[Replay Game] RudowskiBrothers - The Trader of Stories: Bell's Heart is another point and click adventure escape game developed by
Rudowski Brothers. In this
Trader of Stories game, my name is Myosotis and I could kill for a soft bed right now. My back... I'm getting too old to sleep rough. After visiting my sister and resupplying, I've taken up my search again. Right now I'm going towards the Cradle, the highest peak of the Icy Mountains. It takes its name from the clouds that always surround it, since many say clouds are the dreams of the gods. In this land of ice and snow, the Butterflies reside. Wise women among them, known as the Canny Ones, can read minds like open books. My hope is to meet them and obtain their help in recovering my memory. You have to help Myosotis find a new story in a mysterious little town. Good luck and have fun!
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Video Walkthrough
Thank you Shuchun! Pastel games are usually great...
ReplyDeletelol, Myosotis is the proper name for the flower known as Forget-me-not
ReplyDeleteIf I want see all screen (very little) I cant see inventory!
ReplyDelete@cece, i'm having that problem too, but the game looks good enough to take the trouble to scroll. Skutnick is always so creative!
ReplyDeleteMy PC go out two times when I click the same scene!
ReplyDeleteMy game just crashed...
ReplyDeleteloading again
not sure if I am such a nice girl in this game, I chatted with an old lady who said she couldn't help me so I stole a bunch of stuff from her...maybe that's why my game crashed
ReplyDeletehi all..nice game..still going around..many things found but can´t find the husband of the woman from the stables..
ReplyDeleteI think I got all the items to make a ghost appear...no how to do it...haha
ReplyDeleteThe husband is passed out in the bar
ReplyDeletethx Graham..
ReplyDeleteand the same with my stuff i have tried too..but how? lol
what i have to make that the drunken husband is coming with me to the stables..
ReplyDeleteI was playing and not far from the end i was completely stuck at a point. So i looked at the Video WT and there is a scene at the waterfall where she meets Derrida and when the guy disappears she has got a photo of him in inventory. I started 3 times but never got this photo.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a bug, i will have to give up...
The bartender said soemthing about him being haunted by ghosts so I am trying to make one appear in the lake but I don't know where to use a pot.
ReplyDeleteI hate it looking in WTs before i did not try by myself, but in this case i made all alone until Derrida came...grrr and without this stupid photo i cannot finish the game.
ReplyDeletewell, i bought a bottle of wine for five acorns, but i need 50 to get my wheel fixed and still can't rouse the drunken husband.
ReplyDeletewhere you have found the pot, Graham?
ReplyDeletePot is used in the house left of bridge, and you need flint to make a fire.
ReplyDeleteI am looking for the pot to cook stuff in - did you do this Zazie?
ReplyDeletehow do I combine things to summon the drowned person?
ReplyDeleteYes yes i had magic amulett and magic potion ...
ReplyDeletePot is in the house with old butterfly woman.
pot is in old lady's house past the guy who can fix the wheel
ReplyDeleteTo make potion and amulett, you have first to buy the two reciepes from the street seller.
ReplyDeleteneed the pot too..and what is with the door behind the blacksmith-man..??
ReplyDeleteAhhh - didn't know about that location - thx!
ReplyDeletenm, got it now
ReplyDeleteThen make the recipes in pot in house where cat is.
ReplyDeletecan´t go in in this house, Jo-Ann.. :(
ReplyDeletemade the amulet potion, took it
ReplyDeletemade the drowning potion, how do I take that from the stove?
I am curious to see, if you get the photo from Derrida.
ReplyDeleteWith the little bottle from the restaurant
ReplyDelete@Isabreeza - use the bell clapper to get into the house
ReplyDeletePOP got it from bar
ReplyDeletehow i can go into the house of the old woman behind the blacksmith???
ReplyDeleteYou need the empty potion bottle from the bar, Jo-Ann but how did you put stuff in pot?
ReplyDeletebell clapper? see only the bell..don´t have a clapper..where is it?
ReplyDeletein the graveyard IsaBreeza
ReplyDeleteClapper is on "naked" tree in cimetery.
ReplyDeletegraveyard? are we playing the same? *lol*
ReplyDeletewhere is the graveyard..?
I loved it! Can't wait for next one. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm around if anyone is stuck, but honestly, if I finished it all by myself, so can everyone! :P
It won't let me add anything to the pot???
ReplyDeleteah..this is the graveyard..have found it
ReplyDeletelooks like i need a water lily to make the 2nd potion - maybe I've missed a scene
ReplyDeletehaven´t seen this spot bevore in the graveyard..thx
ReplyDeleteHi feline, how did you get the photo of derrida by the waterfall ?
ReplyDeletewaterlily is in lake by waterfall.
ReplyDeleteAnd how to get your wheel back ? I never have enough acorns.
ReplyDeletepop - that did it! found the lake
ReplyDeleteCan someone please tell me how to add items to the pot? I have it burning but it won't let me drop anything in...do I need a spoon or something?
ReplyDeleteno spoon needed but enter the stuff in the same sequence as on the papers. And start with amulett.
ReplyDeleteAhhh - that must be why - was trying to make other potion. Thx!
ReplyDeletecute game
ReplyDelete@graham are you adding them in the right order? Do you have the potions from the guy in the villiage?
shit..freezing at the lake..aaargh..nooooooo
ReplyDeleteI do have the potions but looking for the little green guy!
ReplyDeletephew..not freezing..now i need the last two puzzle tiles..hmm..
ReplyDelete...and cannot find him of course!
ReplyDeleteWhat green guy ?
ReplyDeletewell..after selling the 2 reciepts i have only 20 acorns..how i can get the 50 acorns to get back my wheel?
ReplyDeletefrom the amulet potion - need his hair?
ReplyDelete@Graham - that's the hair from the drunk in the tavern
ReplyDeletePOP - It is the drunkards hair - just didn't look like the picture.
ReplyDeleteI'm stuck - saw the guy in the lake. If I sell everything I have, that's only 12 acorns.
ReplyDeleteUse amulet on the drunkard
ReplyDeleteI had tried that - now it worked. Thanks Graham!
ReplyDeleteI played the 4rth time now and it is the first time i have got the photo from Derrida, definitely a bug. I did nothing else before...
ReplyDeletei´m stuck..have 20 acorns after selling the reciepts, need 2 more of the picture tiles..need to get back my wheel..think we get more acorns when we have given the story of Derrida to the man in the town hall..but i´m totally stuck here..
ReplyDeleteZazie, sorry for later answer. Yes, got the "picture" from the lake. You need to talk to the ghost and get his story. Maybe it only works if you ask around town for Derrida (question mark in inventory, use it on people). :)
ReplyDelete@IsaBreeza, all you need to do to get 50 acorns is write down Derrida's story and sell it to the mayor. No need to sell out all your stuff. ;)
ReplyDeletehave tha last tiles..now up to the man to the townhall..i hope he will give me many acorns..hehehe
ReplyDeletewell, stuck then with 20 acorns and a broken wheel
ReplyDeleteand OUT..very cute this one
ReplyDelete@annaby, have you been to the forge? Give him the wheel to be fixed. :)
ReplyDeleteannaby..you have the "?" in your inventory for Derrida..show this everyone in the village..this will complete your picture..
ReplyDeleteah..sure..give the broken wheel to the blacksmith-man..later you can buy it back
ReplyDeleteout - thanks for the help everyone
ReplyDeleteFinally i did it...buggy photo.
ReplyDeletethx all for the help :))
ReplyDeleteCongrats everyone! ^.^
ReplyDeleteOoh, I love Pastel and Minoto games. My favourite type of game is one that has a storyline and clues to find and follow. No slider or maths puzzles, timed games, or difficult codes to solve for me, thanks!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful graphics, lovely story.
ReplyDeleteit was so coool and nice game!
ReplyDeleteAnd I did it without any help:):)
What a LOVELY game!! <3 <3 Looks beautiful and the plot is great :) Gotta love it <3
ReplyDeleteWhere is the graveyard?
ReplyDeleteI loved this one. Beautiful story, pretty graphics. Really sweet.
ReplyDeleteGreat game, great graphics and very heartwarming. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWho Said Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees? - Through (PART ONE OF TWO)
ReplyDeleteIntroductory Notes
○ To ‘use the items’ click on them in the inventory below, take them into the game screen and click with them on other objects/persons to make them interact.
○ For a better identification of the 15 pieces of the story to collect, I’ve numbered them from top to bottom and left to right, like
1 2 3
4 5 6 …and so on.
○ You start the game with a few things in inventory:
- Notes; good reading but not essential to escape.
- Book of stories; empty now, but it will be filled with pieces of the story to gather.
- 5 acorns; which are the currency in this place/game.
● Take the broken wheel and the bag of food; use the food on Zephyr (the “horse”) to feed him and move forward.
● Take the chamomile flowers and the 5 acorns (you have 10 now) from the left of and on the path respectively.
● Zoom in the rock ahead and click on the strange characters written on it to have a piece (4/15) for the book of stories; go back (by clicking on the bottom of the screen).
● Click on the trees on the right to go to the…
● Just by coming here you’ve got another piece (6/15) of the story.
● Zoom in the base of the middle tree (the one without any apparent ornament) to get another piece (3/15) and take the bell clapper; go back twice and move forward.
● Take the letter addressed to Derrida and after you’ve done reading it you’ll have the piece 15/15 of the stories book and a ‘who is Derrida?’ icon in your inventory.
● Click on the cat to get some cat fur.
● Leave the house and enter the village.
● Click on the ladies by the well to talk to them. From here and from now on, you’ll use the signs on the tree to go to the different locations in the game.
● Click on the stable keeper; she will take care of your mount in exchange of getting her drunk husband back. This gives you the piece 12/15.
● Before leaving, ask her WHO IS DERRIDA? (by using the [?] icon of the inventory on her) and get another piece (8/15) for the stories book.
● Click on the blacksmith and give him the BROKEN WHEEL, but you’ll have to pay 50 acorns to have it fixed.
● Question him about DERRIDA to have the piece 14/15.
● Go to the house on the hill (and get the piece 5/15). Use the BELL CLAPPER on the bell and click on it; the door is open and you go inside.
● Take the amulet from the bottom left piece of furniture and the pot from one of the left tables.
● Talk to the elder butterfly woman, who can’t do much for you… unless you ask her WHO IS DERRIDA? This gives you the piece 7/15 and the lead to use a magic potion to summon the drowned Derrida to tell their story. Go all the way back.
● Pick the 5 acorns up the ground (to have 15).
● Go to the wagon ahead and talk to the vendor for the piece 13/15 of the stories book. Click on him again to buy the formula for the amulet of power and the formula for summoning of the drowned. Go back.
● Get inside the Inn (on the left) and take the flint from the left table and a drunkard’s hair (from the guy’s head, of course).
● Talk to the Inn keeper for the piece 2/15 of the book of stories. Now use the ‘Who is Derrida?’ item on him and this gives you the piece 1/15. There’s also an empty potion bottle on a shelf above his head for you to take.
● Click on the curtains on the back and click on the left bottle of fine wine to buy it… and you’ll have spent all of your acorns. Click on the left part of the screen to quit this view and go all the way back.
● Click on the door on top of the right stairs and talk to the town mayor. Ask WHO’S DERRIDA to him and, because he is so willing to buy a good story for an equally good amount of dough, you’ll get 10 acornsin advance and the piece 11/12 of the story for the book. Go back.
● Go now to the door on the bottom left and go to the lake, right at the end of the waterfall.
● Being here gives you the piece 10/15 of the story. Get also the lilium and click on the top right to leave the lake view… go all the way back.
● Inside the house, put the POT on the stove and use the FLINT for some fire… and the amulet of power comes first.
● Click on the AMULET FORMULA to know what to use on the pot and the right order: CAMOMILE flower, then the HAIR and finally add the AMULET to make it an amulet of power.
● Click on the SUMMONING OF THE DROWNED FORMULA to know what to use now: start with the CAT FUR, then the LILIUM and pour the WINE from the bottle; fill the EMPTY POTION BOTTLE with the elixir.
● Back at the lake, use the SUMMONING POTION and click on the summoned Derrida for the final piece 9/15 and the complete story of Derrida (a photo like item in your inventory) will be added.
● Back with the town mayor, give (tell) him the story (photo) of Derrida (his father) and go through (click skip) the texts (captions) to leave with the 50 acorns (money) :P
● Click on the blacksmith to see a buy-sell chart and get your fixed wheel for your 50 acorns.
● Back inside the tavern, use the AMULET OF POWER on the drunkard to make him obey and follow you.
● Give the DRUNKARD to his wife and your ‘horse’ will be back next to your cart waiting for you.
● Use the FIXED WHEEL on the cart, go through the final scenes and you’ll be out. Congrats!!!
I know this is late, but thanks for the WT, @Edgar! Some things I couldn't figure out, but you came to the rescue! Nice game/story line/graphics!
ReplyDeletelovely game! Out with no help, but impressive walkthrough, Edgar!
ReplyDeleteAMAZING GAME!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI cant get the complete story of Derrida... anyone help? i just talked to the summoned Derrida but nothing happened and now i cant complete the game
ReplyDeleteThis was an excellent game! Many thanks!
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