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I Want to Eat Breakfast Escape

I Want to Eat Breakfast Escape is a challenging point and click room escape games. You're locked in your room by your mother, you must eat the breakfast and solve some puzzles to escape out! Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. o.k. let's have a late breakfast

  2. so far i have a few things but dont know what they are

  3. New game. It's gonna be a gamy day.

  4. got a white ... something. It sort of resembles you know :D
    The all important screwdriver, some sort of a plate, a black ring, something that looks like matches and a stool.

  5. a white pointed thing; a round black thing with a hole; an antenna (maybe);
    a rectangle (could be an ashtray); a sd; a green key; a piece of wood (?); a stool (used) and matches (used).

  6. something in the blue/green vase I can't take out

  7. @ cool: got a white ... something. It sort of resembles you know :D
    I hope not :-)

  8. @Blom, well ... it looks like one. Or maybe I just have a twisted mind :D

  9. @Blom, how did you use the matches?

  10. Where is the screwdriver and where to use the stool?

  11. The wood goes on the thingie on the drawers.

  12. Nvm. Screwdriver is in bottom left drawer.

  13. @ truus: use matches on candles
    @small-tool: sd was in one of the drawers

  14. No wood, no key and don't know where to use the stool.

  15. cant find a place for the green key

  16. @ small-tool: stool could be put under the computer

  17. @blom, I found the candles, but can't lit them. do I need to light the matches first, somehow?

  18. @blom
    where did you find key please

  19. I believe you get keys when you have lit the candles. Not that there's any place to use them.

  20. @ truus: just drag them
    @ swissmiss: key is in a candle

  21. Thanks for the place to put the stool, Blom.
    Where is the key and the wood?

    Truus, just drag the matches on the candles.

  22. the chair can be turned around but I need knive or scissors

  23. Thanks Cool.
    Just wait a while after you lit the candles and the key is there.

  24. @ small-tool: wood is at the back of the painting

  25. Hi! Joining and trying to catch up.
    @small-tool, the wood was on the back side of the painting that stands next to the computer, click lower part to turn it.

  26. aah, you have to drag the items.... duh
    I thought highlighting them was enough.
    need more coffee!!
    thanks @small-tool.

  27. there is a view behind the scooter thing (my,my I would like a ride in that)

  28. Hi Ellie , Hi loz xxx (no zzz today!)

  29. Did anyone use the wood after it got holes?

  30. Thanks Blom and Ellie for the wood.

  31. At the left side of couch is something that seems to be for the car ( car can be looked at from behind as well)

  32. and thanks @blom, sorry missed that before.
    definitely need coffee!!! lol

  33. Use the white thingy on the paiting and you get the code for drawer

  34. How do you get holes in the wood. All I can do is place it on the thing on the cabinet.

  35. Hi @SwissMiss!! Thanks for the view behind the scooter! I wish I could do anything in this game lol.

  36. Ellie, how did you make holes in the wood?
    I've tried all I have there but nothing happens.

  37. Well I be .... Just looked again and the thing was closed. So now I do have holes :D

  38. @small-tool, place the wood... leave and come back to it. It gets holes.
    Thanks @george!

  39. Got a remote from the drawer and added the antenna from couch.

  40. which painting do we have to destroy for code??

  41. have a remote now with antenna

  42. @SwissMiss, the same painting as where you got the wood, to the left of computer.

  43. I can not use the remote on the car. Bet the thing in the vase is a battery.

  44. use the black round thing (magnet) with the sd, then use sd in vase

  45. @george, I can't use my sd in the vase. I tried before and it still doesn't work.

  46. thanks Ellie found it in the mt

  47. Sorry @george, now I get what you said.
    Use the black thing on the left side of the SD first, THEN use it in the vase. Thanks!!

  48. battery is for car but he wont drive

  49. And the thing from the vase goes in the car (back view)

  50. you need to magnetise it..with the black thing..

    then you put the thing from the vase in the car and use the remote on it

  51. got a rope from under the scooter

  52. the thing from the vase went into the back of the car but the remote still doesn't work :(

  53. Okay, got the battery, which goes in the car and not in the remote, but the remote still does not work.

  54. @SwissMiss, could you move the scooter?

  55. Ah, now it does. Got a string.

  56. Oh, cool! I had breakfast! :D

  57. POP! I opened the remote, clicked on the buttons and suddenly it moved. Got rope as well.

  58. How did you get under the car Swissmiss?

  59. scooter got picture down - another code

  60. And found a safe and another plate with holes.

  61. I used the green key now and got another board.
    The scooter hits a painting. Look at the wall.

  62. View remote (view item) and click numbers. I am not sure if it matters which one, I clicked the 1 some times and it moved. :)

  63. Full
    put that shiny bit on back of scooter and highlight the remote - i just clicked it and it disappeared and then the car started moving

  64. Yes! Finally a knife! I combined the holed boards and got the code for the drawer.

  65. Out as well, very very nice game.

    Thanks for the hint to move the car and find the rope, swissmiss

  66. so we have two plates with holes
    1 shiny glasstile and rope

    why can we turn that chair around when we have nothing to cut it??

  67. And out! Cut the bread to get a key.

  68. Hm... where did I use the rope??

  69. Did everyone have one place open in the inventory when going out?
    Or is there another ending?

  70. oh that lovely breat - I am hungry - but it is more lunchtime than breakfast -lol

  71. The square thing and the rope weren't used!?

  72. did not use rope or shiny glastile

  73. I don't think I used my green rectangle either. Hm... I'll go in again to see what I did lol.

  74. lol not breat - bread - sorry

  75. I'm gonna play again and see if we can get something from under the stool to get another end.

  76. thanks for all the help, I surfed through the game on your
    but I do think there might be a 2nd ending?
    still rope and another thingy unused??

  77. almost out, but i did not use rectangle, rope, computer, strange cupboard and stool!

  78. Well tried the knife on about everything I had not used, but nothing happens. Guess those are just to fill up the inventory.

  79. Blom I think it's a hint. There's a computer running Windows. That means a whole lot of fancy stuff, but hardly anything usefull. Just like in the game ;-)

  80. No, I can't find any use for my items either. I don't think these games normally have more than one ending. I should probalby leave it.

  81. I played again and found a place for the can use it to open the blinds

  82. Funny,
    After riding the car there are 2 cars; The one that crashed into the painting and when you turn it's still standing on it's old place.

  83. aha, the windows, maybe a hint from the computer? lol

  84. ...then use the glass plate on the colored thingy on the wall and put it in the there's something written there..

  85. Great George and now I have a rainbow.

  86. I can't put the glass plate on the colors?

  87. no placing...just put it over there and it will have the colors on it

  88. Do you mean; place the glass thing on the wall next to the door where the colors are or somewhere else?

  89. Great @george!! I'll go in again :)

  90. Ahhh I cant turn the painting round to get wood! pretty sure im clicking the right place. Can someone tell me exactly where to click so I know if its a glitch or not! Im so behind you all now :(

  91. No colors for me on the plate!?

  92. Yes smalltool, just move it over the colors on the wall.
    Hmm...what now? Nothing happens after the comp is running...or I just didn't found it.

  93. @loz x x x, click under the easel

  94. @small-tool, after using it on the wall, open it in inventory and have a look.

    @loz xxx, try to click on the lower part of the "legs" below the painting.

  95. loz x x x,
    You have to click the legs under the painting.

  96. Maybe all of this was just to get extra points for the high score list?

  97. I tried this again, using the rope and glass plate. Fancy rainbow, but it does not really add anything to the game, does it?

  98. Aargh, no colors.
    I hoovered on every color on the wall and nothing on my plate. Not in the inventory as well Ellie.

  99. Put colour plate in the slide of comp

  100. @small-tool, are you using the plate got from top of drawers under painting of man? It looks like a pad for glasses.

  101. That's strange @small-tool! I don't know if I did anything else before. Don't have time to go back in now... work to do.
    Maybe you should try it on the parrot as well? Zoom on the computer first?

  102. Thanks guys I was in the zoomed in view **smacks forehead** DUR!!
    x x x

  103. I could do that Tosca, although I didn't have colors.

  104. Maybe somehow I had the colors but couldn't see them!?

  105. there is a new game out btw

  106. I have japanese question on my comp

  107. where is the magnet thing? Is it different from the antenna?

  108. @george "...then use the glass plate on the colored thingy on the wall and put it in the there's something written there."

    It's a question, answer "Yes" (left option) and you can open teh door with the silver key.

  109. magnet in lower box (parrot sight)

  110. Win98 on a IMac... LOL !

  111. I have the remote with the antenna, but the car doesn't move.

  112. @loz xxx, the magnet is different from antenna. You find it in the lower of the three cupboards below the parrot and the candles.

    @Pascale, open the remote from inventory when zoomed out in the car view, then press a button (maybe 1).

  113. Walkthrough

    Door view : zoom on the cabinet, open the lower
    left drawer : screwdriver.
    Zoom on the glass plates holder and take one glass plate.

    Left once : zoom on the flower to get matches.
    Zoom on the top shelf, you see 5 candles : drag
    the matches to light the candles. Zoom out and
    back to the candles : get green key.
    Back : zoom on the lower lest cabinet, open it and take the magnet.

    Left once : click the foot of the writing board (left of computer),
    to turn it, take the wooden board.

    Left once : take the stool. Zoom on the left armrest of the
    sofa and take the antenna rod.
    Back and zoom on the breakfast table : take the white thingy.

    Right once : click the writing board an use the white thingy on
    the drawing to get a code #1.

    Right once : zoom on the top of left cabinet and place the wooden
    board on it.
    Back and zoom on the cabinet drawers, input the code #1 and take
    the remote.

    In you inventory, highlight screwdriver and drag magnet on it's point.
    Zoom on the green vase under the parrot, click on it and drag screwdriver
    to get battery.

    Zoom on the car, click on the back of the car and place battery.

    In you inventory, combine remote and antenna rod then zoom, then use
    the remote on the car (could be a little tricky). Back and you can take
    the rope on the ground.

    Right twice : you sse the car ha s smatched the wall and the painting has
    fallen. Zoom on the safe an open it with the green key. Take the 2nd
    wooden board with holes. Use the rope on the top right of the window
    blinds to open it.

    Right twice : zoom on top of the cabinet and have your first wooden board
    back, with holes. in your inventory, combine both wooden board and get
    code #2.

    Right once : input code #2 on 2nd right drawer of cabinet and have knife.
    Back : drag your glass plate on the colours right of the door - the glass
    plate will be coloured too.

    Right once : zoom on the breakfast table and use the knife on the bread :
    silver key.

    Right once : put the stool in front of computer, zoom on the computer and
    drag your coloured glass plate on the computer foot. The computer shows you
    a question, answer "Yes" (left option).

    Right twice : drag your sliver key on the door : you're out !

  114. Thanks a lot, Ellie ! I thought that I had to drag the remote on the car (just like we use the other items).

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. We can leave as soon as we have the silver key from bread. The plate with colours seems to be useless.

  117. Yw @Pascale! I made the same mistake, and tried to drag it a lot zoomed, not zoomed and in the back of it. Finally tried to open it lol.

  118. I can't take my first wood piece back and it has no holes. Could someone give me the code, please?

  119. nevermind...finally clicked the right place.

  120. Donna, Where do you click to take the wood back?

  121. How did you get the holes in the first board?! I've clicked EVERYWHERE!!! Board is in place and has been for a while, but I can't get it back or do anything with it...

  122. @Berger, I think you need to click on the thing that is in the middle, above the board, or click on the board itself... leave and get back to it and the thing above it will have closed. Then you can take the board by clicking on it.

  123. Thanks Ellie, but it's not working. When I click on the part that's raised up above the board, there's a message that I don't understand, but other than that, I can click and leave, I come back and nothing's happened.

  124. Yes @Berger, the same thing happens to me now. I don't know how, but I didn't have any problems with it before. Just had to zoom out and back in (and I thought I might had pressed something). Now I try to figure out if something else was needed, because my board is as stuck as yours.

  125. I restarted the game, and same thing. I must be missing a step or a hotspot somewhere, but I have no clue. About to give up :-(

  126. @Berger

    I can take my board back just after drag the colored glass plate to the computer

  127. I put my 1st wooden plate on machine and no matter what I do I can´t get it back with holes.

  128. @Amenophis, that worked for me too now. So, before there was a bug that allowed us to escape too early (without using the computer), and we shouldn't have been able to take the board back that early. It seems the bug is fixed now. Thanks!

  129. @roberto, wait until later. You'll be able to take it back at the end of the game.

  130. This game is glitchy! Restarted it and had same problem with wooden plate, and worse, now there´s no rope after moving the car.

  131. @Amenophis that was IT! THANK YOU!!

  132. giving up!
    Will try it later.

  133. Hi guys and plz,can somebody tell me how or where to click to open the game .I miss a loth of them couse I don`t know how.It was clicking anywhere

  134. @bubeskm, you need to put some letters or digits in the box above the "play" asks for a name, but it doesn't matter what you put in there.

  135. @bubeskm, when you click on the link on this page you get to a page where you need to find a blue button to press.
    Scroll down a bit, below the ad-picture and you'll see three big blue buttons with white japanese text (rounded corners on the buttons). Press any of them.

  136. To take the wooden board, you must first click on the PC screen, in left Japanese letter.

  137. I decided to try this again to see if anything was fixed.
    It seems that they fixed a bug in the game and inserted some new bugs.

  138. Lol @Peke! It seems to be "Buggy Friday" today.

  139. YES!!! A Flash512 totally on my own!! First time ever! :D

    (it took me 65 minutes though, lol!)

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. @Alexander, it's almost correct: A48K

  142. @Ellie: just found that out :-)Couldn't make it without all your comments.

  143. @Alexander, I saw that you erased your comment and thought that you found out. Great!! I left my comment anyway for others to come.

  144. Just came in this game about 20 minutes ago and have the problem with the wood. Also, glass don't know what you mean by colored glass piece. I have left a blank slide of some sort (framed glass?) and unframed dotted glass (don't see color) and the rope. Neither of my glass pieces go into the computer with the stool there....Stuck and Mad...waste of time.

  145. Got it to work....misread the comments. Had to wait until computer was on...THANK YOU for comment help!!

  146. @MUSE, the glass is the one with the green frame. It's not colored until you open the curtains and put it on the colors you'll see at the wall.
    You need to use your rope at the top right part of the curtains to pull them open.

  147. @MUSE, use the rope on the window now.

  148. I think this was an amazing game. I got so frustrated by reading that I should be able to take the wood out well before I could that it sort of ruined the ending but all in all the codes were not difficult and the graphics were terrific. THANK YOU to the creators!

  149. @Fastyves, thanks for the tremendous WT! I came to the game late and got lost early; your WT helped me through!

  150. My remote disappeared, but the car didn't do anything!

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. @bsaucer
    That is a bug. Restart and then when using remote zoom out from the car all the way. Then it works.

  153. Since the game was glitchy and fixed after Fastyves’ WT, I’ve decided to write the following quickthrough, for those who might have doubts on the final (and skipped by the live players) steps in the game…

    TMTM? TBTB! • Through

    • Use the magnet (from the bottom cupboard of PARROT VIEW) to magnetize the screwdriver (from the bottom left drawer in DOOR VIEW); use this magnetized SD to take the battery (?) (from inside the blue vase in PARROT VIEW) and place it in the back of the toy car (of the PARROT VIEW).
    • Use the white thing (?) (found on the breakfast table in BREAKFAST VIEW) on the painting (left of the computer in COMPUTER VIEW) to see a 3-digit code (SPOILER945SPOILER), which will open the coded drawer (in the PARROT VIEW) to get the remote.
    • Add the antenna (from the couch in the BREAKFAST VIEW) to the remote and use this to move the toy car (press the middle button); take the rope that it was under the car (in the PARROT VIEW).
    • Use the rope to open the shades of the window (BREAKFAST VIEW) and the incoming light, hitting on the parrot’s eyes, reflect a colors spectrum on the wall (in DOOR VIEW).
    • Use the glass plate (from top of the cabinet in DOOR VIEW) on the wall where the colors are displayed and use insert this colored plate on the computer slot (COMPUTER VIEW), but you’ll need to step on the stool (from BREAKFAST VIEW), click on the left answer of the question (yes) in the screen to accept the command.
    • This sends a wireless signal to the ‘printer’ (on top of the cabinet of PARROT VIEW) where you can put the cardboard (from the back of the painting in COMPUTER VIEW) and, after clicking on the lid of this machine to take it down, you can take the cardboard again with some dots on it.
    • Use the matches (from the flowers in PARROT VIEW) to light the candles (below and to the left of the parrot) and, after a while (zooming back and in again is enough) take the green key from one of the melted candles.
    • When the toy car moved, it knocked down the painting (in BREAKFAST VIEW) and revealed a safe on the wall; use the green key to open it to take the dotted glass.
    • Combine both, cardboard and glass with dots, to see a 4-characters code
    (SPOILERA48KSPOILER) and use it to open the drawer (in DOOR VIEW) to collect the knife. Cut the bread (in BREAKFAST VIEW) to find the exit key and use it on the door to escape.

  154. TY @ilo...I had somehow gotten the board out after using the computer but played again and it wasn't working....the left letter has to be clicked ...I must have done it the first time without knowing, but was stuck there this time for a while until I read your comment.

  155. And Ty the Quick Through, now it all makes very much sense!
    I don't get...TMTM? TBTB!...What?

  156. @nokra, the name in my quickthrough sort of stands as a cry of protest against game makers who have been releasing many buggy games lately on one hand... and as an explanation for it when another WT was posted before:

    The More The Merrier? The Bugless The Better!

    Goodnight all now :)




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