turn right
    Zoom under the chair
    Put the coin on the white object
    Go back you get frog
    Click the arrow right down until it disappear
    the frog ask how many cats are in the picture
    Click line 4
    You get the outline of 4 cat's
    (I don't understand the language but I conclude that when I got the outline of the 4 cat's)
    Click the arrow 4 times
    You get a white object and a blue object (it's look like 9)
    Turn right
    Click the bottom of the tree (trunk?)
    You get a candle
    Turn left twice
    Zoom one of the lamps and light the candle
    Go back
    Turn left
    Take a blue stone from the left of the rock
    Zoom to the center of the wall and light the candle with the candle in your inventory
    Go back
    You get a rat
    Click the arrow right down until it disappear
    Click the left sign
    Click the arrow
    You get 4 candles
    The rat ask you which candle is blue
    Click the arrow twice
    light the left candle with the candle in your inventory
    (the others are purple)
    Click the arrow right down until it disappear
    Get the second half of the white object and another pink object that look like 9
    Turn left
    Put the two white parts in the center of the tree you get a red monster
    Click the arrow right down until it disappear
    Click number 1
    Click the arrow right down until it disappear
    You get a yellow stone and another turquoise object that look like 9
    Turn right twice
    Zoom the Shrine put the 3 objects that look like 9 in the circle (the order doesn't matter)
    Its make light flash and something in the back rise up
    Go back
    Zoom the moon
    Put the mirror on the moon
    Click the blink down right on the roof
    You get a blue stone
    Go back
    Zoom the Shrine put the stones in their place circle (the order doesn't matter)
    You get old man
    Click the arrow right down until it disappear
    Click the left sign and get a purple stone
    ( I don't realize what he asked because anyway he give the stone)
    Click the arrow
    And out!

  20. Well, this was one easy and nice little game. It's interesting (read funny like in a strange way) to see it has a "save" feature being this short and having 3 chances to answer correctly to the relatively easy riddles/questions.
    The first 2 are easier to get (cats and candles) without too much guessing, except for the third one (where I think the monster asks for the number of eyes he has) unless they are characters of a TV or manga series we (me at least) are unfamiliar with.

  21. The big red demon asks "one eye, two ears, 7 mouths, how many monks?" =)


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