Cipher: Crack the Code is another new challenging brain teaser intricate and art-intensive online riddle game created and subbed by Benjamin Gabbay. "Cipher is an online riddle. Its name, according to the dictionary, means "a message in code." An online riddle is a kind of puzzle that requires a wide range of skills in order to advance through a series of HTML pages or "levels." Other kinds of games in this genre include NotPr0n (the creator of the genre), Neutral Riddle, Clever Waste of Time, and many others." Good luck and have fun!
Update: New levels are added!
Play This Game
@small-tool: you rock!
for 16 look for info here
Thanks Lia
ReplyDeleteI knew it had to be in what key music was, but couldn't find the right page.
D566 is "Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 6 in E minor, D566" but i still try to find out what we have to type and how can we use the "WoO10/2" hint
ReplyDeleteWoO 10/2
ReplyDeleteis a minuet from Beethoven for piano in G major.
But don't know how to use it.
I think "WoO10/2" is "WoO5". This gives Robert Alexander Schumann Composer, Presto passionato in G-, WoO5, No.2
ReplyDeleteBut i still cant understand what to type in the address :/
hint for lvl 16, now at 17
ReplyDeleteS244/2 -> C-sharp minor (Liszt)
RV552 -> A major (Vivaldi)
WoO10/2 -> G major (Beethoven)
D566 -> E minor (Schubert)
TWV41:D6 -> D major (Telemann)
You are right. But how can we use this info? Help anyone???
ReplyDeleteThaks Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteBut how did you get the other three?
ReplyDeletepage header, jpg name, alt text for jpg, jpg itself (D566) and last comment of html
Thanks rackne.
ReplyDeleteBtw. I think I have something on 17.
The picture is first and you can also use third fifth etc. (source tells you not use the even numbers) and all those pics together probably make a word.
on 18th, cantfindmyway lol
ReplyDeletenow on 18, hint for 17: there are 8 images, you need only ODD ones
ReplyDelete@rackne: can you move?
ReplyDeletecan't seem to be able to...
now 19, hint for 18 - just draw following instruction
ReplyDeleteDraw what. I can't move/drag or draw on that picture on 18. How can I go 2 paces East etc.
ah! clever! thanks:)
ReplyDeletehint for 19: no need to google. just read carefully
ReplyDeletelol, on 19:
kinda easter egg
19: letters are missing
ReplyDeleteI'm so very stuck at 18.
ReplyDeleteI think it's about going East etc. but I can't move.
Anyway I shouldn't play this. I'm an escape gamer not a riddler.
i am on 20
ReplyDelete@small leave the pc, just take a pencil and a paper and draw lines in real life. 2 paces north = 2 lines up and so on
ReplyDeletethanks Lia, now on 20, however there's one extra letter too :)
ReplyDelete@small-tool: look at rackne's post
ReplyDelete@those on 20: what is the mathematical term for the numbers in the street? don't know, so can't even google for it! *sigh*
Thank you so very much Lia.
ReplyDeleteMaths, anyone? :)
ReplyDeletemaths gives only first hint, now I'm supposed to go and find a answer :(
ReplyDelete@nan it's gogool (wiki large number names) but it's not a full answer
ReplyDeleteI have to go to bed, cause i have to get up again in 5 hours. I will check back tommorow. Good luck, guys :)
ReplyDelete@rackne: aha! thanx, wouldnt have found that!
ReplyDelete@lia: good work, sleep tight :)
Me very proud, me not English speaking, me still solved level 19.
ReplyDelete@small-tool: good work! now, how are you at maths? :D
ReplyDeleteMy math is usually quite good, but I don't see any math in level 20 yet.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes of course I see 10 to the power (if that's English) of 100 but don't know what to do with that.
ReplyDeleteIf someone is play, i still can't pass level 6. I got the letters but the don't wark.
ReplyDeleteWell I don't get 20.
ReplyDeleteIn the source is stop ignoring this and in front of that is an exclamation point. In math that's factorial but I don't know what to do with that
Btw factioral is this;
3! is 1x2x3 = 6
4! is 1x2x3xx4 = 24
ReplyDeleteAll the letters together is;
for 6, look at source and see: Why 'a?' Why not something else?-->
ReplyDeletethen open the picture in a new window and change the 'a' to something else...
i wonder, does it have anything to do with the speed of light?
ReplyDeletestuck at lvl 13 help?
ReplyDeleteI don't think so. Googol is just the term for a very big number and the speed of light is the maximum/ultimate speed but in numbers it's not that big.
ReplyDeletefor level 13 you have to look up in what year friday the 13th was in what month (for years and if it was the first or second month; see the source).
All the letters of those months make a word and that's the answer.
still dont get it i looked tru this http://kaji.com/etc/friday13th/friday13th20c.html
ReplyDeleteoooo! if you put in 'supergoogle' you get a new page!
ReplyDeletebut not 21.
level 13
That's if I remember correctly.
Great Find Nan,
Then go to the source and all the way to the bottom.
@small-tool thanks
ReplyDeletei can't believe i missed that!
ok, a few tries on 21, then i REALLY have to go to sleep!
lol Nan,
ReplyDeleteI should have gone to bed 3 hours ago. Now I only have 4 hours left to sleep.
wow, you're gonna have a tough day tomorrow!
ReplyDeletelet's make it worth it lol
uhm, i've found the jpg, but stuck on the numbers&stars...
ok, calling it a night.
ReplyDeletegood luck, i'll check in tomorrow :)
It's too much for me now;
ReplyDelete- 'skeptic discovery' as the web adress.
- 'Mya' as the title.
- 'things used to be different' in the source
- 'the one and the twenty' as picture title.
- the earth (map of the world) as a picture.
And I wasn't a riddle games player in the first place. Level 20 (a nice round figure) for now is good enough for me.
It was fun playing with all of you, see you next time.
Can anybody give me a hint for level 8, please ? (blinking numbers)
ReplyDeleteplease help! i'm on level 3 and i went to view>source but no matter how many times or how much/little of the green text i copy and paste into my browser, i just get a merriam webster dictionary result :(
ReplyDeletewell, this is what i have for 21:
ReplyDeletemya, i think, means million years ago, and:
'things used to be different': the tectonic plates used to be all one, called pangaea.
this gives you a new page that says .jpg, so substitute .htm for that.
you get an image of pangaea with numbers and stars, i assume representing the different parts of the world we have now...
and now im stuck!
Sadly, I don't think I'll be able to play :( I can't figure out lvl 2. Is that stupid? I have nothing in the "source" that is helpful.
ReplyDeleteoh! got it, must have been really tired last night!
umm...nvm lol
ReplyDeletemgkanda, swap 2 for 3 :)
ReplyDelete@Lydia ya, I get search results for Yiddish phrases. This looks fun but, I'm just stumped.
ReplyDeletefor 3: copy just the last word
ReplyDeletehmm...I don't get the new comments page. If I click the "newer posts" arrow it takes me to a different game page. The only way to see comments past 200 is to post?
ReplyDeleteif anyone's still here/visiting the game, I'd be very grateful on help with l8; purple hell is of no help to me since I really dont understand what to do with this level and which words to convert :(
Thanks, Nan. What nobody was saying is that it needs to be added to the URL. That's where the confusion was for me.
ReplyDelete@Lydia So at the end of the url replace level3.htm with braggart.htm
Okay moving on.
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ReplyDeletestuck on 6. Ugh...I'm not good at these. If I need to thing too techy, I get lost. I'm going to wait and lock myself in a room later with a screw driver and good old fashioned safes and locked drawers. I did try though. :)
ReplyDeletethat was "think" not thing. oops
ReplyDeleteIf level 8 was with those numbers (97, 103, 105 etc.) Then look at the title (it's ascii), so find and ascii table somewhere and make it letters).
Thanks for 21.
By the way I don't like this new page layout.
@mgkanda, I just saw you have the same problem with the comments like me :(
ReplyDelete@small-tool, I don't quite like it, either...even the "recent comments" link is gone...had to go there by myself..
...and I miss the profile pics :(
ReplyDeleteI was just starting a discussion on their FB page when I came back to see if I was just crazy. Nope! lol. I do see at the very top of the comments now there is a newer and newest button. There's no search bar on the home page either. :( I like to go back and play old Gotmails and Minotos on slow game days. Oh well. Will leave them a msg.
ReplyDeleteanyone got to 23 yet? really don't understand those numbers. though they are listed as set 3 or a multiple of that.
ReplyDeleteAlso look for answers @ Nordinho:
It was already posted there on May 15th this year...
hint for 22: use paint, twice, and it won't be one gray blob
ReplyDeleteThanks Small-Tool for level 6. I wrote the letters in the order that it was in the images so it dosen't wark. now I pass the level.
ReplyDeleteSomeone please help me with 6? I don't get it at all. I keep seeing references to imageS while I see one and can view one in the source. screen6a
ReplyDeleteSo what the...
thanks small-tool for l16 :)
ReplyDeletenow on l22 :D
wait...finally got images for 6. 7 letters right? can't seem to make a word. Help?
ReplyDelete@mgkanda, when a riddler names a picture screena.gif (or whatever extension), there is usually: screenb.gif to be found, note the names of the images as you go and see what you come up with....hope this helps
ReplyDeleteit's not an anagram...
ReplyDeleteahh...not an anagram, okay. Thanks @jonthewatch Will try. I'm really terrible at these. :s
ReplyDeletefor 22 I went to pixlr.com; but now it looks like there's a 2nd step and don't know where to go :(
ReplyDeletenevermind found where they were == onto 23 :)
ReplyDeletefor l23 ignore the numbers, they just disturb you :) the title of the page is a hint on what to look for; purplehell was of help :)
ReplyDelete@xesuke tyvm :-) lol, now i know why it kept bothering me. Just that simple.
ReplyDeleteThank you small-tool. I am still stuck on level 8 ! The numbers that I get are translated as wliygt ! I don't find any anagram for these letters. Some of my numbers may be wrong : the numbers can hardly be read, even when zoomed in.
ReplyDelete@Pascale, the letter 'w' is incorrect but the rest are good, note there is one letter (number) repeated
ReplyDeleteThank you jonthewatch. I think that the numbers are : 97 103 105 105 108 116 121 and it makes a word. Finally !
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ReplyDeletestuck at 25 now. I got another image, but its nothing more than a tiny white square. Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteHexadecimal in level 10, but where ? And how ?
ReplyDelete@ Fernando, I can't help with level 25 as I haven't played that far yet, will play more later.
ReplyDelete@Pascale, I used GIMP, copied the image and pasted the chose the Colour Picker tool, if you click on any of the letters then examine them by clicking on the colour box you will be given the hex number. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_FSdvrJO--pA/TJelv06JgXI/AAAAAAAAAz0/IxYg4HqRv-s/s640/Fullscreen%20capture%2020092010%20191901.jpg
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ReplyDeleteLink text
try this: image
ReplyDeletei'm back! anyone here?
ReplyDeletecant do anything useful to the image in 22...
Thanks a lot, jonthewatch ! I've just understood that I had to pick up one letter of the colour of each letter.
ReplyDelete@ Pascale, this one had me scratching my head for a while, I forgot how to use the software lol!
ReplyDelete@Nan, I'm just starting lvl22 so will give any hints if I have them
ok, I understand what I have to do in 22, I just can't remember how to do it. Google 'threshholding images' for a clear way forward.
ReplyDeleteWow..Level 10 is really giving me heart-burn. I've tried the hints above, and coming up negative. Any help would be appreciated.
ReplyDeleteGot 22! I am using GIMP and I had to back in time to find where the image came from, then to change the colour threshold and have a good look around.....a few times! Hope this makes sense.
ReplyDelete@Salvo, do you use an image manipulator....it's the only way to find the HEX of the colours
ReplyDeleteLEVEL 9
ReplyDeleteI have been working on level 9 for a while now... the above comments were not easy enough for me.. here is how to solve it.
click view image
see that image is titled "picture8ofdoom"?? change that to "picture9ofdoom"
now it shows musical notes
translate the notes to letters
"google how to read music"
the notes = spoilercabbagespoiler
above comments and comments on other pages says you need to hear something.. I never did, because I am really bad with the ins and outs of computers.
I think it is OK to post spoilers and clearer clues, this is not a new game after all.
ReplyDelete@Enjoy, I never heard anything either, I didn't need to, to solve the level.
thanks jonthewatch,
ReplyDeleteive 'gone back in time' as well, but still cant make sense of the pic :(
@Nan, have you managed to change the threshold of the picture? This is the most important part of the clue.
ReplyDelete@jonthewatch, in the 'old' picture i think i can spot a '2' in the middle- but that gets me nowhere, cuz that's all there is...
ReplyDeletelevel 22 the image with threshold applied (one of the images required
ReplyDeleteaha! got it!
ReplyDeletei was scaling to quickly, i think
ok, 23 then....
ReplyDeletehard work, but got it!
now 24....
Can anyone help with level 11. I have tried converting a ton of numbers to roman numerals, but no luck.
ReplyDeletehere is the link:
for 11, please be specific.. I have read all the comments and they are not sinking in! :)
ReplyDeletei put in xii and it says wrong number. I have tried 1009, 11009
ReplyDeleteI'm stuck on Level 10, read thru all the previous messages already and still can't get it! ToT
ReplyDelete@May: for 10, W is #AAAAA on a certain color chart....i think there's a spoiler earlier in the thread...
ReplyDelete@Enjoy:xii = 12, 1009 in roman numerals is different....
Got 24. Hint: time zones are in both + and -
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ReplyDeleteGot 25: the 2nd image is more colorful than the one color used and seen.
ReplyDeleteHi, help for level 14 please
ReplyDeleteI can't figure out the 2nd image for 25! How can I get this far and not find something that should be so simple??
ReplyDelete@עליזה, in the source we can see:
ReplyDeleteread that backwards and that is your clue. You will need the sound recorder (start menu, programs, accessories, entertainment, sound recorder). Record the sound, play it backwards and speed it up...
@AL, I played as far as level 25, found the second image which appeared to be a blank screen, I looked much closer, played with some colours until I had a red, green, blue image...that's when I went to bed....will play more later today.
ReplyDelete@עליזה, sorry, part of my comment disappeared???
ReplyDeleteIn the source it says: retsaf klat...uoy raeh t'nac i
@jon, I have what appears to be a blank screen as well. I can't get it to do or look like anything other than a small white square.
ReplyDelete@AL if you are using GIMP you can zoom in on the white square to reveal a grey rectangle in the bottom left corner, then select the grey colour from the original image and fill the box to reveal a RGB pattern. the zoomed and played with image
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ReplyDelete25 is impossible with out some sort of image program. I have paint and pixlr.com and I'm getting no information.
ReplyDeleteI could only find the colours in GIMP, which is tricky to use. I will work more on it but I think my settings prevented me from opening a colour map to show me the coloured letters I need to make the anagram
ReplyDeleteJonthewatch, I don't hear any sound. I have only a pic of something that look like mailbox. I see the clue in the source.
ReplyDelete@עליזה, I couldn't hear the sound file on that level either, so I skipped it.
ReplyDeleteALPetersen, do we nead to do something in the computer to hear?
ReplyDeleteYou shouldn't need any special tools or equipment to hear the sound file: sound file
ReplyDeletesee if you can hear it from the hyperlink
ReplyDeletestill struggling with lvl25, i know what to do but dont have the tools to do it :(
@jonthewatch: did you solve it?
@Nan, I haven't played any further as yet, I played this far: youtube video
ReplyDeleteI couldn't look at the colourmap to see what colour letters I need to anagram....
thanks for the video, still dont know what to do, tho
ReplyDeletedont have gimp, but do have a digital colour measurer, but cant find any colours on the white - i dont even get the three colours you got when i open the gif!
giving up for now...until someone brings a serious spoiler ^.^
I stuck on LVL 19.
ReplyDeleteI find 4 mistakes in the text
Is that enough? Which letter is missing?
Here my letteres:
Hey - anyone got more clues for 23???
ReplyDelete@Sascha you are missing 2 letters....perhaps zoom a little to help read the text....but read very slowly and carefully
ReplyDelete@EnidW, Level 23: a very famous code is represented here.......-------
ReplyDelete@jonthewatch I figured it was morse but nothing I can think to try for the title works.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nan for the hint and anyone..please help me with level 15, read all the comments already!
ReplyDeleteI don't play this game anymore (I'm not a riddler but an escaper) but I think it had something to do with a picture where you could see 'wingding' letters and if you make them normal letters it is base64 (a kind of image language code/program).
Then I think (really not sure) you put in base64 as url and then page is not found, but you get 2 alternatives (txt and picture).
The whole txt file you have to copy and that's the programming code for base64 and if you put all that text in a decoder you see a new picture.
The decoder that worked was;
But like I said I'm not sure, but I think (not sure either) the final word for the url was;
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ReplyDelete@small tool, thank you soooooo much, big hug, I really appreciated so much for the detailed explanation and direct answer, so generous of you really..others ( other sites )just keep on giving you hints without answer even in PM, to me it's like holding people hostage! LOL
ReplyDeleteI got to level 16 with your answer but I need to figure out HOW! ^^
I stuck in Lvl 25. Found the second image and downloaded it. Open it in Gimp and can only see a white square.
ReplyDeletelevel 15 explained: youtube video
ReplyDeleteFor best results, watch in full screen :)
Level 22 - I've done the threshold thing and seen the clue. But I don't understand the clue. Please can someone explain it to me in very simple English. I'm feeling rather silly.
ReplyDeletelevel 22, see the clue, then go back to level 2 where you first saw the lion heads and threshold that picture.
ReplyDeleteI stuck in level 19. My English isn't so good so I can't find all mistakes.
ReplyDeleteI find:
i from file, i from edit, l from rapidly, o from pepole, n from thinking, l from all and l from fundamentall. what else I'm missing?
Edgar, thank you so much. this game is fascinating but part of the levels are hard for me because of the language.
ReplyDeleteOkay, so WHAT is up with 25? I still can't do it. I haven't found any super-spoilers anywhere. The game is lucky the image isn't disgusting or I would have just given up. Little help?
ReplyDeleteWould anyone help me pass level 23, please? I've tried morsecode, morsecodebeacon, morsecodelamp, morsecodedecipher, telegraphy, telegraph, telegram, heliograph, heliogram and many other related things already.
ReplyDelete@Ruff: look at the length (and shortness) of the numbers...
@nan, thank you so much!
ReplyDeletenp :)
ReplyDeletelet us know if you ever get to lvl 26 :D
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ReplyDelete@ruff, nan and many other players are so stuck at level 25. Please help and then ask.
ReplyDelete@SteveMQ, sorry about that. Since this game was posted few days ago and I thought most of you have already finished the game.
ReplyDeleteOk, level 25. I assume that you have already found two pictures from this level. I use GIMP to open the gif file, then display the colourmap of this file (for those who are not familiar with this software, click Windows-Dockable Dialogs-Colourmap). You will see a small popup showing all the colours with the codes in the gif.
Now open the jpg file. Since many letters are of similar colours, you have to pick the one that is closest to those in the gif colourmap. Use the colour picker tool to pick each possible letter on the jpg, and then check the colour code to make sure it is at least close to the code of the gif. You will eventually find six letters.
Please let me know if you need more hints. It is midnight my time, I’ll be back tomorrow.
Another spoiler for level 25:
ReplyDeleteThe 6 hex colour codes generated by the gif are
please help for level 24.
ReplyDeletei google the title and saw the numbers in the source. but i don't understand what to do.
@עליזה , for level 24. Doesn't the abbreviation of title remind you of something related to the SPOILERTIMEZONESPOILER? The pic name indicates situations when we need to use words to represent letters, i.e. hotel=H. You need to find a table that shows SPOILERMILITARYTIMEZONESPOILER and applies the values to find eight letters.
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ReplyDeletejust finished lvl 28. Working on 29 now.
ReplyDeleteRuf, thank you for leve 24
ReplyDeleteI didn't know all the thing you wrote. I search in google the title and get that it's a yacht. and I thoght the numbers had somthing to do whith that. I think that I'm missing a lot of clou because of the language.
ReplyDeletenote: time zones have letters attached :)
Jonthewatch thanks. I finally got level 24. now i'm in 25 try to find the "gift" I'm using Gimp but still don't pass the level.
ReplyDelete@jonthewatch, have you finished the game already or are you still working on it?
ReplyDeleteI am working on lvl 30 and have no clue of what to do with it at all.
Hi Ruff, I am still working on it amongst others...I had a software problem with level 25 which slowed me down. Problem resolved and I will get back to the game soon :)
ReplyDelete@jonthewatch, glad to know that you're still working on this game. We could work together on the tough ones.
ReplyDeleteI'm now on lvl 32. I've found 26 letters and am trying to put them together.
I am at level 27, I don't have enough time to catch up with you it seems but I will keep plodding on :)
ReplyDeleteGood morning jonthewatch!
ReplyDelete@jonthewatch, this game is very time consuming and tough. I'm at lvl 33 now. It's getting harder and harder. I think I'll get stuck fast very soon.
ReplyDelete@Ruff, good morning to you. It is a great game and I am really enjoying it but you are right, these are so time consuming.
ReplyDeleteFacebook page now opened
i really need help on 23..i don't see how the title page has any refference to the answer besides the dots are in morse code...i don't know what significance "beep" is..been trying 3 days..i am using purplehell.com, but don't know how to use it..
ReplyDeleteDUSTIN, look at the numbers in the picture and match them to the morse code,each line is a letter.
ReplyDeletethis link can help you to convert the code. and if the link will not wark for you (because it's in Hebrew) google International Morse Code.
you need to find 4 letters.
@Dustin. Beep... is the sound of SPOILERMORSECODETRANSMISSIONSPOILER. Check out Nan's comment posted on 9/24/10 2:14 PM.
ReplyDelete@Dustin, this is a complete spoiler:
ReplyDeleteshort numbers are dots, long numbers are dashes
thank you 3 i was thinking there was significance to the 9 numbers and 3 numbers that were uniform..but more important is about the 4 rows..
ReplyDeletealright i think i have the letters for 25..is it 6 of them and they are all SPOILERbefore g in the alphabetSPOILER..i tried to anagram them on purplehell and got 2 two-letter words..on right track?..
ReplyDeleteCould I get a hint for 26, please? I've got the years and animals and now I don't know how to get a solution out of those informations.
ReplyDeleteDUSTIN, just 3 letters are before g.
ReplyDeletefor each letter in the picture you have more than one Hex
if you use Gimp pass the color picker all over the letter to get the exact Hex.
RUFF send a good spoiler and I copy it for you (TANKS RUFF AND I HOPE IT'S O.K COPY YOUR SPOILER),check your Hex with this to see if they are correct.
I hope you understand my English.
The 6 hex colour codes generated by the gif are
lovelygiraffe, the solution is the first letter from each animal. the order of the letters i got after some try. there are 5 different letters.
ReplyDeletebe careful with the years on level 26....especially the year Acre was captured....
ReplyDeleteI got it now. One of my years was wrong, that's why I had problems. Probably the one you mentioned. Thank you, עליזה
ReplyDeleteI'm stuck all day in level 28 and don't know the solution. I convert the words in many Wises but still stuck.
ReplyDeleteanyone help please!
@עליזה , look carefully in the picture, especially the word. Does it help if I tell you 14=hi?
ReplyDeleteBe careful with the order of operation when you do the calculation.
ReplyDeleteI think that I'm not do well the convert of the words. I think it's the phone numbers but this not wark.
@עליזה , that's not a phone. It's a spoilercalculatorspoiler. You have to spoileruseitupsidedownspoiler.
ReplyDeletewell, I was far away from this. I try phone number and the alphabet from a to z and from z to a but no this.
ReplyDeletethank you Ruff i'ii try it now.
@עליזה , if you wish you could update your blogger profile and show your email address so that I could email you.
ReplyDeleteRuff, I do what you suggest but I don't see my email address in my blogger and I don't know why.
ReplyDeletecan you just tell me what number are the words HOBBIES and GLIBSOI? this level tired me enough.
thanks for all your help and patience.
Ruff, I think now you can email me. i will be glad to see how you do this level.
ReplyDelete@ עליזה Aliza , please check your email.
ReplyDeleteI got your mail.
thank you so much for your help and sorry if I bother you.
now I understand it. I play many times with the calculator to make words but in Hebrew never in English.
i'll try it now.
thanx for help on 25..now for 26 how do you get a list to see what chinese zodiac animal was the one for the years from the clues..and does of all the animals there is SPOILERonly one vowelSPOILER?..so the word would only contain one vowel and the rest consonants..
ReplyDeleteDUSTIN,I didn't find a list for these years so I get it by calculation. I wrote the year from the clue and add years until today. and then looked in google what animal is. and apropos of the letters, you are right.check again the year for "Acre".
ReplyDelete@dustin, there isn't any list dated back to such ancient time. Remember that the animals appear in SPOILERTWELVEYEARCYCLESPOILER. SPOILERONEVOWELISENOUGHSPOILER.
ReplyDeletepreciate it..did it all manually..now for 27 i'm using the SPOILERvigenereSPOILER cipher and i have the right keyword adding SPOILERionSPOILER onto the word in the ball but i'm gettingSPOILERthis isSPOILER and gibberish..what am I missing?...
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EmojiYou can also check recent comments to help other players, if they need help about games.