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Gearlock: Episode 1

Gearlock - Episode 1 is another point and click type adventure game created by Hyptosis. In this game you must find some items and solve some puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by small-tool]

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  1. Don't forget to talk to the different characters (names in the top of the screen). This will sometimes open new views.

  2. Thanks @small-tool. I didn't know those were names of people.

  3. I have a pen, axe, screwdriver, knife, and screws. Missing one pipe, and I'm assuming I'm supposed to find some of those bugs somewhere to go into the woods.

  4. not sure what to do with the control core

  5. And chopped off a piece of bamboo.

  6. @Jo-Ann push the buttons on the screen on the right to make it look like the picture in the steam pressure chamber room.

  7. @gldneagle Ohhh of course... lol Thank you!

  8. @Jo-ann - I think the control core is the one where you match up the screen to the first thing you fixed off to the right.

  9. I have 2 pipes - do I need more? I can't put them in (I have glue)

  10. Also have glue and a flint.

  11. @annaby I think we need three. I was able to put the two that I have in without having all three first. Just try them in every different spot until they fit. I tried to use the bamboo as the third pipe but it didn't work.

  12. annaby,
    You need 4 pipes (but 2 of them are not really pipes) and you don't need the glue there.

  13. have only been able to place two pipes as well. have bamboo too

  14. removed a panel and got a pile of screws

  15. thanks - all of a sudden they went in

  16. Oh got it. Thanks @small-tool. I didn't see the one in the top right.

  17. repaired three pipes, need one more

  18. No clue as to what to do next.

  19. @Jo-Ann one pipe is the pen and the other is the bamboo.

  20. the pen...missed that thanks!

  21. gldneagles34,
    Flints in bamboo.
    And do things with the seed in the forest.

  22. okay - need one more piece

  23. ok, I give up, where is the pen?

  24. Thanks @small-tool. Is the seed somewhere in the ship?

  25. finally found the damn pen!

  26. @small-tool, do you need to cut the bamboo? I tried placing the flint in the bamboo with no luck

  27. gldneagles34,
    Seed not in the ship, after you've done all the things talk again and then there's a new view in the woods.

  28. Yep Jo-Ann , cut it first with the knife.

  29. Horace says we need starter filament as well from the forest

  30. now have other view of woods...big bug in the way

  31. Thanks small-tool! I was trying to cut the bamboo outside!

  32. Out. Thanks @small-tool for all your help.

  33. I liked this one because of all the funny things.
    You can use a lot of things on a lot of things and then there are funny comments like 'yeah great use that axe there and the whole ship will blow up'

  34. @small-tool I saw that too, made me laugh!

    Thanks for your help!

  35. and out - thanks for the help!

  36. You're welcome.
    See you guys (gals) in the next one (probably tomorrow for me).

  37. I should say thanks too! I needed some help with the pipes. Missed the bamboo one.

  38. Help, I repaired pipes, but i don't find the filament.
    And i discuss with horace and electra, but i don't see the second view of the forest

  39. @damlaurent... im at the same spot as you... someone a hint???

  40. damlaurent and Vosje,
    You have to put the flints in the bamboo before you can go to the new view. Flints are somewhere in the bookcase in the science lab too.

  41. @damlaurent, you need to cut the bamboo with a knife (the one you used to repair the pipe with) and put the flint inside

  42. Oh great... thanks... now i have the new view

  43. thank, indeed i have forgotten the flint

  44. finally out! Thanks small and jo-ann!!!
    See you at the next game...

  45. How do you combine knife and bamboo?

  46. Daniel,
    You have to put the bamboo in first (top right in the pipes room).


    - Go right and shoot the 3 alien ships.

    - Go right and put the levers like it's written above them. Also see wich squares are dark in the grid.
    - Go left. Text. Go left.
    - Take the AXE and take the PEN (above the axe panel).

    Things you don't have to do, but still it's funny;
    - Use the axe on the control module and it says; 'Yeah, that is helpful. Destroying your air supply, kudos!'
    - Use the pen on the control module and it says; 'You scribble all over the module, but all it does is make a mess.'
    - Go right.
    - Use the axe on the pressure gauge and it says; '...Coulda broke the gauge though, that woulda been helpful, huh?'
    - Use the pen on the pressure gauge and it says; 'You write all over the gauge. Abby will get a kick out of that later.'
    - Use the pen on the terminal and it says; 'You write all over the terminal like a crazy person.'
    - Go right.
    - Use the axe on the pressure chamber and it says; 'That would kill you, put the axe away Conan.'
    - Use the pen on the pressure chamber and it says; 'You sign the tank.'
    - Go left (3x).
    - Use the axe on the control core and it says; 'Well, if you do that you will kill yourself and everything within a half mile radius. So don't.'
    - Use the pen on the control core and it says; 'It's better if you don't have that pen isn't it?'

    - Go left to the control core and put in the grid pattern you saw next to the levers.

    - Go left to the prison and take PIPE #1

    Don't have to do, but funny;
    - Use the pen on the light and it says; 'You draw a phallus on the glass cover...'
    - Use the pipe on the light and it says; 'Lima beans.'
    - Use the pen on the lever and it says; 'You sign the control toggle. Now she knows you're in charge.'

    - Go right (2x) and talk to Horace (click the name on top of the screen).

    - Go left (3x) to the science lab and take from the desk the SCREWDRIVER, the KNIFE and PIPE #2. Read the book about the bug and breeding season. From the bookcase; take the FLINT and the GLUE.

    Now you have a lot of new stuff you can try on a lot of things to read funny things like; using the pen on the map to see; 'You circle a theme park, after this the entire crew is going there.' But this WT will get way too long so I'll stop describing them, but if you wanna have fun, do so.

    - Go left to the pipe room and use the srewdriver on the bottom left panel to take the SCREWS.

    - Go left to the woods and use the axe on the bamboo on the right to take a piece of BAMBOO.

    - Go right to the pipe room and put in the 2 pipes and the pen as the top pipe and the bamboo as the top right pipe. Cut the bamboo with the knife and put the flint in.

    - Go right (4x) and talk to Horace.

    - Go left (5x) to the woods and talk to Abby.

    - Go left to the big bug. Use the knife on the seed in the tree. Use the knife again to make a hole in it. Put the screws in and glue it. Click the seed again to rattle it and then click the bug and you're out.

  48. cute. Out with no help.

    but I did die at first. I didn't realize that I had to shoot the ships lol

  49. Out with no help as well... and I mean no help at all!
    Think about it. You are the captain of this ship with a whole crew at your disposal. You might believe it's a nice job to do, but noooooo. THAT is theory! Different story here at least in this game, where you have to do EVERYTHING your crew tells you to do... on you're own! Hmmm, not so fun, uh?

  50. Oh and @Hyptosis...
    Looking forward to find my way again, if you know what I mean :)

  51. aww i was just starting to get into it :(

  52. Excellent!! I loved it.

    Nice navigation too... didn't always realise I had to talk to all the characters.

    Only criticism? Wanted it to be a bit longer.. it finished too quick.

    Can't wait for part two.

    Thanks for posting this game too.



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