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Nifty Christmas Eve Escape

Nifty Christmas Eve Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape games developed by Nifty. Try to escape this room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Ah, a new one .OK, maybe one more before bed time.

    Where have I heard that ?LOL

  2. lol @Knotaklu I was just wondering why I'm up playing this game!
    So far, lots of things from the first scene, including a yellow star I couldn't take...

  3. poured contents of pink and purple vials into an atomizer...

  4. emptied trash bin onto logs in fireplace and lit a fire...

  5. I think we need a sleigh for the cake.Plus a code with stars, snowmen etc..
    I'm just looking for a key right now.

  6. Still have my trash can, I used lint(/) from crate for fire.
    More than 1 ending?

  7. use cane to retrieve key from under the bed

  8. Góóóódmorning.... i´m here too. () spray the atomizer in the book)

  9. Clue for bells is at the mirror from the cupboard, don´t know the order though

  10. Put blue ball from tree base in closet

  11. what to do with the colored balls?

  12. whoa, I just gave Rudolf a red nose (red ball + deer on shelf) and got a keypad

  13. after putting the blue ball in the closet, u have a puzzle in the cake room, i think v need to put in the right numbers there

  14. Blue bell goes at machinarium in the cupboard next to the bed.
    If you close the cupboard next to the door again it says " heart + diamond = atomizer"

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. @Full, first off, Hi!!! then, my code was 286, even though I had 3 mistletoes. I wonder what's up?

  17. lol, guess it's the same all around. btw, I put the greenish lettuce leave - looking thingies on Rudolf after giving him the red nose, but i don't know what that caused to happen.

  18. Lol zoz. you´re right. saw the mistake i made
    3 mistletoes? i really only see 2 ??

  19. Can't even give money away!

    The economy is in worse shape than I thought.LOL

  20. 81643 for the bells

  21. After the bells put the coin at the fireplace

  22. Nice game to start the day with at work, now first some coffee :-)

  23. my goodness, I'm out! fun little game, even though I didn't really understand most of it! @Full, enjoy your wonderful Barcelona cafe. I'm going to bed now!

  24. Was right about the sleigh, but wonder what note said.

    Cute game.

  25. Yes Knotaklu, wonder about the note as well

    Goodnight Zoz, sweet dreams

  26. Well it's 1:00 AM here so unless there's a Rotuc or SSSG out there I think I'll hit the sack too.

    Night all, nice seeing you again.

  27. @Knotaklu, yes you were right on about the sleigh! It was fun playing with you and @Shaheen!

  28. Btw @Full if you're still haveing trouble with loading and game play you might look at "Ad Block Plus" [lug in.(Note: not ad blocker plus... that one is a piece of junk)

  29. @Full how did u get the order of bells? @zoz what lettuce thingies? am completely at sea here.. lol

  30. is there only 1 ending?
    I still had the trashcan and the note.

  31. pop.. got the order of bells from the mirror :)

  32. @radhu, you can see a clue in the mirror (open the right door of the closet to see the mirror) for the bells. But I never found the lettuce thingy either..

  33. got the sleigh & the key.. but didn't get any keypad or lettuce! anyway am out :) thx all for the comments above

  34. and after the game you can go back to where you ended, does that mean there's a second ending??

  35. "lettuce-thingies" are the light green things that come from the large square bin on the left side of the first scene. Sorry I wasn't clearer, but i was caught up in the "heat of the live game", lol

  36. thanks @zoz, I wonder if that's what we need for a second ending??

  37. @Truus, I'll leave that for you to figure out. For now I really am going to bed; Good night!

  38. hmm, but didn't I put them in the fireplace before?? lol, I'm all confused here now.
    @zoz, did you put them on Rudolph?

  39. well, the only difference I spotted was after going through the door. In the first game I saw a reindeer make a bad landing and the second ending showed X-mas presents.

  40. I think I finally get it,
    If you give the lettuce to the reindeer you get good ending : presents
    But if you put the lettuce in the fireplace, you get bad ending : crashing reindeer

    btw if you give lettuce to reindeer, you need to light the fireplace with the paper from the trashcan

  41. You guys are right! There are two endings!!

    First ending, if you use the straw for the fireplace, when you reach the end scene Rudolph actually falls out of the sky and cries :(

    If you give him the straw and use the trash from the trashcan for the fire, then Rudolph has the strength to take Santa to deliver presents to the sleeping boys and girls.

    How cute!

  42. Hiya Truus! You beat me to it! I guess I'm a little slow at 2am :)

  43. i put red ball on snowman instead of rudolph for diff end

  44. Crook?? three endings?? Does it have something to do with the snowmen who have different numbers of buttons? The language barrier is a little bit of a problem...

  45. For a seemingly simple little game, there's quite a bit of variety! :)

  46. @Shazzie

    For the third ending
    Don't use the spray on the book.
    He lose his way.

  47. So, there are 4 endings????
    1. No hay for Rudolph so he doesn't have the strength to fly.
    2. Hay for Rudolph and you get present end
    3. Put red ornament on snowman and you get cake end.
    and now you're saying
    4- no spray so the sleigh gets lost?
    I guess I must play yet again :)

  48. Hmmm..not using the spray just gave me a different "present" ending. Instead of seeing a little girl sleeping with santa holding a gift, there was a Christmas stocking filled with a gift and a note (that I can't read)...
    4 different endings
    at least!!!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. 1 Put red ornament on Rudolph.
    No hay for Rudolph and no spray on the book.

    2 Put red ornament on Rudolph.
    No hay gor Rudolph and use the spray on the book.

    3 Put red ornament on Rudolph.
    Hay for Rudolph and no spray on th book.

    4 Put red ornament on Rudolph.
    Hay for Rudolph and use the spray on the book.

    5 Put red ornament on Snowman.

  51. I deleted my comment before, because I thought it would be too confusing, but there really are 5 endings??
    Well found @CROOK !!

  52. @Trrus
    Yes, I saw 5 endings.
    I was looking for the other ending,
    but I couldn't find.

    It's dinner time here in Japan.

    If there are the other endings,
    please tell me.

  53. I have some work to do now.
    Enjoy your dinner!

  54. @Crook, your number 1 and 2 is same for me, I don't see differeces, in book, I think, is the list of presents, but Santa must turn back because of Rudolf, so it doesn't matter if we use spray or no.

    But there is an ending with no use of red ornament, not on snowman, not on Rudolf (no difference if you use the spray)

  55. @Kara

    1 Put red ornament on Rudolph.
    No hay for Rudolph and no spray on the book.

    ‘Card scene’
    “Was that a dream?” Ending

    2 Put red ornament on Rudolph.
    No hay for Rudolph and use the spray on the book.

    ‘Fell down Rudolf scene’
    “Rudolf is too hungry” END

    3 Put red ornament on Rudolph.
    Hay for Rudolph and no spray on th book.

     ‘Confused scene’
    “Rudolf loses his way” END

    4 Put red ornament on Rudolph.
    Hay for Rudolph and use the spray on the book.

    ‘Happy children scene’
    “Happy” END

    5 Put red ornament on Snowman.

    ‘Cake scene’
    “Why am I snownan? ” END

  56. @Kara

    In this game, Santa says “I growed too old. It's hard for me to work for SANTA. Is there anyone who worked for SANTA instead of me.”
    So, the anyone is you!
    OF course you don't know who wants which present without the list Santa wrote.
    It's important to use the spray.

  57. And what about ending with no use of red ornament?
    There is nothing on sky and then sock with present and a note?

  58. I got the happy end on my own. Thank you, Crook, for the other endings and explanations! :)

  59. Super cute game. I wish I could read the notes. Like it a lot, thanks Shuchun!

  60. I got the same ending as Kara - didn't use the red nose anywhere. I might go back and play again, cute game.

  61. This took FOREVER to write @__@

    Press the top button to play. The second one seems to be loading a saved game, and the third seems to be instructions.
    There are (at least) 5 endings in this game. Save and then load to get them all without replaying the whole thing.
    Save the game by clicking the green button under the inventory. Then click the left button to save and the left button to continue the game.
    Double click objects in your inventory to open the about item view of them.

    Click the bottom right corner of the calendar and see a star (you can’t take these)
    Click the green stuff in the box -- it is hay
    Open the top doors of the tall cabinet -- get the pink and blue bottles
    Click the pot the Christmas tree is in
    Get the red ball and blue ornament
    Turn left
    Take the trashcan (see the star under it)
    Click the small table
    Get the matches
    While zoomed in, click the book
    Flip through the pages until you come to the blank one with the odd symbol in the upper left corner. Note the symbol.
    Click the right side of the bed to see under it
    Note the stars here and something sparkly is under the bed, but you can’t reach it
    Turn left
    Get the cane from the holder
    Zoom in on the pink sprayer (atomizer) on the table
    Add the pink and blue liquids. Now click the lid -- take the filled atomizer
    Click the cake on the table. See the lines by the Santa figure? Something’s missing.
    Note you can zoom in on the reindeer and snowman figures on the shelves on the wall
    Go left
    Note the fireplace and the picture on the wall (that you can’t make out).
    Also notice the bells
    Go right 2 times
    Click the right side of the bed. Use the cane to reach the key
    Use the key to open the closet
    Click the mirror and see a clue
    Click the Santa suits to move them and find a star
    Zoom in the closet on the gears
    Place the blue ball on the left hook to turn the gear
    Go left and note there is now a code box
    Enter the code
    There is a coin in the safe, but it is frozen
    Turn left
    Click the bells in the correct order
    There is now a circle on the front of the fireplace

    Save the game by clicking the green box under the inventory. Click the left button to save and then the second left button to continue the game.

  62. Endings (and more endings)

    Snowman Ending
    Turn right
    Zoom on the snowmen on the upper shelf. Use the red ball on the snowman with the missing black button.
    Turn left
    Put either the hay or the trash in the fireplace
    Use the matches to make a fire
    Turn right
    The coin is now unfrozen -- get it
    Go left
    Put the coin in the fireplace
    Get the sleigh and the letter
    Turn right
    Zoom on the cake and place the sleigh
    Get the Santa key
    Turn around to the door
    Use the key to escape
    “Why am I snownan? ” Ending

    Hit the second button to reload the game

    Dream Ending Method 1
    Turn right
    Zoom on the reindeer on the shelf
    Use the red ball as his nose
    Put either the hay or the trash in the fireplace
    Use the matches to make a fire
    Turn right
    The coin is now unfrozen -- get it
    Go left
    Put the coin in the fireplace
    Get the sleigh and the letter
    Don’t look at the letter!
    Turn right
    Zoom on the cake and place the sleigh
    Get the Santa key
    Turn around to the door
    Use the key to escape
    “Was that a dream?” Ending

    Dream Ending Method 2
    Don’t use the red ball
    Put either the hay or the trash in the fireplace
    Use the matches to make a fire
    Turn right
    The coin is now unfrozen -- get it
    Go left
    Put the coin in the fireplace
    Get the sleigh and the letter (you can either read it or not)
    Don’t look at the letter!
    Turn right
    Zoom on the cake and place the sleigh
    Get the Santa key
    Turn around to the door
    Use the key to escape
    “Was that a dream?” Ending
    (It doesn’t matter if you read the letter or use the atomizer)

    Hungry Ending
    Turn right
    Zoom on the reindeer on the shelf
    Use the red ball as his nose
    Turn left
    Put the hay in the fireplace (not the trash!)
    Use the matches to make a fire
    Turn right
    The coin is now unfrozen -- get it
    Go left
    Put the coin in the fireplace
    Get the sleigh and the letter
    Double click the letter in your inventory to see the about item view
    Click it to see the writing I can’t read, but you have to look at it for this ending
    Turn left
    Zoom on the cake and place the sleigh
    Get the Santa key
    Turn around to the door
    Use the key to escape
    ‘Fell down Rudolf scene’
    “Rudolf is too hungry” Ending
    (by the way, you can get this ending if you use the atomizer or not. Just don’t feed Rudolph, but do read the note)

    Confused Ending
    Turn right
    Zoom on the reindeer on the shelf
    Use the red ball as his nose
    Give him the hay to eat
    Turn left
    Put the trash in the fireplace
    Use the matches to make a fire
    Turn right
    The coin is now unfrozen -- get it
    Go left
    Put the coin in the fireplace
    Get the sleigh and the letter
    Double click the letter in your inventory to see the about item view
    Click it to see the writing I can’t read (but you have to look at the letter for this ending)
    Turn right
    Zoom on the cake and place the sleigh
    Get the Santa key
    Turn around to the door
    Use the key to escape
    “Rudolf loses his way” Ending

    Happy Ending
    Turn right
    Zoom on the reindeer on the shelf
    Use the red ball as his nose
    Give him the hay to eat
    Turn left
    Put the trash in the fireplace
    Use the matches to make a fire
    Turn right
    The coin is now unfrozen -- get it
    Go left
    Put the coin in the fireplace
    Get the sleigh and the letter
    Double click the letter in your inventory to see the about item view
    Click it to see the writing I can’t read (but you have to look at the letter for this ending)
    Turn around to the bed scene
    Zoom on the book
    Flip to the almost blank page with the symbol in the upper left corner
    This is the same design as the atomizer nozzle
    Use the atomizer to see Santa’s list of presents
    Turn left
    Zoom on the cake and place the sleigh
    Get the Santa key
    Turn around to the door
    Hay for Rudolph and use the spray on the book.
    ‘Happy children scene’

  63. Solutions

    Warning! Here be SPOILERS
    Solution to the Code Box
    The box asks for holly, presents, and stars. Count them in the game. One holly on the wall in the cake scene, and one on the colored dot picture (you see this holly also reflected in the closet mirror, but that doesn’t count because it is a reflection. Three presents in the fireplace scene, 3 in the tree scene, 1 in the closet, and 1 under the table. One star in the closet, one on the floor (under the trashcan), 2 on the bed leg, one on the back of the calendar, and one on top of the tree. So the code is SPOILER286SPOILER

    Solution to the bells
    Zoom on the mirror in the closet. The colored clock dots have a line linking certain numbers. Starting at the music note, follow the line -- so SPOILER81643SPOILER

    End of Spoilers

  64. @MaryD and @Kara

    Yes, you can get the dream ending either by
    1) not using the magic red ball OR
    2) not reading the fireplace note if you did use the ball on the reindeer

    The dream ending doesn't change either time if you use the atomizer or not

  65. Wow, Nifty Walkthrough @Kitkatfox,
    very impressive!

  66. What a sweet game!!!
    I went to the comments for the order of the bells....although I had done it right, it seemed it only worked if you do it fast?
    Anyway, Thanks @KKF for WT even though I didn't use it ...that was alot of work!
    @crook...Why are you not here all the time to translate??LOL Thanks for that and ALL the endings!

  67. Good morning!
    It's morning here in Japan.
    While you were talking, I was in a bed.

    Thank you for the perfect walkthrough.
    I read the note everytime,
    and didn't realize it changes the ending
    by reading the memo or not.


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