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Dice Escape

Dice Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Episodes & Melody, the creator of Heart Key, Heaven's Key and Look Up Into The Sky games. In this game, you have to find items and solve puzzles to progress to the next level. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Yes, I got the dice wall hence why I sort of overlaid in my brain the slide with the wall and got 3, 4, 3 matching squares but 343 does not work on safe, nothing happens.

  2. @mis_u Thanks so much, that was a tricky one. Now im still were I am, I have to fiqure out the #s If you fiqure it out let us know thanks

  3. @tania compare the black spots on paper with the dice wall. You should get the number, by order of the paper = left middle right ;)

    @sherry on dice wall makes sure you have number 1-9 in all row & column :)

  4. @Sherry & Tania - it sounds like you have the slide, when it's overlaid on the dice wall the black squares mark the 6 positions of each of three numbers. These are the three numbers for the code.

  5. Like I said, it doesn't work, I've computed it three times now, even made excel sheet with boxes so I could make sure. Either I am doing a stupid mistake, or I don't understand what I am meant to do. Can you save us by giving us the code please?

  6. @tania thats what I want just the code I am so tired of thinking and I dont have too much to think with at this point

  7. Thanks for spoiler but I still cannot understand how that number came about. It is driving me mad!

  8. @nooms thanks for the code. It made a large noise, dont know what to do next

  9. you just have to look at 1 paper at a time then you will see the where the black spots go on the dice wall

  10. I found the 4 dices on the floor and put them in the center on the wall. Again what #s do I use

  11. make sure it has 1-9 on each row & column like sudoku :)

  12. @mis_u Thanks so much could not have done it without your help. Now I can close the game and take a little nap thanks again

  13. the funny dot paper that you get.. click on the corresponding dice numbers on the big board.. you will notice that the same number repeats for each one.. this is your code

  14. i now have four dice from the floor and am unsure of what they mean.. please help

  15. i put the dice in the middle of the board somehow and now trying to figure out the code

  16. ohhh... it is like sodoku.. is anyone out there! so lonely here by myself

  17. and OUT! thanks everyone for your help :)

  18. @Tania, if you're still there, did you work out how the numbers came about?

    If not, think about each of the three blocks as a template, try to imagine them on top of the dice block and then you should be able to see some numbers...

    Hint - each block is unique ;O)

  19. on 5 exactly where do you click
    bt rt 1
    bt lt 4
    tp r 5
    tp lt 2
    and after you do that what happens?
    is there a diferent sound?
    does the picture change
    do you click on the handles then?

  20. I don't understand what happened but i suddenly got a safe under the table.....can't zoom in on it though....what now?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. DICE Walkthrough:

    Stage 1:
    Go right, click vase, click bottom, see "VI"
    Go right twice, click safe, get die, view die , click it until red 1 is on top, close zoom
    Go right twice, put die in top of vase, CLEAR!

    Stage 2:
    Go left and see safe needs key
    Go left and up, click the key 4 or 5 times to get it and then something falls
    Go down and see a squeaky toy?
    Go right, try key and it breaks, Go left and click squeaky toy till it spits out a key
    Take key, Go right and use it on safe for a die
    Go right twice and look at bottom of vase for #
    Change die to corresponding #...(2)...
    Put it in vase...CLEAR!

    Stage 3:
    Click easel, get button from other side
    Go left, click top left shelf for button behind toy tank, click vase at bottom to see #3
    Click top right shelf for a key
    Click right plant pot for a third button
    Go left, click the place where the pipes cross for 4th the colored dolls for the order, but remember the middle two are reversed
    Go left, use key, open door, zoom and place buttons on safe...spin the letters till they spell OPEN
    Open safe, get die, go right twice, use it on vase with the correct #...(no need to change it) CLEAR!

    Stage 4:
    Safe needs a 3 digit code
    Go right, see poster with dice
    Go right, see vase needs 3 this time
    Go right, open drawer for round box on has 6 squares, click them in order corresponding to poster...middle left, middle right, bottom left, top left, top right, bottom right...get a paper clue
    View paper clue for 3 sets of letters...
    if you colored these letters on your keyboard, you will "see" three digits....SP7O7IL7ER!
    Put your digits in the safe and get the die, change the #, put in vase...CLEAR!
    BTW...the camera takes photos...if you have nothing better to do , it will take them all does nothing to help you out of the stage...LOL

    Click green doll, get yellow handle
    Click left of red doll, get camera
    Click vase to see #2, and click under the table for a card
    View camera, put card in camera, close camera and click it to see photos
    Go right twice, see door and dice
    Start at bottom and go up to click right handle 1 time, left handle 4 times, right handle 5 times, and left handle 2 times
    Go left twice to see a safe has appeared under the table, put yellow handle on it and then zoom
    Click camera to view photos
    Using cat photo with arrows the arrows according to the lines on the photo...IOW...
    up, up, right, down, down, right, up, up
    Then look at other photo with arrows and follow the maze lines...left, left, down, right, right, down, left, will hear a click and you can open safe for the die!
    Adjust it to 5 and put in vase...CLEAR!

    Stage 6:
    Turn off light and go left, see a shadow of a box
    Go right and turn on light, go left and click the area where the shadow was
    See a 6x6 grid of dice
    Go left twice and click twice on picture for a paper clue
    Go left twice and click paper clue in inventory...
    Compare the black dots on paper to corresponding dice on picture...find that each square corresponds to one you have 3 digits to use in black space under the picture....((214))
    A click...go right, click floor at wall for 4 dice
    Go right, put them in wall with other dice...arrange them as you would in SUDOKU...

  23. For 6 you need to compare the patterns to the dice wall and use the #s that are in the black spots. IE the first one is 2.

  24. tank you Nokra!!!!!kisses.......kisses!!!!!

  25. I do not understand:

    Do the arrows! I am about to give this game a 1 star.

    How do you "Do the arrows"?

  26. I need to remember to refresh before commenting. Thank you to the hero that wrote the walk through. I would have never made it through this game with out the hints and help found here. :)

  27. I dont get the 3digit# for level 6. Does anyone know it?

  28. Dice Through • Part 1 of 2

    Little hint before starting: all the dice that pride themselves on being decent ones, should sum 7 at opposite sides.
    Open the dice in About Item at the end of each Stage to change their upper sides into the correct ones before placing them on the “vases” to escape

    Stage 1
    Go left.
    Open the safe and take the die.
    Go left twice.
    Zoom on the “vase”
    Click on the vase base (lol) to see Ⅵ on the bottom.
    Make the die show the correct number on its upper side.
    Put the die on the “vase”.

    Stage 2
    Go left (the safe now needs a key)
    Go left and up, take the (yellow) key (in 4 clicks).
    Go down and right; try the key on the safe… it breaks.
    Go left and click 5 times on the top of the strange creature; get another key from its peak.
    Go right and open the safe with this other key; get the die.
    Go 2 time to the right or left; check the bottom of the “vase” (there’s a Ⅱ on it) and place the die on the top, showing the correct number (as before, change the side on the die by clicking on it in About Item)

    Stage 3
    Click on the canvas to turn it around; take a tile (1/4).
    Go left.
    Zoom on the plant pot and take a tile (2/4).
    Zoom on the toy tank and take a tile (3/4).
    Zoom on the top right of the dark shelves (above the trophy) and get the key.
    Go left.
    Zoom on the pipes, just above where they make an X and take a tile (4/4).
    Zoom on the colored “puppets” to see the same symbols/letters on the bottom of them (and start figuring out an order for your tiles).
    Go left.
    Open the door with your key and zoom on the safe.
    Place the 4 tiles in the correct order and on the correct position to open the safe and to get the die.
    Go left twice.
    Zoom on the vase at the bottom; check the number under (Ⅲ), place your die showing the correct face on top.

    Stage 4
    The safe now needs a 3-digit code.
    Go right.
    See the HINT for the box.
    Go right.
    Check the bottom of the vase (since you’re already here) to see it has Ⅳ now.
    Go right.
    Zoom on the box on the table and press the 6 buttons in the correct order (the order seen on the hint 2 scenes back); take the note.
    Go right.
    Open the note in About Item and solve it; enter the 3-digit code on the safe and get the die.
    Go twice to the right.
    Place the die in the correct position on the vase.
    Note about this stage: I didn’t include taking the camera and taking photos with it; but if you do, note that the Ⅳ under the vase is seen as a musical note on the photograph. Personally, I think the game is broken, and that it should have to show the musical note under the vase AND the Ⅳ in the photo… that to explain somehow the existence and the use of the camera in this specific stage.

  29. Dice Through • Part 2 of 2

    Stage 5
    Zoom in the green doll on top to get the handle.
    Zoom in the left side of the shelves to get the camera.
    Zoom under the table to find a memory card.
    You might like to check under the vase now to see the Ⅱ under it.
    Go to the right or left two times.
    At the door view, click on both left and handles the amount of times shown on the dice on it and hear something if clicked correctly.
    Go right or left twice again.
    Notice a safe has appeared under the table; put the handle on it to zoom.
    Note also that you can move the red ball on the top part of the safe by using the arrows bellow, but we need the directions of it, so zoom out and let’s get them.
    Go right.
    Open the camera in About Item; select the memory card in inventory and click on the enlarged camera; close the camera view and select it in inventory to see the stored photographs in the card; move through them with the arrows and give a look to the last two of them.
    Have the CAT photo (4/5) on the viewer and click on the switch to the right of the CAT picture to see a pattern of arrows on it.
    Starting from the center and following the path of the red arrow on the photo, the arrows on the picture go like this:
    Go now to the other picture, 2 scenes to the right or left.
    Click on the switch to see a different pattern of arrows on the FIREFLY picture and have the FIREFLY photo (5/5) on the viewer with a blue arrow on it.
    Start now from the bottom left, of course, and follow the path of the blue arrow to get the order of the arrows on the picture; they should be like this:
    Go right and zoom again in the safe.
    Hit the arrows with the patterns we’ve got (and in the order they were gotten) to move the red ball in the correct directions.
    After using the arrows from the red painting (cat), the ball has moved like drawing a squared N and ended at the top right. Moving it with the arrows from the blue painting (firefly), the ball draws sort of a squared S to end at the bottom left, where it first started.
    Open the safe and tale the die.
    Zoom on the vase and put the die on it with the right orientation.

    Stage 6
    Go right, zoom on the picture on the wall and click on it to get a note (with the exact image of the pic); go back to the switch view.
    Go left, see nothing and go back to the right.
    Turn the light off, go left and see something now.
    Go right again; turn the light back on and move left again.
    Click on the wall to reveal a panel with lots of dice on it.
    Zoom in the panel and look at your note to see what numbers are the black squares on each grid. See the grids from left to right, no matter if the middle one is below the other ones.
    Zoom out and go two times to the left or right, back to the picture.
    Zoom on the code pad under the picture and enter the numbers you’ve got and hear something happening somewhere.
    Go to the right and zoom on the floor; take 4 dice and zoom back.
    Go to the right and zoom on the panel with many dice on it.
    Place your 4 dice in the center and click on them to make them have the correct numbers on it. Do this in a way that not any row or column in the panel has the same number.
    The solution is:

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