
New Escape Games

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The Zombie

The Zombie Dassyutu Game is another new Japanese point and click type escape the room game by Info WEB. In this game, you are trapped in a room and you have to search around to find some clues and solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

Warning: This game contains a creepy scenario so may not be suitable for young players or the faint of heart players.

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  1. died twice. That's enough. Tape the chain to the outlet under the desk. Go out and click on the chain and wait for zombie to get electricuted. Then, DON'T go into the market.

  2. Hell cat and Heaven Rat looks cute, but there are too many ways to get killed and have to start over. Gonna try this one instead.

  3. oh no, you get killed in this one too? I think these gamemakers just want us to play multiple times.

  4. after you electrocute the first zombie, go into the market and tip the cans on the second. :)

  5. LOL @zoz...this one looks like one to die in as well...I guess I'll wait for a "sweet" game... something mmore my speed...

  6. hi @zoz - am trying hell rat now. Thanks for the warning.

  7. I did the same thing as Annaby and I keep on dying.

  8. I tipped the cans and died. Perhaps timing is everything, as the note suggests.

  9. hmm . . . have 2 coils of rope, an opened padlock and a spanner. . . don't know how to get past next zombie. yet. Why can't i just have a loaded shotgun?

  10. you have to tip the cans the moment you get in.

  11. I am going back to play "Fairy Princess Escape" ...again! LOL

  12. hmmm . . . i can open the rubbish bin. i suppose i need to get the zombie into it so i can lock him in. but how. . .?

  13. has anyone fiured out te combination to the safe yet?

  14. ah. i missed a view in the supermarket. You can turn left, get cement and meat. meat goes in the rubbish bin, then lock the zombie in. :)

  15. Philomena - not yet. . . may take a while. Moon has the 3rd digit, tho. (rubbish bin view)

  16. pick up the bone in the side yard after electrocuting first zombie

  17. sorry, not a bone, a wrench

  18. Thank you, Trisana, I missed this view, too.

  19. done! and it's a spanner, not a bone. :) Used to take off a manhole cover.

  20. Okay, the digits for the safe combo are located (they change, i think):
    On the moon in the view with the rubbish bin.
    In the dance studio view - click the D on the sign
    on a grave (one of the ones on the left, i forget which one)
    On the left door of the locked crypt/mausoleum thing.

  21. How do we kill the dancing zombies or the one in the grave...

  22. How do you keep the zombie locked in the trash bin?

  23. padlock, small-tool.

    Domestic, do you have the 3 rope? then you'll get water to use with cement.

    Give me a few more min, i'll have a wt for you.

  24. You use the padlock from the supermarket.

  25. I have the three ropes, but I don't have the water =(

  26. Walkthrough:

    NOTE: The Zombies will *NOT* attack you if you don’t click on them. You have some time, be patient. I recommend saving after killing each zombie, just in case.

    Pick up CHAIN. Turn around, get TAPE. Click on the safe and pick up the MEMO. Flip it over for advice on handling these zombies. Zoom under the desk, use CHAIN on outlet, then TAPE. Open the door, click the CHAIN, and wait for the zombie to be electrocuted. 1 down.

    Turn right, grab SPANNER and zoom on the left corner to get ROPE (1). Go back out, then to the supermarket. (ahead)

    When the supermarket zombie is as far to the left as possible, tip the cans on him. Zoom on the tipped over cans to get SAFE KEY. Go behind the desk, use SAFE KEY on safe, get ROPE (2). Back out of the safe and get PADLOCK. Back in front of the counter, turn left to get CEMENT and MEAT.

    When facing the supermarket, turn left. Open the rubbish bin and throw MEAT in, then PADLOCK it shut.
    Click the MOON for the 3rd digit of your code (it changes). And behind the rubbish bin is ROPE (3).

    Move forward. On the Dance Studio sign, click the D for another digit. Go into the studio, and use your ROPE on the 3 zombies. Click on the cupboard, it wants a code. What dance were they doing? (SPOILERTHRILLERSPOILER). Get WATER.

    Combine WATER and CEMENT. Use CEMENT BLOCKS on zombie in grave. Click around the graves for the a code digit and a STICK.

    Moving on, click the left half of the door. There’s your last digit. Go open the first safe for another MEMO, with the code for the mausoleum. Open the mausoleum, another zombie will come out. Poke it with the STICK until it leaves the screen, follow it. Use your SPANNER on the manhole cover, then poke the zombie (with STICK) into the hole. Grab MANHOLE COVER and follow. Use MANHOLE COVER on zombie.

    Congrats! Happy end!

  27. Oh wait you tie up the zombies... but now a password on the filing cabinet =(

  28. there you guys go. I have to leave, good luck!

  29. Thanks Trisana, forgot to take that padlock.
    Where is the third rope (have one from safe and one from alley).

  30. Oh wow a walkthrough already, great, thanks.

  31. Happy end!? but it seems (walking by the mirror) I'm a zombie too!

    By the way,
    - for the password; only the first letter is uppercase.
    - according to the order of numbers found in Trisana's walkthrough I think the first number you find is the third number for the code, the second the first, the third the second and the fourth the fourth (but not sure anymore).

  32. Thanks for W/T @trisana... It was good to know that you only die if you touch the Zombies... without proper tools!
    And @small-tool for the Password...I was trying it all upper, and all lower, but not the way you said! LOL

    The first paper you get has the order of the #'s for safe code..."D",gravestone, moon, and door.

  33. Nokra, the order of the #'s doesn't work...

    When D=5, gravestone=0, moon=9 and door=7, the code would have to be 5097, right?

    It doesn't work...tried many other combinations, but can't find the right one...I have to give up :-(

  34. ginger, that is the right order. you sure you were doing it on the safe in the first room?

  35. drats this game doesn't load all the way for my browser. It keeps stopping at random percentages. the most topping @ 70%. Did someone have better luck in Goog Chrome?

  36. It did the same with me. I never got to play it.

  37. I played it in chrome, no problem. :)


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