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China Ancient Sage Room Escape

China Ancient Sage Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Flash512. This is an ancient room escape puzzle game,you need find some hidden objects and solve some puzzles to escape this room. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. left blue button to start

  2. loading... thanks, bigtank

  3. ok got all discs. placed the bell. opened the safe and need to find order for discs.rasper,paintbrush not used

  4. Hello, don't forget to DRAG items ;)

  5. use the stamper on the 2 pictures of the girls to find the differences

  6. Found so far:
    bell, drum stick, rasper, stamper and 5 round button

  7. Have now all 8 buttons and a saw blade

  8. can see 3 7 8 on the branches of the plant

  9. drum stick, 2 rasper, brush pen, saw blade, stamper and 8 buttons. (bell used)

  10. how many diffrences ? can only find 4 ....

  11. Direct start:

  12. drisna just randomly clicked around her dress

  13. i found five but nothing happened...

  14. Can only find 4 differenz in the pictures. Are there more?

  15. did you found the bracelet stu ? i've got five but nothing happened and don't want to quit that view ! (don't want to restart to spot the differences)

  16. hum clciked on left picture and now there is a safe !! so 5 differences ;)

  17. I am starting now, hello all !

  18. hello zazie. Part of code left of buddha.. we need paint for the brush to paint the other part maybe ?

  19. where is saw blade and how to open safe ?

  20. @Drisana: Yes that one I have
    Saw blade: in door view click arrow up!

  21. Found my 5. difference but nothing happens too.
    Drisana: You can quit that view the difference stay (oh oh my english)

  22. tried to dip brush in water bowl with lilie in but did not work

  23. hi @ all
    for the part of code use the stamp

  24. stuck with drum stick, brush, rasper, saw blade, stamp (used) and scoop... no idea for the order of the eight discs

  25. use stamp on white paper by buddha to get drawer code. special scoop opens tile by on floor to get book with coin order hint.

  26. Where do you find differences ? I mean i cannot find any place ??

  27. bells sounds different. Got to go good luck !!

  28. drag the stamp onto the right hand pic and a yellow dot will appear on frame when you get a difference

  29. floor tile is on left of low table with bowl and flower on it

  30. The tile is left of flower in bowl.

  31. @Zazzie: in door view click left picture

    Thank you LS for hint with stamp and note!!!

  32. oh, I can't get the right order for the coins!

  33. nvm got it front of lilie bowl

  34. got the bell code frm the book, gives me a small key that goes in safe, got an unfinished key know

  35. Thanks for hint with floor tile Poppet.
    Found book and now we know that there are only 5 difference!!!

  36. I am stuck with the order of coins, book does not really help lol.

  37. Can't understand the code for bells?

  38. Thx Stu for telling the place of pictures !

  39. for the bells click the ones that are making the same sound as the one you placed there

  40. ouch no sound sons pinched my speakers

  41. found an old paper now showing the key... trying to rasp it correctly now...

  42. Thanks LS - I've done that - but nothing happens - again, lol

  43. the lines mean the adjacent coins can not be connected. easy till you get to the last 2

  44. Where to place the balls?

  45. @stu click the old bell first and then from the smallest to the biggest, that what i've done...
    @bigtank its the old one, than the 2nd from left in the first row, 6th and 4th in secoind and 7th and 1st in last row

  46. Thanks again LS - I forgott the 1. in last row, stupid me!!!

  47. need help with the key now, can't rasp it properly, maybe we need a finer rasper first cause it is saying rasper #2?

  48. thanks Stu, for the order of the bells, they were driving me mad!

  49. Finally got the key from bells.
    Thx LS !!!

  50. Anyone placed the coins right ??

  51. @LS - have you found the rasper on top of shelf??

  52. Hi all. Playing also, but totally stuck on find the differences. I can only find 4. Got 2 from the dress, one from the brown scarf under her hair and the bracelet.
    I have 8 coins, book, 2 raspers, drumstick, brushpen and stamper.

  53. Where to place the coins please!!!!

  54. hmm not an easy one this, lol

  55. thx Stu, haven't had that one... for the coins, have you spotted the 5 differences? then you can click between the to pictures and a safe opens

  56. Used paper on box in corner, have key paper. Now what ?

  57. So - now
    Thanks again and again and again LS - live saver

  58. Coins go behind the difference picture. Just drag them there.

  59. I mean i used key on box, not paper, sorry.

  60. @stu You're wellcome...
    finally out, but i think i never used the brush or the saw blade?

  61. Okay opend box in safe and got the golden key!

  62. How do you make a key like on the paper ?

  63. How Stu ?? Cannot get the coins right.

  64. Finally got the 5 differences. There were 3 in the dress! (randomly clicked her dress)

  65. I meant thanks to LS for the bells, of course, and everyone for the help!!!!Smell ya later. . . . .

  66. hmm got unfinished gold key now

  67. coins spoiler

    x 4 6 x
    7 1 8 2
    x 3 5 x

  68. where is the paper to make the key

  69. nvm the box was open found the paper

  70. bigtank, paper is in box in corner left of bed.use key.

  71. @Zazie:
    the first and the last key from book go in the middle, rest is easy

  72. Bahhh i have to redo the whole key, this is annoying !!

    THX my_bum for thr coin hint !!

  73. Can't make this .... key. I always failed! That's not fun!

  74. Bigtank: it's in the small box on the left of the bed (?). You need the key from the bells first.

  75. My-bum thank you for the coin hint!
    Now trying to make the key with the raspers.

  76. Cannot get this stupid key right, 4rth try !

  77. yeah, the key is really annoying... be carefuöl and do the last steps always with the raper #1

  78. I am close to give up because of this key !!!!!

  79. think im gonna give up on this key, lol

  80. I tried it now 8 times and now I give up!!!

  81. I guess it is the key to the exit door, so i will stay inside, i give up too.
    Really stupid !!

  82. I'm with Zazie and Stu. Tried it 6 times. Annoying how 'about item' keeps popping up.

  83. Good luck to all of you. I'm leaving. Not going to try again to make the key.
    Thanks for the help with the other things.

  84. I found only 4 differences on the picture with the girl (3 on the dress, 1 on her bracelet). Where is the last one, please ?
    About the bells : do we have to click on the 40 bells ?!
    There is a scrap of paper with a partial code, near Buddha's head. Where is it used ?

  85. ... and where is the handle for the saw blade ?

  86. rasper 3 inside the brush pen. where did you put the key in order to work on it?

  87. I have rasper #2, 7 buttons, a paintbrush without paint, a saw blade, a golden stick, a bell(used), a stamp (used, I found the 5th difference by random clicking), and a golden stick for the bells.

  88. from left to right:

    2 times rasper#2 et 1 time rasper#1

    3 times rasper#2 et 1 time rasper#1

    5 times rasper#2 et 2 times rasper#1

    3 times rasper#2 et 3 times rasper#1

    4 times rasper#2

  89. golden stick? drum stick? is it the same?

  90. where to find the golden stick?

  91. @shir: how did you get a third rasp out of the brush?
    @barbie: I've done that several times (also with 6-0 and 4-1 for the 3rd and 4th, as I think #2 takes away twice the amount of #3) but without success. Do you need to do something else before taking it off the paper, maybe use the sawblade somehow???

  92. I think I used the sawblade on the brush pen.

  93. can someone tell me where coin #5 is? pretty please :D

  94. @wikket, james: coin 5 is next to the 4 number code box on the shelves
    @shir: thanks, tried that many times already :-); quite the pixelhunt.....

  95. ahh thank you helanren, missed that view completely :P

  96. had to pull the bird out of the fryer any help with coin 5 yet

  97. ah..take the key back from wooden boks, and use it on the boks i the safe...

  98. finally out thanx all happy thanksgiving

  99. and out. Thanks babsie for the rasper hint. It worked.

  100. For what it's worth: I quit this one. No matter how I followed the instructions for the bells they DID NOT work. I tried LS's instructions to the tee, and still could not get the darned key! Stupid game, if there are bugs like this.

  101. Zoe I'm having the same problem... I've found 4 bells w/ the same saound as the old one, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing one. Have already clicked in every bell but can't find it!

  102. Placed the coins, got the picture opened clicked the yellow buttons and a tiny wall opened to show a small key..what did I do wrong?

  103. well, this seemed like a really good game... until i got to the key. I'll be %#%@^ if i'm going to waste the day trying to make a key with rasps that are almost impossible to pick up and a game that says "not done yet" even though it looks fine to me. Then, "you failed". Personally, I think it was this game that failed.

  104. This game is in desperate need of a walkthrough lol...


  105. Thanks to all the clues and especially @babsie for key instruction...I got out!!!
    I certainly would have given up if I had to do it trial and error!!!

  106. walkthrough part 1

    Click the picture over the bed -- get first button from under the man
    Note in your inventory, this is button one of 8. Click the magnifying glass in the box with the buttons to see them in the about item view.
    Note there is a box on the floor against the left wall, but you can’t open it yet
    Click the floor light(?) against the right wall
    Get the drum stick/golden stick from behind the right edge
    Turn left
    Zoom on the stand on the right side of the screen (with the black and white thing hanging from it)
    Once zoomed in, click the left thing to take the paintbrush
    Still zoomed in, click the top center of the stand for the second button (8th in your inventory)
    Zoom in on the tea set -- get the third button (second in your inventory)
    Zoom on the doors one time and now look up at the light
    Click the gray thing on the right side of the nearest left light -- it is a saw blade
    Click the magnifying glass for the paintbrush to open the about item view
    Use the saw on the right end
    Click the end and take the flat rasp (rasp #3) (thanks, Shir!)
    Click the low table to the left of the doors
    Get the 4th button (4th in your inventory) from the bowl
    Note you can zoom in on the pictures over the low table
    Turn left
    Click the red chest in the back right corner
    Get the 5th button (3rd in your inventory) from the kickboard to the left of the chest
    While zoomed in, click the doors of the chest to open them -- get the rasper #2
    Click the bottom shelves of the tall bookcases
    Get the old bell from the stand on the left, bottom shelf
    Click on the drawer on the right (about halfway up the bookcase) -- note the drawer needs a code
    While still zoomed in on the drawer, get the 6th button (5th in your inventory) from the wall behind the shelf
    Zoom in on the top shelves of the tall bookcases
    Get the 7th button (7th in your inventory) from the scrollwork on the left corner of the bottom shelf in this view
    While still zoomed in, click the up arrow to see the top of the bookshelves
    Get the rasper #1
    Click the chest in the left corner of this view
    Note the paper on the wall to the left of the chest
    Turn left
    Click the basket on the floor to the right of the bell table
    Get the 8th button (6th in your inventory)
    Zoom in on the bell stand and place the bell you found above the red arrow
    Zoom in on the flower bowl to the left of the stand
    Get the stamp from the floor
    Turn right
    Zoom on the left chest again
    Zoom on the paper and use the stamp to see a code (you can highlight the numbers, if you have trouble reading them)
    Zoom on the bottom shelves of the bookcases
    Click the right drawer and enter the code.
    Get the scoop
    Turn left
    Zoom on the flower bowl
    Use the scoop on the darker colored brick to the left of the bowl table
    Get the book

  107. Walkthrough Part 2

    Click the magnifying glass in the inventory box with the book for the about item view
    Click to read the pages
    Click the bells/chimes
    Drag your drumstick/golden stick to the dark bell that you hung
    Now solve the pattern and get the key
    Turn around to the doors
    Click the painting above the low table on the left
    The second set of pages in the book gives the hint about the stamp and the paintings. Solve the puzzle and click the left painting to see the safe
    Drag your buttons to the safe to place them on the wall
    Solve the puzzle for the
    Use the key in the box inside the safe for the unfinished key
    Turn right
    Click the box on the floor on the left side of the room
    It is now open! Take the shabby paper from inside
    Open the about item view of the paper
    Add the unfinished key to the key outline
    Use the rasps to file down the key to EXACTLY match the outline. If you use the rasps too much, you will see a little white between the key and the outline. In that case, keep filing until it says you fail and then start over
    This is highly annoying!!
    Take the completed key and turn left
    Zoom in on the doors
    Use the key on the door to escape!

  108. Solutions

    Warning!! here be SPOILERS!!!

    The bell you hung has a distinctive sound when you hit it with the drumstick. Look in the ancient book. The last pages show that there are 4 other bells on the stand have that same sound. Hit all of the others. Then the book says to hit the largest bell (the 1st bell in the bottom row). This will knock the key free. So…
    SPOILERbell you hungSPOILER
    Top row SPOILERsecond bellSPOILER
    Middle row SPOILER4th and 6thSPOILER
    Bottom row SPOILER7th and then 1st bellsSPOILER

    The book tells you to use the stamp 5 times on the right painting. If you look very closely, you will see the 2 paintings are not exact matches. Use the stamp to mark the 5 differences in the right painting.
    SPOILER1)brown ties of the dress 2)white bracelet on the nearer arm 3)brown smudge at the hip in front of the girl 4) long line of brown at the front of the dress -- knee high 5) dark line of brown near the bottom of the dress -- below knee high and toward the right of centerSPOILER To see the differences, click

    The first 2 pages in the book tell you which buttons cannot be next to which. For example, the flower button cannot touch the one that looks like a snail shell or the one with the circles on it. So on the puzzle, the flower can’t be in a circle with lines going directly to either of those buttons. Click enter to see how many you have set up correctly *note this means that they are not touching forbidden buttons. Not that they are in the correct positions.
    Counting buttons from 1-8 according to left to right in the top and then the bottom row on the wall, the solution is…

    I didn’t have the patience to figure this out, so I used Babsie’s pattern. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
    from left to right:
    SPOILER2 times rasper#2 and 1 time rasper#1SPOILER
    SPOILER3 times rasper#2 and 1 time rasper#1SPOILER
    SPOILER5 times rasper#2 and 2 times rasper#1SPOILER
    SPOILER3 times rasper#2 and 3 times rasper#1SPOILER
    SPOILER4 times rasper#2SPOILER

    End of Spoilers!!

  109. whoops! I forgot to make the link active for the picture for the find the differences puzzle.

    Either copy the URL above or click HERE


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