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Finders Seekers

Finders Seekers - The Mystery of Stonecliff is another point and click room escape game developed by Atomic Cicada and Sponsored by MoFunZone. "Scary point-and-click adventure game, help find the secret person helping you with your uncle's mysterious disappearance." Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Saintj]

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  1. anyone to help here stuck

  2. i'm around, i played it when it first came out. Let me know where you're stuck.

  3. got w s e keys and 3 latterns, can see the compass not sure which is north

  4. Find the lode stone - if you have your compass out (as your cursor), it behaves oddly on a specific screen. :)

  5. got a constellation stone not sure where the lode stone is. can see something shiny but can not reach it in the compass

  6. Think up. And you have 3 more lanterns and 5 more constellation panels to find. Just so you know. :P (I'm working on a walk-through, really, it'll take time tho)

  7. ohh found another screen under the bell ty

  8. You still missed the lode stone. But yeah, that's important too.

  9. got 5 lanterns two stones. can not get to the chain hanging out of the widow or the thing in the compass

  10. Bigtank, in the top of the bell tower, make the compass your cursor. :)

  11. I can't even find the compass!

  12. annaby, did you find the west key yet?

  13. @Trisana - no, found nothing. I just finally got upstairs.

  14. and East key! At least now I feel like I'm playing the same game

  15. I have nothing and don't get it!! lol.. I feel dumb. anyone wanna help!@?

  16. Millie - I'm ALMOST done with the walkthrough. Give me another 5 min or so?

  17. @Millie - in the other room downstairs, click all along the side (left, I think - I was ust randomly clicking) of the picture next to the bookcase). You'll get a picture that will get you started.

  18. great @Trisana - I'm going to need your WT!

  19. Is it the one that says 4 times fast? Cuz I don't see where to click I am not an idiot, I promise.. but I am so blind today! :)

  20. @Tris- No rush! I am excited to get a little help, though. :) Thanks!!

  21. @Millie, click 4 times fast on the blue thing on the hat of the sun constellation.

  22. OH CRAP!! Thanks so much!! lol. I clicked everywhere 4x. Course, not there... lol

  23. Walk-through: (part one)

    Zoom on the compass thing on the floor – note that there is something shiny inside. But you can’t get that yet. We’ll come back. Turn left, look at the mural. There are holes in it. . . hmmm, interesting. Still, there’s nothing to be done there, yet. Turn left again. Go through the door (on the right, not the big double doors). Click the wood on the floor to put it in the fire place. Light it, while you’re here. Go forward, move the wood blocking the door and take the picture. It’s important.

    Leave that room, turn right. Light the chandelier, while you’re here, and glance at the mural. It’s another hint. Doesn’t make much sense, yet, but it will. Turning left, take pictures of the two murals there (the cursor automatically changes to a camera), then move left one more time to get the next two. Go right and look at the left mural. Does that look familiar? Click the blue thing on her forehead 4 times, rapidly, to open up a staircase.

    Climb the stairs, then move down and to the left. Note the picture on the door . . . pulling a bell to get the key. . . hmmm. . . You’ll also see a key in a cage with a STRING tied to it. Zoom in and take the string, then back up and move down and to the right. Remember that door? Pull the rope. And keep pulling (you’ll need to zoom in, just keep clicking near the top of the rope, it’ll work.) After a while, you’ll get the WEST KEY. Also, take a picture of the plaque above you. Again, it’s important. (Just not yet).

    Go back to the stairs, and go up one screen. You’ll see a hook and a hole in the floor. Tie the string to it, then go back down to the cage with the key. Tie the string to the key. While we’re here, use the WEST KEY on the door. Head on down. Use the LIGHTER to light the torch, then move down again. The pedestal has the SOUTH KEY and the COMPASS, take both. Read the inscription: “True north is a lie, the lode stone is your guide; the compass has eyes to see, to show you where to put the key”. So you need a lode stone – a magnetic stone. Hmmm, I guess the compass will help us find that stone, then.

    Zoom out from the pedestal, then grab the HAND LANTERN and ROPE. Go up, then back to the screen with the bell column. Turn around, you should see a rope hanging there. Use your ROPE on it, then click the crank. This lifts the chandelier. Run down and check under it to get a CONSTELLATION PLAQUE (1, C). Then go back up by the winch, click and drag the ROPE to the bell tower. Click the crank again.

    Now head up the stairs. Stop to pull up the string, take EAST KEY and STRING (again). Continue up. Pull out your compass. It’s acting. . . odd. So find where it’s pointing to, and click there. You’ll zoom in, so find where it’s pointing again and click. You’ll pull out a LODE STONE. Grab it. Also, tie string to the lantern and the hook, and push the lantern out the window. Grab the SUN LANTERN from the bell, There’s a ladder under the bell, go down. Use the SOUTH key on the S door, go through. Take CONSTELLATION PLAQUE (2, H), then go forward again. Take a picture of the PYRAMID CONSTELLATION, then go back and continue down the ladder. Light the candle, then go down one more time. Turn around, and take EYE LANTERN and PYRAMID LANTERN. If you want, you can use your EAST KEY now, or you can wait. Go back up the ladder, to the first screen.

    Zoom on the compass on the floor again. Put the LODE STONE in the hole. It doesn’t quite fit, so take it out. Take NORTH KEY and put LODE STONE back in.

  24. Part 2

    Go back to the door by the fire place, and use your NORTH KEY to open it. Go through, take the candle at the end of the hall and back up a screen. Put the candle on the empty candle holder, then light it. Go forward twice, grab the HOOK. Zoom on the stream and take some CLAY. Note the six graves with square things on top. Hmmm, wonder what those are for? Well, first things first, I want that lantern hanging down from the chain. On your way back to the 2nd level, stop by the fire place. Put the clay in the square hearth, then take it back. Get CONSTELLATION PLAQUE (4, not sure what letter). Go to the bell tower view, and turn left. Use HOOK on chain. Take LIGHTNING LANTERN. Also, go back to the cage that had the east key and take MOON LANTERN from the window.

    Go back to the mural that had the holes in it. Take a picture. Also, click the holes. One has a SCROLL in it. Go back to the hallway, and pick up scroll, then continue outside. Remember the plaque above the bell that we took a picture of? It says:
    SECOND (rising) SUN
    So, if we put the Moon lantern on the first grave, pointing north, and so on, we get a pattern on the wall. . . Oh, and in which direction does the sun rise? (or you CAN just do trial and error, but this is important later, too). Click the appropriate spot of light, when you’re done, and take CONSTELLATION PLAQUE (4, A). Only one left.

    This next puzzle was the one I found the hardest (even Suicune spent 2 or 3 hours on it, we found it hard.) But, go back to the pedestal where you got the compass. Remember the inscription? “The Compass has eyes to see, to show you where to put the key”. . . well, that should be KEYS, you use all four, but anyway. Pull out your compass. Because of the lodestone, it’s going haywire again. Line up the keys with the proper directions on the compass (based on the arrows).


    Take the CONSTELLATION PANEL (5, N). Then go down the bell shaft (grab the EAST key if you didn’t use it before). Remember the scroll? Now’s the time to use it. It’s not exactly “behind” tho, as much as “to the left”. Count from the top.


    Anyway, down to the bottom of the shaft we go. . . Go through the door, and look at the cogs. They can’t be turned yet. You need to put the CONSTELLATION PANELS in the proper spots based on your pictures.




    Put them in the proper slots, then turn them to make letters (some have 2 possibilities). SPOILERSCOVNIWSPOILERS

  25. milli, you have to click the blue ornament on the head of the saint on the mural with the sun.
    ive got 4 keys, 2 lanterns and 2 plaques. and stuck....

  26. oh
    thanks tristana :)

  27. OH, there's an error in my WT. Oops. Right at then end, with the constellation plaques, flip what it says for the 3rd and 6th. *blushes at error*

  28. @Trisana, please tell how to get sun lantern and ladder from the bell.

  29. this game is frustrating - I knew I needed to attach my rope to the rope to pull up the chandelier, but it took about a dozen tries

  30. annaby - yeah, it can be. Took FOREVER to find a couple of items for me, too.
    Ruff - you need to attach the rope to the bell pull. Did you use the rope with the chandelier yet? if not, you can't do that part yet.

  31. bell tower view-- hook on chain for lightening lamp-- cant find this... :(

  32. Thanks Trisana. I did not attach the rope to the bell pull after lifting up the chandelier. Got the sun lantern. Now proceed to the ladder part.

  33. millie, zoomed out but looking at the bell (so you can see the rope), go left. :) You need the hook from outside first, tho.

  34. Out! Thanks so much for Trisana's help.

  35. hmm - I seem to be missing a plaque. I'll go back thru the WT after I eat.
    Thanks @Trisana - it's been a big help

  36. annaby - which plaque? Did you use the scroll? Did you FIND the scroll (well hidden, no real clue it exists other than the fact there was an achievement for it)? Did you use the clay? Did you solve the Combo Key puzzle? (those are the most likely missed, I think).

  37. Trisana - I used the clay. Have the scroll - is there one behind the rungs? I clicked all over, but that doesn't mean there's nothing there, lol

  38. annaby - there is one, more to the left than behind. It's weird. I put a screenshot in, if you need it. :)

  39. Thanks @Trisana - I'm on my way down again

  40. Got it! Behind the brick

  41. :D Yay! You're almost done!

  42. I give up - the O has 4 possibilities, the N & I both have 2

  43. Thanks again @Trisana. I almost made it, but am really too tired to keep trying with this game :)

  44. annaby you're almost there. Actually, the panels themselves aren't as important as the word, as long as you have the dials right, i believe.

  45. I'm stuck - can't find lode stone even after following the walkthrough. Can somebody help??

  46. fiver - you should be in the top room, by the big bell. zoom on the window, and with the compass, move the cursor around the bottom right part of the screen.

  47. THANK YOU Trisana!!! I thought I'd clicked all over that spot but obviously not. Yeah! Now I can keep playing.

  48. a bit of string,east key,moon lantern....helppp..

  49. This is a toughy Jasmine - I don't know how Trisana figured it out, but luckily she posted a walk-through.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Where is pyramid plaque?

  52. ummm, that's either the clay one or. . . did you find the one that the scroll hints at? Which ones do you have?

  53. I put lanterns but nothing. Must it gives me the last plaque?

  54. cece - yeah. did you click the light that's circled on that dias between the graves?

  55. or the light on the wall that corresponds to the circled dot.

  56. I liked that a lot. I wouldn't have gotten far without all the comments and the WT.

  57. Oh! I hate aeroplanes!! But very good game!! TY Tristana for your great help.

  58. Sorry, Trisana (no Tristana)

  59. I'm lost! Well, not so much lost as stuck. I can't figure out where to put the lanterns because I don't know which tombstones are numbers 1-6. Help?

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. silver - it's based on dates. sorry that that wasn't clear.

  62. well i dunno you but for me the wt is as useless and empty as anything. bragging all around and no useful info or detail!! i mean, look at all those questions and doubts after the socalled wt!!!??

  63. Lisa - i'm sorry that you did not think the wt was well done. I found it hard to explain many things in this game in words. That's why I used screenshots for what I thought to be the hardest parts. AND why I came back frequently to see if people understood me. To me, that WT would be enough. I guess that's because I wrote it.

  64. Trisana, your walkthrough is wonderful! I choose to ignore mean and thankless people. You did a great job on the wt and I am most appreciative!

  65. @Trisana - hard to believe someone would post such a rude and ignorant comment after someone has taken the time and trouble to write a WT for a complicated game

  66. POP!! just went back and reworked it a little (after rereading the clues), and OUT! Yay! Great game, looking forward to the next installment! Thanks again Trisana, I couldn't have finished without your help.

  67. @Trisana - thanks for the walkthrough, I couldn't have got out with it :)

  68. Annoyingly persistent text and the WORST navigation of any game I've played in years. What a pain! Kept getting hijacked by disappearing/reappearing nav arrows. Took forever to find the lode stone. Such a good storyline, such disappointing game execution. Bleh!

  69. Trisana, your walkthrough is nice, but I don't understand one part:
    "Zoom in and take the string, then back up and move down and to the right. Remember that door? Pull the rope. And keep pulling (you’ll need to zoom in, just keep clicking near the top of the rope, it’ll work.) After a while, you’ll get the WEST KEY."

    Maybe you should specify that the rope in question (bell-pull rope) is the rope BEHIND THE BARS. I only figured it out because I went to every possible screen and searched for anything resembling rope. I still don't know what door you are talking about.

  70. Lisa R
    The walkthrough is helpful, just confusing.
    I had three problems: what to do with the rope, what is the "bell tower view" for the Lightning Lantern, and the final Constellation Combination.

    What IS the final solution? cowniv or covniw? Is something supposed to happen?

  71. Thanks a ton Trisana!
    @Margaret- the correct solution IS SPOILERcovniwSPOILER

    BUT, it does matter which direction the plaques are facing. C(north), O(north), V(south), N(south), I(east), W(west)

    you will definitely know when you have it right!

  72. @trisana: thanks a lot for your walkthrough! I know how much work it is to make one, and especially for such a hard game like this one! But I have to admit that it is sometimes not very clear and even with the wt I've got stuck very often. I think that is because the navigation in the game is sometimes very complicated... This is not to be rude but just my thoughts about it.

    So I needed the walkthrough on youtube a lot (thanks for the link @testsite!).

  73. Lisa R: If you can do it better, then make a new walkthrough. This is not the right place for ignorant people. You should at least make an apology to Trisana!


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