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Escape from the Haunted House

[REPLAY] Escape from the Haunted House is another Japanese point & click room escape game developed by Choko-Chai. In this game, you got trapped in a haunted house, together with the famous three Choko-Chai cats. Your aim is to escape from there by finding and using items and looking for hints to solve all puzzles at this place. Let the cats help you to get out of the haunted house. Good luck and have fun! ☺

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. I really don't have time for this. Just went in for a quick look.
    Get a door know in the red room, to the right of the shelves. Got a hat too.
    Use the knob to get to the green room.
    Use the cats (under the game screen) to push the lamp down and get a blue key.
    Place the moneybox in the green room.

  2. been sooo long since a live game for me!! darn work..

  3. Oh, I love these games!

  4. @lebananas, I'd say darn plane to catch...
    Anyway, I used the key in the blue room and got a book with a bookmark inside.
    Placed the hat on the coathanger (look at the pictures to know how to place them).
    Watering can to the green room.
    Stuck and need to see a clue for a code.

  5. doorknob to right of bookshelf in room one

  6. Found a mirror under the moneybox, after it's placed in the red room.

  7. The mirror and the bookmark gives a code to the purple room.

  8. Piece of mirror also on main door, behind you.

  9. Use the cats on the clock in the purple room.

  10. Get a key from the pendulum to the orange room.
    Thanks @tosca!

  11. In the orange room, get pliers by the plant pot. Place clock and get a duck.

  12. In orange room a paper tube, from the paper towels.

  13. hey, i'll join u guys if it ever loads. . .

  14. Use pliers on the main door (behind you) on the yellow "knob" to get light and a staircase.

  15. OK, stuck! Can't get into orange room...anybody find the key?

  16. keep clicking on tissue to get cardboard

  17. oh, on the pendulum!

  18. I dont understand calender

  19. Anyone figure out the calendar?

  20. I think we need to get more dates from the ghosts to use on the calender.

  21. the calendar is the clues the ghosts gave us. cant beat the box corresponding with it tho.

  22. One of my favorite game authors!!!Yea, just starting...

  23. I have these hints;
    24 days go to picknick
    17 days is birthday
    19 days is thursday
    26 days is summerfestival
    Do we all have the same?

  24. Cats open the yellow door.

  25. has to refer to the box and I think the colors for the order to push the buttons...but I can't find the order...the books don't help...maybe the color of the doors?

  26. 10 days has a date
    12 days has a barbeque

  27. I agree, small-tool, that's what i have so far. And i played rock-paper-scissors, won bead case. I guess we're going to make a kaleidoscope.

  28. 10 date with her
    12 barbeque

  29. @Tris, there is a calender if you click on the left wall upstairs.

    @Small-tool, it looks like they are the same.

  30. yes i have the same

  31. tosca, you got into the yellow room?

  32. Cover from bike in yellow room.

  33. Open door 2 with the cats.
    Find a flower and a book with a bookmark inside.
    Use the mirror in the bookmark to get the code for door 5.
    After the dates go upstairs to play rock-scissors-paper and get beads case.
    open the red box with the dates in the calendar for friction tape.
    paper tube is inside a tissue box... somewhere inside a room.
    I'm missing 1 of 3 mirrors..

  34. ah, thanks ellie. got cover from by the bike. :)

  35. I think the last part of the mirror will be in the red box

  36. @Edgar - window right of calendar for mirror?

  37. i have made the kaleidoscope, now what do i do with it?

  38. i keep forgetting about the cats!

  39. pat, the tape is in the red box

  40. How to get into red box?

  41. open the red box using ghost hint clicking on the spot in order and get "friction tape"

  42. Where is the third mirror?

  43. i only have 1 mirror

  44. Use the order of the rooms as an order for the dates to push the buttons.

  45. what order, popset? i'm confused.

  46. And the order we press the red box buttons is..... ????

  47. I have all the ghost hints, 10,12,17, 19, 24, 26 - don't know what order, tried so many!

  48. 3rd mirror is upstairs to the left under one of the windows

  49. use the numbers the ghosts gave you, match them up with the numbers from the calendar, then push the buttons on the box to get the tape. third mirror is in upstairs window

  50. ah. the left side front to back, then the right side front to back. got it. :)

  51. where are the mirrors?

  52. 1 piece of mirror on main door

  53. @icemaiden : follow the order of the doors (1,2,3,4,5 and 6), each ghost give you a date (in order : 24, 22, 19, 17, 10, 26). Juste note on the calendar the place of each date. then click the spot in order to open the red box.

    (hope I'm clear, my english is bad)

  54. The 24th is in room I press that button first, the 12 th is in room II so that button is next and so on.

    The three mirrors:
    under moneybox
    in window on main door (behind you in corridor)
    in right window, by calendar upstaairs.

  55. k, i can't find the mirror on the front door. >_<

  56. Am I missing an access card for the front door?

  57. Finally, got it! Thanks @Trisana!

  58. Thank you for all your help!!

  59. Opened the box with the code from kaleidoscope.
    Need a card?

  60. 5 _ 2
    4 _ 3
    1 _ 6
    for order to push buttons

  61. Use the color beads in the caleidoscope to get numbers - colors match the main door.

  62. @Tris, zoom on the window above the door. The mirror is on the lower right side.

    I miss the pass card as well.

  63. anyone have a card to use for the door?

  64. I can't zoom, and I can't see the mirror! grrr.

  65. wont let me zoom on window about main door anymore... dont wanna restart!

  66. card
    go the first room again to click the ghost

  67. My pussies have no card

  68. Click on the ghost in room I (red room) to get the card.

  69. thanks @Shuchun. that last bit was not fair, lol.

  70. no problem
    two endings for this game so remember to save first

  71. I'm out but what was with the bow tie?

  72. @Ellie, tell the truth: you're trying to miss your plane!

  73. btw @Ellie, you're still champion, I couldn't catch you!

  74. Thanks all for the help!

  75. go to the pink room, there is the gift

  76. must be a bug that i couldnt zoom in on window after the light opened up the stair case. cute game!

  77. Hahaha @zoz!! It would be great to miss it lol! And, I'm sure you would beat me if you tried a bit more (or Edgar will later on anyway lol.)

    Well, I didn't save the game before i went out (I never remember to do that) so I can't find the second ending now. No time for restarting.

  78. Thanks @Sisli for telling about the second ending!

  79. happy end mummy was glad

  80. Adore these games and this one was great! If you click the box right of the red arrow at the end page you will get photos of the author's real cats!

  81. yay! I got both ends on my own. That feels really good after struggling so bad in an earlier one of these. :D I love this series. The real kitty pictures are so sweet!

  82. anyone playing? just started...

  83. got to right back

  84. sarah, if you're still here, i can help you if you need it. :)

  85. i have two mirrors but need one more...have already opened all doors ecxept the

  86. got beads case from umbrella person i need to open yellow door

  87. nvm...i got the cats to open the yellow door

  88. sarah - sorry i missed your comments. congrats on solving stuff yourself! :D

  89. and the game

  90. thanx trisana...thats ok...i had to read the comments a little but i figured it out

  91. Ok, I'm totally lost and I've read through all comments. The comments are so far ahead of where I need help. Could someone please make a walkthrough. Thanks

  92. Choko-Choi ‘Haunted House’ - Walkthrough (Part One)

    • Enter the Red Room (I).
    • Look at the picture to see there’s a MONEYBOX missing in the shelves; take the hat.
    • Zoom in the right of the shelves to find a doorknob.
    • Leave the room.

    • Use the DOORKNOB on the Green Room (IV) and go inside.
    • Take the moneybox from the shelves (notice the missing WATERING CAN)
    • Click on the lamp and see it rattles. Click on the cat on the bottom left of the game screen; click on the smallest cat (on the left) and again on the lamp to make it fall… take the blue key and leave the room.

    • Go back into the Red Room (I) and place the MONEYBOX on the shelves to make the Red Ghost appear… and it will give you a DATE; write it down.
    • Click on the MONEYBOX and take the mirror #1 from under it; go out.

    • Use the BLUE KEY to enter the Blue Room (III).
    • Take the watering can and the book about ‘How to make a kaleidoscope’ and open it in [About Item] to turn the pages until you find a bookmark (by the way, you can know what items you need to collect by reading the book).
    • Put the HAT on the hanger and write down the DATE given by the Blue Ghost once it appears; go out.

    • Go back into the Green Room (IV) and place the WATERING CAN on the shelves… remember the DATE the Green Ghost gives to you and go out.

    • The Yellow Room (II) won’t open if you click on it… click on the cat (on the left bottom of the game screen), click again on Shokora (the biggest on the right) and once again on the (yellow) door. Now you can enter the room.
    • From the picture, you should know a DUCK is missing… take the flower (vase).
    • Zoom in on the bicycle and take the cover from behind the front wheel; zoom out and leave the room.

    • The Pink Room (V) need a 4-digit code; in [About Item] open the BOOKMARK and use your MIRROR on it to get the code. Use it to enter this room.
    • Click on the clock on the wall and on the cat again; it’s Chai’s turn (the cat under the clock) to help, so click on it and on the clock again to get the pendulum.
    • Open the PENDULUM in [About Item] and click on the right side of it to turn it around and to find an orange key.
    • Take the alarm clock from the shelves and put the VASE in its place to make the Pink Ghost appear… again, write down the DATE it gives to you and leave this room.

    • Enter the Orange Room (VI) with your KEY you’ve got from the clock.
    • Take the pliers from behind the plant pot and the toy duck from the shelves.
    • Zoom in on the facial tissues box and take (pleasantly) all the tissues out until you find the paper tube; zoom out.
    • Place the CLOCK on the shelves and the Orange Ghost will give you another DATE to keep in mind; go out now.

    • It’s time to visit the Yellow Room (II) again.
    • Once the TOY DUCK is in place, the Yellow Ghost will give you the last of the needed DATES; exit the room.

  93. Choko-Choi ‘Haunted House’ – Walkthrough (Part Two)

    • From the hallway view, click the down arrow to turn around and to see the (locked) Main Door, which it needs a code.
    • Zoom in on the upper part of the door to get the mirror #2 and to use the PLIERS on the yellow circle… a shining light will enter through the hole and across the hallway.
    • Zoom out and turn back around.
    • Zoom in on the end of the hallway and, as if by magic, the light will open a staircase for you to use!

    • Upstairs, start by going to the right and click on the strange jumping creature… accept the rock-paper-scissors challenge, beat it and get the beads case.
    • Go down and to the left now.
    • From the right window, take the mirror #3.
    • Zoom in on the calendar on the wall and look at the circled dates; go down twice.
    • Now zoom in twice on the red box upon the pedestal and, using the DATES from the 6 ghosts and the ones on the calendar, click on the yellow buttons in the correct order to open the box and to get the friction tape; go down 4 times, ‘til the main Door view. Oh, by the way… did you notice the pattern on the red box actually drew a RED BOW???
     Solution at the end of the Walkthrough

    • Let’s make a kaleidoscope! …everything in [About Item]:
    - Open the MIRRORS (3) and use the TAPE on them and click to stick them together.
    - Open the paper TUBE and put the MIRRORS into it; add the COVER on the left end of the tube and the BEADS CASE on the right end.
    - Now click on your kaleidoscope and see the colored numbers standing for the FINAL CODE!! :D

    • Zoom in the keypad left of the door and enter the numbers from the KALEIDOSCOPE by colors to open it… uh oh, now we need a card key.
     Solution at the end of the Walkthrough
    • Where to look? Hey, we do have a clue! Remember the Red Bow from that red box? Yep, you’ve got it…. go into the Red Room!
    • Click on the Red Ghost and take the card key… and go and use it!
    • Aha! Door opened! But, a pink bow tie?? Hmm, interesting…

    • Well, you can open the door now and escape with a not-so-good ending, or instead…
    • Enter the Pink Room (V), click on the Ghost and take a bunch of flowers for mommy.
    • Escape now from the Haunted House with flowers for mommy and a HAPPY ENDING. Congrats!!
    Solution to the Red Box code

    The dates given by the Ghost from each room are:
     I ⇒ 24
     II ⇒ 12
     III ⇒ 19
     IV ⇒ 17
     V ⇒ 10
     VI ⇒ 26
    The circled days in the calendar show a 3x3 grid similar to the buttons on the red box, so click on the buttons in the order from the rooms as if you were pointing the dates on the calendar, as follows:
     ⑤ ◯ ②
     ④ ◯ ③
     ① ◯ ⑥
    Solution to the keypad panel
    In special attention to the color-blind escapers out there

    The order of the colors in the keypad is Blue-Yellow-Green-Red.
    The numbers in the kaleidoscope (in the order of colors) are 8437;
    this is the code to be entered.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Edgar - you are a hero. Thank you so much. I struggled along as far as I could, because I love these games, but needed serious help! Terrific walkthrough :o)

  96. Edgar, thank you for the walk through. using the cats on the lamp is where i was stuck. and would never have figured out the key card to get out.

  97. @MaryD, yvw... and thanks back :)

    @Angie, same to you! :D You know, using the cats everywhere in these Choko-Choi series is a MUST, lol!

    @icemaiden, I started playing this game during my lunch break at work with a lousy connection that barely let me load the game and couldn't post as much as I wanted to, but ONLY the comment you saw and replied (and I didn't do too bad). After that, it was impossible for me to refresh the page but, although I was able to find my way out, I could see eventually that you did answer to my pleas for help... and I really appreciate that. THANK YOU!!

  98. (RE)HI all ☺

    Halloween is soon...!
    (just look at the daily games the devs create atm ☻)
    therefore the next time, we will provide also replays with a Halloween topic, continuing with another famous JP crowd puller from the past: Choko-Chai
    a Choko-Chai is always worth a replay - enjoy, mwahahahahah ☻!

    thx annaby for your submission(s) - much appreciated! ♥

    ありがとうfor all your creations, Choko ☺
    & thx Edgar for the WT

  99. I'd forgotten about this series. Always so cute but with good solid puzzles.

  100. Any chance that Choko will be coming out with a new game? Choko is one of the premier game makers!!!

  101. hi Allso ☺
    thx for asking
    unfortunately, Choko stopped with creating games already a pretty long time ago, at least the cat games
    but they have created games for each New Year day so far
    the latest:

    so let's see at the end of the year, if they will follow their tradition... ☺

  102. Such a nice game in a top one cute series


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