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Escape Santa's Workshop

[REPLAY] Escape Santa's Workshop is another Christmas themed point and click room escape game created by Matt for Escape Games 24. You’re one of Santa’s little helpers: It’s Christmas Day and you’ve woken up in your workshop after falling asleep after a long day. Everybody else has gone home for the year and you’re locked in. Can you find a way to escape using the objects left in the room? Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. not alone. i'm here too

  2. hmmm not liking this one

  3. i find the navigation annoying. i may have to give this a pass.

  4. I'm here.
    I don't understand... why my stuff goes into fire? what's means this?

  5. me too.. the inventory is very annoying! I am going to pass!

  6. found a symbol on the right side of the desk

  7. Something behind 3rd desk, right down

    Hi all :)

  8. used the hammer to hit the thing behind the cabinet and got a screwdriver.. threw all my items into the fire and am quitting!

  9. restarting, one more shot

  10. sd on carillon and have another item but now?? stuck

  11. I put everythng from inventory in I crazy

  12. This is so dumb.

  13. im almost to that point

  14. used SD on jack-in-the box toy and got the handle...

    not a fun game!

  15. hi all! just starting have screwdriver, jack in the box, wrapping paper, unscrewed the handle on the box and a mallet....stuck...

  16. After five minutes of pointlessness, I threw everything in the fire...

    I feel better now =)

    Off to find a -fun- game...

  17. really we must put our items in fire? uhmmm where I can use handle?? must be a damned spot! I try all items on all things (eccept fire) and nothing, try find spot for handle, mybe with mallet?

  18. well threw my screwdriver in the fire...

  19. put the handle in the key hole.. "heard something fall.." handle returned to inventory

  20. what about the snarky comments in the game when you try to use the hammer or SD..

    so, here is my snarky comment to the maker of this game... It sucks!

  21. Place the paper under the door, use the handle in the key hole and take the paper back.

  22. well. glad that's over. not the worst i've played.

  23. Oh Ellie.. it figures that you can make sense of this game! :)

  24. wow...@Ellie I never would of guessed was so simple all the same...o well....

  25. LOL @EnJoy! Not much sense, and i got out only after playing it a few times. It was very hard to keep me from throwing stuff in the fire :)

  26. @Mariposa, so simple, and yet so many clicks in there...

  27. Out, but - like more people said - very annoying. Didn't like this one.

  28. Ellie,
    If you're still there, feel free to make a walkthrough, because I won't (it wouldn't be appropriate on this site).
    If I would write one it would bu full of F..k this and F..k that.

  29. Paper under the door, handle in the lock, key drops on the paper, use key and out!

  30. gosh... not a good game for me :(

  31. To save small-tool from using some bad language…

    Take the pink PAPER from the left side of the cupboard.
    Click the red arrow on middle/top of the game screen to move right.
    Open the right side of the cupboard and get a MALLET.
    Take a WONDROUS OBJECT from the open box to the right.
    Turn right.
    Zoom on the right side of the cupboard below the sign “building station”.
    Click the inventory bag between the navigation arrows.
    Click the mallet and then the green hand in lower right corner to use it.
    Close the inventory.
    Use the mallet on the thing behind the cupboard.
    Zoom on the left side of the same cupboard to pick up the SCREWDRIVER.
    (don’t forget to drop your mallet in the inventory first)
    Open the inventory and choose to use the screwdriver.
    Open the red box – your wondrous object.
    Use the screwdriver on the two screws by the handle.
    Take the HANDLE.
    Turn right.
    Place the paper under the door.
    Use the handle in the keyhole.
    Take the paper back – and with it comes a KEY.
    Use the key in the door to escape… kind of.

  32. Thanks Ellie,
    If you didn't wrote it I would and in seconds I would have been banned from this site for eternity.
    Sorry gamemaker, but everything was wrong in/with this game (including bugs; like if you don't de-activate the hammer, the screwdriver is lost for ever).

  33. Ok threw all my stuff in the fire....hmmmmmm

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I restarted once because I got stuck in an empty box and didn't realize the arrow got you out!

  36. Take-this-(bleep)-and-shove-it-Through
    nb: "cb" = cupboard/cabinet, SD = screwdriver

    Follow Ellie's WT up to the point of getting the key (or until you get fed up, whichever comes first).


    Open inventory.
    - Select hammer and throw into the fire.
    - Select screwdriver and throw into the fire.
    - Select handle and throw into the fire.
    - Select paper and throw into the fire ("Oooh. It burns so pretty"[sic])
    - Select Jack-in-the-box and throw into the fire ("You hear a tiny little scream as it burns.")
    - Select key (and, yes, I dare you!) throw into the fire. ("Well, that was pretty stupid").

    - Close your window (that little "X" near the upper right.

    - Have a Wonderful Holiday Season!

  37. There are SO many ways to get stuck forever in this room. I threw my mallet in the fire before I even knew there WAS a fire!

    Thanks to Ellie, I got through to the exit on my ?th attempt. (Although, if you don't drop the mallet, all you do is hit the screwdriver back to the other side -- you can hit it back again. It is not lost forever.)

  38. woohoo! glad to see no one ended up on the naughty list from this game.

  39. lol - I started this but quit because of the inventory. Then read the comments - the WTs were models of restraint.


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