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Oceanside Escape 3

Oceanside Escape Episode 3 is a new point and click escape game created by Selfdefiant for EscapeGames24. You have been chosen to escape this lush ocean side villa. The only way to leave is by exiting through the gate with the golden lock. Your journey will be timed. There have been items and puzzles placed all around for you to collect and solve. Once you find the gold key, use it to unlock the gold lock. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Finally, another live game!! Back for another Oceanside escape :)

  2. So far: Dart used on blue balloon, got silver key and red rose. Scissors from first room table, lighter with no fluid in room above first room.

  3. Picked up lighter fluid in the upstairs bathroom, found something behind the painting. Most likely having to do with the different clock colors and times...

  4. Im in! Have a raft, lighter with fluid, scissors, rose and a wrench

  5. I've only found the green clock thus far, where are the others? Got a wrench from a cupboard, but overall am stuck. Where's the raft?

  6. I missed a view next to the kitchen xDD Also, forgot to mention the markings above the gate. Most likely the answer for a box or some sort.
    SD would come in handy right now...

  7. black key fromm lighting candles.
    use wrench in bedroom with red clock

  8. Hey all! @Miles1, where's the raft? That's needed for the "beach" view

  9. Raft is first room on the left, under the couch, use code from outside.

  10. I think the raft was in the box under the bed. Use the clue above the outside gate. I've inflated my raft and am about to cross the lake

  11. Yeah, the code's on the top of gate from where you started.

  12. Thanks, @annaby, I totally missed the candles. Got a rose in the room with the red clock under the pillow, used wrench to get a silver key.

  13. So far:
    dart (used), g key (used), light + fluid) used, 1 rose, scissors, wrench, black key

  14. Where are these candles? I'm so bad at finding things in SelfDefiant's games...

  15. Thanks @smalltool also, I feel off with the "hidden" objects today. xD

  16. I'm out - anyone need help?

  17. Used black key and wrench and 2. rose now

  18. James in the room to the left of the kitchen. there's a shirt on the wall. the candles are on the table

  19. Found a cork screw under pillow outside after crossing with the raft.

    James- I'm pretty sure the candles were one room to the left of the room with the raft.

  20. Where do you use the black key?

  21. Missing one rose now- Time to open up that safe behind the painting!

  22. Oh, those candles! Thanks!

  23. And out! Any help needed, guys?

  24. I think the black key opens the door in the upstairs bathroom.

  25. crowbar and wine opener, 4. rose

  26. Small-tool, I believe the black key was used one room to the right of the first room in the house. Silver key was used in the room above the upstairs bathroom.

  27. opened the safe , still missing one rose. what to use the scissors on

  28. Thanks James, just found it. I was confused because there was no real door there.
    Where to use the crowbar?

  29. bigtank.
    The scissors you use over the water and all the way to the right.

  30. bigtank- you use the scissors to cut the last rose outside. When you cross the river-thing with the raft, go to the right and cut the rose.

  31. Placed all roses and got golden key - but I missed the sneaky coin!!!!!

  32. crowbar in kitchen on lower cupboard smalltool

  33. Scissors are used to cut a rose off a plant past the lagoon you used the raft to cross.

    The crowbar unjams the draw in the room where you picked up the wrench. Who needs an SD, right?

  34. There was a sneaky coin in this one, too? Well, time to go back and find it. xD

  35. @small-tool
    crowbar in kitchen one door jammed

  36. where to use the cork screw? Just missing one rose

  37. I have all roses so I could go out.
    But what's with the sneaky coin Stu?

  38. Annaby, use the cork screw in one of the bedrooms as a handle on the drawer- I can't remember which one, sorry

  39. annaby,
    corkscrew on one of the drawers, somewhere left.

  40. Corkscrew is used to open the door in the room with the blue clock. I hope so, anyway, as I'm about to try it :)

  41. Am I too late??

  42. out in 13 mins 24 secs :)

  43. Someone found a sneaky coin????

  44. Hey Shannon. I think most of us are already out, but that shouldn't keep you from playing :)

  45. thanks @NarutardedAngel and @small-tool - missed that hot spot.
    didn't find the sneaky coin this time

  46. Stu,
    How do you know there is a sneaky coin?

  47. Never!!! If it weren't for escape games, I might actually get something done around here!!

  48. i didnt find a sneaky coin!!

  49. where is the lighter? what`s the code for the room on the left?

  50. I don't know if there is a sneaky coin, sorry!!!!

  51. Hey @Selfdefiant - did you put in a sneaky coin?
    Thanks for another fun game!

  52. daf-schon, the lighter I believe is either in the very first room you enter in the house, or one above it. As for the code, that's outside across the lagoon on a pole.

  53. never played an "oceanside"... going in!

  54. @daf_schon - you have to cross the water to find the door code. I forget where the lighter was.

  55. Stu- I don't think that there IS a sneaky coin in this game. I can't remember if the last two had sneaky coins, either xD;;;

  56. Wow! First time I've never needed any help with one of these too! I'm on a roll! Anyone need any help?

  57. daf_schon,
    The code for the door is over the water and all the way to the right.
    Lighter I don't remember, but in one of the first rooms.

  58. Daf-Schon, I just found the lighter in the dining room

  59. Well, if there's no sneaky coin I'm going out.

  60. Sneaky Coins are in SSSG games. Hope you all liked!

  61. Yes we liked it Selfdefiant.
    Thanks again for a great game.
    By the way are these all your own houses?

  62. Jennie, there is an air pump in a bathroom

  63. Actually, the bathroom with a locked glass door, through that door I believe

  64. That was pretty easy!

  65. Selfdefiant: I don't just like these games, I LOVE them! They are so clever.

    The only problem is I never want to escape from these beautiful places!! Do you actually take these pictures at resorts you visit yourself????

  66. someone please write a walk through.,..I'm stuck with 5 roses....I don't like to not finish these games cuz I love them so much!

  67. @Candibar, I could write one but it will take some time, and you'll be out way before that. Try to go through the comments to see if you can find the last things you need.

  68. @candibar: or tell us what you've got and which doors you haven't been able to get through or what you can't find/open

  69. I got it..I thought I needed another "GREY" clock for the middle button "DOH" <<smacks her head lol...thanks ya'll

  70. Great @Candibar! When I said I'd write for this game I thought it was an old game lol. I realised I didn't even play it yet once I opened to start writing. So... that wt will really take some time (need to get out first).

  71. Rated 5.0 by me and 17 others. I'm not the only one to love these games. Hard enough to need a hint sometimes, lovely pictures, easy enough to do by yourself if you have enough patience (and don't make wrong notes of the clocks like I did.) Thank you very much Selfdifiant (k)

  72. Out now! Great game again. Thanks @Selfdefiant!

  73. Seems to work just fine @p

    Welcome to posting :)

    Turn right.
    Pick up a RED DART.
    Turn left and look up.
    Take the ROSE #1 from the left side.
    Use the dart on the balloon to pick up a SILVER KEY (falls down to bottom of door).
    Also, note the shapes to the left of the balloon.
    Turn right again and go up.
    Use the silver key to open the door.

    Take SCISSORS from the lower left corner.
    Click the board with the yellow dots to see you need 7 roses.
    Turn left (t-shirt on the wall).
    Click under the couch, left side, to see a box.
    Use the shapes from next to the balloon to open it.
    Click here for a picture of the code.
    Get a RUBBER RAFT.
    Turn left (big fish picture).
    Note the time of the green clock.
    Go back to the right twice, then up.

    Get a LIGHTER from the table below the mirror (right side of the black vase).
    Go right (bedroom).
    Drag the picture away to see you need 4 clocks.
    Go right again (bathroom).
    Take LIGHTER FLUID from between the sinks and combine it with the lighter.
    Go left three times (kitchen).
    Open the left dark brown drawer for a WRENCH.
    Go right and down.

    Go left twice (big fish pic).
    Use the lighter+lighter fluid on the two candles on the table.
    Get a BLACK KEY.
    Go all the way right and use the black key in the door.
    Inside the bedroom – drag the small left pillow on the bed for ROSE #2.
    Note the red clock.
    Use the wrench on the grey button on top of middle window.
    Get a WHITE KEY from lower part of that window.
    Go left and up.

    Go right twice (bathroom).
    Use the white key in the door in front of you and enter the next bathroom.
    Get ROSE #3.
    Take a blue AIR PUMP from upper left side of the yellow clock.
    Use the air pump on the rubber raft to inflate it.
    Go down and all the way left.

    Use the inflated raft in the water.
    Drag a pillow to get a CORK SCREW.
    Turn right and pick up a CROWBAR from lower middle part of screen.
    Turn right again.
    Read “LEO” on the pillar.
    Use scissors to get a ROSE #4 from right side of the screen.
    Go left twice, down and then right to get back inside.

    In the kitchen – use the crowbar on the locker below the sink for ROSE #5.
    Turn right then down.

    Go all the way left.
    Click on the locked door handle to enter a code.
    Hint: LEO
    (letters turned around)
    Enter the bedroom and note the blue clock.
    Click the drawer in the table left of the bed.
    Use the cork screw in the hole to open and get ROSE #6.
    Go left three times and up.

    Go right
    Drag the picture above the bed away.
    Change the clocks to be like the ones you’ve seen around the house.
    Last, click the middle grey button to open the safe and get ROSE #7.
    Click here for a picture of the clocks.
    Spoiler: click them:
    red 2 times
    yellow 5 times
    green 1 time
    blue 6 times
    Go left and down.

    Click the board with the yellow shields.
    Place the 7 roses and get a GOLD KEY.
    Go down and left.
    Use the key in the door to escape.

  75. I cannot get these games to load. Whats wrong?

  76. Your flash player could be old, try updating it. I don't know why else they wouldn't work. They work for everyone else as far as I know. I hope you get it to work!

  77. easier then usually. out by myself. yay!

  78. Great game, as usual. I can see why no one would want to stay in these humble environments when the kitchen only has fake knives. No way to cut the cheese to go along with the bottle of wine... ;)

  79. I liked this one...out by myself in 10 minutes 24 seconds :)

  80. Thanks again Selfdefiant, for such a nice game !
    Nice places to discover, nice music... one more time, you gave me 20 minutes of fun.
    I'll wait for another rose hunt !

  81. Can't seem to play. Anyone know what kind of flash game software this site uses? I think I'm missing it.

  82. ~Eisa~, i checked but it works with all browsers without any problem. Please update your Flash Player to latest version. And we suggest to you using Firefox. It is more better and faster than Internet Explorer.

  83. out with no help. If I remember correctly, the rose ones don't tend to be as hard as the SSSG ones, but I love them all anyway.

    Thanks @SelfDefiant!!!

  84. Ellie, thanks for the WT -- I missed the rose under the sink!


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