Day When It Becomes Santa is another point and click type room escape games. Try to escape the house by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! Play Day When It Becomes Santa
Start the game. Take the broom on the right of the door. Go left and enter the other room.
Open the closet and see (for the short moment while it remains opened) a ghost hidden inside. Go left. Take a piece of firewood from the pile on the floor. Click on the window on the left wall and open it to get a paper; close the window with the window :P Zoom in the bucket on the left to see a bunny hiding something behind… and trust me, you want that thing; zoom out. Go left two times. Click on the bag to make it fall; this make the bunny to come trying to “set it up” and it’s your chance to get that thing in the bucket but… go left first. Zoom under the red box and use the broom on the soot to make a bunch of ghosts go out and take the thing dirty with soot left behind; zoom out. Go left. Now this corner with the closet is full of little ghosts; put the piece of wood on the tree trunk, open the closet and the big ghost inside will chop a firewood of a just good size for you to take. Go left. Zoom again on the bucket and take the Brown Gem that the bunny was hiding; additionally, note the #9 in the [⋂] symbol; zoom out. Zoom now on the stove and use the good sized firewood to be rewarded with fire; click on the right arrow to get past the dialogs and get the Orange Gem in the process; use now the paper on the fire to have a hint on it; zoom back. Go left. Before leaving this room, it would be good to see the picture with a sleigh above the door; remember it and go back to the first room.
Now you’re facing a red window with 4 little doors around of it. Open the paper in [About Item] and click on it to rotate it and to see the 4 different combinations of the order in which these little doors can be opened. Also, click on the curved arrow to turn the paper around and to see that keeping the red window open IS important (look who’s talking!); close the view. Now, the first combo (out of the 4 possible ones from rotating the paper) tells you to open the top left door first, then the top right one, then the one in bottom left, the one in bottom right is next and finally the top left one again. Do the same with all of the combinations and, if done correctly and always starting AND finishing on the white circle, you should get some cloth, a memo (which shows what you need and how to prepare a container), the container and a seed respectively, from each series of door openings as seen on the rotated paper. Zoom on the red window, click on it to open it and take the grid with numbers and symbols on it; zoom out (don’t forget to leave the window opened). Go left. Put the seed in the pot by the door. Go left 2 times. Take the case on the left of the top shelf. Take the lizard’s smoked food inside the box on the right of the top shelf. Zoom in the left jars on the lower shelf, click on the inscriptions on the shorter jar and close the view; click on top of it and use the cloth to soak it with the liquid inside; zoom out two times. Note: You can’t get the cloth wet if you don’t “read” the inscriptions on the jar first. Click on the little door on the right wall to see a keypad; click on the bottom of it to see another clue for the solving of the grid in your inventory, that combined with the [⋂=9] from the bucket, will make easier to figure out the values of [ □▽〇□ ] Solution at the end of the Walkthrough Click on the correct numbers on the keypad and get the White Gem; zoom out. Go left 2 times. Now that you’ve given a full round since the seed was planted in the pot, you have a grown plant (and thanks to the light from the window… had I knew!). Take a fruit and the Green Gem from the plant and go left. Enter the second room.
Go left. Open the thing dirty with soot in [About Item] and clean it with your cloth… now you have the Black Gem; close the view. Open the container in [About Item] and put the lizard and the cloth on it; close the view with the completed container. Zoom in the stove and use the container on it to have fire in the container. Zoom out and go left 2 times. Give the fruit to the bunny in exchange of a graver. Go left. Zoom in the picture with a Christmas Tree on it and, with the fire selected in inventory, take the Rainbow Gem; also notice the “white arrows” and the yellow lights under each one of them to figure out the combination to open the red box; zoom out. Solution at the end of the Walkthrough Zoom now twice in the red box and turn the dial as many times and to the correct directions as seen on the Tree picture; click on the button and it will open for you to get a what is this? and the Yellow Gem. Go to the right two times, look again to the sleigh picture above the door in case you’ve forgotten it and go back to the first room.
Go right. Zoom on top of the table and use the graver on it to activate the puzzle; click on the sides of the moving pieces to make the image of the sleigh as the one on the picture and hear something falling to the floor when done; zoom out. Click on this link to see the sleigh puzzle solved Take the (fallen) Pink Gem from the floor. Zoom in the jars on the shelves (again) and look inside the taller one; use the what is this? to take the Blue Gem out of the jar; zoom out twice. Go left. Open the case in [About Item] and place all of the 9 Gems in it (they will go to their right places); close the view. Zoom in the opened red window and place the Gems case on it; zoom back and wait a few seconds to have the Red Gem and the exit key. Go left. Use the key on the door to escape… Congrats!!
Solution to the 4 little doors Opening the doors in these different orders give you different items in each of them: ↖ ↗ ↙ ↘ ↖ = cloth ↗ ↘ ↖ ↙ ↗ = memo ↘ ↙ ↗ ↖↘ = container ↙ ↖ ↘ ↗ ↙ = seed
Solution to the grid (magic square) We have the grid like this. ✩ 6 1 4 2 ⋂ 〇 □ ▽ Replace the symbols with numbers to make them sum 15 in each column and row. Keeping in mind that ⋂=9 (as seen in the bucket) the grid is completed like this: 8 6 1 4 2 9 3 7 5 Now you know what [ □▽〇□ ] stands for. The numbers to click on the keypad are then: 5735
Solution to the arrows and yellow lights With the fire selected in inventory, you should see arrows and lights on the picture with the Christmas Tree on it, as follow: → ●● ← ● → ●● ← ●●●●
Therefore, you should open the red box by turning the dial - 2 times to the right. - Once to the left. - 2 times to the right again, and - 4 times to the left. - Click on the button at the end.
Get the broom by the door Turn right Open the red shutters and find a note on the left bottom corner of the window Turn right Zoom on the vases on the back shelf Click the dirty spot on the bottom left corner of the red one to see strange symbols (thanks for noting these, Edgar!) Close that view but stay zoomed in on the vases Click the top of the left one to see water Click the top of the right one to see a gem you can’t reach Back all the way up Take the pink box (case) from the left side of the upper shelf Click the right box on the top shelf and see a dried lizard Click the small hatch to the right of the lizard box to find a code box While zoomed in on the code box, click the bottom left corner of the hatch to see a hint 15 square, triangle, circle, square Back all the way up Click the top of the table to see a scrambled picture, but you can’t fix it yet Turn right Enter the second room (use the arrow on the floor inside the door) Open the cupboard and see a ghost! Boo! But he is more scared of you than you are of him Turn left Zoom on the wood hanging on the wall Click to lift the blinds and find a blank paper Zoom on the little bucket Aww! Cute little bunny creature, but he is blocking something Note the fireplace Take a large piece of wood from the stack on the floor Turn left Zoom on the picture above the door and see a nice drawing of a sleigh Turn left Click the bag and it will make the bunny leave his bucket Turn left Note a safe on the shelf and a picture of the Christmas tree Zoom under the shelf the safe is on Wow! Dirty under there. Use the broom to clean up a bit After the soot critters clear out, get the ball of soot Turn left Here are all the soot creatures Place the firewood on the wood piece like you were going to cut it Click the cupboard door The ghost will cut the wood for you, and then he hides with the soot creatures Take the right small piece of wood Turn left (dizzy yet?) Zoom on the fireplace Add the wood and find a fire spirit Click him and scroll through his dialog Get the orange gem When he is done talking, click him again for hints about seeing something unseen with him and something about a container being prepared Use the blank paper on him to reveal a hidden clue Click the note and the about item to see the about item view of it. See the curved arrow in the about item view allows you to turn it over.
Walkthrough part 2 Zoom on the bucket where the bunny was (if you left the bag turned over, he should be gone) Get the brown gem and see a hint about the n shape being 9 Turn left and go into room 1 You are facing the red-shuttered window Solve the small hatches puzzles around it to get cloth (Thanks, annaby for the hint) SOLUTION BELOW Continue this for the container, seed, and instruction paper In your inventory, open the about item view of the soot ball Add the cloths to clean it and get the black gem Turn right Click the small hatch right of the lizard box Enter the code, hit OK button, and get the white gem (thanks, Ellie for the hint) SOLUTION BELOW Read the instruction paper from the small hatches puzzle. It says the container plus cloth plus grime and symbols mean smoked food. Click the curved arrow in the about item view to turn the paper over This page says lizard plus black and white squares in bowl Get the dried lizard from the top right box Open the about item view of the container Add the lizard Zoom on the red vase (the one with the symbols) Add the cloths so one is wet and one is dirty Open the about item view of the lizard/container and now add the dirty cloths Go right and into the second room Go left and zoom on the fireplace Smoke the food (put container in the fire) and get the container of fire Turn right 2 times Zoom on the Christmas tree picture Click the fire in your inventory and then move your mouse over the picture -- get the rainbow gem Zoom on the safe and enter the code SOLUTION BELOW Get the yellow gem and the metal piece Go right 2 times and into the first room Turn left Place the seed in the pot Turn around to the shelves Click the vases on the bottom shelf Zoom in on the top of the green one Use the metal piece to get the blue gem Turn around to the door/pot scene again Get the green gem and also take the right fruit Go left and into the second room If you left the bag knocked over (and the bunny is out) turn right 2 times and click the bag to straighten it. Now go right 2 times to the fireplace scene. If you already straightened the bag, turn left to the fireplace scene Click the bunny bucket and give him the fruit Get the graver (?) Turn left and go into the first room Turn right Click on the desktop Use the graver to free the puzzle pieces The 4 pieces should now be clickable. You can move them left and right (top and bottom slats) or up and down (middle slats) Click the parts to make a scene HINTsleigh pictureHINT Once it is right, you can’t move the pieces anymore Back up and get the pink gem that fell from the desk Open the about item view of the case Use the gems in the case (they will go into the correct holes) Turn left and place the case in the window (shutters open) Back up Get the key and red gem Turn left and use the key on the door and escape!
Warning!! Here be SPOILERS!!! Solution to the hatches puzzles Thanks, annaby for the hint the hatches went with the circle clue. In your inventory, click the paper with the circle clues (from the fire spirit) and then hit the about item button. In the about item view, note the order of the arrows from the white circle right, then down left, then right, and then up left (back to the white circle). Click the shutters of the small hatches in this same pattern SPOILERupleft,upright,downleft,downright,upleftSPOILER In the about item view, click the paper itself to turn it. Now your white circle is in the upper right position. Click the hatches in this pattern SPOILERupright,downright,upleft,downleft,uprightSPOILER Click the note again so the white circle is in the lower right corner. Click the hatches in the following order: SPOILERdownright,downleft,upright,upleft,downrightSPOILER Click the note again so the white circle is in the lower left corner and click the hatches in the following manner SPOILERdownleft,upleft,downright,upright,downleftSPOILER
Solution to the Code box Thanks for the hint to add the rows to 15, Ellie! The paper you have with the numbers and shapes on it has the numbers 1, 2, 4, 6. So the shapes, presumably, are for numbers 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9. We know from the bunny bucket that n is 9. So that leaves star, circle, triangle, and square for the rest. The hint from the bottom left of the code box hatch says 15. Solve the math so that each row and column add to 15. Star+6+1=15 so Star=8. Star+4+O=15 so 8+4+O=15. Circle is 3. 6+2+triangle means that triangle has to be 7. That leaves square as 5. The code in the bottom of the hatch says square triangle circle square so this means SPOILER5735SPOILER
Solution to the Red safe When you move your mouse over the Christmas tree picture with the fire selected, the lights and garland light up. If you look closely, the garland forms 4 arrows pointing right and left. Each arrow is separated by a certain number of lights. The top garland points right with 2 lights under it. On the safe, go right 2 times. The next garland points left with one light under it. On the safe go left 1 time. Next is right with 2 with 2 lights, and lastly, it is right with 4 lights. So on the safe, click the SPOILERrightarrow2x, the left arrow1x, the rightarrow2x, the leftarrow4xSPOILER and then hit the circle button
by the way, the evil part of me wishes that small-tool's walkthrough was on page 2 of the comments as well. That way, some new person would come in and scan the comments and not see any walkthroughs -- then complain that no one did one.
lol kitkatfox, The evil part of me is glad I'm on the first page, but the good part is glad there's a lot of comments just above it talking about more walkthroughs are coming.
By the way, we all three didn't do the order of the game maker. He gave an extra hint (the star being 8) when you finished the puzzle you opened with the chisel. But we all three did the numbers puzzle first.
You can post your comments to share your opinion about games, share your hints to help other players or ask help from them. If you can't sign in with your Google account, while you try to post your comment, you have to allow cookies on your browser for this website to sign in. You can also check recent comments to help other players, if they need help about games.
ReplyDeleteStart the game.
Take the broom on the right of the door.
Go left and enter the other room.
Open the closet and see (for the short moment while it remains opened) a ghost hidden inside.
Go left.
Take a piece of firewood from the pile on the floor.
Click on the window on the left wall and open it to get a paper; close the window with the window :P
Zoom in the bucket on the left to see a bunny hiding something behind… and trust me, you want that thing; zoom out.
Go left two times.
Click on the bag to make it fall; this make the bunny to come trying to “set it up” and it’s your chance to get that thing in the bucket but… go left first.
Zoom under the red box and use the broom on the soot to make a bunch of ghosts go out and take the thing dirty with soot left behind; zoom out.
Go left.
Now this corner with the closet is full of little ghosts; put the piece of wood on the tree trunk, open the closet and the big ghost inside will chop a firewood of a just good size for you to take.
Go left.
Zoom again on the bucket and take the Brown Gem that the bunny was hiding; additionally, note the #9 in the [⋂] symbol; zoom out.
Zoom now on the stove and use the good sized firewood to be rewarded with fire; click on the right arrow to get past the dialogs and get the Orange Gem in the process; use now the paper on the fire to have a hint on it; zoom back.
Go left.
Before leaving this room, it would be good to see the picture with a sleigh above the door; remember it and go back to the first room.
Now you’re facing a red window with 4 little doors around of it. Open the paper in [About Item] and click on it to rotate it and to see the 4 different combinations of the order in which these little doors can be opened. Also, click on the curved arrow to turn the paper around and to see that keeping the red window open IS important (look who’s talking!); close the view.
Now, the first combo (out of the 4 possible ones from rotating the paper) tells you to open the top left door first, then the top right one, then the one in bottom left, the one in bottom right is next and finally the top left one again. Do the same with all of the combinations and, if done correctly and always starting AND finishing on the white circle, you should get some cloth, a memo (which shows what you need and how to prepare a container), the container and a seed respectively, from each series of door openings as seen on the rotated paper.
Zoom on the red window, click on it to open it and take the grid with numbers and symbols on it; zoom out (don’t forget to leave the window opened).
Go left.
Put the seed in the pot by the door.
Go left 2 times.
Take the case on the left of the top shelf.
Take the lizard’s smoked food inside the box on the right of the top shelf.
Zoom in the left jars on the lower shelf, click on the inscriptions on the shorter jar and close the view; click on top of it and use the cloth to soak it with the liquid inside; zoom out two times.
Note: You can’t get the cloth wet if you don’t “read” the inscriptions on the jar first.
Click on the little door on the right wall to see a keypad; click on the bottom of it to see another clue for the solving of the grid in your inventory, that combined with the [⋂=9] from the bucket, will make easier to figure out the values of [ □▽〇□ ]
Solution at the end of the Walkthrough
Click on the correct numbers on the keypad and get the White Gem; zoom out.
Go left 2 times.
Now that you’ve given a full round since the seed was planted in the pot, you have a grown plant (and thanks to the light from the window… had I knew!). Take a fruit and the Green Gem from the plant and go left.
Enter the second room.
ReplyDeleteGo left.
Open the thing dirty with soot in [About Item] and clean it with your cloth… now you have the Black Gem; close the view.
Open the container in [About Item] and put the lizard and the cloth on it; close the view with the completed container.
Zoom in the stove and use the container on it to have fire in the container.
Zoom out and go left 2 times.
Give the fruit to the bunny in exchange of a graver.
Go left.
Zoom in the picture with a Christmas Tree on it and, with the fire selected in inventory, take the Rainbow Gem; also notice the “white arrows” and the yellow lights under each one of them to figure out the combination to open the red box; zoom out.
Solution at the end of the Walkthrough
Zoom now twice in the red box and turn the dial as many times and to the correct directions as seen on the Tree picture; click on the button and it will open for you to get a
what is this? and the Yellow Gem.
Go to the right two times, look again to the sleigh picture above the door in case you’ve forgotten it and go back to the first room.
Go right.
Zoom on top of the table and use the graver on it to activate the puzzle; click on the sides of the moving pieces to make the image of the sleigh as the one on the picture and hear something falling to the floor when done; zoom out.
Click on this link to see the sleigh puzzle solved
Take the (fallen) Pink Gem from the floor.
Zoom in the jars on the shelves (again) and look inside the taller one; use the what is this? to take the Blue Gem out of the jar; zoom out twice.
Go left.
Open the case in [About Item] and place all of the 9 Gems in it (they will go to their right places); close the view.
Zoom in the opened red window and place the Gems case on it; zoom back and wait a few seconds to have the Red Gem and the exit key.
Go left.
Use the key on the door to escape… Congrats!!
WALKTHROUGH – Solutions and spoilers
ReplyDeleteSolution to the 4 little doors
Opening the doors in these different orders give you different items in each of them:
↖ ↗ ↙ ↘ ↖ = cloth
↗ ↘ ↖ ↙ ↗ = memo
↘ ↙ ↗ ↖↘ = container
↙ ↖ ↘ ↗ ↙ = seed
Solution to the grid (magic square)
We have the grid like this.
✩ 6 1
4 2 ⋂
〇 □ ▽
Replace the symbols with numbers to make them sum 15 in each column and row. Keeping in mind that ⋂=9 (as seen in the bucket) the grid is completed like this:
8 6 1
4 2 9
3 7 5
Now you know what [ □▽〇□ ] stands for. The numbers to click on the keypad are then: 5735
Solution to the arrows and yellow lights
With the fire selected in inventory, you should see arrows and lights on the picture with the Christmas Tree on it, as follow:
Therefore, you should open the red box by turning the dial
- 2 times to the right.
- Once to the left.
- 2 times to the right again, and
- 4 times to the left.
- Click on the button at the end.
LOL... maybe I should start a WT... it seems like this game needs one or two (or three or four...).
ReplyDeleteGreat WT's @small-tool and @Edgar! And I'm sure yours is too @kitkatfox!
Yeah do Ellie.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, it's a superb walkthrough Edgar. Love to see all those symbols in comments/walkthroughs. It makes things really clear.
When it rains, it pours Walkthroughs!
ReplyDeleteGet the broom by the door
Turn right
Open the red shutters and find a note on the left bottom corner of the window
Turn right
Zoom on the vases on the back shelf
Click the dirty spot on the bottom left corner of the red one to see strange symbols (thanks for noting these, Edgar!)
Close that view but stay zoomed in on the vases
Click the top of the left one to see water
Click the top of the right one to see a gem you can’t reach
Back all the way up
Take the pink box (case) from the left side of the upper shelf
Click the right box on the top shelf and see a dried lizard
Click the small hatch to the right of the lizard box to find a code box
While zoomed in on the code box, click the bottom left corner of the hatch to see a hint
15 square, triangle, circle, square
Back all the way up
Click the top of the table to see a scrambled picture, but you can’t fix it yet
Turn right
Enter the second room (use the arrow on the floor inside the door)
Open the cupboard and see a ghost! Boo!
But he is more scared of you than you are of him
Turn left
Zoom on the wood hanging on the wall
Click to lift the blinds and find a blank paper
Zoom on the little bucket
Aww! Cute little bunny creature, but he is blocking something
Note the fireplace
Take a large piece of wood from the stack on the floor
Turn left
Zoom on the picture above the door and see a nice drawing of a sleigh
Turn left
Click the bag and it will make the bunny leave his bucket
Turn left
Note a safe on the shelf and a picture of the Christmas tree
Zoom under the shelf the safe is on
Wow! Dirty under there. Use the broom to clean up a bit
After the soot critters clear out, get the ball of soot
Turn left
Here are all the soot creatures
Place the firewood on the wood piece like you were going to cut it
Click the cupboard door
The ghost will cut the wood for you, and then he hides with the soot creatures
Take the right small piece of wood
Turn left (dizzy yet?)
Zoom on the fireplace
Add the wood and find a fire spirit
Click him and scroll through his dialog
Get the orange gem
When he is done talking, click him again for hints about seeing something unseen with him and something about a container being prepared
Use the blank paper on him to reveal a hidden clue
Click the note and the about item to see the about item view of it. See the curved arrow in the about item view allows you to turn it over.
Walkthrough part 2
ReplyDeleteZoom on the bucket where the bunny was (if you left the bag turned over, he should be gone)
Get the brown gem and see a hint about the n shape being 9
Turn left and go into room 1
You are facing the red-shuttered window
Solve the small hatches puzzles around it to get cloth (Thanks, annaby for the hint)
Continue this for the container, seed, and instruction paper
In your inventory, open the about item view of the soot ball
Add the cloths to clean it and get the black gem
Turn right
Click the small hatch right of the lizard box
Enter the code, hit OK button, and get the white gem (thanks, Ellie for the hint)
Read the instruction paper from the small hatches puzzle. It says the container plus cloth plus grime and symbols mean smoked food.
Click the curved arrow in the about item view to turn the paper over
This page says lizard plus black and white squares in bowl
Get the dried lizard from the top right box
Open the about item view of the container
Add the lizard
Zoom on the red vase (the one with the symbols)
Add the cloths so one is wet and one is dirty
Open the about item view of the lizard/container and now add the dirty cloths
Go right and into the second room
Go left and zoom on the fireplace
Smoke the food (put container in the fire) and get the container of fire
Turn right 2 times
Zoom on the Christmas tree picture
Click the fire in your inventory and then move your mouse over the picture -- get the rainbow gem
Zoom on the safe and enter the code
Get the yellow gem and the metal piece
Go right 2 times and into the first room
Turn left
Place the seed in the pot
Turn around to the shelves
Click the vases on the bottom shelf
Zoom in on the top of the green one
Use the metal piece to get the blue gem
Turn around to the door/pot scene again
Get the green gem and also take the right fruit
Go left and into the second room
If you left the bag knocked over (and the bunny is out) turn right 2 times and click the bag to straighten it. Now go right 2 times to the fireplace scene.
If you already straightened the bag, turn left to the fireplace scene
Click the bunny bucket and give him the fruit
Get the graver (?)
Turn left and go into the first room
Turn right
Click on the desktop
Use the graver to free the puzzle pieces
The 4 pieces should now be clickable. You can move them left and right (top and bottom slats) or up and down (middle slats)
Click the parts to make a scene
HINTsleigh pictureHINT
Once it is right, you can’t move the pieces anymore
Back up and get the pink gem that fell from the desk
Open the about item view of the case
Use the gems in the case (they will go into the correct holes)
Turn left and place the case in the window (shutters open)
Back up
Get the key and red gem
Turn left and use the key on the door and escape!
ReplyDeleteWarning!! Here be SPOILERS!!!
Solution to the hatches puzzles
Thanks, annaby for the hint the hatches went with the circle clue. In your inventory, click the paper with the circle clues (from the fire spirit) and then hit the about item button. In the about item view, note the order of the arrows from the white circle right, then down left, then right, and then up left (back to the white circle). Click the shutters of the small hatches in this same pattern SPOILERupleft,upright,downleft,downright,upleftSPOILER
In the about item view, click the paper itself to turn it. Now your white circle is in the upper right position. Click the hatches in this pattern SPOILERupright,downright,upleft,downleft,uprightSPOILER
Click the note again so the white circle is in the lower right corner. Click the hatches in the following order: SPOILERdownright,downleft,upright,upleft,downrightSPOILER
Click the note again so the white circle is in the lower left corner and click the hatches in the following manner SPOILERdownleft,upleft,downright,upright,downleftSPOILER
Solution to the Code box
Thanks for the hint to add the rows to 15, Ellie!
The paper you have with the numbers and shapes on it has the numbers 1, 2, 4, 6. So the shapes, presumably, are for numbers 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9. We know from the bunny bucket that n is 9. So that leaves star, circle, triangle, and square for the rest. The hint from the bottom left of the code box hatch says 15. Solve the math so that each row and column add to 15. Star+6+1=15 so Star=8. Star+4+O=15 so 8+4+O=15. Circle is 3. 6+2+triangle means that triangle has to be 7. That leaves square as 5. The code in the bottom of the hatch says square triangle circle square so this means SPOILER5735SPOILER
Solution to the Red safe
When you move your mouse over the Christmas tree picture with the fire selected, the lights and garland light up. If you look closely, the garland forms 4 arrows pointing right and left. Each arrow is separated by a certain number of lights. The top garland points right with 2 lights under it. On the safe, go right 2 times. The next garland points left with one light under it. On the safe go left 1 time. Next is right with 2 with 2 lights, and lastly, it is right with 4 lights. So on the safe, click the SPOILERrightarrow2x, the left arrow1x, the rightarrow2x, the leftarrow4xSPOILER and then hit the circle button
by the way, the evil part of me wishes that small-tool's walkthrough was on page 2 of the comments as well. That way, some new person would come in and scan the comments and not see any walkthroughs -- then complain that no one did one.
Yes, I know it's not very Christmassy of me.
LOL @kitkatfox! You are not expecting any Christmas gifts this year, are you?
ReplyDeleteToo bad I'm busy at work or the pouring would continue :)
lol kitkatfox,
ReplyDeleteThe evil part of me is glad I'm on the first page, but the good part is glad there's a lot of comments just above it talking about more walkthroughs are coming.
By the way, we all three didn't do the order of the game maker. He gave an extra hint (the star being 8) when you finished the puzzle you opened with the chisel. But we all three did the numbers puzzle first.
You can post your comments to share your opinion about games, share your hints to help other players or ask help from them. If you can't sign in with your Google account, while you try to post your comment, you have to allow cookies on your browser for this website to sign in.
EmojiYou can also check recent comments to help other players, if they need help about games.