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Monkey and Secret Army

Minoto - Monkey and Secret Army is another very cute and funny point and click type adventure game created by Minoto. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. a very good morning

    we have to stop a bad bad crab

    and we got nippers - well,well

  2. NEVER been the first!

  3. and so it goes...
    same time stamp, though. Good luck everyone!

  4. Hello biglils - we are a twin-team

    have crowbar now - but don't know what to do next

  5. Mask from material that can expand...

  6. so cute a doggy with get collar

  7. Hi Megi

    cant get crab to release monkey-girl

    have bunny on fixed swing now

  8. incredible embarassing but I am stuck on Minoto -lol-
    have sun cured but still in hospital
    girl is on fixed swing and goes round
    dog is freed
    the flying chap on the ground

    and now what

  9. Hallo - anyone got any idea???

  10. megi and biglils??? where are you???

  11. Hi Swiss Miss,

    try clicking the satalite dish and swing in quick combination with the nippers highlighted

  12. I'm in the same place as you SwissMiss and I have posted new sakura game

  13. thanks i shall go to sakura then

  14. oh, cut the cable with nippers suddenly - strange

  15. Yay, in and Out, thanks for the Himt AndiG.

  16. ROCKET DOG!!! Now I have that "Comrade Laika" song stuck in my head.

    ART SHIFT!!! First the prologues, now this! Minoto is forging new frontiers!

    SECRET ARMY!!! There's going to be a secret army in Minoto games to come! And a MONKEY is going to fight them! After fighting a giant crab! This is just a robot ninja away from being the best plot ever!

  17. Okay...since nobody else has made a walkthrough yet, I'll take a whack at it. It won't be in song or anything, though. i don't have the talent for that.

    -At the start, grab the key as indicated. Your objective is to save the girl monkey from the giant robot crab, and no, you are not going to flip it over for massive damage.

    -Things to take note of: the satellite dish hooked up to the crab, the bunny's swing missing a chain, and the golfing bird is back, but it's not using a golf club.

    -Go right. Use the key to open the gray chest. There's an empty bucket inside.

    -Click the bear to make him climb the ladder to the platform. Hmm...something seems to be missing...Go right.

    -Click the man with the jetpack. He's trying to reach the target on the ground, but the cloud keeps blowing him back.

    -Click the rope to raise/lower the tan block.

    -Clicking the baby dragon makes it shoot a fireball. If the tan block is lowered, the blue block will catch the fireball. Go right.

    -Turn on the faucet and fill your bucket with water. A pair of pliers will float to the top of the basin. Grab them.

    -The sun seems to have come down with something. What could you give him to make him feel better?

    -Notice the boarded-up window. Go back left.

    -Perform the fireball trick again, but this time, pour the bucket of water on the fireball. It cools down and becomes a regular ball. Grab it and go back all the way left.

    -You can try cutting the cord connecting the satellite dish to the crab, but it'll stop you. Gonna have to distract it somehow.

    -Place the ball on the bird's tee...ooh, bad slice. That's why you should always use regulation golf clubs. Pick up the crowbar and go all the way right so the bird can visit a sporting goods store.

    -Use the crowbar pry the board off the window...which wasn't broken. Go left 2 screens.

    -Use the board on the platform as a makeshift diving board. The bear leaps and HOLY CRAP! That's one way to make Sno-Cones. Grab the crushed ice and go back right.

    -Fill the bag on the floor with crushed ice. It seems that was all it took to instantly cure the sun. It won't be needing the mask anymore. Take it. Don't worry about germs, it's been sterilized at millions of degrees. Go left.

    -Put the mask on the cloud so it can't blow the man in the jetpack away. When he lands, you can take his jetpack. Go left.

    -Give the jetpack to the dog to create COMRADE LAIKA, ROCKET DOG! Once the dog flies away, take the chain and go left.

    -Fix the swing with the chain and click it. When the rabbit is swinging, the crab is distracted. That gives you the opening you need to cut the cord. Click the swing, QUICKLY use the pliers on the cord, and the crab shuts down. The end...OR IS IT?

  18. Where is ZOZ?
    I'm not nearly so witty but we all ran off to Sakura and didn't finish this one.

    Let's rescue the girl monkey from the raging crab.

    First pick up the key (It is key) by the red arrow.

    Go right and open the locker with the key to get a bucket (There is nothing on the inside, so lets look for something to put in it)

    Go right (strange scene, but nothing we can do right now)
    Go right again. Oh no! Our Sun is in the Hospital on IV! And the window is boarded up!

    But there's a sink: turn it on -- fill the bucket with water and pick up the nippers.

    Go back left. Lower the pulley weight by pulling the rope on the left.

    Now when you click on the fire bird the blue wall with arms can capture the ball of fire.

    Pour the bucket of water on the fire ball to get a BALL (small size)

    Go left twice and put the ball on the tee. The blue bird hits the the ball with his golf club, which turns out to be a CLAW (useful for pulling out the nail)

    Use the claw to remove the board from the window.
    Put the strong, elastic board on stand so bear can jump on ice column and break it into small pieces (kowabunga!)

    Take chilly ice to shock sun and get mask (manufactured from the material that can expand and contract) and go left.

    With the mask selected, click on the blowsy cloud -- a bird comes and fastens the mask to the cloud.

    Now, stunt man can jump down onto target.

    Give Jet Collar to dog who can escape his chains.

    Take dog's chain to complete the swing.

    Rabbit can now do loop-de-loop on swing to knock crab claw, but lady monkey is still trapped.

    Select nippers, click rabbit, then click on antenna wire (may take a couple of tries).

    "The code of the antenna connected with the crab was cut.
    The crab regained consciousness, and parted with monkey's girl.
    The crab was being operated by someone.

    The park and the girl monkey were safely liberated thus.
    However, who was manipulating the crab?

    monkey end -- only one method"

    (and is the sun still sick or captured ... to be continued)

  19. TB --
    So, I see we have 2 walkthroughs instead of 1. We have different takes on the story, so lets leave both!

  20. hahahaha! I got stuck on the satellite/swing/nippers part. Tricky. :)

  21. If I Only Had A Monkey And A Secret Army
    To the tune of “If I Only Had A… Brain, Heart, Nerve” from the Wizard of Zoz

    I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers
    And all the birdies, too.
    I’d be solving the riddles of
    Minoto’s individ’les
    If I only had a clue.
    I’d know why the crab is raging
    While I just sit here aging,
    Not knowing what to do.
    I could spring into action
    And achieve satisfaction
    If I only had a clue.
    Oh, I could tell you why The Sun is looking poor
    And the bear climbed up the Tower and what’s more
    I’d get a key and go explore.
    I would find a pail with nothin’, and RainCloud who is puffin’
    Up in the sky so blue.
    I would flood the sink for nippers to be used before Yom Kippurs
    If I only had a clue.

    Then I’d lower down the pulley, put box in front of bully,
    Who’s square and rather blue.
    Then the Phoenix would kick the fire ball and then real quick
    I’d know exactly what to do.
    I would empty out my bucket, on fire ball then I'd pluck it
    Away from Bully Blue.
    Then the Small Ball would fool the Golfing Bird who’d lose his claw tool
    Which I’d know just how to use.
    I’d use it to remove, the board from the window
    Then I’d take the board with me and we would go
    To see the Bear, fly through the air.
    He’d karate chop the ice block, and split it into small rocks
    Of Chilly H2OOOOOO
    Which would make the Sun feel Sunny and eventually Pink Bunny
    Could swing high and then swing low.

    But before I could fix his swing, I’d have to do one more thing
    To make his wish come true.
    I’d take Sun’s mask and use it on the Cloud (it would confuse it)
    So the Jet Man could fly through.
    Then our dear Uncle Combover, would give his Jet so Rover,
    Could leave the chain he’d used.
    And that chain would fix the swing so Pink Bunny could do his thing
    And then I’d know just what to do.
    I’d cut the cable while the Hare flew through the air
    The antenna would then no longer be there
    To hypnotise Crab with blue eyes.
    Monkey Girl’d be liberated, because of course she’s fated
    To be with her Love True.
    And there’d be celebration all around Minoto Nation
    If I only had a clue.

    Then I’d get the monkey end, only, one end, not two.

  22. From the "Wizard of Zoz", hahahaha
    Excellent Job Zoz, thumbs up :-)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. yes...finally i got time to do the game :)))

  25. lol....I clicked..clicked..and finally made it :)).Now it is time to sing a song...

  26. ahaa..I read the I understand what I did to go

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Ok I have finally played to where I feel I can comment..... I've gone all the way through monkey and Secret Army 3 but for some odd reason I can't access the comment page for that one....... I love minoto games.... and I love the comments. So glad I found all of this!

  29. caught this one from the random section

    thx for all your creations, Minoto ☺

    & another hilarious zoz-sing-along-thru - thx


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