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Submachine - 32 Chambers

[REPLAY] Submachine: 32 Chambers is a sequel of Submachine point and click type room escape game by Mateusz Skutnik for Jayisgames games competition. Mateusz Skutnik said on his page: "As I remember, there was a note found in Submachine 4 mentioning 32 chambers filled with sand. Well, here they are in another short off-main-storyline installment of the Submachine series." Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Submachine: 32 Chambers

Submachine: 32 Chambers Walkthrough

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  1. where is everyone Aug 2 8:30Pm Eastern time US

  2. @atvcountry, I'm here (also, ET US) and eager to play a new Mateusz Skutnik game!

  3. already broke a piece of equipment, but I got a piece of jadeite. I'm going in deep now.

  4. Yes :) But I'm stuck walking back and forth on the bars where the spikes pop out on both sides.

  5. stuck on the puzzle where there is a half circle and a 3/4 circle to turn, beside spikes on the right. anybody have any clues?

  6. lol, just lift the barred door!

  7. Ooooohhhh! Submachine! Just a little excited ;)

  8. once inside the room with barred doors you can go to the right and down, but only if the half circle is positioned so the lower half is open and the 3/4 circle is positioned so the "south west" quarter is open (i hope that makes sense; we need Edgar to do a picture!)

  9. take the square weight stone back up and put it in the holder where you got the wooden bowl. then go back to the room with the bars and you can go right and down farther.

  10. Hmm. Only thing left in my items are my 4 topaz gems, and I don't know what to do with them.

  11. @lexiana, i think you're way ahead of me!

  12. Oooh. Got it. It spins more than I realized.

    Not too far ahead of you zoz :) I think I'm almost done, though...

  13. ...interesting ending. xD Okay, who has questions?

  14. @lexiana, did you put the topaz in the large wheel? I need one more bacat (i've place the turtle/autumn and the spring and the spider)

  15. Yes, the topaz will go into the large wheel.

    Hang on, I'm running through it again to remember where the last bacat is.

  16. i still have 2 round stones but only one topaz

  17. where did u find all the turquoise gems? i only have three

  18. still live? I loooove the Submachine series!

  19. Zoz, the winter Bacat plate is back up on the level with three rooms and the huge head in the furthest right. Go all the way left, and then go up, and there is a clickable spot on the green mural.

  20. oops, I mean two topaz. @xxtini87xx, one of the topaz was in the square hole in the far right room on the bottom level. I don't remember where I found the other, but it was fairly early on. do you remember where you found the third?

  21. seem to be very stuck - missing the summer plate and still have loads of gems

  22. @Duscharoo, I wish I could remember where I found the summer plate. All I can tell you is that it looks like a spider web (to me anyway)

  23. Tini the four topaz gems are:

    1. In the spot where you put the wooden stick in the wall.

    2. Under the floor board under the Mole Glyph.

    3. In the box near the Ah Puch Glyph, left after the semi-circle gate.

    4. In the mouth of the giant head where you put the rocks in the eyes.

    The Summer Plate is in the set of rooms after the semi-circle gate, it's in the relief on the far right.

  24. Okay, still hunting, now have 7 Jadette, 2 topaz, 1 stone cone and 3 plates (missing summer) sigh

  25. Thanks Lexiana, missed your post - so how to get through semi circular gate?

  26. There's another one of the 3/4 circles on that level. Turn it so the empty quarter is in the bottom right, then go back up the ladder and you'll see a square switch :) It should open the gate.

  27. Thank you! Kept spinning circle and checking gate - never thought to go up again!

  28. And out - excellent game - got further on my own than I usually do!

  29. I really love Mateusz Skutnik games! And @lexiana, thanks so much for your help! You should do a WT

  30. Agreed :) I was quite pleased with myself tonight xD It was challenging without being so frustrating that I wandered off.

  31. Thank you! I'm exactly where Duscharoo is!

  32. Oh, ok, I could do that, I've never done one before! *plays through again to remember everything*

    It's not too early to post one, is it?

  33. Almost done but, it seems I missed one topaz. Going through comments to find it lol

  34. @lexiana, I think it's never too early for a WT. People can skip it if they want to push on for themselves, then refer to it when they get stuck.
    Did I mention that I love Mateusz Skutnik games? :o)

  35. Okay :) Working on it. This is kind of exciting xD

    And you did, but I think it'd be safe to say it again!

  36. Out! I love these games! It took me longer than the rest of you but, I did do most of it by myself. Happy. Thanks Shuchun!

  37. @lexiana, I look forward to your WT and I know it will be great because your comments above were so helpful!

  38. Ahoy all

    this is the first one I almost gone done by myself.

    Brilll... been loving it so far.

    Got everything and fitted them in the spinning wheel at the top of the brick steps.... but now found am missing one of the Jadete thingies.

    It's the one that fits in at the 7 o'clock position on the wheel.

    anyone still replaying wanna give me a clue?


  39. @Carib Beano, I wish I could help, but I can't remember where I found them. But lexiana's WT will help if you can wait a little!

  40. @Zoz thx mate.

    It did take me ages... there were only 3 comments when I started.. and found most things just by stumbling around.

    Found the last piece of Jadite.. it was the 8 o'clock I was missing.

    Got back and popped it in... but now can't get my blue ones.. the Topaz ones in... is it cos I already spun the wheel and locked the ring next to the middle one?

    just a little miffed that I got all this way .. and am sure the end is in sight... and don't wanna go to bed yet.. as its so close.. (it's almost 3.20am here)

    What did I miss?


    Pick up Jadeite #1 on the floor.
    Click the machine - it breaks!
    Click the left side of the room to move on.

    Click the sand on top of the Box Glyph to open it, then pick up Autumn Bacab Plate.
    Click the Air Glyph on the wall, then click the hole it leaves.
    Pick up Jadeite #2 and go down and right.

    Move left.
    Pick up the wooden Lever Handle and Jadeite #3.
    Click the top of the screen and find the Winter Bacab Plate in the green relief (it's near the top left).

    Go back down, and then right twice.
    Put the Lever Handle in the slot on the wall and click it.
    (Remember the huge head in this room, you'll want to know where it is later!)
    Go left twice and down the hole.

    Pick up the Wooden Stick, and then go right.
    Grab the Wooden Bowl on top of the gold stand.
    Go right.

    Mouse over the symbols to read (at the very bottom of the screen):
    "Air wind and fire dig through the sand."
    Go right.
    Click the blank square until it says "Air."
    Go right. This square should say "Wind." Also pick up Jadeite #4.
    Go right. The last square should say "Fire." Also open the Box Glyph and pick up Round Stone #1.

    Go left three times (back to the symbols) and then go down once.
    Pick up Jadeite #5.
    Put the Wooden Stick into the round hole on the left and pick up Topaz #1.
    Go down again.

    Go right, pick up Jadeite #6.
    Go right twice and place the Wooden Bowl on the ground under the round face.
    Click the outer ring to fill the bowl with sand and then pick it up again.
    Go left and use the sand to fill the statue's cup.
    Go left again, and go up the rope.

    Grab the Spring Bacab Plate out of the top corner of the relief, then go right twice.
    Click the right circle 3 times and then the left circle 3 times.
    Go left. Click the floorboard under the Mole Glyph and grab Topaz #2.
    Drag the gate up to open the door, and then go in.

    Pick up the Stone Cone. Go right and down to pick up the Weight Stone.

    Backtrack time! Back out, down the rope, left, back up the ladder, and left again to get to the room where the Wooden Bowl was and place the Weight Stone on the stick poking up through the hole in the wall. Head back to where we just were. You can now continue down the ladder!

    Turn the circle in the wall three times and go back up to flip the little square switch. Come back down and go left.
    Pick up Round Stone #2.
    Head right and click the circle one more time.

    Bigger backtrack this time - go all the way back to the giant head, next to the Lever Handle we flipped earlier.
    Stick the Round Stones into his eyes to get Topaz #3.

    Come all the way back and go right twice. Pick up Jadeite #7.
    Then go left and through the semi-circle gate (which we opened with the square switch).

    Go right.
    Click the Tooth Glyph in the bottom right to grab Jadeite #8.
    The Summer Bacab Plate is by the foot of the relief.

    Go left twice.
    Open the Box Glyph for Topaz #4.
    Place the Stone Cone in the slot on the ground.

    Go right, then up the stairs.
    Each of the pieces you have left fit into the circles, and the circles line up with each other.

    First place the 8 Jadeite gems. Turn the Jadeite circle until it locks into place (there's a box with two triangles around one of the gems that will match up to the two triangles at the top).

    Turn the next circle until it locks into the jadeite circle (I used trial and error). The four gaps will line up with four of the jadeites. Place the Topaz gems into these gapes.

    Place the Bacab Plates into the rectangle holes (again, trial and error). Turn this circle so the triangle points upward.

    Turn the center face right-side up and watch the finale!

  42. (My first time writing a walkthrough - I hope it was okay, guys!)

  43. Finally!

    It clicked.... just as I was spinning for the last time and disappointed that I was gonna have to log off and restart tomorrow.


    Night all

  44. Awesome. A great new twist in the submachine series. Submachine is by far my favorite game that they show on this site.

  45. @lexiana, that was really a great walkthrough, written like a pro! Not only have you now joined the ranks of WT writers, but you are one of a very few who have written a good WT for a Skutnik game! Gongtats and pats on the back! I am in awe!

  46. Hi, I can't figure out where to find the weight stone. When I get into the room with the cone stone I can't go right or down.

  47. Twinkle - did you turn the two circles before you went in the gated doorway? You may need to go play with them again. You need them so that the 3/4 one has the opening in the bottom right and the 1/2 one is open on the bottom.

    Aw, Thanks Zoz :)

  48. omg thank you so much lexiana!

  49. Great game @Skutnik!
    Great walkthrough @lexiana!

    @zoz, do you really think a pic of the round stones is necessary? hm... maybe the wt is enough, at least to make someone understand how those stone work to make it through the tunnel (and in case those "someones" played with the stones before as I did, LOL)

  50. Oh, My......That was an experience!
    I could hardly see a thing with it being so dark but the W/T was perfect! Never in a million years would I have had the patience and clarity to do this myself! I still got lost a couple of times but kept going back to the directions and I loved the end!!! I had to use a magnifying glass to see the matching up parts, LOL...Anyway, Thank You @Lexiana!!! Thank You Very Much! ! !

  51. This was such a wonderful game!! Mr. Skutnik, you are the best escape room designer around.. Thank you so much for your work.

    I solved it on my own, had the feeling that it would be a shame to use a walkthrough. Everything was so clear and logic, the artwork just perfect... I loved it!!

  52. Frikin love the Submachine series. Hope to see a lot more of them! They are just all around cool and smooth. =) Thanks lexiana! Great walkthrough. Easy to follow and comprehend. Awesome work!

  53. OH this was again a nice one!

    I only need one clue, i missed to drag this cellar door. I just clicked it ;).

    Way to short, looking forward till 12/11/12???

  54. I have only just start this game...but I can tell already that i am going to love it.!!! Olmecs, Lord Pacel....fantastic!

    Erich von Däniken
    Zecharia Sitchin

    Just a couple of authors that are a "must read"

  55. yeah..@grant...I love books by those authors!

  56. Thanks so much lexiana! I saw this game earlier but decided mot to play un till now, the "submachine" series is one of my favorites but i surely needed your walkthrough. Thumbs up :-)

  57. Great game and brilliant walkthrough - thank you :)

  58. Thanks for the GREAT WT @lexiana, it goes perfect with this GREAT game!
    A big THANKS to you and to Mateusz Skutnik !!!

  59. OMG BE STILL MY HEART!!! I'm soo excited to play! THx to Roxi for facebooking me and letting me know it's here. well here I go........ :D

  60. Mateusz Skutnik it is an honor to be able to play your games! I thx you from the bottom of my heart :D. 32 Chambers was awesome!

  61. Thanks @Mateusz Skutnik!!
    I love these games!!! I've had this one open for days now, playing a little at a time to enjoy the most of it. The Submachines were the very first escape games I played and I needed the WT's a lot. Now I wanted to finish on my own, and I almost did :) I needed help with the last blue stone, the one under the wood by the door. Totally missed that hotspot!

    A great WT @lexiana!! Thanks for writing!

  62. @lexiana - great WT! I got about 3/4 of the way and then needed help. Thanks!

  63. @lexiana: your first WT is excellent! I LOVE these games ! MORE, MORE!!

  64. Holy berjesus... Submachine's back. Loved all the other ones, and I can't wait to see the next. It's almost an evolution of the point-n-click series. The artwork is never cheesy, it's got a storyline full of intrigue and mystery, and it's challenging to all comers, without the problem of being impossible to anyone not in the know of what to do. The Submachine series has ensnared me almost as often as Legend Of Zelda games and Final Fantasy games, and I think that, seeing as it's a free online game, that says a lot for it. Sir, you are one of the greatest online game creators I have ever seen and it is because of great games such as yours that I am planning on going to college for a video game programming degree. Kudos to you and the whole Submachine saga

  65. i play this in 2013 and i could play it next year and the year after and so on :D


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