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Searching Acorn in Konomi

Searching Acorn in Konomi is another new Japanese point and click type adventure game created by Sabatoraseijin. In this game, you have to find some acorns and solving puzzles to finish it. Language barrier may be a problem. To open inventory put your mouse cursor on the acorn in right corner. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. language problem.. can't find anything

  2. got an acorn, don't know why?!

  3. definitely a language problem
    no idea what supposed to happen - I am out again

  4. strange... click on the trees you get acorns, but only two in item bar. An acorn guy appears, telling something in japanese. Language barrier too big... gonna quit this.

  5. click accorn "ghost" to find some items

  6. Found a paper with hints in japanese and a sort of key with the help of the ghost. Stuck...

  7. it is not a key it's knife - use it on yellow box

  8. Ah, thanks... But how do you use the knife? I can only zoom into it

  9. Ah, ok, thanks a lot MegiPoland! And I guess the hints for the yellow box code are in the paper? Then it would be a massive language barrier problem for me...

  10. I can only see a 12 and a 6 and a 30 on the paper. I tried use this as times and to add and substract these times, so I get 18.30 and 5.30, but it didn't work...

  11. Just catched up and stuck with you guys.
    Btw. thanks for telling us it's a knife MegiPoland.

  12. hi small-tool
    no problem, I have a big problem with box code :( :(

  13. Me too... Think I have to quit this... No idea what to do with the 6, the 30 and the 12. We definitely need a translation.

  14. Did all kind of math with 12, 6 and 30 (or 6:30) but nothing. Maybe we need to use the acorns as well. Why is there one with a little hole in it?
    Anyway, think we need someone to translate the note.

  15. I dont think I will be a great help :)) stuck at the same place...thanks for the tips btw

  16. a key and a note. Getting bored really fast. Looks cute, I just don't really understand it. Good luck and have fun! :D

  17. This game is on-line for 5 hours already now and nobody found the code for the box yet???
    Unacceptable, what a bunch of bad escapers!

  18. @Full lol. I just don't get it is all. Got too frustrated with the acorn ghost and item hunting. Not to mention the language barrier. Usually it doesn't bother me but, I think I needed the dialog help on this one.

  19. Yes Mgkanda, i know, very difficult or at least a strange game. Not real fun
    I´ve been randomly clicking digits for the box like a lunatic and must have tried over 7000 combinations but to no avail :-( lol
    Mister Sabatoraseijin, if you ever come to read this: can you give us just a tiny little hint?

  20. Server too busy now...

    ROFL @Full! :P

  21. Well, I guess I'll try again. I have a few minutes.

  22. Haha, a few minutes?? R.A.O.T.F.L.O.L.

  23. Haha! Hi Full! Trying to crack this box code and now I have to go. Between this one and the hurry room I'm going to lose it lol. Must. have. answers.
    Have to take son to school but, I'm going to try again in a little while. When I have a LOT of time lol.

  24. Lol, maybe see you later than Mgkanda if i´m still here. Been trying as well a couple of times this morning but i guess we won´t be able to do anything without Shuchun and/or Xenon.
    I don´t care so much anymore of what´s IN the box, i just simply want to know the code, haha

  25. Hi again Full. I guess if you cracked it I would see that post. I know what you mean. The ones that don't get finished haunt me. I wish we could at least copy and paste the text so that we had a shot in the dark but...noooooooooo. lol

  26. You´re right, this game haunts me as well. Tried "Googling" a lot but at the whole W.W.W. there´s no gamepage to be found with a solution. Need to go now but i´m back later this afternoon around six to give it another go, hope you´ll be able to find anything, good luck!!

  27. Okay, Full. I hope to have posted my brilliant findings by the time you return! XD

  28. This game is not easy one even if you understand Japanese.
    The box won't open unless you find the clue:P
    Conversation gives you some clues.

    translation of the note;

    I know everything about the forest.
    Turn in the following order from the place you meet me.

    With fork
    eat righteye-flounder
    and then shake hands.
    At 12 o'clock,
    with knife
    slice lefteye-flounder.
    At 6:30
    go to tokyo by train.(=up)

    Who am I? I'm a stubborn box.
    Peole like a stubborn box.

    after solving 4 acorns puzzle,
    acorns tell you "Find 3 acorns with alphabet and measure the "distance".
    When you go to the big old tree, he tells you how to escape this forest.
    -find the way to the lumberjack's village.
    (acorn with a hole says the village is in the south)
    -find the fire-fairy.
    -go through the black valley.

    Letter/acorn puzzle in the lumberjack's village,
    私たち= We are

    Good luck!

  29. One finding so far. When you have your acorns selected and click on the ghost you are giving them to her. When her text has 2 music notes you can give them to her 2 at a time. Don't know how many she needs but, I know I've given her about 10 so far. This could take a while and may not even be important anyway.

  30. wow, Xenon, I'm confused. lol! 3 acorns with letters? I'm so lost. So do my findings mean nothing then?

  31. So do I start at the box or the knife or the note and am I right that it would be R U L D U? Or RULU?

  32. The acorn is just kidding the hole acorn. You can shoot her by acorn.
    After getting the note you have to solve the puzzle/riddle first.

  33. ahh...thank you! That makes sense! So I'm not feeding her lol.

  34. I restarted so I could note where to start but, now I can't find the box. haha

  35. nvm it's just in a different spot.

  36. 8 huh? :s working on it. The confusing part is the end for me, I think. 6:30 is down and then Tokyo is up?

  37. Okay, 8 lines in riddle-8 directions. I took a break and pondered it and thought I was on to something with the beginning letters of each line "with fork"-w but, nope. lol

  38. hmm, you don't use fork with left hand ?

  39. @Xenon :D hints MUCH appreciated. Let's see if I can get on the right track now.

  40. so fork=R, knife=L?
    lefteye flounder lye on their right side at the bottom of the ocean so I tried both. Same with righteye flounder.
    Shake hands with right hands though, you also extend your hand outwards so I tried both U and R.
    12:00=U 6:30=D and Tokyo=U
    LMAO! Which is correct combo? I have NO idea. I've tried everything. Well obviously not everything b/c I haven't figured it out yet. I think I've officially gone mad. XD

  41. OMG I DID IT!!!!! YAY!!!! *does a quick cartwheel*

  42. okay, where is big old tree. I've got my alphabet acorns. Now what?

  43. hi mgkanda, from reading the comments this looks way too difficult!

  44. Hi Marit. It is too. With Xenon's translation though, it's solvable and I so want to finish it.

  45. haha well good luck! :D

  46. @mgkanda
    4 acorns said,
    make the correct word with 3 letters and measure the "distance" between the letters.

    It's the code for the box.

    and also the acorn with hole says plant the acorn with a hole.

  47. thanks Xenon! How much do you want to bet I'll reach 100 comments with just me and your help lol.

  48. it's up to you, mgkanda.
    but I believe you can escape before 100 comments.

  49. Okay, I figured it was the distance between the letters but, I didn't know I needed to anagram. Is it not oak?

  50. Thanks for your faith in my abilities lol. I'm losing faith myself.

  51. I did it! got shovel. Acorn wants to be planted now.

  52. hmm...if I were an acorn with a hole in it, where would I want to be planted? think think think

  53. I found 4 ackorns by clicking


    from the place I met ackorn fairy

    Tell me if I'm wrong.

  54. @Kara, that is correct. Click on them now in an order.
    @mgkanda, I could use some help now. I've been able to get an acorn with a 'K' on it, but not sure what I did to get it... ???

  55. Hi Kara! Yeah, that's right. Now you need to click them in order for a clue that Xenon translated above. I hope you catch up b/c I'm stuck here with a compass and looking for a village.

  56. yay Edgar too? I've been all alone with this compass. Keep collecting acorns and view them in inventory and click on them until you get 3. Anagram them and count the distance between the letters. This includes starting and ending letters which threw me off for a while. So between O and A you would start A as one and O as 14. You get two two digit #s for the box.

  57. Thanks mgkanda, got an 'A' now... this is a bit tedious thing to do, isn't it?

  58. Yeah, a little. It goes pretty quick though. I had 2 letters by the time I knew what I was trying to do lol. I ran around picking up all the acorns. I hope you get here soon b/c I can't figure out how to get to this village. I know it's south but, my compass keeps turning in circles and stays still in one view but, I can't do anything. Frazzled

  59. Oh, and I thought it was OAK, and I did't know what to do with them :)

  60. Kara, I think it is oak. Either way

  61. huh...I can make my acorn friend invisible? After I planted I got a bush and if I use it on my friend she seems to be happy. hmm...wth? I'm so very very lost. c'mon you guys save my from my own madness!

  62. Yes, I already talk to oak :) know going find yhe village!

  63. yay! make sure to shoot acorns at the one that taunts your friend to get the compass. And then get me the heck out of here lol.

  64. ARGH! Finally... hmmmm!

  65. But the compass keeps turning round!

  66. brb...I'll wait here. When you see me wandering aimlessly in the woods drooling with a lost look on my face just drag me along to the village will you please?

  67. Ive got the shovel. What now?
    do i dig? where?

  68. With shovel go to oak, its the button to 4 ackorns (upper right) and then go up.

  69. compass; tough part of this game.
    Acorn only says,
    if you search the place the compass shows, you can reach the village. Click!Click!

    Look at the compass whenever you move the places.
    You will figure out something in the compass.

    BTW, this game has SAVE function.
    When you click the acorn in the top left
    click "セーブする" in the second line to save the game.

  70. When I make the fairy invisible the bush is gone, but I get it back when the fairy is visible again

  71. Thanks @Kara, never thought of going to that view :(

  72. @Xenon, so I saved it very often :))))
    What the second word (or words) mean?

  73. @Edgar go back to the tree stump on the way to the big tree and dig to the right. Then plant your acorn with the hole in it there. Then keep going and have a loooooong talk with the tree and go back. I don't remember if I grabbed the bush or if it just showed up in my inventory after that. Anyway, once you have it the next time you see the annoying acorn ghost floating around chuck an acorn or two at her and get the compass. Apparently we need to go south.

    @Kara There is one view where the compass stays still. It seems to say that South is left but, if you go left it just starts turning again. So I think we have to do something in the view when it's still.

  74. YES! There is a view in which compass don't spin!

  75. Oh, I guess I was late on that response lol.

    So what to do with the bush? Anything?

  76. I panted the holed acorn, I can see the old oak talking to me. I can't get or do anything from here... way stuck... suck!

  77. I klicked with compass on both fairies and the red circle appeared!

  78. I'm still stuck with my compass in that view, Kara. No idea.

    Also, it says s is left. when it does spin s stops at DRLD. Does that mean anything?

  79. @Edgar, it was a long conversation :)

  80. @Kara help. what did you mean?

  81. @Mgkanda, I don't know. The circle appears on trees but it's gone now. And now my compass is turning in all views!

  82. NO matter how much i "talk" to the oak. I feel the conversation repeats over and over and no... can't get anything from it :(

  83. You just have to keep clicking to get out. Click on acorn friend click on oak click on down star until it actually lets you leave. I thought the same thing.

  84. @Kara
    "セーブする" means "save" :D

    The bush-coat makes acorn invisible (use later)

    Only the place the compass stop spinning is important. click around south to find 4 circles.

  85. that last comment was @Edgar

  86. You have to select the compass to find a circle.

  87. Xenon, do we need to have compass highlighted in order to do it?

  88. No @mgkanda... I have no friend acorn when facing the oak.
    I'm off. Good luck.

  89. got 1! left tree branch!

  90. yay, I get it! find a circle then a new spot where compass stays still. find that circle and so on. South (white) points at circle.

  91. @Edgar :(

    Can't find 3rd

  92. Kara, did you find them all?

  93. 3rd is in the view of the old big tree.

  94. 3rd on old oak. At least the compass is pointing to the upper right of screen. Haven't found it yet

  95. Wow Mkganda, you really DID want to finish this game, didn´t you? That´s a lot of progess here in a short time!!
    Thanks for the help Xenon.....

    Hello to you too Edgar! :-)

  96. thanks Xenon, I'm almost there! What 5 or 6 hours down the tube? No biggy. LOL

  97. I started again. 1st time my compass broke after 1st circle, this time I found 2 circles, and after 2nd compass broke (there is no view in which it stops turning)

  98. Guess what Full! I'm FINALLY going to a village! I'm seriously going to have to be put away after I finish this game.

  99. Sorry, I didn't refresh before posting :(

  100. I'm in a village. So glad to see something new.

  101. I have opened drawers and now I'm looking at a sort of puzzle. I'm so so happy. Now I feel like I'm playing.

  102. okay, for the acorn puzzle with the A with the arrow going up the hint is above the door. Click twice but, wth does it mean? lol! stuck again!

  103. While talking to girl I used on her ackorns and I got back to place with cutted trees.

    I go back to village and now I could go to house.

  104. Kara, good. Come help me with this puzzle. Do NOT understand the hint.

  105. Me too, found some note in bushes right from house

  106. Also found something in drawer and a key.

  107. @Kara lol! I was just going to tell you to look there.

  108. me too. I think we need to master this puzzle before we can move on.

  109. You were caught by her and now acorn is struggling to rescue you:)

  110. Thanks X!
    Can view right of house

  111. Okay, so clearly need to find the fire fairy, light my lamp, and go through the dark valley right?

  112. Xenon, is this where your "We are lumberjacks-kikori" clue comes in? I'm guessing so.

  113. that means the word "私たち" (at the bottom) is "kikori". lumberjack is kikori in Japanese.
    Use "kikori" instead of "私たち".

  114. had a short break, but still here :)

    the puzzle is 4x4, and a clue is 4x6?

  115. @Kara yes, lol, not to mention apparently upside down and backwards as well. Oi!

    @Xenon Yes, I get now that we need to make the work kikori but, how? The hint is so difficult. Is it upside down? And do we need to pick whick four lines to use so that we have A B C and D lines? Hard.

  116. kikori is 6letters word. find k,i,k,o,r,i from top to bottom.

  117. As for the acorn panel,
    bottom row is A, top row is D.

  118. so is this right?
    A-1 B-2 D-1 A-1 C-1 C-3

    So what does the A with arrow pointing up mean?

  119. think the postion of first K of kikori.
    It's in the A-4. The Next i is in the B-2.

  120. omg I did it...yay. And yes, my above comment is correct. The bottom row is A and the top is C

  121. The arrow pointing up means the rows from bottom to top is A to D.

  122. got fire fairy in my lamp

  123. I'm afraid it's just me again isn't it. Thanks for hanging with me.

  124. OMG! first I clicked without ackorns, then I cliked and clicked, and the key hole apeared in mirror propably the first try (there was a sound) but the fairy will apear in front of me :)

  125. after removing dark fog,
    go back to the old tree and listen to him.
    He says, you need something to get water.

  126. @Kara
    Key hole appeared w/o solving acorn puzzle? lol!

  127. @Kara If you wait she'll go by the mirror. At least she did for me and I just grabbed her and put her in my lamp. I went to the valley but, it doesn't appear I've really done anything. I guess I'll go to the old oak.

  128. Xenon, what's the blob I got from the drawer?

  129. I put a fire on that yellow thing

  130. put that burning thing on head of our fairy

  131. @Kara my fair is already in the lamp. I can view the lamp click and view the fairy but can't light the blob on fire. :( I saved. I hope that doesn't mean I would need to start over b/c I'm soooo not going to lol.

  132. no that, the one in top left row! I make her invisible and put that smoking blob on her head, now I could take that spear or what it is

  133. @mgkanda
    the bolb thingy is called Moxibustion.
    that makes you healthy.

  134. with weapon I make a hole in wall of house (left from entrance)

  135. thanks Xenon!
    Ya, got the ax too.

  136. fog clearing in progress...yay

  137. now I went to valey and made the fog gone, I can go straight to some cave

  138. went and talked to oak and used knife on acorn for water.

  139. THANK YOU Xenon and Kara!

  140. First round's on me! I spent my whole day in this damn forest now I want a proper cocktail. :D

  141. ME TOO :)))))))

    Thanks a lot Xenon, Mgkanda!!!!!!

    How I wish I knew japanese!

  142. Great game! With translations just as tough! A good challenge. I feel a sense of accomplishment. I started when I took my 6 yr old to school and finished just in time to go pick him up. LOL!

  143. anybody who reads these comments should note the time on the last few and go check out Full's and my exchange earlier at 13:23 and 13:31. LMAO! Many hours.

  144. @mgkanda... I do look forward to a walktrhough from you, girl!! LOL!
    Congrats to you and Kara.
    Thanks to Xenon for the help given.

    Argh! I need to come back to this game to finish it, so... start typing mgkanda!

  145. Wow, left this game 10 hours ago and just came back to take a look and just now it's finished.
    Great, congrats girls.

    By the way mgkanda, your first comment was; a key and a note. Getting bored really fast. Looks cute, I just don't really understand it. Good luck and have fun! :D

    But you stayed and finished!!!!

  146. Yes, grat game. Even with walkthrough propably for about 1 hour.

    I hope someone will write walkthrough :)


    (Click the left word to start. The right is to load a saved game.)

    Credit to Xenon for translations and without whom no EG24 gamers would have completed this game

    Note: Scroll over the big acorn on the bottom right to view inventory. When an item is selected there will be a star on it. Click the star to view an item.

    Click on the trees to shake out some acorns. You can really get an endless supply of them. Keep picking them up and viewing them until you get one with a hole in it. It will now have it's own spot in your inventory. Click to view it. Click on the hole and you'll get an acorn fairy. She is your friend. If you click on her you will see 3 words. The middle one is to save. (thank goodness!)

    Now we're ready to get started. You will notice almost instantly that another fairy keeps appearing and taunting our friend. Select your acorns in inventory and chuck some at her when she appears. She'll drop first a note then a knife. When you get the knife you have to click the bottom of it to open it.

    translation of the note;

    I know everything about the forest.
    Turn in the following order from the place you meet me.

    With fork
    eat righteye-flounder
    and then shake hands.
    At 12 o'clock,
    with knife
    slice lefteye-flounder.
    At 6:30
    go to tokyo by train.(=up)

    Who am I? I'm a stubborn box.
    People like a stubborn box.
    (thank you Xenon!)

    Click around the piles of leaves in each view until you find a yellow box. (It was in a different place the first time I played) Once you find it select your knife and cut the string off.

    Now for the directions in the note. There are 8 lines and 8 directions you need to go to solve the riddle. You have to start at the box. Once you've solved it you should find 4 acorn fairies. (spoiler at the end)

    Notice when you click on them they bounce. Count how many times each one bounces and then click them in order from 1-4. You'll have to wait for them all to stop before you know if you got it right. Not the toughest task lol. (spoiler at the end anyway)

    They tell you:
    "Find 3 acorns with alphabet and measure the "distance".

    So it's time to get some more acorns. You'll need some later so this is fine :) Luckily, somebody's already shaken a bunch down. Collect all of the acorns on the first screen away from the fairies. Open them to view and click on them. When you get a letter you'll know. (I was able to get 2 in that first batch both times I played and the last one scene to the right) Go to different views to collect more until you have 3 letters.

    Time to anagram. 3 letters, not too tough but, here's a hint: acorns are the seeds of what tree? You know this. (spoiler at the end just for fun)

    Now time to go back to your box. Once you have the right word count the letters it takes to get from one letter to another. If the first letter is later in the alphabet than the next count starting with the one that comes earlier in the alphabet and include both the starting and ending letters. This is your code. (spoiler at the end)
    Example YEW (you actually have to count from E to Y including E & Y) Y->E=21 E->W=19
    code would be 2119

    to be cont.

  148. PT. 1 continued

    Moving on. Enter the code in the box to get shovel. Your fairy tells you to plant the acorn with the hole in it.

    Now when you look in the new view in the upper right of your screen you can continue forward. Go forward until you see a tree stump. To the right of the stump is where you'll dig.

    Now that you've planted the acorn, you can continue forward. Just click above the stump. There is a big tree with a face. Click him to get closer. Get some coffee and a snack b/c you'll be here for a little while. You just need to click through some dialog.

    Click the star at the bottom to continue the dialog. It will disappear sometimes while the fairy and the tree are talking. idk lol

    What the tree told you:

    -find the way to the lumberjack's village.
    -find the fire-fairy.
    -go through the black valley.

    The acorn fairy tells you the village is south.
    You'll notice you now have a bush in your inventory.

    This is a good time to save. Click your fairy and then the second word she says to save.

    The note: LRRURLDU
    4 fairies: Click them in this order 2341
    Acorn letters: oak
    Code: 1410

  149. will have to finish later, sorry. Taking longer than I thought and I have to go :s


    This is a little tricky. Go back to the woods. When you see the other fairy throw acorns at her until she drops a compass. (sometimes right away and sometimes a few tries)

    Our hint from our fairy was that the village was south. When you view your inventory you'll see the compass spinning. You need to go to different views and check your compass to find a spot where it stops. Notice in which direction south (white)is pointing then with the compass selected click in that area of the screen until you find a red circle. It will disappear as quickly as it showed up but, not to worry.

    Keep doing that 4 times. Each will be in a different view.
    (Every time I've played they've been in the same spots so I will post a spoiler at the end that may or may not work for everybody)

    Once you have found them all you will have a new view. If you didn't find the last circle in that spot, it's where the 4 fairies were. In that spot you can now go left.

    May or may not work for everybody. So far they seem to all be in the same place.

    1- 2 screens right of woods starting screen branch of left tree.
    2- 1 screen right of that under and slightly right of top star.
    3-Close up of tree with face in the upper right of the screen.
    4- Where the 4 fairies were in the grass to the lower left.


    Go left and then forward down the road until you see tree stumps. Go right and see a pond then left to the village entrance. Click to enter.

    A lumberjack stops you. You will need to get passed some dialog but, when you can see your inventory select acorns and click on the lumberjack. Get through the rest of the dialog and find yourself talking to your fairy at the tree stumps.

    Go right and then left again back to the village entrance. This time open your inventory and select the bush, which is actually a sort of invisibility cloak, and put it on your fairy. Now you can enter.

    Click the bush on the right to get note and left of stairs for lamp. Click the door to go inside.

    Open the middle drawer to get Moxibustion (makes you healthy-thanks Xenon!) Easier to call it blob. Click to get key top right of screen. Zoom on square on the wall to see a puzzle. Ooh...feeling like an escape game now!
    Zoom out.

    Click to zoom on long rectangular window with the bars. Click on the left side of middle bar for a code hint.

    The word "私たち" (at the bottom) is "kikori" which is the Japanese word for lumberjack. (Xenon strikes again)

    Notice the arrow going down. We need to spell kikori from top to bottom noting the positions of the letters for the grid we saw earlier. Note the small letter at the beginning of each row and where the letter you need is in that row. Once you know all their positions zoom out and back in on the puzzle grid on the wall.

    The grid says A with an up arrow. That means that the bottom row is A and the top is D. Now you can select your acorns and put them in their proper positions and solve the puzzle. Make sure you put them in in the order of the spelling too or it won't work. (Spoiler at the end)

    Now go check the mirror. Use your key on the keyhole and a landscape will slowly appear. Select your lamp in inventory and wait until you see the fire fairy going passed and grab her and she'll light your lamp.

    View your "blob" from inventory and use the lamp on it to light it. Put it on your fairy's head. (Not the fire fairy lol. I tried that for about a half hour or so) Now you can grab the ax. Click back to go out.

    Click the right side of the house to zoom in on the back corner wall. Use ax on the wall. Select your lamp and click in the hole.

    We need to go clear the fog from the black valley. Go back all the way back to the tree stumps before the village and go left then forward.

    Select your lamp and click on the black fog to clear it up. Now you can go forward. Keep going until you see the reddish circle and click the middle of it. Your fairy tells you to go back to the old tree.

    Go back all the way to the tree stumps and keep going back until you are where the 4 fairies were. Now go forward and keep going until you get to the tree.

    The tree tells you you need water. Back to the village. Go to the pond right before the village entrance.

    View your acorns in inventory and use your knife to cut the top off of one of them. (very handy little things indeed, these acorns)

    Fill it with water and go back to the valley. Go all the way in again and put the water in. In a few a scary water melon will try to eat you and then...out! You wake up.

    So wish I could read this game though. I think I would have enjoyed the dialog and the story. I had a lot of fun with it anyway.

    I don't know how to do screenshots so this is the best I can do.
    kikori letter positions:
    B-2 3 X X X
    D-1 5 X 6 X
    A-1 X 2 X X
    C-1 4 X X 1
    It is important that they go in in that order.
    Have fun!

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. huh. why did it publish with the grid so close to the letter positions? Oh well. If anyone can't understand it, I'm sorry but, I'm due for bed so g'nite! <3

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. MGKANDA!!!!!!!!!!

    You are incredible!! The first two days of this game it had only 22 comments as it seemed unsolvable and now you ( stubborn as you are, lol) made it there´s 170+ in just a couple of hours including your fantastic, clear walkthrough!!

    Thumbs up, very good job :-)

  157. You did it @mgkanda! Great job!! :D

    ...somehow I still have no fairy in the oak close-up view... maybe mine is too shy :(

  158. Thank you mgkanda! I was only able to finished it with your help.

    I love Sabatoraseijin games! I just wish he would made an english version of some of them.

  159. Thanks for the hat-tips you guys! Though, without @Kara (who I'm sorry I didn't mention in the WT) and @Xenon I'd still be standing in the woods with a compass and a hand full of acorns.

    @Edgar That's so weird. I thought I was stuck there too for a while but, I kept getting the oak to talk by clicking on the down button (star) and then my fairy showed up and they continued to issue their orders lol. For a long long time until I could finally leave.


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