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PostMan Escape

Post Man Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Karabina-7. In this game, you try to find the items and solve the puzzles to figure out the game. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I thought I was first, oh well.

  2. ok, i have to ask: what do we do once the postman comes out of the house?

  3. i found a key but i can't do anything with it?

  4. aha! click the blue "flower"

  5. cant do anything with the key

  6. click the buttons in the order they're on the mailbox and you get another key

  7. I'm stuck in the 2nd scene after opening the door

  8. Click, the blue flower for a key. Then to the color order.

  9. How did you open the door in the second scene?

  10. ok have postcard now :)

  11. Nvm. found it. Hang red lamp in front of window.

  12. the block of ice goes on the track in front of the cart, but the dragon no longer comes out to melt it

  13. move red lantern and hit gong

  14. annaby, You have to hang the red lamp back, then the dragon comes again and melts the ice.

  15. Then use the rod/lever thing in the car and you can place the vase on the triangle on the floor.

  16. Hit the gong again. Dragon goes in vase. Put bag on it and put in car.

  17. thanks @small-tool - I was trying to hang it in the wrong place!

  18. ok i only got the postman to take the card in his hand in 4th scene

  19. still live? i'll play and see where i end up

  20. i clicked the 2 most right green squares and think i got a hint?

  21. uh oh - lots to do in 4th scene

  22. Me too Marit, and there is something on the backside of that card.

  23. oh haa it;s just memory i just got it! :P

  24. how do you get the ball..

  25. You can move one of the tapes to the other hole, but nothing.

  26. Ah you can move the pump and use it on the tubes.

  27. stuck in scene 3. Hanging.

  28. how do you use it on the tubes small-tool?

  29. have done everything but cant get my light to go red

  30. Put the vase on the red circle and open it and it lights the fuse.

  31. marit place it next to the little red lights then zoom on machine to use the pump

  32. Marit, Put the pump on the red dot on the first tube. Then zoom in and pump. Zoom out. Place the pump on another red dot etc.

  33. Change pump in red dots. Must zoom it then

  34. short and nice little game.

    there is 4 holes for the pump. then moving the pump and she tapes you get the ball. Open the ball, put in the card, the the ball in canon and use the dragoon to light the fuse. then push the button.

  35. my fuse is lit but it wont fire??

  36. Amy, how did you put the ball in the canon?

  37. I'm also stuck hanging in the cart, can anyone help?

  38. my button is black but pole is red???

  39. ah finally got it, thx amy!

  40. small-tool have you put the letter in the ball?? if so i just placed it above the cannon and it went in

  41. In third scene. You have to click the bird to drop the cheese. Hang cheese above mouse and click mouse.

  42. No amy, won't work for me. The letter is in the ball, the fuse is lit, but noway that ball goes in.

  43. why wont my cannon fire?????

  44. small-tool i dont know then cuz my cannon wont fire even tho ball is in and fuse is lit

  45. Adjust the cannon angle and make sure you push the light red never to the lever

  46. Ok out too. There is a certain position the canon has to be to let the ball in and also a certain position to fire.

  47. cute game! out!

  48. Got to go now. Fun game. Thanks for all the help.

  49. i have tried all angles of the canon but my light wont turn red

  50. Only the egg turns red after the fire is on Amy, the button is black until you push it.

  51. that took a while but I'm finally out

  52. had to leave and missed it live. Still, cute game!

  53. btw, i don't think anyone mentioned tab key works :)

  54. tried all positions for the cannon with the tubes, but can only get the pump to work on first tube

  55. Luin, cannon has nothing to do with the tubes.
    Zoom out, put the pump on another red dot on the tubes, zoom in on the tubes again and make the pump work there. Keep on doing that till the ball is out.

  56. oh brutal :( time for coffee and loads of it.. I didn't even notice the top dot on the 2nd tube. thanks for tip though small-tool

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. It was a love letter i think :-)

  59. For those who still cannot light the fuse... you have to tilt the cannon right up, click the jar to light the fuse, then tilt the cannon back down and then press the button..

  60. Beat it without a walkthrough. Liked the music at the end.

  61. Strange but cute game :)

  62. Cute game :)

  63. I missed this game yesterday and played it just now, first thing in the morning. Very cute, i liked it a lot ;-)

  64. I can't play this - there is a bug with loading it...strange.

  65. Won't load for me either, Zoe :o((

  66. Oh no! I dropped the cannonball (with the letter tucked safely inside) behind the vase, and can't find it, now. My fuse is lit, but I've got nothing to fire off! Sounds strangely familiar...

  67. ok i have the dragon with lid in vase and now I am hanging in the air and don’t know what to do next.

  68. ok i finished i had to restart

  69. donnalou restart your game

  70. Hey, I'm stuck on the part with the cheese and the bird. So far all I've done is put the cheese on the line, and the bird is on the top of the well thing. Help please.

  71. @Jewel, you neet to pull the white handle to make the postman move on the rails, then press the wheel twice (lower right side of the grey thing that is to the right) to lift the man. Then press the cheese.

  72. Postman – Walkthrough (Part 1)

    In order to make things a bit easier, you can find the zoomable/clickable areas/spots by moving your cursor around the game screen and seeing it changing into a hand.

    • Zoom in on the red mailbox and notice a COLOR SEQUENCE and that you need a yellow key to open it.
    • Click on the blue flower’s plant above to make a dark key fall down; click on it and drag it to the mailbox.
    • Click on the rolling blinds on the house and click on the colored buttons to zoom in and press them in the same sequence seen on the mailbox: SPOILERWHITEBLUEREDBLUESPOILER
    • Once the buttons are pressed, pull the cord on the right of the buttons to turn the dark key into yellow!
    • Zoom in the mailbox, drag the (now) yellow key into the keyhole and take the letter (to be delivered by you – the postman).
    • Click on the letter to put it away in the mail bag and to move on.

    • Click on the stick hanging from the right to make the postman to grab it and to go to the left.
    • Click on the leftmost red lamp to put it on the floor.
    • Drag the lamp upon the hook next to the door.
    • Click on the plate next to the postman to open the doors (and to make a bird go out).
    • Drag the frozen lever (with a ‘T’ shape) and put it on the rail tracks, just on the ‘warning symbol’
    • Drag the red lamp from the hook to where it was originally.
    • Hit on the plate again to make a dragon spit fire and to melt the ice block.
    • Drag the ‘T’ lever inside the rail car.
    • Click on the car to move it away and to see a “dragon jar”
    • Drag the jar onto the right ‘warning symbol’ and click on the plate again to make the dragon go inside the jar.
    • Drag the jar lid (from bottom right) upon the jar to cover it and put the jar inside the car.
    • Click on the car to make the postman jump inside and to move on.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Postman – Walkthrough (Part 2)

    • Click on the CHEESE on top of the right structure to make the bird put it on the floor.
    • Drag the cheese to the hook at the end of the rope in the well (above the shy mouse)
    • Click on the white lever under the right structure to put the car under… that contraption above.
    • Click on the round VALVE on the right post to make the contraption go down and grab the postman’s car, and click on it again to make the car go up.
    • Click on the cheese to make the shy mouse grab the key (pulling the rope in the process) to make the postman to move on.

    • Zoom in the 3x2 panel behind the postman and solve it by finding paired shapes (click on ‘reset’ if you make a mistake) and see the instructions for delivering a letter (long-distance fashion); notice the position of the AND shape on the post in every step.
    • Click on the pump to the floor and drag it to plug its end to the leftmost circle on the tubular structure (it should turn yellow if it’s well connected; the idea is to take the cannonball out, btw).
    • Zoom in on the tubes and use pump some air to make the ball move to the middle tube; close the zoomed window.
    • Drag the pump again to connect it on the upper middle circle, zoom in the tubes again and pump air to make the ball move down; close the view again.
    • Now that you’re familiar with the procedure, repeat it to make the ball go to the right tube.
    • For the last pump, you need to drag the patch on the middle tube to the hole on the right one in order to take the ball finally out.
    • Click on the cannonball to open it.
    • Click on the mail bag (take the letter out).
    • Drag the letter into the ball halves and click to close it.
    • Drag the ball to inside the cannon (left end of it) and STEP 1 is done.
    • Click on the dragon’s jar to take it out from the car and drag it on the red circle on the floor.
    • Click on the yellow lever on the side of the cannon to move it all the way up (the shape on the post should show a horizontal line, as seen on the ‘Instructive’ panel)
    • Click on the jar’s lid to remove it and on the jar to make the dragon light the cannon’s fuse… STEP 2 is done.
    • Click on the cannon’s lever once to move it down (the shape on the post should be a red dot as seen on the panel) and click on the black/white button below the post to shot the cannon… yeah! STEP 3 is done,

    Mission accomplished… enjoy the ending :-)


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