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Weird UFO Escape

Weird UFO Escape is another new point and click room escape game developed by Gamershood. You need to find items and use them to get out of the weird UFO machine. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I have a stick and tape and no clue for all the codes on table.

    Thx Megi for posting :)

  2. i've got hint with pacman, wire (used), stick (used), tape and kind of lever

  3. hi zazie :) it's confusing in this ufo

  4. "do not use force" at the phone... hmmm

  5. I guess we need a second wire, found lever too.

  6. Very confusing Sabine :)

  7. Same as Sabine, use stick in ceiling for blue wire.

  8. any1 an idea for this green round light thing code? maybe combined with pacman hint?

  9. or do they mean the pic at the screen as a hint? i try to find smth...

  10. oh... you also need to use the tape at the wire

  11. When you click the black box under screen with pacman clue you can get a greene light when you make the rings yellow in this form:

    y y y y
    y g g g
    y y y y

    Y:yellow, g:grey

    but nothing happens.

  12. I am stuck, and where to use the lever ?

  13. havent even found stick yet lol

  14. Great Oscar it gives you a code on screen !!

  15. After putting in pacman lights, look at monitor - get 4 digit code

  16. Stick:

    go right an then vlick in door

  17. great find @oscar... one step more...

  18. Putting in code gives screw driver.

  19. need one more wire for box

  20. weird glitch - if you look up again you can use stick to get same wire but diappears when you try to put it in the box

  21. i can hear all your clicks ;-)

  22. Use awl on lever of phone, put other lever and get key.

  23. nice Zazie - could have sworn I tried that

  24. OMG, thanks Zazie, i've tried this thousand times, but without the right spot... it works always after reading it's right... lol

  25. trying to cut up that chair! nothing

  26. Now where to use knife ?

  27. key opens little box above the lever in ufo middle...get knife...cut red code

  28. Yeahh cut red cable with knife

  29. Where is the Knife?

  30. Use code on green thing with signs got wrench now

  31. code opens green spiderbulb

  32. Use wrench on lever at round table and get another key.

  33. how to put code on green glowing bulb??? Please share someone

  34. @evans just click first sign 9 times, second 6 times etc...

  35. @ evans click first sign 9 times, seconnd sign 6 time... and so on

  36. Out, thx Zazie!

  37. Yellow key is for the door.

  38. Did that so many times. Never thought to click green part afterwards.
    I'm out too. Thanks

  39. merda... there was someone at the door... now i'm faaaaar behind... and can't find the knife... this red wire... i want to cut this from the beginning... lol

  40. @sabine

    read sue 12:33

  41. you are all out, that's nice, congrats... but i still don't find the knife...

  42. @oscar, i read this comment from sue a few times, always seeking for this little box in ufo middle... no luck...

  43. @sabine

    after getting the number
    give in code get an awl
    use awl on the lever bei the telephone
    then use other lever for a key
    with key open a box on the table (green display) for knife

  44. thanks oscar, maybe i miss a key... after using the awl on lever by telephone i used my white lever from inventory there... it stucks there, but i hadn't got any key...

  45. Box for key

    right side where are the two green displays
    then click the displays again
    then the little green in front of the others

  46. @ sabine, sorry hard to explain: zoom in once on ufo table then zoom in close the top right should see a red lever which you cant move now and stuff in the middle of screen
    zoom in on stuff, left side a little black boc with a green light...there is knife

  47. POP... i got the key from the phone... lol, it stucks in it's "nose"...

  48. @ sabine zoom out an look on telephone

  49. @ sabine zoom out once from white lever in phone and pull lever in front of phone

  50. after the key it was logical and quick... thanks for help and patience @oscar :D

  51. also thanks for you @sue... i still see your help now

  52. What other lever on the telephone? i'm clicking everywhere, but no luck

  53. @sabine

    I'm glad that you are out... :)

  54. @bobb

    Other lever ist white and in the view of the chairs.

  55. @bobb: zoom out after putting in the lever and look closer at the phone... where you usually speak in, there's the key...

  56. (ops, he searched the lever... i'm fixed at key-search)

  57. @Sabine and @Oscar. Thanks out now. Never saw that white lever by the chairs.

  58. found the second key but where do I use it?

  59. out with the hint from @Oscar on where to use the pacman clue. I missed that puzzle board.


  60. Zoom in on the table in front of you
    Click the blue computer screen to see a clue about pacman
    Back up one time (you should still be zoomed in on the table)
    Click the black box that is below the bottom right corner of the blue computer screen
    Click the dots to make some light up
    A light will turn on
    Back up once and click the blue screen again
    Numbers have appeared
    Back up once and click the red box on the left part of the table
    Now click the black ring with the white and blue interior (bottom right side of the table)
    Enter the numbers into the code box on the black ring
    Then click the joy stick handle towards the left side of the screen
    Get the awl

    Back up 3 times so you are looking at the table from a distance
    Turn right
    Zoom on the chair
    Get the white handle from the railing to the right of the rightmost seat
    Backup and click the tunnel
    Get the wooden stick
    Back up and turn left 2 times

    Zoom in on the white doors one time
    Get the tape from the bottom left of the doors
    Zoom in on the phone on the right door
    Zoom in on the handle on the right side of the phone
    It says don’t use force
    Instead, use your awl to remove the handle (use the awl where the handle comes out of the phone)
    Place the white handle in the hole
    Back up once and get the key from the mouthpiece on the front of the phone
    Back up 2 times and turn right 1 time

    While facing the desk but not zoomed in, click the top center of the screen
    Use the stick to get the blue wire
    Look back down and click the table to zoom in one time
    Click the 2 green screens at the back right hand side of the table
    Click them again to zoom in closely
    Use the key from the phone on the box to the left of the black board with gray rings
    Get the knife from inside the box
    Back up 2 times
    Zoom in on the upper left part of the table (left of the red box again)
    Use the knife on the red wire from this view
    Still zoomed in, click on the number pad-looking box that is below where the red wire was
    Click the square on the bottom right of this box
    Place the blue and red wires inside
    Use the tape to hold them
    Note the numbers

    Back up 2 times
    Zoom in on the green glowing circle to the right of the blue screen on the table
    When you zoom all the way in on it, you can see 5 shapes above the green light
    Click the first one and you can change it 9 times until it begins to repeat
    Enter the pattern and click the green light
    Get the wrench
    Back up 2 times
    Click the 2 green screens in the upper right side of the table again
    Now click the handle on the edge of the table
    Use the wrench to remove the bolt on the right side of the base of the handle
    Click the handle to rotate it
    Get the golden key
    Back up 3 times

    Turn left
    Zoom all the way in on the white doors
    Use the key on the yellow keyhole in the center of the doors to escape!

  61. Solutions

    WARNING here be SPOILERS!!!

    Black Box with Gray Rings Puzzle Solution (thanks to @Oscar for pointing out this puzzle box. I missed it on the table!)
    It says need a clue, which alludes to the pacman picture. Click the rings to make them light up a bit like a pacman. Make all green EXCEPT the 3 on the right on the middle row.

    Green Glowing Light with Shapes Puzzle Solution
    Like a normal puzzle box, this one starts with each number at 0. Each click from there will take you up one number. Enter the code from the box with the red and blue wires. SPOILER96730SPOILER. Click here to see the solution

  62. I'm sorry...but how did anyone else NOT notice that this is the TARDIS from Doctor Who?!

  63. Thx at kitkatfox for the WT. I thougt I have to do my first WT by EG24.


  64. @Carrie sorry, I don't watch the shows/movies :P

  65. @Oscar you are welcome to write one, too. The more, the merrier!

  66. @Kitkatfox

    I can't do it better than you. :)

  67. Why anyone would actually want to excape from the TARDIS I don't know...

  68. @carrie-it was the first thing i noticed...i started laughing...i wanted to figure out how to turn it on, not

  69. Thanks @kkf - needed a lot of help on this


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