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Christmas Eve Escape

Japanese Christmas Eve Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game by Chikara Kobu. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding and using items. Language barrier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. hmm which to play?

  2. the other one methinks

  3. They both I'm just tired lol

  4. Is anyone else trying to play?
    language is difficult.

  5. So far have green bow, red bow, double bells, strawberry, bell, note/pad/?, yellow bow.
    Need (at least)
    red key, green key, 2-diamond code (shades of green), 2 numbers for brown box, something for heater/pc/?, something to light fire and ?candles

  6. There are 5 brown ladybug doors in inventory.

    --Oh, I got a white blob from somewhere.

  7. Without any help I'm having to give up for now.
    It appears that you collect things in inventory to unlock the ladybug/door things for ?keys.

    Nothing seems to interact and I can't find enough things to open any doors (something which this room seems to have none of -- do you fly out the window when you're done or climb up the chimney?

    Should go to bed and wait for Santa to bring me a clue.

  8. Hi @PuzzledinCA still looking myself!! White blob came from fireplace and found white cord somewhere (hard to see in inventory) plugged in pc/heater but no idea what it does?

  9. Can only look at white blob and strawberry.. White square thing looks like a cloth and somehow need to get brick to climb at fireplace.

  10. THe string is not string. İt's a cord. You have to connect it to the heater. the colour changes to blue but don't know the effect!

  11. Thanks @Michael for power cord. It was wrapped around broom where we got cloth.

    Push red button on heater to get smudged clue on rt window. Cloth won't clean it.

    Found teddy bear ornament in stereo. Pixelly!

  12. the match is lit fireplace and color to the diamonds
    is dark green, light green and then green lighter ones (not white)
    There is a bottle of water there
    with water given to the window and then with the cloth
    get a number that is to the right door cabinet

  13. in tree view you can look at brown "doors" -- tied with yellow ribbons.

  14. @Sisli -- where did you find match?

  15. very pixelly!! Have also managed to get a yellow ribbon to display when pressing your 'brown' bugs.

  16. Theres a blue brick in couch view

  17. @sisli Where is the match? we have frustrated far longer than you have!

  18. the green ribbon in the box of ties, with him click on the inventory window (in the view of the tree) and gives ink pen
    red ribbon is in the chimney, gives scissors
    with scissors, you can click the tree and see a diagram of how to click on the blue bear down view
    when cliques bear, you'll see the zip, open it and there are matches
    and take his blue ribbon
    the blue ribbon, it gives us a hammer
    on the couch, is the yellow ribbon and gives pliers

  19. matches are in bear
    you have to click on it, as it says in the paper tree

  20. @Sisli Sorry but is it blue bear, bear in sock, bear in book or position of bear on tree in book?
    Times like this I wish I was Japanese!

  21. @Sisli, you mean the blue bear? And the paper card next to it? I cant read Japanese and I ve clicked that bear lots. Is 4here a special order or place?

  22. -pliers to grab part of a key in the lower cabinet door in that kind of pot
    -on the table, takes a strawberry
    -extends the strawberries (sign?)attach to the key

    -extend the strawberry, and has a number on it
    -is the code for the box next to the tree and take a screwdriver


  23. 'there' not '4here'

    I'm convinced that's a smirk not a smile!

  24. -First, we must find the scissors
    -scissors highlighted in the inventory, click on the tree
    -and now you can read the paper that is under the tree
    -and there's the diagram as clicking on the blue bear

  25. Yes, @Michael! I wish the comments were text you could copy into a translator.

  26. @Sisli, I have tried doing "?" on green ribbon in tree view, but nothing happens!

  27. Green ribbon in upper right inventory slot?

  28. no, look
    there are windows around, opening with colored ribbons
    have to go find colored ribbons around, to open
    but only open in the tree view, and we will be giving things to advance in the game
    ? is about item
    you have to click on the ribbons and then on the window to see what opens, in the tree view

  29. So higlight green ribbon in tree view! Gives inkpen (not) so do we have to click a specific spot on the tree?

  30. Maybe I am a bit slow? The only ribbon that opens in tree view is yellow by clicking the brown bug not ?. Did I miss a step?
    Day after Christmas probably a lot of us slow Australians out there!

  31. Here's my inventory, clockwise from top right:
    (BB=brown box, -=empty)
    green bow, BB, -, -, red bow,BB, 2 bells, strawberry, -, bell, -, -, blob of cream, stocking bear, - (power cord used), cloth, -, BB, -, -,yellow bow, BB, -

  32. @Sisli, Thanks! -- just got pliers from yellow ribbon in tree view.

  33. @PuzzledinCA exact same inventory! Can I assume only yellow ribbon opens in your inventory when clicking brown bug? Did also note that turn arrows are red everywhere except at tree where they are green.

  34. @PuzzledinCA exactly how the pliers? Is it pixelly?

  35. pliers give ?part key from colander

  36. NVM got pliers, scissors, bottle,matches!! Finally!!

  37. Now water glass with key!!

  38. strawberry key opens cupboard to get glass of blue water w/key in it.

  39. Flying now but what does note say in cupboard?

  40. screwdriver on fireplace?

  41. Going places now!! Got to cat. Have used blue, pink ribbons, hammer, brick and now put some decorations on the tree!

  42. Guess i now need snowflakes and two balls!!

  43. Hmm. Have only glass with key, strawberry and lit match? Must assume the snowflakes come from above fireplace...

  44. Anybody still there? Moved cat and got key, then santa hat (used)

  45. control the stereo, if you give the numbers, throw confetti
    but there is a combination of numbers, which do not jump confetti

    my combination was 212 and red button

  46. Thanks @Sisli Had thought I would have to find combo somewhere else! Had already seen that pressing 2 is a good start.

  47. I miss the bell all the way up the tree, the pink ball and snow
    I have in inventory: cup, lighted match and strawberry
    I do not know what to do with the colors of the candles

  48. @Sisli think I am missing something again? Can only press 2 and no other button. Also have that clue from the liquid paper.

  49. @Sisli go back to book with tree picture. I think the top bell is there but was long time ago!!
    Still cant get stereo...

  50. after dialing 212 (and do not move the numbers)
    click the red button above

  51. @Sisli you get bell? With remote you mean click 2 click 1 click 2? Doesnt work for me and what do you mean by do not move numbers?

  52. Out!
    @Sisli and @Michael
    Thank you for your help!

    pink ball:click red rabbit leg

    snow:you have to get the net.
    try to click the window frame in tree view.

    Sorry,I am not good at English.

  53. Sorry -- had to leave. Wont be back till later.

    So far, I think this simple-looking game with 4 main views is as complex as some of selfdefiants with dozens of rooms!

  54. @Sisli really broke the back with the package opening technique!

  55. Expletive deleted! After all that somebody beat us out!!!

  56. So where to click to get net? I really want to get out of here!!

  57. jejeeje, the net is white
    is on the bottom of the window in the tree view, rarely seen

  58. buenooo
    all done
    where to get out?


  59. Sisli

    Thank you so much for all your hints!

  60. I'm out - clicking blue brick

  61. Stupid inventory!! Already had net but very hard to see. Now out!!

  62. thanks to all
    ahh, is the language barrier, but with how smart we are, I would not have been all day with this game!
    jejejeeee kisses

  63. Finally back, but can't finish game.
    Left with empty glass, lit match, strawberry, and net (all used). Can't get rabbit to give me pink ball and can't get candles to stay colored. Haven't used clock to left of fireplace. Missing something obvious again.

    Was hoping for POP, but not sure why I want to escape: I've got a warm fire, presents, food, drink and music. Outside, it's cold and snowing. Think I'll just curl up on the couch and enjoy the evening!

  64. Oh, tried starting over -- the stereo remote only works after you've lit the candle and colored it (green). It then gives you the bear-in-stocking ornament -- so it was a bug to get it sooner. (no pixel hunts needed after all!

    And POP! -- if you color the candle by the stuffed animals, you can get the pink ball from the rabbit!

    Out at last!

  65. I escaped this rather strange game (thanks @Sisli!), but I could never color the candles. I don't think anyone will return here, but if so... how to make them green? I had the bottle/ink pen (upper right spot in inventory) but couldn't make it work on the candles.

    I escaped this game with lots of help from Sisli. Thanks! I never found out how to color the candles, but didn’t have to do so to escape.
    Only some of the items are viewable (using the question mark in upper right corner).
    In your inventory you have 5 “doors”, which are clickable only in one view – the one with the tree.
    To open them you need to find ribbons, then go to the Christmas tree view, highlight a ribbon, click one of the 5 doors and try the ribbon on it. If it doesn’t open, try the same ribbon on another door.

    Take the GREEN RIBBON in lower left corner of the wall picture.
    Turn right.

    Click the DOUBLE BELLS in the lower left corner of the fireplace to take them.
    Get the second RED RIBBON from the right, on top of the fireplace, below the red gift.
    To the left of the striped blue/yellow gift, and above the far left red ribbon, is a small grey “square”.
    Click it to view a broom.
    Take the TISSUE and click the broom again (upper part) to get a white POWER CORD. (You can barely see it, but it goes to the inventory, lower row, to the right of the tissue.)
    Turn right.

    Click the white table below the candle to zoom down.
    Take the left STRAWBERRY from the three berries on the white bowl.
    Click the back/upper part of the white hen sitting on the same white bowl.
    Get some WHITE STUFF (barely visible in the inventory, but to the left of the door in the middle of lower row).
    Take the YELLOW RIBBON in the lower right corner of the couch (behind the note).
    Click the pink rabbit to view it.
    Click it again to turn it.
    Take a RED BALL from the left foot of it.
    Click the note by the couch to “read it”.
    Click the blue arrow of the note to turn pages.
    When you get to the decorated Christmas Tree, take the SINGLE BELL from the top of the tree.
    Connect your power cord to the machine in upper right corner (it goes to lower part of it).
    Click the red button to make it blue.
    Go up.

    Open the right curtain to see some dirt (you don’t see it until you start the machine you connected the power cord to), but you can’t clean the dirt yet.
    Go right.

    Click the window sill (the lower wooden part) to get a NET. (Goes to right side of inventory, below upper door).
    Time to use some ribbons.
    Highlight the yellow ribbon and click the upper left door in inventory.
    Click the door twice to open it and take the NIPPERS from upper right side of it.
    Highlight the green ribbon and open the lower of the two doors to the left in inventory.
    Take the BOTTLE from upper right side of it.
    This bottle is probably used for coloring the candles, but I can’t figure out how to do it (not necessary to escape).
    Use the red ribbon on the upper door to the left in inventory.
    Use the scissors on the tree, then click to read the note on the pot.
    Turn left.

    Click the white table and then the green bear.
    Use the hint on the note from the tree to click the bear.
    - belly, head, left arm, right leg, right arm.
    You’ll see a zipper under left arm when you clicked correct.
    Click the zipper to get a MATCH BOX.
    Take the BLUE RIBBON from the bear.
    (You can only take it after clicking the correct sequence)
    Go up and turn right.

    Use the blue ribbon to open the lower door to the right in inventory.
    Get a HAMMER.
    Turn right.

    Highlight the nippers.
    Open the lower cupboard and click the bowl to the left.
    Click it again to separate the two bowls and use take the KEY PART from the right side of the lower bowl (only works with nippers highlighted).
    Open the strawberry from inventory (use the question mark in upper right corner).
    Highlight the key part and add it to the strawberry to make a STRAWBERRY KEY.
    Use the strawberry key to open the upper left cupboard.
    Click the plates 4 times, to lift them one at a time and put them down again.
    Get a YELLOW BALL.
    Turn right.

    Open the matchbox from inventory and click the third match to get a separate MATCH (above the matchbox in inventory).
    Highlight the match with the matchbox still open, and click the box to get a BURNING MATCH.
    Use the burning match in the fireplace to see a clue.
    Use the match on the very top part of the two candles on top of the fire place to light them.
    Go left again.

    Click the symbols on the right cupboard according to the clue from the fireplace:
    dark green, lighter green, lightest green.
    Click the white button to open and get a GREY BOTTLE.
    Use the match to light the candle right of the stereo.
    Go right twice.

    Open the right curtain and use the grey bottle on the dirt.
    It turns whiter and then you can use the cloth to clean it.
    See two digits: 62.
    Click the table to zoom.
    Light the candle with the match.
    Go up again and then right.

    Open the strawberry from the inventory and click it to see another two digits: 28
    Click the brown gift on the floor and enter the correct number to open and get a SCREWDRIVER. - It’s the number from the strawberry to use.
    Go right.

    Click the remote to the left of the stereo.
    When you press a number the remote sparkles, except when you press a certain order of three digits. Trial and error gives 212. Press those numbers, then the top red button.
    The stereo should open and give you a BEAR IN SOCK.
    (This only works after you light all the candles – on the fireplace, the table and by the stereo).
    Enter the correct code in the upper right locker of the tall cupboard and press ok to open.
    The code is from cleaning the window by the couch (62).
    You can read a note on the lower shelf and take a KNIFE from upper shelf.
    Go right.

    Place the screwdriver by the brick in the lower right corner of the fireplace.
    Use the hammer on the screwdriver to remove the brick.
    Read a note and take the BRICK.
    Place the brick in the wall, upper right side, where there is a grey rectangle.
    Click up arrow.

    Use the net in the window to take the lowest SNOWFLAKE.
    Take the PINK RIBBON from the cat.
    Use the white stuff you got from the hen on the table on the cat to move it.
    Place the glass with water and a key where the cat was.
    Take it back and open it with the question mark to take the GREEN KEY.
    Go down and left.

    Use the green key to open the drawer in the cupboard and get a SANTA HAT.
    Go left again.

    Use the pink ribbon to open the last door (the one in lower row).
    Two flowers are placed below the tree.
    Click the flowers to view one of them.
    Click again to see the soil and use the knife in the soil to get a BLUE BALL.
    Time to decorate the tree.
    Place your items on the tree – they should be eight and you see which ones from the picture in the note by the couch.
    Santa hat, blue ball, bear in sock, red ball, single bell, yellow ball, double bells and snowflake.
    Now only to figure out how to get out…
    Click the blue brick in the wall in the couch view.
    Congrats and Merry Christmas!

  68. @Ellie, Thanks for the WT. Although I missed something -- I couldn't get the cat to take the Whipped Cream when you gave it. Eventually went back to cupboard and opened note from 3rd shelf rt of cupboard, then got cat to take cream.

    To color the candles, open the note at the base of the fireplace when you get the brick. Use the bottle from the green ribbon on the note to get a Red-Blue-Green clue. After this, when you click the After this, when you click the candles, they will turn colors. (Can't believe you got the pink ball from the rabbit so EARLY!! You wouldn't believe how many times I clicked that rabbit in various places before I FINALLY got that pink ball.

    As I said earlier, this looked like a plain little game that you'd be in and out of very quickly, but it was at least as complex as selfdefiant's mazes of rooms.

    Enjoy the holidays! I'm looking forward to another puzzling new year and hope to play with you live someday! (Although I find I'm slower than most live players and quickly fall behind

  69. Thank you very much for the explanation how to color the candles @Puzzledin! I never tried to use the color on the note. Very nice to know how it was supposed to be done!
    Also, I didn't know it was necessary to read the note in the cupboard to make the cat move - thanks!
    Since it's necessary to do things in a specific order in this game a good rule is to always read the notes (and use color on them lol).
    Hope to see you live too!

  70. cant get the zip on the bear, tried the combination given by elle HELP PLEASE.

  71. @mazza, you need to have seen the note on the Christmastree before it works. Did you use the scissors on the tree to reach the note?
    When you click the blue bear (the one below the couch, to the right of the rabbit), it shouldn't turn until the last click (on the right arm). If it turns everytime you click you didn't look at the note.


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