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The Scene of the Crime - Golden Doll

The Scene of the Crime: Golden Doll is another new point and click type adventure game from Pastel Games. “It was a quiet night. Until now. It all began when the phone rang. A small house on the beach, something really bad happened there. Try to find out what. Collect evidence, find suspects, solve the case." Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Squee! I LOVE Pastel Games!

  2. youtube video walkthrough if anyone gets stuck at all. Fun and pretty easy game though

  3. Played this earlier at JIG - very good game though navigation can be a tad tricky!!

  4. Yes, I'm having a hard time knowing what to do next. Found the owner of the house and name of renter, am back at station with leads but I don't know what to do. How do I follow up on license plate, or prints on gun?

  5. I see, you have to match leads on the board together so that the game progresses!

  6. jilly, add the license plate number to the matching notes and picture.

  7. Now I'm at the gas station but it's closed.

  8. just go in the door. Its open.

  9. ah! grabbed Hotel pamphlet off gas station floor after going to bank, grabbing the notebook and finding the room number.

  10. Argh I'm having huge trouble navigating. Wouldn't let me print the gun or shells. I have no idea how to get out of the crime scene area!!

  11. Yay, pretty and pretty cool. Love his artwork.

  12. Had to use the walkthrough, but kept pausing it so I could find stuff on my own. Very difficult nav for me, or it's really late! lol

  13. Collected victim's fingerprint.

  14. That's sad to hear.

    For me, it's too early to use a walkthrough yet. :(

  15. Matched up both blood samples on Leads board.

  16. lol, darn. ok, had to match up a couple of finger prints in order to finish the game! lol

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm to unlock location Sunset Motel? Got the pamphlet and the room number, but no location on the map?

  19. Okay...had to use the walkthrough, and finished the game now...It was great fun!

    See ya

  20. I can't take the fingerprints on the body or on the necklace or on the gun shells !

  21. In my opinion, this game is buggy.

  22. @pascale u can take the fingerprints from necklace or gun shells when u got them on table in police departament, u have to use brush on dust first and then on item. And for fingerprints on the body, there is a view of arm, quite tricky to get it

  23. Egle, I tried exactly what to say, but it doesn't work, that's why I say that the game is buggy.

  24. oh well, could be than :)

  25. Or maybe that we can't succeed if we don't do actions in a very precise order ?

  26. What a very sad ending.
    A lot of fun up to that point. Good game.

  27. Same opinion as @Knotaklu's... it wouldn't either be nice nor true to say this game was fun to play, but definitively a very good and interesting one.
    It got me there for about an hour, lol.

  28. good game. I didn't like that the "fingerprint tape" could take blood samples. It was illogical to my brain.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Scene of the Crime – Walkthrough (Part one of Three)

    • You start the game with dusting agent, fingerprint tape , fingerprint brush and the city map in inventory.
    • Go down to the houses [ ↘ ] clicking on the arrow above the police car.
    • Talk to the police officer to know about Barbara Young, the old woman living in the house to the right who called the police in.
    • Move forward to the houses.
    • Zoom in on the house to the right, go inside, move forward into the living room, zoom in on the old lady and click on her to interrogate her. You have to be nice to her, so ask if she saw the shooter when that option comes out in the conversation, otherwise you’ll be forced to come back to her eventually. Now you know about a blue Ford outside the night of the shooting and the shooter’s car license plate numbers.
    • Go all the way back to the 3 houses view.
    • Zoom in on the one in the middle, go inside and see the dead body of a naked woman on the floor.
    • Zoom in around the window [ ↑ ] to see the killing shot came from outside; zoom back [ ↓ ].
    • Zoom in around the victim’s head [ ↓ ] to and see some “necklace markings on her neck;” zoom back [ → ].
    • Zoom around the victim’s left hand [ ↘ ] and notice some “markings on her wrists.”
    • In inventory, click and drag the BRUSH on the DUSTING AGENT; click and drag the (dusted) brush to the victim’s hand to dust her fingertips and return the brush to inventory; after that, click and drag the TAPE to collect the victim’s fingerprints and return the tape to inventory.
    • Go all the way back again to the 3 houses view.
    • Zoom in on the house to the left.
    • Zoom in to the left of the front door [ ↘ ] and see some “tire tracks,” probably from the blue Ford.
    • Zoom in again left from the door c and collect a necklace.
    • Zoom back, enter the house, move forward and zoom in the fireplace.
    • Take a burned drivers license from there and use (drag) your tape to collect a blood sample from right of the fireplace.
    • Zoom back and move to the door [ ← ].
    • Don’t leave the house yet without zooming in first on the left side of the floor, next to the door to find (and collect) the possible murder weapon and a couple of gun shells.
    • Leave the house now and go back to the police officer to let him know about the possible crime scene in the house to the left. You’ll have a new location available in the map (click on it in inventory and move around to find and click on the locations you want to go).

  31. Scene of the Crime – Walkthrough (Part Two of Three)

    • There are 2 zooming views here: the FORENSICS desk [ ↓ ] and the LEADS board [ ↖ ]. Go to the desk first and the collected evidence will go on top of it.
    • Take the 300 dollars from there.
    • Collect fingerprints from the GUN, the SHELLS and the NECKLACE (you already know the procedure).
    • Click on the report files on the upper right to know the beach houses belong to Burt Wilco, and his address. Click on “add to leads” and you’ll see these going on the board on the wall.
    Progress 2 out of 8.
    • On the leads board, drag and combine Burt Wilco’s INFO with the PHOTO of the two beach houses.
    Progress 3 out of 8, and a new available location on the map..

    • From this view on the street you can go into Burt’s building or the shop to the right… enter the shop first.
    • Click on the guy to buy some stuff: the blanket and some food (the canned meatloaf or the bread will do); exit the shopping view and go back out to the street.
    • Enter the apartments building to the left and move forward to Burt’s door (just look for the [ ← ] arrow on the correct door.
    • Ring the bell, wait for the door to open and click on him to start talking. When the time comes for you to chose an option, don’t try to be nice with the guy and ask him directly where he was last night. Doing this will save you 20 bucks! Now you know about a guy named Steel who is the one paying the rent for both left beach houses.

    • Go to the forensics desk and take a look at the recent reports:
    - the 9mm caliber gun was used 3 days ago in a shootout at a club (new location available in the map).
    - no database found for the victim’s fingerprints.
    - from the burned drivers license only a few letters were readable: the first one of the name ‘P’ and the last two ‘el’ from a 31 years old someone.
    - the blood sample belongs to a male person, RH+
    - from the plate numbers, the blue Ford belongs to Mark Gardner.
    - no database found for the fingerprints neither from the gun nor the shells.
    • Add this new info to the leads board.
    • On the board, combine the blue Ford NOTEPAD with Mark Gardner’s vehicle’s PHOTO.

    • You can’t enter the club since it’s “closed for good” now, but go into the alley to the left to find a homeless person sitting… and not talking.
    • Give the BLANKET to him and he’ll answer your questions regarding the shootout in the club a few nights back. Know of one tall albino guy shooting his small and fat pal.
    • Once the conversation is over, the homeless man will ask you for something to eat… and if you did the right shopping, give him the food you have (bread or meatloaf, whatever you’ve bought) to find out about a third man, the young Ford driver working at a nearby gas station.

  32. Scene of the Crime – Walkthrough (Part Three of Three)

    • Go to the forensics desk and see the recent reports:
    - the same blue Ford has been seen on a gas station.
    - Mark Gardner, the Ford’s owner, is the mortal victim at the Club shootout.
    • Add this new info to the leads… new location available in the map.
    • On the board, combine the newest INFO from Mark Gardner (victim) with the oldest from him (blue Ford’s owner – photo & notepad)
    Progress 4 out of 8.

    • Zoom in the office door to the right and click on the handle to get in.
    • Zoom in on the floor [ ↓ ] and take the Motel pamphlet.
    • Zoom on the guy’s picture on the front wall (Peter Steele) and take it.
    • Go behind the counter; zoom in on the jacket hanging on the left and take Peter Steel’s bank account detail.
    • Still behind the counter, zoom in the cash register to the right and take a bank locker key – 6812 and a blood stained handkerchief.

    • Go to the forensics desk and your new evidence will go there.
    • Take fingerprints (with the usual procedure: dust + brush; brush on item; tape on item) from the bank account detail, and also a blood sample from the handkerchief (as usual too: tape on item).
    New location available on the map
    • There are no new reports to see this time, so go up to the LEADS board and combine PETER STEELE’S FINGERPRINTS from the bank detail with the ONES IN THE NECKLACE; they match!
    Progress 5 out of 8.
    • Combine also the PHOTO of the Wilco’s house with the PHOTO of Steele, its hirer; AND add the burned driver’s license (Peter’s) to the PHOTOS combo.
    Progress 6 out of 8.

    • Go to the bank safes and use the KEY to open the 6812 one; take Peter Steele’s notebook.

    • On the forensics desk and with the notebook on top, click on it to open it and take the written page with a room number on it (14); go back.
    • See the recent reports and know that the blood on the handkerchief belongs to Peter Steele.
    • Add this new info to the leads.
    • On the leads board, combine both blood samples.
    Progress 7 out of 8.
    • Combine now the NOTE from Steele’s notebook (Room 14) with the Motel’s PAMPHLET.
    Progress 8 out of 8, and the LAST available location on the map..

    • Go through the final texts and scenes of the bad guy getting busted and confessed. I’m done with this one… and so you are.

  33. I cant open the locker, I have done everything else... help please.

  34. Can't unlock final location, did everything but still won't unlock

  35. Never mind, finally got it to work

  36. caught this one from the random section

    thx MS for all your great creations ☺


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