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Princess Date Dinner Escape

Princess Date Dinner Escape is a challenging point and click room escape game. You must find all hidden useful objects and put them on their right place to escape. You may solve some simple puzzle to complete all tasks. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Princess Date Dinner Escape

Princess Date Dinner Walkthrough

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  1. Good morning
    loading - seems a lot of foreign lingo
    hope it is not too bad

  2. Hellooo
    no one playing
    have massive stuff but only key used

  3. Morning SwissMiss,
    Scissors in/behind right pink stool

  4. I'm here too. Got a lot of stuff too and no idea what to do with is.
    Also gor key (used), toy bear, gurken ;-), kiwi, something like beans, scissors, chain, spoon, rose and plug.

  5. Hi Small-tool
    I need your help
    have ghurkins, kiwis, soja (or similar) scissors, opened cubboard with key
    plug and chain combined
    chocolate, flower, lighter and teddybear
    but now Idea what to do with it all

  6. Nvm, just found the key, above the dog in the bed.

  7. Hi Cool
    sorry about the gurken / is it gurkhin or what in english - anyway those green salty things -lol-

    Small tool
    I am not sure anymore about key but i think in plant

  8. Still looking for plug and lighter.

  9. tried to light the candles
    or filling those bowls with the food
    but it is not working

  10. Okay, so on the table, you put rose in vase, food on plates.

  11. in a drawer there is a yellow 5
    and on the table with those 4 little bowls is a yellow arrow

    also many hotspots with nada

  12. Cool I tried that and it did not work
    how do you do it

  13. SwissMiss it does work: gurken on the left of the 4 little ones, the white beany things on the right.
    Kiwi's in the big one in the middel. Where was the lighter?

  14. tried again and now it is working!!

  15. Still no lighter, no plug and no chocolate.

  16. have one bowl still empty (second one)
    have scissors, bear and chain/plug unused

  17. sorry small-tool
    there was so much stuff around
    have you looked in the cubboard for the chocolate - I had that very early on or on the dresser

  18. red berries in the orange bowl. Take with scissors from plant on the left.

  19. I shall start another game and try to find things again to help you

  20. Hi everyone....has anyone found code for the dressing table? i have a 4 from the drawer and a 5 from wardrobe drawer.

    That plug and chain goes in the bamboo thing next to piano ...dont know why?

  21. small tool
    chocolate in drawer big cubboard

  22. Lighter is on the top right of the piano stool.

  23. Put the baby bear from wardrobe with bear on the bed then you can take container hidden to left of bear....this is soup and goes in the bowls on the table

  24. Zennor, do you know where you found the plug?

  25. the plug is under the bed

  26. small tool
    lighter is on piano stool on very right

  27. You can light the candles.

  28. Hi! Tring to catch up.
    @Small-tool, the Plug is under the bed.
    I don't have soya yet.

  29. Thanks for the plug and the chocolate.

  30. Hi Elli
    happy birthday
    soja check pictures

  31. Hm, now have only one of the 4 plates empty. Think we need to fill the glasses.
    And only one open room in the inventory. Guess there's a bottle of something in the dresser.
    All we need now is a genius who can tell us the code.

  32. Thanks @SwissMiss :D!!

  33. still second bowl on table empty
    has anyone got that?

  34. the yellow arrow on those bowls
    perhaps colour code green, ?, brown, white

  35. Hm... I got some beans? from a picture, is that the soya? I thought it would be in a bottle. Can't put my food in the small plates, only the "gurken" goes there. Trying again...

  36. Oh, have top two place in inventory still empty too.
    What's with the chain and plug? Doesn't seem to do much.

  37. Ellie
    try and drag again - it took me a few times

  38. POP, I put down the chocolate and the "beans". Only one small bowl empty. Can't use my berries.

  39. Ellie, the berries go in the orange bowl.

  40. I still have 4 places empty in the inventory. Thw two upper ones, lower right corner and third from top in second column.

  41. Berries go in orange bowl

    I think we need to crack the safe - we are all stuck -

    my inventory is empty - 3 slots unused (top two, bottom right)

  42. yes you are right ellie - have that one empty t

  43. Finally figured out how to load the game, I'll try to catch up.

  44. Cool, I'm missing the item in the third right one from the top. What am I missing there?

  45. And ty @Cool too for the berries! I'm still not awake :)

  46. Ellie, I missed that. Also still empty.
    Seems we are all at the same place.

  47. ther is a bottle of wine in the closet behind the coat. pur it to the glasses

  48. SmallTool, I don't have that either. Also not really awake yet. Gonna get me some coffee, maybe that will help.

  49. Thanks @Dana! I'm sure that wine wasn't there before lol.

  50. Ahhhh Dana, I think you just discovered what the plug does. That place was not there before. Thanks.

  51. all of my plates (with the arrow) are full:
    it's green, purple, brown white

    I think it has to do something with the code...but what?

  52. Thanks for the wine Dana,
    I think the chain and plug did that, because it wasn't there before.

  53. guys....i forced the code but the door opened so quick i didnt remember the numbers but it is 5_4_so you can cycle the other 2 numbers to open door.

  54. has anyone filled the 2nd bowl from left between ghurkin and chocolate

  55. Dana where did you find the stuff for the second plate?

  56. the upper left spot in my inventory is still empty....what did I miss?

  57. Dana, what's the purple stuff and most important -> where did you find it?

  58. Got numbers 5 ? 4 8

    @Dana: where got you stuff for second bowl from?

  59. @Stu, where do you see that 8?
    I too miss the purple food.

  60. Brute force code and got a knife

  61. @Ellie:
    Look at picture where you get the white things upper right side

  62. Thanks @Zennor... but I want to understand the code! I can see numbers 4 and 5, and maybe a 7 in one glass. Where is number 2?

  63. it's berries of some kind, and I got it from the bottles above the piano using the little spatula.

  64. 5247 not working for me (we have the 5 and the 4) where are 7 and 2??

  65. Thanks @Stu, I see it now!

  66. Use knife to cut pudding.

  67. Ok Dana, next question; where us that spatula?

  68. @Dana, did you open a bottle on the piano first? Using what?

  69. Code doesn't work for me....

  70. code works when all is on the table!!

  71. @SwissMiss, the code is 5248, but I still don't see number 2 anywhere.

  72. Out .... I really needed the purple berries :D

  73. Spatula is on table (in the middle)

  74. @small-tool :it was on the table
    @Ellie : I just drug it to the bottle in the middle

  75. Small-tool, I thought it was a spoon.
    Been trying to put that somewhere on the table a hundred times.

  76. Thank you for the last hint Dana!

    I'm out!
    Good game!

  77. ellie
    on the table is a very small spoon - you can hardly see it in inventory
    use it on the cork
    safe only opens when all is set on table

  78. @Dana... trying and trying but not getting anything purple from that bottle...

  79. Good, POP works again! Got the purple things! Use the spatula on the cork.

  80. Yeah, out too....
    too bad about that code. love flash512 games!!

  81. stu
    where do you use the knive?

  82. Ah it's the spoon, forgot I didn't use that. Thanks all.

  83. And my inventory is finally filled! Thank you all for the help!!

  84. @SwissMiss, use the knife on the pudding on the table.

  85. @SwissMiss, thanks. Now I saw your comment about using it on the cork. And I could open the code locker before I had all of my food on the table. I want to find out about that 2 though.

  86. stupid me - on the cake of course lol

  87. thanks Dana
    forgot about that spoon in inventory

  88. Ellie, me too. I had the bottle before the berries.
    I think that somehow the chain and cork had something to do with that.
    As far as I can remember I placed it there and looked in the closet afterwards and it still was not there. Then I fooled around with the chain a bit and it suddenly was. I will try again and see when it opens exactly.

  89. perhaps it means it is the 2nd bottle for the 2??
    the 5 was where we found the ghurkins,
    the 4 where the chocolate was and the 8 with the soja or whatever

  90. I restarted but I'm retarded.
    I can't see the 8 upper right in the picture and I can't see the 2?

  91. @Cool, I talked about the safe with the numbers. I could open that one before I had the rest on the table. I too think we got that bottle after placing the cork.
    And, still looking for number 2 lol(I think it must be there somewhere, and I doubt it is bottle nr2 @SwissMiss).

  92. Can anyone remember where the key to the closet was?

  93. @small-tool, I can see the 8 in the pic. It's on the top right flower, top right side of it, on the small white dots.

  94. small-tool
    the 8 is very small on that beige picture with the strings - it is on upper right side

    2 as I said before - perhaps it is the 2nd bottle

  95. @Cool, the key was above the Bear in the bed.

  96. cool - on top of teddybear on bed

  97. HM... With some imagination, there is a 2 in the soup on the table. I doubt that is the right 2 as well as bottle number 2. But I can't see any other.

  98. hm, does not seem to be the chain that opens the compartment in the closet.

  99. Ok I saw the 8 and now I know where I'm looking for and I see the 2 too.
    It's on the far right blue part.

  100. On the blue cloth I mean, far right.

  101. @small-tool, on the far right blue part? What blue part?

  102. The cloth the bottles are standing on.

  103. small tool
    well done
    I thought it had to be there somewhere because all the other numbers were asscociated with where we found the stuff for the bowls

  104. Oh, thanks @Small-tool! That number is very visible now :)

  105. Your welcome SwissMiss,
    That's all I'm good at; finding hidden numbers, letters, fish, smileys etc.

  106. And that's where we got the order for the code as well, using the yellow arrow.

  107. don't worry - I am also not as clever as many here on EG24 - but it is still fun

  108. @Cool, I was restarting too for that wine. Placing the plug does give us the wine BUT we need to click on the blue chain after placing it (in zoomed out view).

  109. Hi all! I still dont find chocolate... :( Can anybody help?

  110. @Anne-Ly, its in the white drawer in the big closet to the right of the bed. You need to click on the drawer to zoom there, and not to zoom on the top part where you use the key.

  111. Ellie, yeah now I see. I tried just starting with the chain and the plug, but only fiddled around with it in zoomed view. That did not work.
    Now I had all items placed and did the chain thing last, and it still did not work. Only when you pull in zoomed out view.
    Thanks, I've been wondering about that.

    To use your items, drag them into the game screen. To view them, use the magnifier in the lower left corner of them.
    I needed lots of help in this game. Thanks @all players above!

    Zoom on the purple chair.
    Open the middle right drawer to get pickles.
    Note number 5.
    Zoom on the white drawer in the big closet.
    Open it to get chocolate.
    Note number 4 to the right of it, on the wall.
    Turn left.
    Zoom under the bed for a plug.
    Zoom on the polar bear in bed.
    Get a key from above its head.
    Turn left.
    Zoom on the white shelves.
    Get the blue chain.
    Take kiwi from the middle left shelf.
    Zoom on the painting above the white shelves.
    Take some beans(??) from the lower right corner(thank @SwissMiss!).
    Note number 8 in the top part of the top flower (thanks @Stu!).
    Open the chain from inventory.
    Drag the plug to the lower part of it to combine them.
    Zoom on the top part of the white “pillar” between the piano and the shelves.
    Put the combined plug/chain there.
    Zoom out.
    Zoom on the piano stool.
    Get a lighter from the top right part of it.
    Zoom on the wreath of flowers above the piano.
    Take the red flower.
    Turn left.
    Zoom on the right pink stool.
    Get scissors from behind the right part of it.
    Zoom on the plant to the left in this view.
    Use scissors on it to get red berries.
    Zoom on the table.
    Take the small spoon from the left side of the orange bowl.
    Zoom out and turn left.
    Zoom on the closet.
    Use the key and click on the handles to open it. Get a polar bear.
    You can get one more thing from the big closet (behind the coat), but first you need to go to the place where you placed the plug/chain. Click on the chain in zoomed out view. Get wine from the closet (thanks @Dana!).
    Go to the bed.
    Zoom on the polar bear.
    Place your polar bear on top of the other bear.
    Take the “metal can” from the left of the big bear.
    It’s soup.
    Go to the piano.
    Zoom on top of it.
    Use the small spoon on the cork of the middle bottle.
    Get olives (thanks @Dana!).
    Note number 2 in the right corner of the blue cloth the bottles stand on (thanks @small-tool!).
    Turn left and zoom on the table.
    Place the red flower in the vase.
    Place the pickles, olives, chocolate and beans in the four small white plates (above the yellow arrow). Place them in that order.
    Use the soup in the big bowls.
    Place the kiwi in the small square white bowl.
    Put the red berries in the orange bowl.
    Pour wine in the glasses.
    Use the lighter on the top of the candles.
    Only one more thing to do…
    Go to the pink cabinet next to the bed.
    Insert the code to get a knife.
    Solution below.
    Go back to the table and cut the cake with the knife.
    Get a key.
    Use the key on the door to escape.

    Solution to the code
    You have seen four numbers, and all were on places where you found some food.
    By pickles: number 5
    By chocolate: number 4
    By beans: number 8
    By olives: number 2
    Use the order of the small plates on the table where you placed the food (follow the yellow arrow).
    pickles, olives, chocolate and beans give;
    Code: 5248

  113. thanks Ellie
    nice wt
    hope you have time to celebrate

  114. Yw @SwissMiss! I'll start some cooking and cleaning now, so I have to stay of the computer for a while lol.

  115. I cant find the wine bottle. Just were is the spot.

  116. @sherry12, you need to combine the plug and the chain, put them on the "pole" to the right of the piano, pull the chain in zoomed out view. Then you need to go to the big closet to the right of the bed, open it with the key and move the left coat.

  117. @ellie. Thank you . finally,

  118. i wonder what's the use of rough cucumber in princess' drawer lol

  119. Good morning world!!
    I love Flash512 games, but I have to save this one for later... already tasting it! :)

  120. All of the things for the princess date dinner were scattered around her room? LOL, I feel sorry for her date!

    Funny thing, I got my key before using the knife (it was just there after I got the knife from the coded drawer) but used it anyway.

    Great game as usual Flash512! :D

  121. that game was brilliant thanks for all the hints small tool thanks for the lighter hint.....x

  122. Just replayed and didn't need to open 4 number drawer
    to escape. Just as well cause I only found 2 numbers...
    Only top left space or first space in inventory was empty
    So now, there you go ;}

    Btw, Ellie was I think the most amazing WT writer, I hope she is well

  123. ok, collected many items, but was having NO results using them until i figured out that instead of clicking on item to use i had to DRAG N DROP!

  124. Ellie, thanks for the walkthrough. This game was a lot of POP for me. I would click something 100 times, read your wt go back and pop. Sometimes that is just how these games go.
    Flash games are my very favorite of all the games I play.

  125. Working link -


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