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[REPLAY] Neutral - Linkage Escape is another Japanese point and click escape game developed by Neutral. This time you are locked in the dark concrete room - dark but not horror. Explore the room, find and use items, solve riddles and escape the room. This room is darker than usual, please adjust brightness of your display when screen is obscure. Good luck and have fun! [Suggested by Peke]

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Linkage Escape Walkthrough

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  1. I am also having trouble finding the 2nd battery. I have followed all the instructions without luck. please help

  2. for the 2nd battery, make sure the thing that goes up when you put the lock on it ISN'T UP. it has to be down to open the part of the wall. just push that button that raised it again and it will go back down. then zoom out and see the gap in the wall, lower left.

  3. I'm with Katrina, where EXACTLY do you have to click? I've tried everywhere!

  4. i m stuck at the begin
    i see paper behind desk with bear, but can t take it...

    Zoom on the plant and get a TRIANGLE from behind it.
    Zoom on the books below the TV and click them to see a yellow heart behind them.
    Zoom on the pink bear and click it to reveal a hole below it.
    Take the PINK STRING that sticks out from the bear.
    Zoom on the lamp in the corner and click the card you see on the floor ace of hearts.

    Turn right (couch view).
    Zoom under the couch to get a STAR.
    Zoom on the clock and click it to see the back of it.
    Take a BATTERY from inside the lid.
    Open the box on the couch and place your triangle inside.
    You need a square and a circle shape too.

    Turn right.
    Note the yellow and blue shapes on the wall hanging.
    Zoom on the card symbols picture.
    Click the red diamond to see a number behind.
    The numbers differ for every game – remember it.

    Turn right (desk view).
    Zoom under the desk.
    Click the left drawer and get a KEY from under it.
    Zoom on the strange wall hanging above the desk, and get a ”BRUSH” from above it.
    Open the left desk drawer and take the KEY CLUE NOTE.
    To the left of the desk is a padlock that needs a 4-digit code.
    Zoom on the little hatch in the door, click to open and get a REMOTE.
    Open the remote from inventory (click the magnifier next to it) and click to turn it around.
    See a number with blue background.

    Turn right.
    Zoom on the wall to the left of the TV-cupboard.
    There is a note behind.
    Open the brush from the inventory and click it to make it longer.
    Use the long brush to get the NOTE.
    Open the note to have a look.
    You have not seen all the shapes yet.
    Use your key in the top right drawer and get a CHISEL.

    Turn right twice and zoom on the red spot on the floor.
    Use the chisel on the spot to see a number in a red frame.
    Now, do the maths from the hint note and get a 4-digit number.

    Turn right and zoom to the left of the desk.
    Use the 4-digit number from your calculations to open the padlock.
    The numbers differs for every game.
    The number from the red diamond on the wall goes first, then the number from the back of the remote (blue) and last the number from the floor that you got from using the chisel.
    Remember to make the division and multiplication before you add!

    After entering the number, click the button and take the PADLOCK from the floor.
    Open the grid and take the BLUE BOOK.
    Take a MAGNET from the left side of the open grid.
    Read the book to see some clues.

    Turn right.
    Zoom on the pink bear and click to move it.
    Open the pink string from inventory and add the magnet to it.
    Use the string+magnet in the hole under the bear to get a KEY.
    Use the key in the locker below the bear.
    Click the bucket inside to find a SQUARE SHAPE.
    Place your star on the top shelf in the locker (thanks @Lynn!).
    Zoom on the bear again and move it.
    Click in the hole to see EXILES on the star.
    Or… rather, turn the letters around and have a second look.
    Zoom on the blue safe below the TV.
    Press the correct digits, then enter.
    Solution below
    Zoom out once and click the handle.
    Get a WOODOO DOLL.

    Turn right.
    Zoom on the box on the couch.
    Place the square, (the triangle if you didn’t before) and the woodoo doll in the middle.
    Get a BLUE KEY.
    Turn right twice and use the blue key in the left drawer of the desk.
    Go to the TV (that turns out to be a computer).
    Zoom once on the screen and place the keyboard in front of it.
    Zoom once more on the screen and click the button in lower right corner.
    Click “image” to see a bird.
    Click the right arrow twice to see an image of the room.
    Click your key clue note and place it above the image on the screen (key in the middle).
    This is the clue for the heart box on the desk.
    Go there and click the hearts in the correct order.
    Then, click the brown button and get TWO FLAGS
    Solution below.

    Go to the couch and zoom on the box.
    Click the woodoo doll to see his left hand.
    Place the flags there.
    Zoom out once and click the flags and the button on his stomach according to the sequence on the wall hanging.
    Solution below.
    The woodoo doll flies away.
    Close the box and click the grey button to get a GREY KEY.
    Zoom on the right side of the couch, by the plant.
    Take a HANDLE from the floor.

    Turn right twice and use the grey key in the door.
    Press the door handle.
    Zoom on the hatch in the door where you found the remote before.
    Click to open and get a GREEN GRID.
    Open the blue book and turn to page 4, with all the black shapes that almost look like numbers.
    Place the green grid on the numbers so that the black clubs on top matches the grid.
    Read 4 digits: 3572
    Go to the TV cupboard and open the lower right drawer with those numbers.
    You need to click on the code lock in upper right corner of the drawer to enter the digits.
    Then, zoom out and click the drawer handle.
    Get a WRENCH.

    Turn right twice and zoom on the small grey door.
    Use the wrench to open.
    Zoom out and click the “door” twice to remove it.
    Get a USB.
    Go to the TV and zoom on the left side.
    Insert the USB.
    Zoom on the screen and click the button in lower right corner.
    Click “game”, then “start”.
    You need to make the man move to the goal.
    Turn the arrows to make a good path there.
    When he meets a blue thing he loses life, and the hearts give him more life.
    Press “start” when you turned the arrows in a good way.

    When you reach the goal you get a CD from the left side of the computer.
    Click here for a screenshot of a solution of the game.

    Open the CD from the inventory and click to turn it around.
    Go to the wall hanging above the desk and place the CD there.
    Click the CD until the shapes in the middle matches the shapes in the frame and you see 8 letters.
    Start where the arrow starts and press the buttons below like the letters tell you (R=red, P=pink and B=blue).

    Use the screwdriver on the back of the remote and insert the battery.
    Turn left.
    Zoom on the wall between the card symbol picture and the wall hanging (there is a small blue holder on the wall).
    Place the remote in the holder and press the button.
    Zoom inside the new space that opened up.
    Place the padlock on the chain.
    Click the button to lift it.
    Zoom out and take the BOX from the space below.
    Zoom again on the top space where the chain was and press the button to make it go down.
    Zoom out and have a look at the wall to the left.
    The red stripes on the wall no longer match.
    Zoom on the lowest part of the wall, below the most right part of the red stripes to find BATTERY #2.
    Click here for a screenshot of where to find the battery.

    Take the remote back from the slot.
    Take the battery back.
    Go to the wall clock and insert both batteries on the back of it.
    Click the triangle in lower right corner of the front side of the clock to make all arms point at 12:00.
    Click the triangle again and note the numbers where the clock arm stops and turns (thanks @rkeller6!).
    You can do this as many times as you need.
    Spoiler: right:4, left:2, right:7, left:6, right:12.
    Open the box from inventory and place the handle on it.
    Click right and left side of the box to make the dial turn and stop where the clock arm did.
    When you are done, open the box again from inventory and click it to get a KEY from inside.

    Turn right.
    Zoom on the highest opening and press the button to make the chain go up.
    Zoom on the lowest opening and use the key there.
    Click to open the trapdoor.
    Zoom on the highest opening again and press the button to make the chain go down.
    A door opens in the wall.
    Click it to escape.

    Blue safe
    The word EXILES upside down is: 5371x3
    Do the maths.
    Code: 16113

    Heart box
    Using the clue from the TV and the key clue note you get:
    1) heart on the wall hanging with card shapes: red
    2) heart in TV cupboard behind books: yellow
    3) heart shaped vase in corner shelves: blue
    4) heart on the card on the floor to the left of the couch: red
    5) heart shaped plant leaves: green
    Order to press: red, yellow, blue, red, green

    Use the yellow/blue squares on the wall hanging and the circles in the middle which means to press the button on the woodoo doll belly.
    - make both flags yellow
    - press the button
    - left flag yellow and right blue
    - press button
    - left flag blue and right yellow
    - press button
    - both flags blue
    - press button twice

  8. That was a very good game!!!

  9. Curses - this looks good but I can't get in - too many subscribers!

  10. Great gosh, this must have been one of the best games ever!!! Wish I could say I made it on my own, but I had to glimpse two or three times in the very good wt of Ellie (thanx a lot for that, Ellie!!)

  11. Yeah Ellie...great walkthrough!

    But I'm not out yet...can't open that brown box, after trying three times...there must be something I have to do after clicking 12 (r)...but what?

    Help anyone?

  12. This brown box is making me crazy! Can't open it for the life of me!

    Everyone gone?

  13. Great walkthrough, @Ellie - but I'm stuck pretty early as my numbers won't open the padlock (and I've checked my math over and over LOL - always a weak point with me. Got the calculator out and everything !). I am going to restart later and try again, better go and do some work now!

  14. No-one :-(

    I'll check back later then...

  15. Mary D, what are your numbers? Maybe I can help?

  16. Sigh...Mary D is gone as well :-(

    @Mary D: the trick is to multiply first, and then add up...

  17. very nice game :)) thx for helps :)

  18. @ ginger: the brown box: the numbers in wt are NOT how often you click left or right... it means the NUMBER like on a watch... maybe thats your problem
    its: right 4 ( 4 clicks til 4 o´clock) left 2 (left 2 clicks til 2 o´clock), right 7 means 5 clicks right til you are at 7 o´clock, left 6 means click left side once til you are at 6 o´clock and last right 6 clicks til you are at 12 o´clock

  19. ...or in other words: click that often: right 4, left 2, right 5, left 1, right 6

  20. ...and push knob in middle after all that..

  21. nice walkthrough Ellie!
    there's actually one important thing missing! where is the happy coin?????

  22. I'm not smart enough for Neutral games (I always need a lot of help), but I love them !

  23. Excellent game! I got out on my own.

    Yeah it took a while, but I don't play these to race...not to mention I wasn't here for the Live, so what's the point.

    Anyway it took a while, but everything had it's logical place and flowed evenly.

  24. Sue, actually you just go right to 12 after 6 and click to the side of the knob and it opens just as well.

  25. @MaryD:

    The thing with the equation for the pad lock is to add the totals of both sides. So you're adding the total from what you're dividing with the total you get when you multiply.

    Sample setup:

    (4 divided by 2) + (65 x 60) = 3902 (padlock number)

    Hope that helps.

  26. silly me. just remembered that happy coin is in Tesshi-e games...probably was confused by the nice graphics which those two developers always deliver...

  27. Hi again, I'm sorry for being a bit unclear in the walkthrough. Thanks @ginger, @Sue and @Catalyste for trying to make things a bit more clear!
    I hope your numbers works now @MaryD, if not, please do as ginger suggested and post them here.
    @ginger, after you do like sue said, I still had a problem to open the box. I closed the closeup view of the knob, opened the box again and clicked all around it and suddenly it opened.

    @Miller, I wish I knew!! But normally it's the Tesshi-e games that have the happy coins and I'm so sorry, but I don't think you'll find any in here :(
    You'll just have to imagine that the escape itself "brings happiness to you"!

    Thanks for WT @ellie! I needed it often...

  29. Out! just had a few peeks from the WT (thnx Ellie).
    ive been waiting to play this live for ages now, and ended up missing it:( ,but anyways it turned out GREAT, truly one of the best games i ever played! thanks to Mya, the creator of the Neutral games, hope theres many more to come:D

  30. I game I've ever played. MORE please!!!

  31. I'm coming back to play this again later today, but I'm very heartened to see all the helpful comments about my number problem. I'm determined to play all of this game, it seems such a good one. Thanks, to everyone, for all the kind assistance! (Where were you all when I was failing my maths exams ??? LOL)

  32. still live?

    I don't understand what to do with the clock, I put the 2 batteries inside then pushed the button twice the arm seems to show 4276.

    What to do next?

  33. power of posting :-D

    OUT thanks all!

  34. now THAT was a GREAT game!!!!!!!!
    (even though i muttered a few choice words while playing it :o}

  35. oh stupid me - i thought post #200 was the last one and all this time I could have been playing live AND followed @Ellie's great WT!
    @Ellie, I hope you're taking a least a little time off from the computer and enjoying everything Mexico has to offer!

  36. @zoz, I do! It's just nice to be able to play some games at least almost live while waking up, and also at other times when there is some time to kill. But I DO enjoy the very best thing Mexico has to offer :D

  37. What a fantastic game - one of the best of the hundreds I've played. Just the right level of difficulty for me and oh so entertaining! Many thanks to the creators!

  38. Well I finally made it through to the end - with frequent squints at that masterly walkthrough - and I really enjoyed this game!

    Thanks to everyone for hints and help.

  39. @ Ellie.

    Thanks for the walkthrough.. couldn't have gotten through this one without it!

  40. Great game. Thanks @Ellie for the great WT - I used it a lot!

  41. Awesome game, I loved all the intricate parts, Gazzybug and 123Bug et al have a lot to learn in the art of escape game making. Or maybe they are our bread and butter while we wait for the cream like this.

    Anyway, thanks for posting Shuchun, and a big thanks to Ellie for the walkthrough, I had to dip into it quite a few times :o)

  42. Oh, and thanks to Cmoon for the sub...

  43. @Sue: that's great help,- thanx! I'm gonna try it out right now...brb worked!!! Thanx Sue...ever so grateful ;-)

    And @Ellie: thanx too, for taking the problem into account...

    I'm a very happy camper playing on now!

  44. And out! I was so close all this time, about ten seconds to the Sue, thanx really saved my day ;-)

    See y'all!

  45. HAPPY ENDING (with a thousand lucky coins for Ellie & Sue)...



  46. Wah, this was a very nice one !
    Thanx Ellie for the WT, I spent lot of time trying to figure out how to "decode" numbers in the blue book ;)

    Waiting for the next one !

  47. That was awesome! I would love to see more of these.

  48. hi everyone...trying to finish that game on the computer but I don't understand how...can't follow Andrea's advice...any help?

  49. oh,stupid me,didn't see the WT by Ellie...

  50. The numbers i got are 6,50,72

  51. GREAT GAME!!! That was a lot of fun!!! Thanks to Cmoon for subbing, Shuchun for posting, and Neutral for yet another super fun and just challenging enough escape game! Keep 'em coming. :D

  52. I know I've played it late but that is, by far, the best escape game I've ever played!

  53. The padlock puzzle simply won't work for me. I have double and triple-checked my calculations. I got 5 for the red diamond, 70 for the blue diamond, 65 for the paint stain diamond. 4 divided by 2 plus 70 times 65 equals 4680. I enter 4680 into the padlock...NOTHING! I keep checking the numbers, checking the clue, checking the calculations, it ALWAYS comes out at 4680, but it will not work! Please, somebody, ANYBODY tell me what I'm doing wrong!

  54. You forgot to add the 1. :S Also I know its like a month late or something, but this game was really good.

  55. I'm stuck at turning on the computer - I have no transparency paper. Supposedly it's supposed to be in the desk drawer without a lock but it's not there T^T help??

  56. Transparency paper in new version is under the locked drawer in the desk. Zoom in down low so you're looking up at the bottom of the desk and then open the locked drawer.

  57. where is the transparent sheet that you have been talking about?

  58. the transparent sheet has moved to left drawer

  59. Despite the puzzles being great, subtracted points for violence.

  60. for me the transparency was under (not in) the desk drawer that was locked.

  61. I am missing the transparency noted in earlier posts, but no one says where they found it. Could someone please tell me?

  62. POP! found the transparency under desk drawer.

  63. One of the best games, one of the best developers, thank you!

  64. @ Neutral,i am replaying this game and there is no transparent piece of paper in the drawer left of door !!!!!

  65. Awesome game, thanks so much

  66. I was playing along and loving it. Then I kept reading about some transparent sheet, which I couldn't find. So I couldn't put it on the computer picture for the clue. I watched the walkthrough and don't seem to be missing anything? I can't proceed without that paper and it is decidedly NOT in the drawer (or inventory.)


  67. I restarted and went straight to desk drawer. No transparency.

  68. POP...was moved to under locked drawer! :)

  69. Really, a perfect game, once I figured out the changes from lo those many years ago!

  70. Started the game as replay, no transparent sheet in drawer :-(

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