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Grayscale Escape Series - Fun Room

[REPLAY] Grayscale Escape Series 9 - Fun Room is another episode of Grayscale Escape Series point and click room escape game. You are trapped in a grayscale world! You are in a Fun Game Room and you must find a way to escape! Look around and find items that will help you find a way out! Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Grayscale Escape Series: Fun Room

Grayscale Escape Series: Fun Room Walkthrough

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  1. Hmm it appears I am first, but then again it might not be a live game ;)

  2. Morning all. I'm going in. These are usually good games.

  3. wow 2 live games in one day for me? Yay!

    Hi all!

  4. Selfdefiant I noticed you posted this game. Regarding your Ocean escape games I think you are missing the point. None of us want to escape. We all want to stay and live there forever. Please next time, take me hostage. I won't run away I promise.

  5. I got easily 4 marbles, but where is the last one ? I think that I miss a quarter for the rightmost vending machine. And there must be a place to use the screwdriver...

  6. I agree with adivawoman! Where do you find these houses anyways?!

  7. why can't I pick up the stick?

  8. My screwdriver is gone, I supposed that I have used it somewhere, finally !

  9. hey! have, SD, hammer, dart (used), marble and opened place for marbles (with hint from two frames)

  10. found spot for code, have screwdriver and mallet

  11. used screwdriver and found hammer. have 3 marbles. Don't know where to use hammer though.

  12. 2nd marble from pink machine (use SD)

  13. Ouch. This one's a hard one.

  14. got white key from vending machine

  15. out, easy one ;)


    spo978iler spo5649iler
    stripes is books
    circels is on tv,use cd

  16. Or maybe the last marble is in the locked cupboard ?...

  17. Pascale, use SD on machine where you got coin. On the jammed door.

  18. explanation 4digit code, count the letters on the socks

  19. need a stick, see one but can't pick it up. Got mallet, but don't have the strength to smash the thingy. Now what? 4/5 balls placed.

  20. found my 2nd marble from inserting code above pool table

  21. where is the hint for the 4 number code?

  22. @pascal,did you have the one behind the right couch? (in the vent)

  23. mariposa13 how did you get the key from the vending machine??

  24. @miles1: in first view look at machine name (flip it upside down)
    where is the hint for POP machine?

  25. got it! and out! great as always, thanks for the game!

  26. @mkganda, thank you, I supposed that's what I did. There is a billiard cue in the locked cupboard, and I suppose that I need it to reach something above/right of the billiard table. The key seems to be in the vending machine that's why I'm desperately asking a coin ! (-:

  27. completely missed that! Thanks Miller!

  28. @Miller code for POP machine on floor right of bowling thingy.


  29. one marbel in upper drawer (of the two drawers) use black key
    one marbel in fire place, use branch of tree and wooden block, and candle left of door.
    one marbel from vent behind left couch
    one marbel from train
    one marbel from safe

  30. @evans on the plinky game press button on bottom and coin will come out, insert coin in vending machine and key will come out

  31. @Carola, I'm afraid that we are not playing the same game : there is no couch in this one...

  32. How to get the key from the vending machine and where to sue the hammer?

  33. @Carola: everything okay?

  34. LOL, Carola. I've done that before too. :)

  35. and stuck with mallet and no strength...and need a code for soda machine

  36. Carola - I think you're playing a different game. We were all in an arcade

  37. I already used my coin on the machine next to the plinky machine?

  38. Maripose - look at the circles next to the bowling thing. use the order from light to dark on the vending maching

  39. @Mariposa See my hint at 6:30 for soda machine. You need to click the circles in color order according to the mat next to the bowling lane. 4th one first, 1st one second, etc...

  40. s-t, you can get another quarter from the same game

  41. @small-tool You need another coin

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. lol Carola! I'm off to Ocean escape 4 - saving the best for last!

  44. Ah thanks all, got it now.

  45. Hrmm, I used my coin on the skeet shoot.. is there another coin somewhere?
    I got the hint for the POP machine, but it's not doing anything.

  46. I think they placed the WRONG LINK FIRST, if I click the link on this page now, I got another game.
    whahahahaha Lol

    so egnore my comments before ;)

  47. my buttons wont change colors! :(

  48. @Mariposa13: colours don't change. just click the buttons

  49. @Mariposa they won't change colors, just click them in the right order.

    1st coin-use SD on door of Plink machine
    2nd coin-gray key on "out to lunch" machine

  50. @mkganda i read your hint, tried it, and nothing

  51. POP! POP machine worked that time some how. Everything straightforward thereafter.

  52. can't find 5th marble. Can someone list where they found theirs. I still have hammer and don't know where to use it.

  53. oh, forgot the last number for buttons,so:

  54. Really? I wonder if ours are all in different orders? Miller's spoiler is different from mine so I think you just need to go look at the mat and find your order. White first, light grey, etc...til darkest grey, then click the circles in that order.

  55. its official this game does not like me....its trying to keep me trapped in a room of greys

  56. thanks for all the helpful comments. I am out now too.

  57. @evans If you still have a hammer then that's the one you're missing. You need an energy drink from POP machine. Use circle code and get drink. After you place it in inventory click on it to drink it and go smash the thing by the door.

  58. OUT!!! muahahahaha thanks everyone who helped!

  59. @Mariposa Sorry I can't be of more help. They got tricky on use with the random for everybody codes.

  60. my circle code was different tho

  61. The balls are here;
    - Ball from using dart on balloon.
    - Ball from using coin from plink machine on machine next to it.
    - Ball from using the 4-digit code left above the pool table.
    - Ball from using the screwdriver on the plink machine.
    - Ball from using the stick on the top right wall in the pooltable view.

  62. Got stuck on pop machine. Had to come back and cheat. @Mkganda...For the life of me I can not figure out how you got the pop code. Really Brilliant of you. Just wanted to say thanks.

  63. Aww...thanks adivawoman :)

    @small mine too, but different from Miller's and yours. Mine was 24315 3 times. *shrugs*

  64. Whahaha, checked it, was playing the RIGHT LINK, but the maker had linked to the wrong game first, it was a cristmasgame in gray. So started to fast LOL

  65. Walkthrough

    high strike view
    notice title of machine is upside down (SPOILER3707).
    click left chair and take SD
    go left

    pool table
    move trash can and take mallet
    Click on left frame and insert numbers from first room and take marble #1
    go right

    vending machines
    take dart from dartboard
    go right

    Plink machine
    push the button of machine and take quarter
    use SD on panel of machine and take marble #2
    put quarter in left side of bowling-looking game and take marble #3
    use dart on balloon and take marble #4
    notice the lines of the two picture frames and also the circles on the ground
    go left

    vending machines
    push the buttons combing hint from circles on ground (light to dark) SPOILER41325SPOILER
    take energy drink and click it in the inventory to drink it
    go left twice

    high strike view
    use mallet on high strike and take key
    use key on bottom panel of machine and take quarter
    go left twice

    vending machines
    use quarter on right machine and take white key
    go right

    Plink machine
    use white key on left cupboard and take poll stick
    go left twice

    pool view
    use stick on switch on upper right corner. take marble #5 from table
    push the buttons on right frame in the order from line of frames in "plink room". SPOILERllrlrrSPOILER
    put all the marbles on the safe, pull lever and take black key
    go left, use key on door and you are out!

  66. @mkganda: thats the same. just another way of explaining. with 41325 I mean the order of the buttons to push on machine (first push the 4th then the 1st, 3rd, 2nd and 5th)...

  67. fun game. Out on my own :)

  68. @Miller Oh, I see. I was just making it more confusing. Haha! Leave it to me to make something harder than it needs to be lol. Sorry for the mistake. :D

  69. Oh no ! I can't believe that the missing coin was simply in the PINK machine !!!

  70. Hint for pressing the two bottons is here

  71. Correction to Walkthrough -- 1st code ends in "4".
    2nd code apparently varies -- (mine was 24315).

  72. Wow, so many new games today. This Greyscale game was one of their easier ones I thought.

    Right, off to Minotoland :o)

  73. 9 mins 22 seconds :)

  74. FYI, that mark on the floor that looks like a stick is the line to stand behind to shoot darts. Great game, 5/5.

  75. The buttons on the pop machine don't seem to be working for me. It highlights, but only button #4 seems to show a "pressed" action. Its only after I press #4, that I can press #3. But other than that, nothing.

  76. Nevermind. I see what you did thar!

  77. Out in 5:38 (after having to restart because my attention was called elsewhere!)

  78. out w/o help (1st time that happens with a grayscale for me)


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